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2011 秋季学期“文学阅读与欣赏”考前宝典 同学们,你们好! 期末考试临近了,面对厚厚的一本文学阅读与欣赏 , 你是否感到有些紧张呢? 请不要担心,如果你按照考试宝典的内容认真复习,相信你会考出一个好成绩的! 一、如何复习 该课程学习的主线是课本。复习时,依据复习要点(focal points) ,把课本 梳理一遍,是其他任何方法都替代不了的。考试内容大多是出自课本的,熟 悉课本是得高分的法宝。如果按教学平台里的“复习与自测”部分的要点, 对照教材和面授辅导课的课程讲义,从头到尾地详细复习一篇,你的考试成 绩会使你满意的。 二、复习参考 1 面授课上的要点梳理/ VOB 考前串讲 2 考前宝典的范围和要点 3 论坛上的老师考前提醒 三、考点串讲 1. 考试范围 文学阅读与欣赏教材的一至八单元为本次考试的范围。考试内容主要涉及教 材中的文学作品理解以及文学常识的掌握。 2考试题型 笔试分为五个部分,第一部分文学常识,占 35 分;第二部分诗歌/戏剧分析,占 8 分; 第三部分莎士比亚作品理解,占 12 分;第四部分短篇小说分析,占 25 分;第五部分 写作,为 20 分。考试时间总共 120 分钟,其中文学常识占 25 分钟,诗歌/ 戏剧分析 部分占 15 分钟,莎士比亚作品理解部分占 10 分钟,短篇小说分析部分占 30 分钟, 写作部分占 40 分钟。 .3. 试卷各部分详解 a) 文学常识的第一部分是 10 个有关课本出现的文学概念、文学人物和作品 的单项选择题。10 个均是课本的重点或者基本常识,所以比较简单,而 这部分得分也较好。大部分同学都在 12 分以上(满分 20 分) ,很多是 1620 分。 1. The poem “Ozymandias” is about a _. A. traveler B. sculptor C. writer D. king 2. The Bennett family are characters in _. A. Gone With the Wind B. Pride and Prejudice C. The Importance of Being Ernest D. Pygmalion 3. The story “A Horseman in the Sky” takes place in _. A. American Independence War B. American Civil War C. Colonial time D. 20th century 4. Mrs. Drover is a character in _. A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer B. The Demon Lover C. Mansfield Park D. Hearts and Hands 5. The poem Xu Zhimo wrote is “Farewell to _”. A. Cambridge B. Arms C. Beijing D. Freedom 6. Upon Westminster Bridge is a beautiful poem written by Wordsworth. In this poem, the poet described the beauty of the city which refers to _. A. York B. Westminster C. London D. Cambridge 7. When a pair of consecutive lines in a poem rhyme this is known as a_ . A. ballad B. stanza C. couplet D. sonnet 8. In a work of literature, characters can be classified as major and minor characters in terms of their importance. E. M. Forster contrasts two types of characters, the “flat” and the “_”. A. round B. flat C. minor D. little 9. The character who speaks of “a sea of troubles” and “the Whips and Scorns of Time” is _. A. Hamlet B. Macbeth C. Jane Eyre D. Scrooge 10. Four of Shakespeares well-known tragedies are _. A. Macbeth, Othello, King Lear and Wuthering Heights B. Macbeth, the Merchant of Venice, Othello and King Lear C. Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello and Wuthering Heights D. Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello and King Lear 11. An accepted dramatic convention used in Shakespeares time where a character expresses his thoughts and feelings, while alone on a stage, is referred to as a _. A. memorial B. soliloquy C. oration D. setting 12. Robinson Crusoe is a story, first published in 1719. In the story, Robinson Crusoe is the major character and Friday is his _. A. enemy B. boss C. slave D. colleague 13. It is important to realize that when the author writes a story, he creates “someone” to tell the story: that storyteller is called the “_”. A. writer B. witness C. character D. narrator 14. “Omniscient”, “I-witness”, “I-agent” and “Objective” are all examples of a narrators _. A. depth B. competence C. reliability D. point of view 15. When events are arranged “first things first” they are portrayed _. A. chronologically B. symbolically C. incoherently D. horizontally 16. As the tension is resolved the plot comes to the _. A. climax B. denouement C. exposition D. elaboration 17. Poetic licence is freedom to _. A. use another poets imagery B. make political statements C. combine genres D. break language rules 18. Heathcliff is a character created by _. A. Charlotte Bronte B. Oscar Wilde C. Jane Austen D. Emily Bronte Key: 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. D b) 第一大题的第二部分是文学常识填空。一般是每句三个空,考核文学常识中的 知识点。这部分往年得分情况不好,反映出考生对文学常识中的知识点能够辨认, 但写出来有困难,请大家考前练习。 现举例如下,作为练习题。 1Please list 3 types of literary genres d_, p_, f_. 答案是 drama,poetry,fiction 如果你写 play, poem, story (or novel) 也是可以接受的。 2. We call Jane Eyre a r_ character, since she has three dimensions as a person, and we see her change and develop. She is a plain-featured, empathetic, hard-working, and passionate girl. She works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, R_. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 答案是 round, Rochester 3. Dickenss creation, the miser Scrooge, is an example of a/an a_ or s_ character. Other examples could be the wise advisor or the absent- minded professor”. 答案是 archetype, stock 4. Adlestrop is a poem written by Edward Thomas. In the poem, Adlestrop is a r_ s_. 答案是 railway station 5. When the initial setting for a story occurs in the introduction, the literary term for this is e_. Following this there is a(n) e_ of the plot where the action develops into conflict causing a climax to be reached when these conflicts all reach a(n) c_ point before an ultimate resolution occurs. 答案是 exposition, elaboration, crisis More exercises of this type: 6. In the exposition of a plot, the four aspects of the story - who, w_, w_ and w_ are introduced. (when, where, what) 7. Characters can be classified as major and m_ characters in terms of their importance in works. Or they are f_ and round characters, depending on whether they develop or not in the story. (minor, flat) 8. A Day is a simple and plain American poem. In this poem, a day stands for a _ in which we may be keenly aware of the joy of b_ and feel uncertain about d_. (birth, death) 9. The tone in which characters speak can indicate their a_, m_, or m_. (attitudes, manners, mood) 10. Aphra Benn, Daniel Defoe and Blake all explore the idea of the dark stranger but from different points of view: the dark stranger as a n_ s_, or as a n_ s_. (noble salvage, natural slave) 11. To be or not to be are the first words of the soliloquy spoken by H_ in S_s drama, a prince experiencing a sea of t_. (Hamlet; Shakespeare, troubles) 12. In a story, the plot structures consists of e_, e_, c_ and denouement. (exposition, elaboration, climax) c) 戏剧或诗歌分析。这部分主要考查的是对课本中某段戏剧节选或对一篇诗歌 的理解。如果是戏剧分析,5 个简答题涉及主题、人物、情节等,如果是诗歌分 析,5 个简答题涉及主题、韵脚、诗歌形象、诗句的理解。只要对课本熟悉,这 部分的得分能够很高。 举例如下,请练习: I. Trees I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earths sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day; And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. Questions: 1. What is the rhyming scheme? 2. What is the name normally given to two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme? 3. Which figures of speech does line 3 employ? 4. What is the poets attitude towards trees? Answers: 1. aa bb cc dd ee aa 2. couplet 3. personification 4. He adores the trees. II. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death I know that I shall see my fate Somewhere among the clouds above; Those that I fight I do not hate, Those that I guard I do not love; My country is Kiltartan Cross, My countrymen Kiltartans poor, No likely end could bring them loss Or leave them happier than before. Nor law, nor duty bade me fight, Nor public men, nor cheering crowds, A lonely impulse of delight Drove to this tumult in the clouds; I balanced all, brought all to mind, The years to come seemed waste of breath, A waste of breath the years behind In balance with this life, this death. Questions: 1. What is the rhyming scheme? 2. What are themes of the poem? 3. What attitude does the poet seem to be expressing in the first half of his poem? 4. Identify the image that Yeats uses in the last few lines of the poem? Answers: 1. abab cdcd efef ghgh 2. (Any one of these three) (1)War, (2) Death, (3) The futility of war. 3. (Any one of the following five) acceptance of death; exhilaration about the experience of war in the air; indifference to the purpose of war; indifference to the result of the war; bitterness about the futility of the war; 4. Yeats uses a waste of breath as an image for both the future (the years ahead ) and the past(the years behind). OR Yeats uses the image a waste of breath for any time other than the present when the fighter is facing death in the sky. d) 莎士比亚作品理解。这部分要求对莎士比亚作品中的词句理解。我们课文中 的莎士比亚作品总共选了四篇,大家下些功夫,我相信大家肯定能理解的。 举例如下: True, I have married her: The very head and front of my offending Hath this extent, no more. A. The only wrong I have done. B. The beginning of my offer. C. The excuse I will have. D. The very daughter I will marry. 答案是:A 这里把莎士比亚的作品用比较通俗的英语表达出来,希望帮助大家理解莎士比亚。 Hamlet (P 215) To be or not to bethat is the Question; Whether its nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To live or to die, that is a question. Is it better to bear the bitterness of bad fate in the mind, or should people rise up to pick up weapons fighting against it and end so many troubles in ones life? To die, to sleepNo more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to; Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep, there will be no more existence. And if we can say that we end the trouble and the countless natural strikes that human beings are bound to suffer by a sleep, then a sleep or a death would be the perfect thing that we have seriously wished for. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, theres the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There is the respect That makes calamity of so long life; To sleep perhaps is to dream, that is where the trouble is. In the sleep of death, when we get rid of our physical bodies and free ourselves from these earthly troubles, what may come as our dreams must make us hesitate. It is with this very consideration that people would rather endure a life so long and so painful. Othello (P328) Othello: Most powerful, grave, and respected lords my very noble and approved good masters, that I have taken away this old mans daughter, it is most true. The only misdeed I am accused of is that I have married her. I am unpolished in my speech, and little blessed with the soft phrase of peace. Since I was a child of seven, all my efforts have been concentrated on my military profession, except for the last nine months. I can speak little of this great world, no more than what belongs to battle field. And therefore I shall help little my own cause forward in speaking for myself. Yet by your gracious patience, I will tell my love story plainly and simply. I will tell how I won his daughter by what drugs, what charms, what conjuration and what mighty magic, for I am charged with these for such proceeding. Brabantio: A maid who is never bold, who is so still and quiet of spirit that her motion blushed at itself, is to fall in love with what she feared to look on, in spite of her nature, of her years, of her country, of her reputation, of everything. To believe that love story is a judgment so deformed and totally imperfect that it could accept that perfection could go wrong and go against all the rules of nature. It must be the evil cleverness that drives the love to happen. I therefore assert again, he worked on her with some mixtures which were powerful over the blood or conjured to this effect with some magic potion. Duke: To vouch this is no proof. All the Worlds a Stage (P73) And all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; All the world is a stage, all the men and women are playing their roles. They were born into this world and death would take them away from this world. And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurses arms. And every man plays many roles in his lifetime. His whole lifetime could be divided into 7 stages. At first the part of an infant, crying and vomiting in the nurses arms. And then the school-boy, with his satchel. And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the man plays the part of a school boy whose face shines in the morning. He walks very slowly toward school, carrying his school bag, for he is reluctant to go to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad Make to his mistress eyebrow. And then he plays the part of a lover. Sighing heavily like a furnace, he writes a sentimental poem which is devoted to his girlfriends eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannons mouth. Then he will be a soldier, swears a lot, wearing beard like the leopard. He is very vigilant in guarding his honor. He quarrels with others because he is rash and touchy while pursuing fame even at the risk of his life in the war. Yet, the reputation he is seeking is actually like a bubble, easily broken and vanished soon. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lind, With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. Then he plays the part of an expe


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