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apologize 的过去式和用法例句apologize 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: apologized过去分词: apologized现在分词: apologizingapologize 的用法:apologize 的用法 1:apologize 的意思是因做事不周或不当而表示歉意。可指提出掩饰性的情况,以免见怪;也可指坦率承认错误,以作弥补。apologize 的用法 2:apologize 通常用作不及物动词,表示“向某人道歉”,接 to sb; 表示“因某事道歉”,接 for sth; 表示“因某事向某人道歉”,则接 to sb for sth。apologize 的用法 3:apologize 也可接 that从句,这时用作及物动词,意思是“道歉说” 。apologize 还可引出直接引语。apologize 的过去式例句:1. two years ago, congress formally apologized for the internment.两年前,国会就此拘留事件正式道歉。2. costello later apologized, saying hed been annoyed by the man.科斯特洛后来表示了歉意,说他是被那人惹怒的。3. he apologized, saying this subject always aroused him.他道歉说这个话题总是会让他生气。4. i apologized repeatedly, but to little avail.我一再道歉,但丝毫没有奏效。5. he felt suitably chastened and apologized.他感到内疚并表示歉意。6. she apologized to her teacher for coming to school late.她因迟到而向老师道歉.7. mrs. moss apologized for her husband.莫斯太太替她丈夫表示歉意.8. she apologized with a bad grace.她很勉强地道了歉.9. now that she has apologized, i am content.既然她已经道了歉, 我也就满意了.10. he apologized to his teammates for his mistake.他为他的错误向队友道了歉.11. the offender apologized when he sobered up.冒犯者醒酒后道了歉.12. he apologized when he sobered up.他清醒过来后表示道歉.13. he apologized amply for his suddenness.他因自己的唐突而深表歉意.14. dimitri apologized to aleko for haveing accused him.迪米特利指责了阿列科,因此他向阿列科道了歉.15. he chewed out the player, who apologized the next time i saw him.他训斥了那个球员,我再次看见那个球员时,他道了歉。apologize 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: apologized过去分词: apologized现在分词: apologizingapologize 的用法:apologize 的用法 1:apologize 的意思是因做事不周或不当而表示歉意。可指提出掩饰性的情况,以免见怪;也可指坦率承认错误,以作弥补。apologize 的用法 2:apologize 通常用作不及物动词,表示“向某人道歉”,接 to sb; 表示“因某事道歉”,接 for sth; 表示“因某事向某人道歉”,则接 to sb for sth。apologize 的用法 3:apologize 也可接 that从句,这时用作及物动词,意思是“道歉说” 。apologize 还可引出直接引语。apologize 的过去式例句:1. two years ago, congress formally apologized for the internment.两年前,国会就此拘留事件正式道歉。2. costello later apologized, saying hed been annoyed by the man.科斯特洛后来表示了歉意,说他是被那人惹怒的。3. he apologized, saying this subject always aroused him.他道歉说这个话题总是会让他生气。4. i apologized repeatedly, but to little avail.我一再道歉,但丝毫没有奏效。5. he felt suitably chastened and apologized.他感到内疚并表示歉意。6. she apologized to her teacher for coming to school late.她因迟到而向老师道歉.7. mrs. moss apologized for her husband.莫斯太太替她丈夫表示歉意.8. she apologized with a bad grace.她很勉强地道了歉.9. now that she has apologized, i am content.既然她已经道了歉, 我也就满意了.10. he apologized to his teammates for his mistake.他为他的错误向队友道了歉.11. the offender apologized when he sobered up.冒犯者醒酒后道了歉.12. he apologized when he sobered up.他清醒过来后表示道歉.13. he apologized amply for his suddenness.他因自己的唐突而深表歉意.14. dimitri apologized to aleko for haveing accused him.迪米特利指责了阿列科,因此他向阿列科道了歉.15. he chewed out the player, who apologized the next time i saw him.他训斥了那个球员,我再次看见那个球员时,他道了歉。apologize 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: apologized过去分词: apologized现在分词: apologizingapologize 的用法:apologize 的用法 1:apologize 的意思是因做事不周或不当而表示歉意。可指提出掩饰性的情况,以免见怪;也可指坦率承认错误,以作弥补。apologize 的用法 2:apologize 通常用作不及物动词,表示“向某人道歉”,接 to sb; 表示“因某事道歉”,接 for sth; 表示“因某事向某人道歉”,则接 to sb for sth。apologize 的用法 3:apologize 也可接 that从句,这时用作及物动词,意思是“道歉说” 。apologize 还可引出直接引语。apologize 的过去式例句:1. two years ago, congress formally apologized for the internment.两年前,国会就此拘留事件正式道歉。2. costello later apologized, saying hed been annoyed by the man.科斯特洛后来表示了歉意,说他是被那人惹怒的。3. he apologized, saying this subject always aroused him.他道歉说这个话题总是会让他生气。4. i apologized repeatedly, but to little avail.我一再道歉,但丝毫没有奏效。5. he felt suitably chastened and apologized.他感到内疚并表示歉意。6. she apologized to her teacher for coming to school late.她因迟到而向老师道歉.7. mrs. moss apologized for her husband.莫斯太太替她丈夫表示歉意.8. she apologized with a bad grace.她很勉强地道了歉.9. now that she has apologized, i am content.既然她已经道了歉, 我也就满意了.10. he apologized to his teammates for his mistake.他为他的错误向队友道了歉.11. the offender apologized when he sobered up.冒犯者醒酒后道了歉.12. he apologized when he sobered up.他清醒过来后表示道歉.13. he apologized amply fo


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