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    Unit 10,Cultural Influence on Perception,In todays class, we will,discuss the definition of perception understand the various ways of interpretation are influenced by culture get to know generalizations and stereotypes,We see what we choose to see. We hear what we choose to hear.,We see what we choose to see. We hear what we choose to hear.,I. What is perception?,Sensations are simple sensory experiences. Perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and interpreting sensory information. Perception can be shaped by learning, memory and expectation. Its two-stage process: Recognition / Identification Interpretation / evaluation,II. Culture Perception ( attention, past experience & expectations, education, knowledge, empathy, culture, etc.),Self-concept,What matter most is how you see yourself!,1 What Is Self-Concept?,The Structure of Self-Concept,Self-concept Who am I?,Self-knowledge How can I explain and predict myself?,Self-esteem My sense of self-worth?,Social self My roles as a student, family member, and friend; my group identity,The self,Differences Between East and West,Mother,Father,Sibling,Coworker,Friend,Friend,Self in,Mother,Father,Sibling,Coworker,Friend,Friend,Self,Independent view of self,Dependent view of self,Collectivist cultures Interdependence Relationships Social obligations,Individualist cultures Independence Aspirations Achievements,Culture and Perception,Discuss Chinese cultural perceptions of color. What do Chinese associate with the following? black white red blue yellow Do Americans associate these colors with something the same or different?,Thinking Patterns,Analytical,Synthetic,Holistic Mind vs Analytic Mind 东方看整体、西方重解析 1. Names Oriental (Chinese) names family name + given name Occidental (western) names given names +family names 2. In medicine Chinese traditional medicine Consider the whole body system of health to treat a local problem 局部的病症要通过对全身系统的调理来解决 Western medicine To find out what particular virus to deal with 究其病原直接深入到分子原子,病菌病毒,Case Study,III. Generalizations and stereotypes,Foreigners views of Americans Undisciplined, too personal and familiar Insensitive to status Blunt, rude, oppressive Obsessed with time, opportunistic Promise more than they deliver Materialistic Self-absorbed Tend to equate “new” with “best” Deceptive Untrustworthy,Americans views of themselves Informal, friendly, casual Egalitarian Direct, aggressive Efficient Goal/achievement oriented Profit oriented Individualistic Progressive Enthusiastic Open,Movie “The Forbidden Kingdom”,Self-check List,What is perception? How does culture influence perception? What is generalization? What is stereotype?,Students of each class will be organized into small groups of 2 people, with each group working on one of the topics suggested. The presentation topics involve comparative studies on some specific aspects between Chinese culture and English culture. When researching on the topics, students are suggested to include the following parts in the presentation: (1) Find out similarities / differences on the given topic between two cultures. (2) Provide adequate examples to show the similarities and differences you find. (3) Explore on how different cultural values in each culture are reflected through your study. Requirements for the Presentation: (1) Each group will make a presentation of about 10 minutes on the topic they choose. (2) Each member of the group has to participate in the preparation as well as the delivery of the presentation speech. (3) It is strongly recommended that each group use computer aid when giving their presentations. (4) It is also strongly recommended that no two groups within one class choose the same topic.,Suggested Topics for Presentation 1. A comparative study on Chinese martial artists vs. the Western knights. 2. A comparative study on the rules of gift-giving and gift-receiving in Western culture and Chinese culture. 3. A comparative study on Western and Chinese painting 4. A comparative study on Western and Chinese architecture 5. A comparative study on school education in America and China 6. A comparative study on family education in America and China 7. A comparative study on wedding customs in different countries 8. A comparative study on Western and Chinese table manners 9. A comparative study on Western and Chinese advertising 10. A comparative study on the use of euphemisms in Chinese and English,11. A comparative study on the use of taboos in Chinese and English 12. A comparative study on Western and Chinese clothes 13. A comparative study on attitudes toward privacy in Western and Chinese cultures 14. A comparative study on the differences between Western friendship and Chinese friendship 15. A comparative study on food culture in America and China 16. A comparative study on wine culture in America and China 17. identify the topic freely,


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