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    Unit 7 Topic 1Section C教学内容及过程教学批注. Aims and demands1. (1)Learn some words about the shape:shape, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval(2)Learn some other new words and phrases:present, hill, centimeter, football2. (1)Talk about the shape.Whats the shape of your present? Its round. Was it like a flower before? No, it wasnt. It was like a star.What shape was it before? It was a square.(2)Talk about the length and width.How long is it? It is 24 centimeters long. How wide is it? Its 6. 4 centimeters wide. (3) Talk about the usage of objects.What do we use it for? We use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on.II、Teaching importance and difficulties:What is it like?It is like a ball/flower.Was it like a flower before?No, it wasnt. It was like a star. III. Teaching aidsMultimedia; recorderVI. Five-finger Teaching PlanStep 1 Review T: Now we divide the class into two groupsGroup A and Group B. The first player from Group A says three cardinal numbers quickly. The first player from Group B must say the correct ordinal numbers as quickly as possibleaccordingly. You mustnt say“3rd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th”Example:SA:One, two, four.SB:First, second, fourth.Step 2 Presentation 1. T: I have a lot of objects. Do you want to have a look at them? OK, Ill show them to you.T:Whats this in English?S1:Its a basketball. T:What color is it?S1:Its red. T:What shape is it? S1:圆的。T:Yes. Its round. Its a circle.2. T:What is it like?Ss:It is like a flower. T:Was it like a flower before?Ss:No, it wasnt. It was like a star.What is it like?It is like a ball/flower.Was it like a flower before?No, it wasnt. It was like a star. Example:S1: What shape is it?S2: Its round. S1: What is it like?S2: It is like a ball.3.(1)T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the questions on the blackboard. (1) Whats Marias present for Kangkangs birthday?(2) Whats the shape of her present?(3) What color is it?(4) Can Michael have a look?(2)present shape color soccer ball have a lookStep 3 Consolidation1. T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2. T: Rub them out and read by yourselves. Then check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sentence according to the tape. Go!3.T: Suppose you are Maria, listen to Michael and makea dialog with him. (或T:Now, you are Michael, listen to Maria and make a dialog with her. )4. T: Work in pairs. Close your books, look at the blackboard and act out the dialog. Step 4 Practice .T:Now, please look at me. There is a present for you in my hand. Can you guess what it is? What shape is it?Ss:Is it a circle?T:No.S5:Is it a rectangle?T:Yes.S5:How long is it?T:It is 24 centimeters long.S5:How wide is it?T:It is 6.4 centimeters wide.S5:What do we use it for?T:We use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on.S5:Oh, it must be a pencil-box.What do we use it for?We use it to Step 5 Project . T: Describe one of your familiar things with at least 5 sentences.Example: I have a desk in my study. I want to tell you its shape. It is a rectangle. It is 100 centimeters long. It is 60 centimeters wide. I do my homework on the desk every day.Feedback:


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