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小学英语教学课堂实录小学英语教学课堂实录一、歌曲导入:T: Lets sing a song. The songs name is One little finger.评:教学热身是英语课堂 TPR教学方法的重要形式之一,教师采用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。二、师生问候:T: Class begins! Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, Miss Cai!T: How are you to day?Ss: Were fine, thank you.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its fine.评:简单的问候,可以帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。三、新授知识:T: A lovely today, isnt it? I have a good news for you. Were going to visit the zoo. Are you happy?Ss: Yes!T: Today well learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn?Ss: Lesson 9T: OK! Now, lets count from one to nine!(教师同时书写板书 Lesson9。)评:在学生原有知识的基础上,以数字引入,使课题的出示别具特色,自然而不失趣味性。T: Well, who can tell me what you can find in the zoo?Ss: Monkeys, tigers, and hippos.T: Oh, well see so many animals. Thats great! Now, please look here. Well meet many animal friends today. Whats this?(出示动物头饰)T: Do you have a monkey?S: No, I dont.T: Oh, Dont worry. This monkey is for you!(S1 带上头饰)(以下 lion, hippo, tiger, panda, elephant, dog, goat同上)T:Now, we have so many animals, they are our best friends! But look there, there is another friend. Shes waiting to meet us. Whos she?(指向长颈鹿玩偶)Ss: Changjinglu.T: Yes, its a Changjinglu, but in English its a giraffe. Now, please say after me, “giraffe”!T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, whats this?(贴出长颈鹿图)Ss: Giraffe.T: Yes, but how to spell it?(出示单词卡)Ss: “g-i-r-a-f-f-e”T: Lets sing a song, make a giraffe in the air.(师生同唱并拼写,教师指图)T: Whats this?Ss: Its a giraffe.评:运用头饰这一简单的教具,将学生喜爱的动物请到了课堂上来,使学生产生了浓厚的兴趣,使抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化了词汇这一教学难点。T: We met so many animal friends. And would you like to go to the zoo with Tutu? Are you ready? Lets go! OK?Tand Ss: One, Two, Three, go.(师生同看多媒体投影)评:从英语学科的实际特点出发,教者运用电脑多媒体再现课文内容,使学生有如身临其境,培养了学生的观察能力和语言应用能力。T: What did Jack say?Ss: Look there!T: Yes, Jack说“看那儿” ,in English we should say, Look there.T: Now, look at me please. Look there! Its a monkey. Look there! Its ahippo. Do you under stand? Please say after me.(教师手指教室内戴头饰的学生)T: Now, lets sing a songOne little finger,but this time please sing that like me.(师生共同唱并手指相应的动物头饰) 。T:Now please point to ananimal, ask and answer in pairs.(学生分组练习)T:Well, please look at me please. Look there!(指向猴子)Its a monkey. I like monkeys(拿出心形单词卡)Do you under stand? What does it mean in Chinese?Ss:Xi huan.T:Yes. Please follow me. I like monkeys.(板书 : like monkeys )T:OH. Now look there. There is a“s”, but why?(拿出单数卡)There is a monkey. Only one! So theres no“s”.(拿出复数卡)Wow, there are so many monkeys, then, we must addan“s”(利用多张卡片领学生练习这区分单词的单复数)T: Now, every one make a sentence like me, please.Ss: I like monkeys. I like elephantsT: Well, please listen to me carefully. Do you like monkeys? If you like, you can say ,“Yes, I do.”(师生练习句型)T: Lets play a game. Ill ask you “Do you like?”If you like it, please stand up.评:这部分内容是教学的难点,教师通过TPR教学法最大限度地引发学生积极学习的兴趣,使句型的操练这有一枯燥的演练形式兴趣化。T: Your pronunciations are fine. Now lets listen to the tape and read after it.(Listen and speak)评:在英语教学中,原声语音的模仿是必不可少的步骤,有利于培养学生优美的语感,为英语的终身学习打下良好的基础。T: Ok, good job! But Id like to know which is your favorite animal, so lets ask each other.(由学生进行调查练习)评:采用采访形式,设计得情趣盎然,生动活泼,突出了教师的主导地位,同时学生的主体作用也得到了更大限度的发挥,学生争先恐后参与活动,成为活动的主人,他们在轻松、民主的氛围中得到了知识的巩固,得到了英语语言交际能力的锻炼,提高了交际性能力,从而达到了良好的教学反馈。T: We all like the animals, but the zoo isnt really the animals home town. Where is their real home town?S:大自然。T: Yes! Lets look at the animal in nature. OK?(观看多媒体影片)T: Do you like animals?Ss: Yes!T: The earth be longs to both animals and human beings. We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment, and protect them from being hurt. Do you think so?Ss: Yes!T: OK! Lets begin from now on!T: The time is up. Good-bye everyone!评:结束语知识性与思想性融为一体,既强调了本课知识的重点,又对学生进行了思想教育,使学生对所学内容有了一个更高层次的认识,使英语教学的目的得以充分的发挥。评析:教者从学生的认知规律入手,由浅入深、由易到难,降低了英语语言学习的难度。同时,充分利用头饰、卡片、图片、多媒体教学软件等直观教学手段,调动了学生多种感观投入到语言学习中来。教者还利用 TPR、歌曲、歌谣等活泼有趣的形式,增加了课堂教学的感染力,并采用实地应用语言的调查活动,提高了教学效果,达到了良好的教学反馈。小学英语教学课堂实录一、歌曲导入:T: Lets sing a song. The songs name is One little finger.评:教学热身是英语课堂 TPR教学方法的重要形式之一,教师采用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。二、师生问候:T: Class begins! Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, Miss Cai!T: How are you to day?Ss: Were fine, thank you.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its fine.评:简单的问候,可以帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。三、新授知识:T: A lovely today, isnt it? I have a good news for you. Were going to visit the zoo. Are you happy?Ss: Yes!T: Today well learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn?Ss: Lesson 9T: OK! Now, lets count from one to nine!(教师同时书写板书 Lesson9。)评:在学生原有知识的基础上,以数字引入,使课题的出示别具特色,自然而不失趣味性。T: Well, who can tell me what you can find in the zoo?Ss: Monkeys, tigers, and hippos.T: Oh, well see so many animals. Thats great! Now, please look here. Well meet many animal friends today. Whats this?(出示动物头饰)T: Do you have a monkey?S: No, I dont.T: Oh, Dont worry. This monkey is for you!(S1 带上头饰)(以下 lion, hippo, tiger, panda, elephant, dog, goat同上)T:Now, we have so many animals, they are our best friends! But look there, there is another friend. Shes waiting to meet us. Whos she?(指向长颈鹿玩偶)Ss: Changjinglu.T: Yes, its a Changjinglu, but in English its a giraffe. Now, please say after me, “giraffe”!T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, whats this?(贴出长颈鹿图)Ss: Giraffe.T: Yes, but how to spell it?(出示单词卡)Ss: “g-i-r-a-f-f-e”T: Lets sing a song, make a giraffe in the air.(师生同唱并拼写,教师指图)T: Whats this?Ss: Its a giraffe.评:运用头饰这一简单的教具,将学生喜爱的动物请到了课堂上来,使学生产生了浓厚的兴趣,使抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化了词汇这一教学难点。T: We met so many animal friends. And would you like to go to the zoo with Tutu? Are you ready? Lets go! OK?Tand Ss: One, Two, Three, go.(师生同看多媒体投影)评:从英语学科的实际特点出发,教者运用电脑多媒体再现课文内容,使学生有如身临其境,培养了学生的观察能力和语言应用能力。T: What did Jack say?Ss: Look there!T: Yes, Jack说“看那儿” ,in English we should say, Look there.T: Now, look at me please. Look there! Its a monkey. Look there! Its ahippo. Do you under stand? Please say after me.(教师手指教室内戴头饰的学生)T: Now, lets sing a songOne little finger,but this time please sing that like me.(师生共同唱并手指相应的动物头饰) 。T:Now please point to ananimal, ask and answer in pairs.(学生分组练习)T:Well, please look at me please. Look there!(指向猴子)Its a monkey. I like monkeys(拿出心形单词卡)Do you under stand? What does it mean in Chinese?Ss:Xi huan.T:Yes. Please follow me. I like monkeys.(板书 : like monkeys )T:OH. Now look there. There is a“s”, but why?(拿出单数卡)There is a monkey. Only one! So theres no“s”.(拿出复数卡)Wow, there are so many monkeys, then, we must addan“s”(利用多张卡片领学生练习这区分单词的单复数)T: Now, every one make a sentence like me, please.Ss: I like monkeys. I like elephantsT: Well, please listen to me carefully. Do you like monkeys? If you like, you can say ,“Yes, I do.”(师生练习句型)T: Lets play a game. Ill ask you “Do you like?”If you like it, please stand up.评:这部分内容是教学的难点,教师通过TPR教学法最大限度地引发学生积极学习的兴趣,使句型的操练这有一枯燥的演练形式兴趣化。T: Your pronunciations are fine. Now lets listen to the tape and read after it.(Listen and speak)评:在英语教学中,原声语音的模仿是必不可少的步骤,有利于培养学生优美的语感,为英语的终身学习打下良好的基础。T: Ok, good job! But Id like to know which is your favorite animal, so lets ask each other.(由学生进行调查练习)评:采用采访形式,设计得情趣盎然,生动活泼,突出了教师的主导地位,同时学生的主体作用也得到了更大限度的发挥,学生争先恐后参与活动,成为活动的主人,他们在轻松、民主的氛围中得到了知识的巩固,得到了英语语言交际能力的锻炼,提高了交际性能力,从而达到了良好的教学反馈。T: We all like the animals, but the zoo isnt really the animals home town. Where is their real home town?S:大自然。T: Yes! Lets look at the animal in nature. OK?(观看多媒体影片)T: Do you like animals?Ss: Yes!T: The earth be longs to both animals and human beings. We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment, and protect them from being hurt. Do you think so?Ss: Yes!T: OK! Lets begin from now on!T: The time is up. Good-bye everyone!评:结束语知识性与思想性融为一体,既强调了本课知识的重点,又对学生进行了思想教育,使学生对所学内容有了一个更高层次的认识,使英语教学的目的得以充分的发挥。评析:教者从学生的认知规律入手,由浅入深、由易到难,降低了英语语言学习的难度。同时,充分利用头饰、卡片、图片、多媒体教学软件等直观教学手段,调动了学生多种感观投入到语言学习中来。教者还利用 TPR、歌曲、歌谣等活泼有趣的形式,增加了课堂教学的感染力,并采用实地应用语言的调查活动,提高了教学效果,达到了良好的教学反馈。小学英语教学课堂实录一、歌曲导入:T: Lets sing a song. The songs name is One little finger.评:教学热身是英语课堂 TPR教学方法的重要形式之一,教师采用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。二、师生问候:T: Class begins! Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, Miss Cai!T: How are you to day?Ss: Were fine, thank you.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its fine.评:简单的问候,可以帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。三、新授知识:T: A lovely today, isnt it? I have a good news for you. Were going to visit the zoo. Are you happy?Ss: Yes!T: Today well learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn?Ss: Lesson 9T: OK! Now, lets count from one to nine!(教师同时书写板书 Lesson9。)评:在学生原有知识的基础上,以数字引入,使课题的出示别具特色,自然而不失趣味性。T: Well, who can tell me what you can find in the zoo?Ss: Monkeys, tigers, and hippos.T: Oh, well see so many animals. Thats great! Now, please look here. Well meet many animal friends today. Whats this?(出示动物头饰)T: Do you have a monkey?S: No, I dont.T: Oh, Dont worry. This monkey is for you!(S1 带上头饰)(以下 lion, hippo, tiger, panda, elephant, dog, goat同上)T:Now, we have so many animals, they are our best friends! But look there, there is another friend. Shes waiting to meet us. Whos she?(指向长颈鹿玩偶)Ss: Changjinglu.T: Yes, its a Changjinglu, but in English its a giraffe. Now, please say after me, “giraffe”!T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, whats this?(贴出长颈鹿图)Ss: Giraffe.T: Yes, but how to spell it?(出示单词卡)Ss: “g-i-r-a-f-f-e”T: Lets sing a song, make a giraffe in the air.(师生同唱并拼写,教师指图)T: Whats this?Ss: Its a giraffe.评:运用头饰这一简单的教具,将学生喜爱的动物请到了课堂上来,使学生产生了浓厚的兴趣,使抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化了词汇这一教学难点。T: We met so many animal friends. And would you like to go to the zoo with Tutu? Are you ready? Lets go! OK?Tand Ss: One, Two, Three, go.(师生同看多媒体投影)评:从英语学科的实际特点出发,教者运用电脑多媒体再现课文内容,使学生有如身临其境,培养了学生的观察能力和语言应用能力。T: What did Jack say?Ss: Look there!T: Yes, Jack说“看那儿” ,in English we should say, Look there.T: Now, look at me please. Look there! Its a monkey. Look there! Its ahippo. Do you under stand? Please say after me.(教师手指教室内戴头饰的学生)T: Now, lets sing a songOne little finger,but this time please sing that like me.(师生共同唱并手指相应的动物头饰) 。T:Now please point to ananimal, ask and answer in pairs.(学生分组练习)T:Well, please look at me please. Look there!(指向猴子)Its a monkey. I like monkeys(拿出心形单词卡)Do you under stand? What does it mean in Chinese?Ss:Xi huan.T:Yes. Please follow me. I like monkeys.(板书 : like monkeys )T:OH. Now look there. There is a“s”, but why?(拿出单数卡)There is a monkey. Only one! So theres no“s”.(拿出复数卡)Wow, there are so many monkeys, then, we must addan“s”(利用多张卡片领学生练习这区分单词的单复数)T: Now, every one make a sentence like me, please.Ss: I like monkeys. I like elephantsT: Well, please listen to me carefully. Do you like monkeys? If you like, you can say ,“Yes, I do.”(师生练习句型)T: Lets play a game. Ill ask you “Do you lik


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