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    Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.,八年级下册英语(人教版),Section B (1a­1d),一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1The _(金色的)dress is very nice. 2The _(国王)loves beautiful clothes. 3That _(丝绸)dress is very expensive. 4In fact, the emperor was very _(愚蠢的) 5He is very honest.He never _(欺骗)anyone.,gold,emperor,silk,stupid,cheats,二、用适当的介词填空。 6When the emperor looked _ himself, he only saw his underwear. 7Don't shout _her. 8They made special clothes _ the emperor. 9Once _a time, there was an emperor.He was serious. 10It's too stupid _ the emperor in no clothes to walk on the street.,at,at,for,upon,of,三、单项选择。 11He thinks himself somebody, but we think him _ Anobody Banybody Csomebody Deverybody 12Nobody _ make mistakes in all his life. Adon't Bdoesn't Ccan't Dcouldn't,A,B,13Do you know the song Gangnam Style? Of course.It _ interesting. Atastes Bsmells Csounds Dfeels 14Don't try _ me.I won't believe you. Acheat Bto cheat Ccheating Dcheats 15He didn't tell me the truth.He _ me. Acheated Bpushed Cchanged Dtrained,C,B,A,四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16你的想法听起来很愚蠢,所以没有人同意你。 Your idea _ _,_so nobody agrees with you. 17这个年轻人不想工作,总是靠骗钱谋生。 The young man doesn't want to work, and he always makes a living by _others _ _ money. 18我妈妈为我做了一件漂亮的裙子。 My mother _ a beautiful dress _ me.,sounds stupid,cheating,to make,made,for,19你了解皇帝的新装这个故事吗? Do you _anything _the story The Emperor's New Clothes? 20皇帝不得不给这两个骗子丝绸和金子。 The emperor had to give the two _ _ and _,know,about,cheats silk,gold,五、完形填空。 Once upon a time, there was a swan(天鹅). She lived in a lake. A woman with her two daughters lived in a small house_21_the lake. They lived a hard life. Sometimes they _22_ money to buy food. The swan was _23_ to see that. She _24_to help them. Every day she came to the woman's house and left a golden feather(羽毛)without _25_anything. The woman sold the feather _26_ bought food. She was happy because her life was _27_ than before.,But the woman became greedy(贪婪的)One day when the swan _28_, the woman caught(捉住)her and took all her golden feathers. Suddenly the golden feathers _29_ common(普通的)feathers. The swan said, “I came to help you, but you wanted to kill(杀)_30_. I will never come back. Never be greedy.”With these words, the swan disappeared.,( )21.A.under Bnear Cin Dout ( )22.A.haven't Bdon't have Cdidn't have Dhasn't ( )23.A.unhappy Bfriendly Chappy Dunfriendly ( )24.A.continued Bdecided Crushed Dhurried ( )25.A.seeing Bsaying Cbringing Dhurrying ( )26.A.but Bso Cbecause Dand ( )27.A.better Bgood Cbest Dwell ( )28.A.jumped Bcame Churried Dcried ( )29.A.changed into Bpicked up Cturned off Dtook around ( )30.A.him Bher CI Dme,B,C,A,B,B,D,A,B,A,D,


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