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20082Society28 中国中产阶级的规模、认同和社会态度李培林 张 翼 S S p V 3 =ZnE-f t S S g 6 K 1:本文基于中国社会科学院社会学研究所2006年3月-5月进行的“中国社会状况调查”(CGSS2006)的数据,以收入、职业和教育作为三个基本维度,对中国当前发展阶段的中产阶级规模以及中等收入者的规模进行了测算,并比较了“客观中产”和“认同中产”在社会态度一致性上的差异。根据本文的研究结果,我国目前的中产阶级在全国占12.1 %,在城市社会中占25.4 %,但这个所谓中产阶级,目前并不是一个具有统一的社会态度和行为取向的“阶级” 。1oM:中产阶级 社会认同 社会态度,“)” S B ip Q。 XVj,2006)。 ,V 8) 。K 0 l, l . V Y5 , | s)。 ,|、, M y0M d, Py0B ,“ ”。V9:y04 |y0(|) S+y + dMs% dMs%y0 d y y + dMs% dMs%1 3.206 21.374 21.374 2.393 15.951 15.9512 1.812 12.077 33.452 2.152 14.348 30.2993 1.627 10.847 44.299 2.100 14.000 44.2994 1.095 7.302 51.6025 0.926 6.173 57.7756 0.863 5.756 63.5317 0.841 5.606 69.1378 0.734 4.895 74.0329 0.674 4.496 78.52810 0.628 4.184 82.71211 0.606 4.038 86.75012 0.581 3.872 90.62213 0.529 3.529 94.15114 0.468 3.121 97.27215 0.409 2.728 100.000:zsE4 |。6,VV10y0 V A,V,3y0 V = ,1“/ Z :y01V “SE13S)? 、 1 N”,y t NM1K;y02V“y N”,y S“ VM M1K;y03V “V V”,y S“ VM M1K。V10:KvMs y0“ y0cl4 |y0SE1N(y01)y N(y02)V V(y03)y !1 % , d9 d 。9 ,e M f /, 1 , M -FWiAs。Z4)M , 1、 2 、 3, d9ilA。V V“ :1 ) Li B dB m 8,1 j.2006.ZE# L J . 7b H(4).gv 、.2003.P)4 M .P: .: . 1951 2006. 5: S) M .k,r. 2: 2v.a、 .1999. 、PF )“8i M D .)(P).Pv .1820082ft.2005.S g) li M J .S S(4).u 、 L、 W,I.1991.S l 5 M .:SS.Bulter, Tim and Mike Savage(eds.), 1995.SocialChangeand the MiddleClass.London:UCL Press.Erikson, Robert, and John H .Goldthorpe,1993.TheConstantFlux:AStudyofClassMobility in IndustrialSocieties.Oxford:Clarendon Press.Goldthorpe,John H.1982.“On the Service Class, Its formation and Future.” inClassesand theDivision of Labour:Essaysin Honorof Ilya Neustadt.A.Giddens and G.MacKenzie(eds.).Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1990.“A Response”, in Consensusand Controversy, J.Clark, C.Modgil,and S.Modgil(eds.).London:Falmer Press.Huntington, Samuel P.1991.The Third Wave:Democratization in LateTwentiethCentury.Norman:University of Oklahoma Press.Kacapyr, Elia, Peter Francese, and DianeCrispell.1996.“Are You Middle Class?-Definitions and Trends of US Middle-Class Households.” AmericanDemographics, Oct.Kerr, Clark, J.T.Dunlop, F.Harbison, and C.A.Myer, 1973.Industrialism andIndustrialMan.Harmondsworth:Penguin Books.Lash, S.and J.Urry.1987.The End of Organized Capitalism.Cambridge:Polity Press.Thompson, William, and Joseph Hickey.2005.Society in Focus.Boston, MA:Pearson.Wright, Erik Olin.1997.ClassCounts:ComparativeStudiesin Class Analysis.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.责任编辑:劳 勤19S)? 、 SOCIETY(Bimonthly)Vol.28 No.2Mar.2008TheScope, Identity, and Social Attitudes of the Middle Class in ChinaLiPeilin &ZhangYi 1llllllllllllllllllAbstract:This paper analyses the scope and roles of the middle class in itsdeveloping stage and those with medium-level incomes in current China onthe threedimensions of income, occupation, and education.The analysis hasled to a classification of the middle class into three strata:“core middleclass,”“semi-core middle class,” and “peripheral middle class.” The paperfurther compares the “objective middle class” with the “subjective middleclass”(i.e., identity of the middle class)in terms of their differences insocial attitudes and the factors that are influencing their economy, politics,and social attitudes.This analysis is entirely based on the data from anational-wide survey - the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS2006)conducted fromMarch to May in 2006 by the Institute of Sociology, ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences, which involved 7,100 households sampled from28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.It is found that themiddle class currently constitutes 12.1 percent of the population in all Chinaand 25.4percent in urban China.However, this so-called middleclassor theobjective middle class within the definition by its incomes, occupations, andeducation is not yet a coherent class with unified social attitudes andbehavioral intentions.Keywords:middle class, social stratification, social attitudeConflict and Reconciliation:Intergenerational Relationshipsin theContext ofGlobalization ZhouXiaohong 20llllllllllllllllAbstract:Generation is both a biological fact and a social fact.Thatgeneration or intergenerational relationship as a social fact has becom


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