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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? 八年级下册英语(人教版)八年级下册英语(人教版) Self Check 一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1I bought a new _(照相机)from the shopping mall last week. 2Its _(难以置信的) that the boy can carry such a huge stone. 3You can visit the city _(无论何时) you like when you are in China. 4Many childen like to fly kites in _(春天) 5I dont know _(是否) he will come to my party or not. camera unbelievable whenever spring whether B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6These _(Japan) came to China yesterday.They will visit the Great Wall. 7We met many _(fox) in the forest. 8Its _(safety) to cross the road when it is a green light. 9People in Singapore _(most) speak Chinese and English. 10We can buy different kinds of _(India) food in the supermarket. Japanese foxes safe mostly Indian 二、单项选择。 11The girl is very shy and she _ speaking in public. Alikes Bfears Cafraid Denjoys 12(导学号:38274040)In our class,_ of the students _exchange students. Athree fifth;are Bthree fifths;are Cthree fifth;is Dthree fifths;is B B 13It is not _ to go skating in the street. Adangerous Bnoisy Csafe Dquiet 14Do you know anything about the science museum? Sorry.I have _ been there. Aever Bstill Calready Dnever C D 15When things are not going well,he always _ me and tells me not to give up. Aintroduces Brefuses Ccheats Dencourages 16Jack, have you _ South Farm? Yes, I have.I _ there last month. Abeen to;have gone Bgone to;have been Cgo to;went Dbeen to;went D D 17Although they are from different countries,they dont have any problem _ with each other. Acommunicating Bcommunicates Cto communicate Dcommunicated 18It seems impossible _ so much information in such a short time. Acollecting Bcollected Cto collect Dcollect A C 19The weather on the island is fine _,so you can visit it whenever you like. Aonce upon a time Bat first Cfrom time to time Dall year round 20I havent seen the movie Hero Is Back. _Lets go to see it together this Sunday. AMe,too BMe neither CYes,please DNo,thanks D B 三、按要求完成下列句子。 21She has ever been to India.(改为一般疑问句) _she _been to India? 22It is best to visit Singapore in autumn.(改为同义句) The best season _Singapore is autumn. 23I have already had some plans.(改为否定句) I _ had _ plans _ Hasever to visit haventanyyet 24Dont make her awake.(改为同义句) Dont _ her _ 25I am afraid that I cant get there on time.(改为同义句) I _that I cant get there on time. wakeup fear 四、从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。 A:Hello,this is Mark. B:Hello,this is Anna.I plan to visit Beijing.26._ A:Yes, I have.I went there last year. B:Great! 27._ A:No,not yet. B:28._ B D E A:I went to the Great Wall and the Birds Nest last year.They are wonderful. B:29._ A:Of course.Chinese food is very delicious.30._ B:I will.Would you like to go there again with me? A:Thats a good idea. G C AIts a safe and good place to have a trip. BHave you ever been there? CYou must have a try. DHave you visited the Palace Museum? EWhat places did you visit? FI will go there again next year. GHave you tried Chinese food? 五、完形填空。 Do you want to come to our water park?If you do, youd better _31_ before noon.Also, its more _32_ on weekends than on weekdays, so try to visit from Monday to Friday. You can have a picnic outside the park, but you need to make sure to get a picnic area.You can enter(进入) the park again with your _33_If you cannot get a picnic area, we have some coffee shops in the park for you to _34_Glasses and alcohol(酒) are not allowed _35_ inside and outside the park.You know, this is a water park here. If you come with your kids, tell them not to drink the _36_ in the park because it is not clean.Kids _37_ five are not allowed to go to some water areas because they are too young.An adult must _38_ his or her kids carefully when _39_ are swimming or playing in the water.Dont do anything else when watching children, such as _40_ on the phone or reading.We hope you can have a great time here. ( )31.A.forget B.arrive Cwake D.sleep ( )32.A.beautiful Binteresting Cwonderful Dcrowded ( )33.A.paper Bface Cticket Dclothes ( )34.A.rest Blive Cbuild Ddig ( )35.A.neither Ball Cboth Deach ( )36.A.water Bcola Cmilk Djuice ( )37.A.in Bwith Con Dunder ( )38.A.love Bwatch Chear Dfind ( )39.A.they Bhe Cshe Dwe ( )40.A.shining Bsleeping Ctalking Dshowing B D C A C A D B A C 六、阅读理解。 The International Museum Day is on or around May 18th.Lets visit some unusual museums around the world. If you like eating bananas,you will love the banana museum in the United States.The owner believes that bananas are the best fruit in the world.In the museum,you can play the banana cello (大提琴),or use a banana phone to call your friends.Drawing on a banana is very interesting. In France,two men built a doll museum.They have collected different kinds of dolls from all over the world.The oldest doll is over 200 years old.The dolls look very interesting.Some are reading books and some are having parties. This is the Instant Ramen Museum in Japan.A Japanese made the first instant noodles(方便面) in 1958.The museum has a workshop(作坊) You can make your own instant noodles.Many people go there to have a try. 41The banana museum is in _ AAmerica BFrance CJapan DEngland 42You can NOT _in the banana museum. Adraw on a banana Bplay the banana cello Cmake the instant noodles Dmake a call with a banana phone A C 43The oldest doll in the doll museum is over _ years old. A500 B400 C300 D200 44A(n) _ made the first instant noodles. AAmerican BFrenchman CJapanese DChinese D C 45Which of the following is NOT true?_ AInternational Museum Day is on or around May 18th. BThe doll museum was built by two girls. CThree museums are mentioned in the passage. DInstant noodles was invented in 1958. B 七、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 quite,be,introduce,beautiful,if, mind,interest,visit,open,from Have you ever been to Beijing?Maybe youve 46._ the Great Wall,the Palace Museum and the Birds Nest.However,have you ever 47._ to Tree Art Museum?Its one of the most 48._ art museums in China.Its in Songzhuang,a small town far 49._ the city center. visited been beautiful from When I was in Beijing last summer,my friend 50._ me to Tree Art Museum.As soon as I arrived, I saw a pool in the yard.The reflection(倒影) of the blue sky in the pool cleaned my 51. _Then I walked into the museum.There were 52._ a few wonderful works.I was so 53._ in them that I even forgot the time. 54_ you plan to visit Beijing,why not go to Tree Art Museum?It is 55._ from 10:00 am. to 5:00 pm. every day except on Monday.Im sure youll enjoy it. introduced mind quite interested If open 单元易错专题 【精析】have been to 意为“曾经去过某地(现在已经回来了)”,常与 never,ever或表示次数的副词连用;have gone to 意为“去了某地”, 表示说话时某人已不在现场,可能在去的途中,也可能已经到达目的地 。 易错点一:have been to与have gone to的辨析 【精练】 1Ben and Sue arent at home,are they? No.They _ to London on business. Ahave gone Bgo Chave been Dwill go 2Are you going to the bank,Laura? No, I _ to the bank already. Ahave been Bhave gone Cam going Dhad been A A 3How well do you know the Sydney Opera House? I know the place very well.I _ Sydney many times. Ahave been in Bhave been to Chave gone to Dhave arrived in 4Is that Mr.Huang? No.He _ to Chengdu.He will be back in two weeks. Agoes Bwent Chas gone Dhas been B C 【精析】thousand作数词,意为“一千”,当其前面有具体数字时, 其后不加 s,且不能和of连用;若表示一个不确切的数目,且前面没有 具体数字时,其后要加 s,且必须与of连用。即:thousands of,意为“ 数以千计的;许许多多的”。 易错点二:thousand与thousands of的辨析 【精练】 5It is said that _ tourists visit the Great Wall every year. Afive thousands Bfive thousand of Cthousand of Dthousands of 6There are less than two _ workers in the factory. Athousands Bthousand Cthousand of Dthousands of D B 【精析】if和whether都可以表示“是否”;if可用于条件状语从句, 意为“如果”;whether可以引导让步状语


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