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“The wordprotectionis no longer taboo(禁忌语)”.This short sentence,uttered by French resident Nicolas Sarkozy last month,may have launched a new era in economic history.Why? or decades,Western leaders have believed that lowering trade barriers and tariffs was a natural ood.Doing so,they reasoned,would lead to greater economic efficiency and productivity,which in turn would improve human welfare.Championing free trade thus became a moral,not just an economic,cause.These leaders,of course,werent acting out of unselfishness.They knew their economies were the most competitive,so theyd profit most from liberalization.And developing countries feared that their economies would be swamped by superior Western productivity.Today,however,the tables have turnedthough few acknowledge it.The West continues to preach free trade,but practices it less and less.Asian,meanwhile,continues to plead for special protection but practices more and more free trade .Thats why Sarkozys words were so important:he finally injected some honesty into the trade debates.The truth is that large parts of the West are losing faith in tree trade,though few leaders admit it.Some economists are more honest.Paul Krugman is one of the few willing to acknowledge that protectionist arguments are returning.In the short run,there will be winners and losers under free trade.This,of course,is what capitalism is all about.But more and more of these losers will be in the West,Economists in the developed world used to love quoting Jonoph Schumpeter,who said thatcreative destruction”was an essential part of capitalist growth.But they always assumed that destruction would happen over there.When Western workers began losing jobs,suddenly their leaders began to lose faitll in their principles,Things have yet to reverse completely.But theres clearly a negative trend in a Western theory and practice .A little hypocrisy(虚伪)is not in itself a serious problem.The real problem is that Western governments continue to insist that they retain control of the key global economic and financial institutions while drifting away from global liberalization.Lock at whats happening at the IMF (International Monetary Fund)The Europeans have demanded that t11eY keep the post of managing director.But all too often,Western officials put their own interests above everyone elses when they dominate these global institutions .The time has therefore come for the Asians-who ore clearly the new winners in todayS global economy-to provide more intellectual leadership in supporting free trade:Sadly,they have yet to do SO.Unless Asians speak out,however,thereS a real danger that Adam SmithS principles,which have brought SO much good to the world,could gradually die.And that would leave all of US,worse off,in one way or another .43.It can be inferred that“protection”(Line 1,Para.1)meansA improving economic efficiencyB.ending the free-trade practiceC.10wering moral standardD.raisingtradetariffs44.The Western leaders preach free trade becauseA.it is beneficial to their economiesB.it is supported by developing countriesC.it makes them keep faith in their principlesD.it is advocated by Joseph Schumpeter and Adam45.By“the tables have turned”(Line 3-4,Para.2)theA.the Western leaders have turned self-centered Smith author implies thatB.the Asian leaders have become advocates of free tradeC.the developed economies have turned less competitiveD.the developing economies have become more independent46.The Western economies used to like the idea of“creative destructionbecause itA.set a long-term rather than short-turn goalB.was an essential part of capitalist developmentC.contained a positive rather than negative mentalityD.was meant to be the destruction of developing economies47.The author uses“IMFwas an example to illustrate the point thatA.European leaders are reluctant to admit they are hypocriticalB.there is an inconsistency between Western theory and practiceC.global institutions are not being led by true globalization advocatesD.European countriesinterests are being ignored by economic leaders48.Which of the following is true about Asians?A.Asians have to speak out the protectionB.Asians have demand that they keep the post of managersC.Asians succeed in todayS global economyD.Asians succeed by Adam SmithS principlesNames have gained increasing importance in the competitive world of higher education.As colleges strive for market share,they are looking for names that proj ect the image they want or reflect the changes they hope to 同等学力培训: /kcnet1840/make.Trenton.State College,for example,became the College of New Jersey nine years ago when it began raising admissions standards and appealing to studentsfrom throughout the state.“All I hear in higher education is, Brand,brand,brandsaid Tim Westerbeck,who specializes in branding and is managing director of Lipman Hearne,a marketing firm based in Chicago that works with universities and other nonprofit organizations.“There has been a sea change over the last l 0 years.Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education.”Not all efforts at name changes are successful,of course.In 1997,the New School for Social Research became New School University to reflect its growth into a collection of eight colleges,offering a list of maj ors that includes psychology,music,urban studies and management.But New Yorkers continued to call it the New Sch001.Now,after spending arl undisclosed sum on an online survey and a marketing consultants creation of“haming structures.“brand architectureand“identity systems.the university hascome up with a new name:the New Sch001.Beginning Monday,it will adopt new logon(标识),banners,business cards and even new names for the individual colleges,all to include the words“the New Sch001. Changes in names generally reveal significant shifts in how a college wants to be perceived.In altering its name from Cal State.Hayward,to Cal State,East Bay,the university hoped to project its expanding role in two mostly suburban countries east of San Francisco.The University of Southern Colorado,a state institution,became Colorado State University at Pucblo two years ago,hoping to highlight many internal changes,including offering more graduate programs and setting higher admissions standards.Beaver College turned itself into Arcadia University in 200 1 for several reasons:to break the connection with its past as a womens college,to promote its growth into a full-fledged(完全成熟的)university and officials acknowledged,to eliminate some jokes about the colleges old name on late-night television andmorning ZOO”radio shows.Many college officials said changing a name and image could produce substantial results.At Arcadia,in addition to the rise in applications,the average studentstest score has increased by 60points,Juli Roebeck,arl Arcadia spokeswoman said.49.which of the following is NOT the reason for colleges to change their names?A .They prefer higher education competitionB .They try to gain advantage in market shareC .They want to proj ect their imageD .They hope to make some changes50.It is implied that one ofthe most significant changes in highter education in the past decade isA.the brand.B .the college namesC .the concept of marketingD. list ofmajors.5 1.What happened to New School for Social Research?A.It is renamed by New YorkersB.It Offers a list ofbooksC.It contains management and MBA courseD.Its new name is not Successful52.The phrase”come up with”(Line 3 Para 4)probably meansA.catchupwithB.dealwithC.putforwardD.come to the realization53 The case of name changing from Cal State Hayward to Cal State indicates that the universityA .is perceived by the societyB. hopes to expand its influenceC.prefers to reform its reaching programsD.expects to enlarge its campus54.According to the spokeswoman the name change of Beaver CollegeA .turns out very successfulB. fails to attain its goalC. has eliminated some jokesD. has trlsformed its statusIt looked just like another aircraft from the outside The pilot told his young passengers that it was built in 1964.But appearances were deceptive and the 13 students from Europe and the USA who boarded the aircraft were in for the flight of their lives同等学力培训: /kcnet1840/Inside the area that normally had seats had become a long white tunnel.Heavily padded(填塞) from floor to ceiling it looked a bit strange.There were almost no windows,but lights along the padded walls illuminated it.Most of the seats had been taken out apart from a few at the back where the young scientists quickly took their places with a look of fear .For 12 months,science students from across the continents had competed to win a place on the flight at the invitation of the European Space Agency.the challenge had been to suggest imaginative experiments to be conducted in weightless conditions .For the next two hours the flight resembled that of an enornlous bird which had lose its reason,shooting upwards towards the heavens before rushing towards Earth.The invention was to Achieve weightlessness for a few seconds .The aircraft took off smoothly enough.But any feelings that I and the young scientists had that we were on anything like a scheduled passenger service were quickly dismissed when the pilot put the plane into a 45 degree climb which lasted around 20 seconds.Then the engines cut out and we became weightless.Everything become confused and left or right.Up or down no longer had any meaning.after ten seconds of flee fall descent the pilot pulled the aircraft out of its nosedive.The return of gravity was less immediate than its loss.but was still sudden enough to ensure that some students came down with a bumpEach time the pilot cut the engines and we became weightless.A new team conduct it experience.First it was the Dutch who wanted to discover how it is that cats always land on their feet.then the German team who conducted a successful experiment on a traditional building method to see if could be used for building a further space station.the Americans had 3.11 idea to create solar sails that could be used by satellitesAfter two hours of going up and down in the lane doing their experiments,the predominate feeling was one of excitement rather than sickness.Most of the students thought it was unforgettable experience and one they would be keen to repeat .55.what did the writer say about the plane?A .Ithadno seats.B. It was painted whiteC. It had no windowsD. The outside was misleading.5 6.according to the writer,how did the young scientists feel before the flight?A.sickB.keenC.nervousD.impatient57.According to the passage,what can be concluded about European Space Agency?A.It produces air-planesB.It sends invitationsC.It trains students from across the continentsD.It conducts imaginative experiments58.what did the pilot do with the plane after it took off?A.He quickly climbed and then stopped the enginesB.He climbed and them made the plane fall slowly.C.He took off normally and then cut the engines for 20 secondsD.He climbed and then made the plane turn over59.Acoording to the passage,the purpose ofbeing weightless was toA.see what conditions bare like in spaceB.prepare the youngC.show thejudges of the competition what they could doD .make the teams try out their ideas60.this passage was written toA.encourage young people to take up scienceB.describe the process of a scientific competitionC.show scientists what young people can doD.report on a new scientific techniquePart IV Cloze(15 minutes,15 points,1 for each)Directions:In this part,there is a passage with 15 blanks.For each blank there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center .Most people who travel long distances complain ofjetlag(喷气飞行时差反应).Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more prone 6l making mistakes.It is actually caused by disruption of yourbody clock” a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 62 .The body clock is de-signed for a一63一 rhythm of daylight and darkness,so that it 同等学力培训: /kcnet1840/is thrown out of balance when it experiences daylight and darkness at thewrong”times in a new time zone.The 64 ofjetlag often persist for days 65 the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone.Now a new a_nti-jetlag system is 66 that is based on proven extensive pioneering scientitic research Dr.Martin Moore-Ede has devised a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone 67 controlled exposure to bright light.The time zone shift is easy toaccomplish and eliminates 68 of the discomfort ofjetlag.A succesful time zone shift depends on knowing the exact times to either 69 or avoid bright light.Exposure to light at the wrong time can actually make jetlag worse.The proper schedule 70 light exposure depends a great deal 011 7l travel plans.Data on a specific flight itinerary(旅行路线)and the individuals sleep 72 are used to produce a Trip Guide with 73 .on exactly when to be exposed to bright light.Whell the Trip Guide calls 74 bright light you should spend time outdoors if possible.If it is dark outside,or the weather is bad, 75 you are on an aeroplane,you Carl use a special light device to provide the necessary light stimulus for a range of activities such as reading,watching TV or working.61.A.for B.from C.to D.of62.A.actions B.Functions C.reflection D.behavior63.A.regular B.formal C.continual D.circular64.A.diseases B.symptoms C.Sings D.defects65.A.While B.Where C.if D.although66.A.adaptable B.approachable C.available D.agreeable67.A.at B.thro


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