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沈 阳 化 工 大 学 科 亚 学 院本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目: 嘉定国际二期 2#楼电气设计 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 论文提交日期: 2016 年 6 月 3 日论文答辩日期: 2016 年 6 月 7 日毕业设计(论文)任务书电气工程及其自动化专业 1204 班 学生:刘鑫毕业设计(论文)题目:嘉定国际二期 2楼电气设计毕业设计(论文)内容:在给定项目的土建图纸和原始资料基础上,进行住宅的电气设计,强电部分包括:高低压配电和动力系统、照明系统、消防系统和防雷接地系统,弱电部分包括:电话系统计,有线电视系统,可视对讲系统等。 毕业设计(论文)专题部分: 1、进行负荷计算,确定用电负荷,进行设备选型,导线选择,并绘制各主干线图,照明配电等图纸。图纸具体要求:1)绘制电气施工图纸 36 张。2)全部图纸使用AUTO-CAD 进行绘制,其中一号图纸 4 张,其余均为三号图纸,并且符合国家规范要求。2、完成文献综述,文字不少于 3000 字。3、完成设计说明书一份,总字数在 15000 左右,并且要符合学校关于设计说明书撰写规范。其具体要求:1)中英文摘要、关键词字数在 400 字左右,关键字不少于 3 个。2)前言:简要说明设计目的、任务、研究方法等,应当言简意赅,不要与摘要雷同。3)正文:设计方案合理,实事求是、层次清楚、版面工整,使用术语、规范、插图等应符合国家标准;引用他人的资料、数据要注明参考文献的出处。4)结论:应当准确、完整、明确,但也可提出建议、设想和有待解决的问题。5)参考文献:按文献引用的顺序排列。 6)必须是打印件。起止时间:2015 年 12 月2016 年 5 月指导教师: 签字 年 月 日摘要随着我国经济水平的快速增长,住宅建筑朝着多样化、高层化、集群化方面不断发展,一栋建成的住宅往往需要完整的住宅电气设计。需要强调的是,现代住宅电气设计,在思想、技术、产品选择等方面,与传统大相径庭。本工程为四川驰宏实业有限公司开发的“嘉定国际二期“,包含一幢高层住宅和一个两层地上式汽车库。高层住宅为地下一层,地上三十一层,地下一层主要为设备房,一至三十一层为住宅,属一类高层建筑中的居住建筑。车库共停车 60 辆,为三类汽车库。住宅建筑面积约为34000,车库建筑面积约为 1700,高层建筑总高 99.3m。本论文主要阐述了住宅楼建筑各电气系统的设计依据,原则和方法及设计选择的结论。设计包括三大部分:强电设计、弱电设计及火灾自动报警系统设计。 强电设计主要内容包括:低压配电系统的设计、照明系统的设计以及防雷接地系统的设计。 弱电设计包括:计算机网络设计、有线电视系统设计、电话系统设计。火灾自动报警系统主要内容包括:火灾探测器和报警系统的设计。该工程首先对供配电系统进行了设计,在低压配电系统设计中主要考虑了配电系统的原则,配电设计的质量以及配电系统的配电方式。并且最后利用需用系数法对系统的负荷进行了计算。其中照明系统的设计主要包括照明灯具的平面图的布置,相关设备的选型,以及根据房间的不同照度要求进行了照明计算,并根据计算的结果选择出合适的灯具。另外还对防雷接地系统进行了设计,防雷系统的设计主要由建筑的防雷等级来选择合理的防雷方式,并设计出安全可靠的防雷系统。火灾报警系统的设计主要包括报警区域的划分、探测器的选型、位置的设置以及探测器数量的确定。在本次设计中力求准确、合理、规范,不仅考虑到设计可靠性,另一方面也考虑了设计经济性,在经济投入一定的情况下,即满足建筑应有功能,又节省建设投资,力图做到用户用电的便捷舒适与安全可靠。论文有一定的实际意义,本次毕业设计通过切身的计算和实践,不仅全面的运用所学的理论知识进行了分析计算,还综合联系实际各种情况,可以很好地锻炼独立分析、研究和解决建筑电气设计问题的能力,奠定了以后工作的坚实基础。关键词: 供配电系统; 负荷; 照明; 弱电系统 ; 建筑物防雷接地系统; 火灾自动报警系统AbstractWith the rapid growth of Chinas economic level, residential building toward diversification, high-level, cluster continuous development aspects, a house built often requires a complete residential electrical design. It should be stressed that modern residential electrical design, ideas, techniques, product selection, etc., with very different traditions.The project for Sichuan Chihong Development Industrial Co., Ltd. “Jiading international phase II“, contains a high-rise residential buildings and a two layer to type garage. High rise residential floor, thirty-one floors, one floor of the main equipment for the housing, one to thirty-one floors for residential, is a class of high-rise buildings in the residential building. Garage, a total of 60 vehicles, for the three class car library. Residential construction area of about 34000 square meters, the garage floor area of 1700 square meters, high-rise building total height 99.3m.This paper mainly expounds the design basis, principles and methods of the electrical system of the residential building and the conclusion of the design choice. The design includes three parts: the design of automatic warning system of electrical design, electronic design and fire. Include: the design of low voltage distribution system design, lighting system and lightning protection and grounding system design of high voltage of the main contents. Including weak design: Design of computer network design, system design of cable TV and telephone system. The main contents of the fire automatic alarm system include:the design of fire detector and alarm system.Firstly, the design of power supply and distribution system is designed, the principle of distribution system is mainly considered in the design of low voltage distribution system, the distribution mode of distribution system and the quality of the distribution system are also considered. At last, the load of the system is calculated by using the coefficient method. There are lighting plan layout of the lighting system design, related equipment selection, according to the requirements of different illumination of the room the illuminance calculation, and according to the calculated results to choose the appropriate light.Also the lightning protection connected system is designed,the design of the lightning protection system mainly by the construction of the lightning protection level to choose a reasonable way of lightning protection, and design a safe and reliable lightning protection system.The design of the fire alarm system mainly includes the division of the warning area, the selection of the detector, the setting of the position and the determination of the number of the detector.We try to make the design accurate, reasonable and normative, considering not only the economy, but also the reliability.In certain economic investment circumstances, it tries to not only meet the requirements of building functions ,but also save construction investment.When the household live in the building,they will feel convenient and comfortable,and be provided with electricity safety and reliability.The paper has certain practical significance. The graduation design through the personal computing and practice, not only the comprehensive use of theoretical knowledge are analyzed and calculated, also linked to the actual situation can be very good to exercise independent analysis, study and solve the problem of building electrical design ability, laying the groundwork for future work have laid a solid foundation for the.Keywords: for distribution system; load; lighting; weak electricitysystem; lightning protection of buildings connected system; fire automatic alarm system目 录第一章绪论 . 11.1 建筑电气的概况 . 11.2 工程概述 . 11.3 设计依据 . 21.4 设备导线选择 . 2第二章照明系统设计 . 32.1 照明设计概述 . 32.2 照明设计原则 . 32.2.1 设计标准 . 32.2.2 照明灯具和光源的选择 . 42.2.3 应急照明 . 52.3 照度计算 . 62.3.1 照度标准值 . 62.3.2 照度计算 . 6第三章负荷级别与负荷计算 .113.1 供电电源与方式 .113.2 负荷分级 .113.3 负荷计算 .113.3.1 负荷计算的一般方法 .113.3.2 具体计算 .12第四章火灾自动报警及消


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