销售人员个人 组织匹配、组织支持感与离职倾向关系的实证研究_第1页
销售人员个人 组织匹配、组织支持感与离职倾向关系的实证研究_第2页
销售人员个人 组织匹配、组织支持感与离职倾向关系的实证研究_第3页
销售人员个人 组织匹配、组织支持感与离职倾向关系的实证研究_第4页
销售人员个人 组织匹配、组织支持感与离职倾向关系的实证研究_第5页
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硕 士 学 位 论 文THESIS OF MASTER DEGREE销售人员个人-组织匹配、组织支持感论文题目: 与离职倾向关系的实证研究作 者: 指导教师: 中国人民大学硕 士 学 位 论 文销售人员个人-组织匹配、组织支持感(中文题目) 与离职倾向关系的实证研究The relationships among person-organization fit, organizational support and turnover intention of sales people(英文题目)资 格 卡 号 : 作 者 姓 名 : 所 在 学 院 : 专 业 名 称 : 导 师 姓 名 : 论文主题词: (3-5 个) 论文提交日期: 独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。论文作者(签名): 日期: 关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。论文作者(签名): 日期: 指导教师(签名): 日期: 摘 要众所周知,在二十一世纪,人才是最宝贵的资源,人力资源一直是企业发展和壮大的最核心资源,而市场营销的人员作为企业产值的重要和最直接创造者,他们的引入和长期保留工作一直是企业人事管理工作的核心工作。而现实中,市场营销人员的离职比率一直非常高,特别是对于中小企业来讲,市场营销人员居高的离职率现状,给企业的的发展和甚至于生存都带来一定的困难。如何解决市场营销员工的高离职率问题,一直是学术界和企业界关心和重视的问题,也产生了很多相关研究成果。企业如果想要达到应对市场变化和市场竞争的能力和灵活性,从管理角度来说,最重要的一点就是找到合适的人加入到企业中来,何为合适的人,我们认为个人性格特征、能力及价值观与企业的要求相匹配,就是企业所需要的人,这就属于个人与组织匹配的范畴,因此,我们可以这样说,对于个人和组织的匹配性进行研究和应用,对丰富目前企业的管理实践具有重要的理论重要意义和实践价值。此外,Eisenberger 等(1986)给出了组织支持感的涵义组织支持是员工的一种感觉和看法,这种感知和看法就是指组织如何对待他们的贡献和如何重视他们利益的总体反映。同时他们用 POS 来代表个人体会到的组织对自己的承诺,一旦员工感受到组织对自己的重视和承诺,那么他们就会非常努力的为组织做出贡献。对于组织成员离职这个问题,Mobley 等(1978)的观点离职的倾向、离职的念头表明组织成员对当前组织环境或者工作情况不满意,同时与找到其他工作的可能性之综合体现。国内外关于离职倾向与组织支持感、个人- 组织匹配两两之间的关系研究比较多,也比较成熟,但是在组织支持感、个人与组织匹配和离职倾向三者之间关系的研究却并不多。另外,大多数研究者都是对于某一个行业或者是某个特定群体所做的研究,其得出的结论相对来说比较片面,不具有普适性,另外对于个人-组织匹配与组织支持感之间的关系研究也比较缺少。基于此,本文通过对 152 名办公家具行业的市场销售人员进行调查问卷研究,从个人与组织的匹配性角度出发,同时考虑组织支持感的影响,对造成员工离职的原因做实证的探讨和发现。本次论文试图探寻出个人 组织匹配、员工离职倾向及组织支持感与之间的关系,另外关于组织支持感在由于个人与组织匹配性问题而造成的离职倾向中所占到的中介作用是否明显,本论文采用软件 SPSS19.0 对问卷数据进行分析,例如我们进行了单因素分析、方差分析、相关分析、回归分析,经过实证的分析,我们得到了下面的结论:1、个人-组织匹配量表、组织支持感量表及离职倾向量表的信度分别是 0.78、0.938、0.878 ,信度达标,说明每个量表的内部一致性程度很好。2、组织支持感与离职倾向负向相关,相关系数为-.487。3、个人-组织匹配与离职倾向负向相关,相关系数为-.554。4、个人-组织匹配与组织支持感正向相关,相关系数.6055、组织支持感在个人-组织匹配和离职意向中起部分中介作用。个人-组织匹配与离职意向的路径系数 c=0.435,个人-组织匹配与组织支持感的路径系数 a=0.589,组织支持感与离职意向的路径系数 b=-0.224,存在部分中介效应。论文在后面得出了本次研究的结论,同时也针对结论的问题给出了有针对性的改进办法和措施。论文在通过实证分析的基础上,根据论文所得出的研究结果,结合工作实践,关于如何使销售人员流失率得到控制的问题,给出了具体的改进措施及技巧。同时在论文的最后,指出了本次研究的不足和存在的局限性以及今后的研究展望。研究的局限性:1. 由于选择的行业资源有限,所收集的调查问卷数量有限,只有 152 份有效问卷,就总体而言,样本的数量不充足,有可能使研究结论存在偏差;2. 另外员工的离职倾向受很多因素的影响,例如员工的个性特点、上班和下班的路程远近、家庭的条件、家里人的配合和支持情况以及员工和领导的上下级之间的关系等因素,这些都还没能进入到研究的因素中来,导致研究的结论可能存在欠缺,需要作出更深入的分析和探讨。结合研究的不足,我们可以对本研究做如下展望:(1) 在今后的实证分析研究过程中,应该增加调查研究的对象和范围,最大努力获得更充足的研究样本,这样我们才能得出更加科学和严肃的实证分析研究的结论。(2) 加入更多的研究变量,比如可以把上下级领导关系作为另一个中介变量进行深入探讨。在目前市场经济条件下,我们发现组织的员工关系管理问题,员工离开组织的行为不仅仅是因为员工本人与组织匹配性或者组织支持感的因素,还有一个不可忽视的重要因素就是上下级领导的关系,特别是对于 90后这个非常有个性的群体来说,刻板的、严厉的、专制的、命令式的上级领导无法使他们获得工作过程中的乐趣和愉悦,甚至感觉无法发挥自己的特长和能力,其结果是,及时对企业其他方面都很满意,但是这样的上下级关系也会造成他们的离职;(3) 为了对员工离职倾向加深了解,在今后的研究中,建议加入员工的性格特征、上下班花费时间、家人对工作的支持力度等因素,这些因素在目前社会现实环境下员工离职理由中所占比例在不断增加;(4) 目前随着社会的进步和科技日新月异,我们的工作和社交、生活的方式,还有企业的运作规律和模式都同样随着社会的变革而不断发生创新和改变,同样的,做社会研究的方式、出发点和立足点也必须跟随随着社会的改变而不断进行创新和改变,否则,只能是被社会淘汰的结局。关键词:销售人员,个人-组织匹配,组织支持感,离职倾向AbstractAs is known to all, the 21st century, talent is the most precious resource, human resource has been the enterprise development and expansion of core resources, and sales staff as enterprise value directly and prime creator, its has been the enterprise human resources recruitment and retention of management priority. And reality, the sales staff turnover rate has been high, specially for diminutive and medium private company, the marketer staff of high turnover rate, the serious influence to the survival and development of the enterprise. How to solve the problem of enterprise sales personnel of high turnover rate, has been the business community and academia concern and attention topic, also produced a lot of relevant research results.Organization to get both can flexible to cope with change and competition, and the organization has high loyalty of employees, one of the key is to realize the matching of individuals and organizations. Personal - organization matching theory research is of great significance to enterprises management practice and value. In addition, Eisenberger, etc (1986) first put forward the concept of perceived organizational support, they define it as: the so-called sense of organizational support refers to the employees contribution to the organization how to view them and care for the interests of a kind of perception and opinion. They said with perceived organizational support organization commitment to their employees feel, if employees feel for their care and commitment, then they will be more hard working for the organization. To the problem of departure Mobley, etc (1978) argue that turnover intention is left that job dissatisfaction, thought, looking for other work tend to find other work the integrated performance of possibility. At home and abroad for the study of perceived organizational support and turnover intention is relatively deep and mature, the study of individual - organization matching, and personal - matching, study of relationship between perceived organizational support and turnover intention is very little, and the researchers have not reached a consensus on the research conclusion. In addition, most researchers are based on an industry or a group of individuals - organization matching and its various dimensions have significant ,The negative prediction, are relatively one-sided, at the same time for individual - organization matching little study about the relationship between perceived organizational support.This article selects 152 office furniture industry sales staff as the research object, from the perspective of individual - organization matching, combined with the perceived organizational support, employee turnover factors to do empirical research and analysis. Personal - trying to find matching and perceived organizational support for the influence of employee turnover intention, and perceived organizational support in matching problem due to personal - organization mediation role of turnover intention is significant, by using SPSS19.0 software to single factor analysis of questionnaire data, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, regression analysis, through the analysis, we get the following data:(1) personal - organization matching scale, perceived organizational support scale and turnover intention scale crowns Bach alpha coefficients were 0.78, 0.938, 0.878, shows that the reliability is high, show that the scale has a good degree of internal consistency.(2) perceived organizational support and turnover intention negative correlation, the correlation coefficient for - 487.(3) personal - matching and turnover intention negative correlation, the correlation coefficient for - 554.(4) and personal - fit and organizational support are positively related, the correlation coefficient. 605(5) and perceived organizational support on personal - fit and quit intention partial intermediary role. Personal - matching and quit intention of path coefficient c = 0.435, personal - the path coefficient of organizational matching and perceived organizational support a = 0.589, perceived organizational support and turnover intention of path coefficient b = 0.224, there are some intermediary effect.Finally it is concluded that the conclusion of this study, at the same time, puts forward the corresponding improvement measures. In this paper, on the basis of empirical research, combined with the research conclusion of this paper to control the sales staff loss corresponding response and measures are put forward. At the end of this article points out the limitation of research and the prospect of further research.The limitation of the study:1. Due to limited resources, choice of industry collected questionnaire quantity is limited, only 152 valid questionnaires, overall, the number of samples is not enough, could lead to a biased research conclusion defects;2. Turnover intention is influenced by many factors, such as personality traits, commutes, family environment, family support, leadership relations between higher and lower, and so on, these are not added to the study, the imperfection of the research, remains to be further in-depth analysis.This study combined with the shortage of the research, we can do the following prospects:1. The empirical study in the future, further expanding the scope of the investigation and study, obtain more sample, so we can get more careful analysis of the empirical study conclusion, validate the rationality of the theoretical model in this paper, the conclusion and applicability.2. Add more research variables, such as the leadership relations between higher and lower as another intermediary variable for research. In the current enterprise employee relationship management, we found that in addition to the individual employee turnover - the organization fit and perceived organizational support, is another important factor to be reckoned with in the leadership, the relationship between higher and lower especially for this very individualizing group after 90, rigid, strict, authoritarian, authoritative leader cannot make them fun and pleasure in the pr


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