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CNC technology widely used for manufacturing countries in the world today, in order to improve the high manufacturing capacity and level, improve the ability to adapt to the dynamic changeable market and competition ability. In addition, all industrial countries in the world will also list and CNC numerical control technology and equipment for the strategic materials of the country, not only to take significant measures to develop their own numerical control technology and industry, and in "sophisticated" key technology and equipment of numerical control of our country to implement policy of closures and restrictions.The development of CNC machine tool technology since 1953 the United States developed the first three coordinate lifting mode of CNC milling machine, so far has 53 years history of 20 century 90 years, the rapid development of computer technology and the microelectronic industrial base, to the development of CNC machine tool provides a good platform, the CNC machine tool industry has been rapid development. CNC technology research in our country started in 1958, domestic the first CNC machine tools is Beijing first machine tool plant production of three axis NC milling machine. Although from time to time to see only later than abroad for a few years, but due to various reasons, CNC machine tool technology in the development of our country is a Straight after on the international level, in 1980, China's output of CNC machine tools is not to 700 sets. In the 1990s, China's CNC machine tool technology development got a larger speed. At present, with foreign advanced level compared to still exist large gap.In short, vigorously develop the CNC technology as the core of advanced manufacturing technology has become the world's developed countries to accelerate economic development, improve the comprehensive national strength and the national status of an important way.Machining center: with a knife library and automatically change the knife device is a highly automated multi function CNC machine tools. In Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Guangdong generation also many people call it the computer gongs. Workpiece in machining center by a clamping, the digital control system can control the machine tool according to not the same process, automatic selection and replacement of cutting tools, automatically change spindle speed, feed rate and tool relative workpiece trajectory and other auxiliary functions, in order to complete the process of the workpiece surface processing. And there are a variety of change knife or knife selection function, so that the production efficiency is greatly improved.Machining center equipped with because of the knife and can automatically replace the tool and the workpiece in a fixture can complete the processing of multi process. Processing centers do not require human intervention, when the machine tool to start the program, it will have to run to the end of the process.Key words:  CNC machine tool; feed drive system; ball screw;simulation目 录第1章概述 11.1课题的背景112国内外相关产品及研发现状 413主要研究内容及技术路线6第2章滚珠丝杠螺母副72.1滚珠丝杆副及其支承的选取72.2计算 7第3 章伺服电机193.1伺服电机的选型 193.1.1电机负载扭矩计算 193.1.2 惯量匹配计算203.2伺服定位精度的验证 213.2.1 机械传动装置刚度计算 213.2.2 伺服刚度计算22第4章仿真分析 234.1机电进给系统综合结构图 234.2仿真分析234.2.1理想线性状态的仿真分析 234. 2. 2具有摩擦非线性因素的仿真分析 24参考文献 26致谢29第1章  概述1.1课题的背景制造业直接体现了一个国家的生产力水平,是区别发展中国家和发达国家的重要因素。制造业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,是我国经济增长的主导部门和经济转型的基础,是我国城镇就业的主要渠道和国际竞争力的集中体现:作为过去20多年我国综合国力提高的主要标志。我国已经成为装备制造业大国,但产业大而不强、自主创新能力薄弱、自主创新产品推广应用困难等问题依然突出。应该看到,我国目前正处于扩大内需、加快基础设施建设和产业转型升级的关键时期,对先进装备有着巨大的市场需求。因此,提高中高档数控机床的市场竞争力是机床行业转型升级的首要任务。必须采取有效措施加快产业结构调整,推动产业优化升级,加强技术创新,促进装备制造业持续稳定发展,为我国经济平稳较快发展做出贡献。数控机床作为现代装备制造业的关键装备,其产量和技术水平在某种程度上代表了国家的工业现代化水平和竞争力。我国数控机床的技术水平、性能和质量与装备制造业发达国家还有很大差距,高档数控机床及功能部件大多依靠进口,同时,数控机床作为国防军工的战略装各,是各种武器装备最重要的制造母机,是国防军工装备现代化的重要保证口。因此,一些发达国家把高性能数控机床作为战略物资严加控制,限制我国进口。
编号:10600871    类型:共享资源    大小:588.19KB    格式:RAR    上传时间:2018-09-01 上传人:好资料QQ****51605 IP属地:江苏
关 键 词:
立式 加工 中心 进给 传动 设计 全套 cad 图纸 以及 毕业 答辩 论文

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关键词: 数控机床; 进给传动系统; 滚珠丝杠; 仿真



Industrial equipment technical level and the modernized degree determines the level and degree of modernization in the whole national economy, numerical control technology and equipment is the development of high-tech industries and high-tech industries (such as: Information Industry and information technology, biological technology and industry, aeronautics and Astronautics, national defense industry and trade industry) enabling technology and the most basic equipment, manufacturing technology and equipment is the most basic means of production of human production and activity, and numerical control technology is today's advanced manufacturing technology and equipment, the core technology. CNC technology widely used for manufacturing countries in the world today, in order to improve the high manufacturing capacity and level, improve the ability to adapt to the dynamic changeable market and competition ability. In addition, all industrial countries in the world will also list and CNC numerical control technology and equipment for the strategic materials of the country, not only to take significant measures to develop their own numerical control technology and industry, and in "sophisticated" key technology and equipment of numerical control of our country to implement policy of closures and restrictions.

The development of CNC machine tool technology since 1953 the United States developed the first three coordinate lifting mode of CNC milling machine, so far has 53 years history of 20 century 90 years, the rapid development of computer technology and the microelectronic industrial base, to the development of CNC machine tool provides a good platform, the CNC machine tool industry has been rapid development. CNC technology research in our country started in 1958, domestic the first CNC machine tools is Beijing first machine tool plant production of three axis NC milling machine. Although from time to time to see only later than abroad for a few years, but due to various reasons, CNC machine tool technology in the development of our country is a Straight after on the international level, in 1980, China's output of CNC machine tools is not to 700 sets. In the 1990s, China's CNC machine tool technology development got a larger speed. At present, with foreign advanced level compared to still exist large gap.

In short, vigorously develop the CNC technology as the core of advanced manufacturing technology has become the world's developed countries to accelerate economic development, improve the comprehensive national strength and the national status of an important way.

Machining center: with a knife library and automatically change the knife device is a highly automated multi function CNC machine tools. In Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Guangdong generation also many people call it the computer gongs. Workpiece in machining center by a clamping, the digital control system can control the machine tool according to not the same process, automatic selection and replacement of cutting tools, automatically change spindle speed, feed rate and tool relative workpiece trajectory and other auxiliary functions, in order to complete the process of the workpiece surface processing. And there are a variety of change knife or knife selection function, so that the production efficiency is greatly improved.

Machining center equipped with because of the knife and can automatically replace the tool and the workpiece in a fixture can complete the processing of multi process. Processing centers do not require human intervention, when the machine tool to start the program, it will have to run to the end of the process.

Key words:  CNC machine tool; feed drive system; ball screw;simulation

目 录

第1章概述 1

1.1课题的背景 1

1.2国内外相关产品及研发现状 4

1.3主要研究内容及技术路线 6

第2章滚珠丝杠螺母副 7

2.1滚珠丝杆副及其支承的选取 7

2.2计算 7

第3 章伺服电机 19

3.1伺服电机的选型 19

3.1.1电机负载扭矩计算 19

3.1.2 惯量匹配计算 20

3.2伺服定位精度的验证 21

3.2.1 机械传动装置刚度计算 21

3.2.2 伺服刚度计算 22

第4章仿真分析 23

4.1 机电进给系统综合结构图 23

4.2仿真分析 23

4.2.1 理想线性状态的仿真分析 23

4. 2. 2 具有摩擦非线性因素的仿真分析 24

参考文献 26

致谢 29

第1章  概述




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