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    Unit 4 Life on Mars第三课时Reading (2)基础知识回顾.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空in the form of,large numbers of,over again,at the speed of,compare with1.Well,shall we start the whole thingover again? 2.This kind of spacecraft can travelat the speed ofthe light. 3.Light and sound movein the form ofwave. 4.How is your new housecompared withyour old one? 5.Beijing attractslarge numbers ofvisitors each year. .按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Living in a house with 10 bedrooms is highly possible.(改为同义句)It ishighly possibletolive in a house with 10 bedrooms. 2.Humans need food,water and air to survive.(对画线部分提问) What dohumans needto survive? 3.Students can study,do their homework and take exams in online schools.(对画线部分提问) Where canstudents study,do their homework and take exams? 4.The first to live on Mars could be robots.(改为同义句)Robotscould bethe firsttolive on Mars. 5.To prevent us from floating in the air,we must wear special boots.(对画线部分提问) Why must wewear special boots? .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.这个城市越来越美丽了。The city is becomingmore and more beautiful. 2.希望我们的团队赢得比赛。It is hoped thatour team will win the game. 3.重力阻止我们在空气中飘浮。Gravityprevents us from floatingin the air. 4.他们走得太快了,我跟不上他们。They walkedso fast thatI could not keep up with them. 5.我不知道他是否愿意帮助我们。Idont know whether/ifhe is willing to help us. 综合能力提升.单项填空(B)1.Do you have toys?Id like to buyfor my cousin. A.itB.oneC.thisD.that(C)2.Peter and Kate went to the dancing party last night.They enjoyed. A.myselfB.herselfC.themselvesD.ourselves(A)3.All the students like the teacherscan understand them well. A.whoB.whatC.whomD.which(B)4.We have madea rule to read aloud in the morning. A.thisB.itC.thatD.one(A)5.Could you tell me the result of the discussionyou had made in the meeting just now? A.thatB.whenC.howD.who.补全对话A:Morning,Nick.1.E B:I have no plans yet.What about you?A:2.C B:Thats good.Its good for our city environment.A:Yes.3.F B:Yeah!Who will go with you?A:My teacher Ms white and my classmates.4.B B:Sure,Id love to.Where shall we meet?A:5.AYou must get there before eight. B:OK,see you then.A.In our classroom.B.Would you like to join us?C.I will go to Jinci Farm to plant trees.D.Would you like to go shopping with us?E.What are you going to do tomorrow?F.The more trees are planted,the fresher the air will be.G.Yes,Id like to.阅读理解Believe it or not,the day you can go to the Moon is coming soon.You can go into space in a space shuttle(航天飞机).It takes about three days for the shuttle to go from the Earth to the Moon.The shuttle flies a long way to a space station.You can stay there for a short rest and then it will take you to the Moon.Now you can jump out of the shuttle,but you mustnt put off your spacesuit.Because it is very hot in the daytime and very cold at night on the Moon,and the spacesuit can help your body adjust to the temperature there.The Moon is much smaller than the Earth.The things on the Moon are lighter than those on the Earth.You can jump high every time you take a step.You will find that it is never tiring to walk on the Moon.You dont need to take an umbrella or a raincoat with you since there is no rain or wind on the Moon.You can hear nothing because there is no air on the Moon.And there are no animals or any other living things there.The Moon moves slowly,so one day on the Moon is as long as two weeks on the Earth and one night is just as long as two weeks on the Earth.What could you do in such long days and nights,and in such a silent world?Now scientists are trying to make the best of the Moon.But you see our earth is really a far better place to live,only if we take good care of it.(C)1.will take you into space. A.A planeB.A space stationC.A space shuttleD.A spacesuit(A)2.When you are on the Moon,you can walk aroundthan on the Earth. A.more easilyB.more highlyC.more slowlyD.harder(C)3.There is no life on the Moon because. A.the Moon moves very slowlyB.the Moon is much smaller than the EarthC.there is no air or water thereD.it is very hot in the daytime and cold at night there(D)4.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Days are longer and nights are shorter on the Moon than those on the Earth.B.Days are shorter and nights are longer on the Moon than those on the Earth.C.Both days and nights are shorter on the Moon than those on the Earth.D.One day and night on the Moon are almost as long as one month on the Earth.


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