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ConfuciusandEducationQuestion1: What does confucius look like?philosophy哲学哲 学A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘谬以千里。ThinkerEducatorStatesmanPhilosopherFounder of the Confucian school and Confucianism Symbol of Chinese cultureOJBK,absolutely!More introductionQ5:How do the foreigners see our Confucianism?Q3:What is Confucianism?Q4:The link between confucianism and buddhism in the chinese societyQ2:who is Confucius?Q6:What are the influences of Confucianism on people or things around you?QEX:Guess that!Q2:Who is Confucius?Confucis, born Kong Qiu, styled Zhong Ni, One of the grestest educators, created Confucianism,and leave behind many unique spirit for all Mankind from ancient times to the present. Q3:What is Confucianism?they think thats not a religion in the same way that. his focus is not on the creator god ,but the world itself.confucianism finds the sacred in the secular,in the relationships of ordinary life.Q4:The link between confucianism and buddhism in the chinese societyConfucianism and the diffuse religions of East Asia and so on, create in each society circles of reciprocal relationship, making social relations sacred, harmonizing human existence with vital energies of nature, and respecting the creative power of the universe.Q5:How do the foreigners see our Confucianism?many Americans prefer calling this a responsible lifestyle rather than confucian lifestyle.but Alfred North whitehead sees harmonious intensity and intense harmony as the happiness,just like Ren in confucianismUnderlying these values is an even more fundamental value that permeates every one of them: a sense that harmony is the highest ideal in life. The harmony that is so important in East Asia has diverse expressions. It is a harmony that can be heard in music, that can be seen in the variety of foods on a dinner table; that can be felt in mutually respectful relations with other people and in the more general order of the natural world. This harmony is not sameness. It is not a collapse of everything into one thing. It is also not stagnant. It is not the harmony of a statue that seems fixed in one place. It is a moving harmony, a changing harmony, a dynamic harmony. Q6:What are the influences of Confucianism on people or things around you?Analects of Confucius 论语provide education for all people without discrimination(歧视)有教无类compulsory education(义务教育)Educating someone according to his natural ablity因材施教Personalized education(个性化教育)nownowGuess that!Analects of Confucius 论语不愤不启不悱不发,举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也。Heuristic Education(启发式教学)The Innovation education(创新教育)nowThe Master said, “I do not open up the truth to one who is not eager to get knowledge, nor help out any one who is not anxious to expla


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