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高考提能练 Unit 3 仿真检测灵活拆组卷第一部分听力(满分30分,限时20分钟)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a restaurant. BIn a supermarket.CIn the kitchen.2What are the speakers talking about?AThe mans sister.BA party.CAn actor.3Who is going to work in Los Angeles?ASam.BBetty.CJohn.4What will the man do next?AGet the candle.BMake a phone call.CHand in his report.5What did the young man do?AHe hit a boy.BHe made a Uturn.CHe crossed the road quickly.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6How does the man get the information about homeless population?AFrom an article.BFrom the radio.CFrom TV.7Which country has the highest percentage of homeless people?AIndia.BThe US.CGermany.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Where does the man work?AIn a school.BIn a gym.CIn a club.9How far can the woman run in an hour on the running machine?AAbout 7 kilometers.BAbout 8 kilometers.CAbout 10 kilometers.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10When did the woman catch the thief?AOn Monday morning.BOn Monday afternoon.COn Tuesday morning.11What did the thief buy?ASome small articles.BSome of the cheapest things.COne of the most expensive dresses.12Whats the real relationship between the assistant and the thief?AMother and daughter.BTeacher and student.CShop assistant and customer.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What is the man doing here?ATaking a business trip.BHaving a holiday alone.CVisiting his girlfriend.14How much will the man pay for the insurance?AD|S15.BD|S45.CD|S135.15Where will the man return the car?AIn Los Angeles.BIn San Francisco.CIn New York.16What will the woman do next?ABring the man the keys.BTalk about the insurance.CBring the man some forms.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What are “mall rats” according to the text?AThose who spend a lot of time in malls.BThose who shop regularly in malls.CThose who steal things from malls.18Which is not the reason why people like malls?AFeeling safe.BFree parking.CReasonable price.19How many night clubs are there in the Mall of America in Minnesota?A35.B8.C7.20When was the first indoor mall built in America?AIn 1935. BIn 1963. CIn 1965.答案:15ACCAB610ABCBA1115AACBA1620CACBC听力材料Text 1M:Ill have the steak, French fries and chocolate ice cream for dessert.W:Oh, no, you know these things are bad for your health. How about ordering some vegetables and fruits instead?Text 2W:I hate to say it, but Jacky isnt doing well in the new film.M:Well, I think hes only playing a different type of role. My sister thinks he is still the best.Text 3M:I met Sam on the street today.W:Really? Did he say something about his sister?M:Yes. Betty ought to be leaving New York very soon, because her husband, John, has taken a job in Los Angeles.Text 4M:A power cut. Oh, I have to hand in this report tomorrow.W:Just take out your cell phone to get the candle in the drawer.M:OK.Text 5W:Did you see what that young man did?M:No. I was looking at the other way.W:He made a Uturn in the middle of the block and almost hit a boy on a bicycle.M:Drivers get crazier these days.Text 6W:What are you looking at, Jim?M:Im reading an article about the worlds homeless population.W:Homeless population?M:Yes, sociologists define homeless people as those who have no fixed shelter on any given night. These figures show five countries with large homeless population.W:Wow, thats amazing. I never realized that there were so many homeless people in Germany and France.M:You know what? Our own country the USA ranks number one among these countries!W:Surely not! India tops the list with three million homeless people.M:Well, it depends on how you look at it. Although we have a million fewer homeless people than India, we have the highest percentage of homeless people.Text 7M:Hello, Madam. Were doing a survey of our customers. How often do you come to the club?W:Three times a week, usually.M:Can you run 10 kilometers in an hour on the running machine?W:Oh, no, I cant. Maybe 8 kilometers.M:Do you use the swimming pool? You know, the new swimming pool.W:No, I dont. I dont know how to swim. And Im scared of water.M:OK. You know, we offer lessons here. Im sure our trainer can help you.Text 8W:People are not so honest as they once were.M:Why do you say so?W:Some people are tempted to steal in large shops.M:Did you catch one of them?W:Yes, on Monday morning. There were few people in the shop, so I could catch the thief easily.M:Was it a man or a woman?W:A middleaged woman. She first bought some small articles. Then she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop.M:Did she catch the dress away quickly regardless of the assistants?W:Certainly not. An assistant wrapped it up for her and helped her walk out of the shop without paying.M:An assistant? How could she do that?W:She is the daughter of the woman. The girl “gave” her mother a free dress once a week!Text 9W:Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?M:I would like to rent a car with a good air conditioner.W:All our cars have air conditioners in them.M:Good. I am here visiting my girlfriend. I want her to have a good time.W:Oh, is that so? Well, then, let me show you something she might like.M:This is a Porsche!W:Yes. Beautiful, isnt it?M:Yes, it looks fantastic.W:So you will take the Porsche then, Sir?M:Yes, for three days. And I want to buy the insurance too. I think its necessary.W:Youre smart to buy it. At 45 dollars for three days, it is a good deal.M:Can I return the car in San Francisco?W:San Francisco? No, Sir. We only have this office here. You will have to return it here in Los Angeles.M:OK. It will be fun driving back down the coast. My girlfriend will like it.W:Its a beautiful drive.M:Where are the keys?W:Just a moment, Sir. We have to finish filling out the forms first.Text 10Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called “mall rats”. Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores under one roof.People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations or private security guards. Parking is usually free, and the atmosphere inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees.The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a sevenacre park! There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop every week.The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. Now people shop in malls, of course. They also eat in food houses that have food from all over the world. They see movies here. Some people even get their daily exercise by doing the new sport of mall walking. Others go to malls to meet friends. In a word, now residents can actually live in their favorite shopping center.第二部分阅读理解(满分40分,限时35分钟)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMany of us love to gossip, even if we know its the wrong thing to do. We get a huge thrill when we gather our friends together and repeat something we are not really supposed to repeat. Even if we tell people to keep the gossip to themselves, this rarely happens.A really juicy piece of gossip will soon escape and start making the rounds. Quite often, a story that may have been somewhat accurate in the beginning will end up very different after it has been retold a few times.If you get together with someone to tell tales, it is very possible that the very same people are doing the same thing to you behind your back. There may be people talking about you right now, spreading stories that may or may not be true.Once people realize that you like to gossip, they may come to you as the source of interesting stories, but they are not going to trust you as a real friend. You have already shown that you will betray (出卖) anybodys secret just to get a scoop (独家新闻). The friendships that you make by spreading gossip will not be real ones. You wont really trust the people that you are talking with, and they wont trust you either.If you are serious about wanting to have real friends, you should never try to make friends by spreading gossip. It doesnt work. If you have spread secrets about someone who told you their story privately, you show everyone that you cant be trusted. If your friend discovers that you spread their private story, you will lose the friendship, because a real friendship has to be based on trust. When you gossip, you betray that trust, and therefore gossiping kills friendship.语篇解读:散布流言会破坏朋友之间的信任,甚至最终导致友谊的毁灭,所以我们都不应该散布流言。21We learn from the first paragraph that _.Apeople dont know its bad to gossipBpeople gossip on purpose to hurt someoneCwe can hardly keep a gossip from spreadingDfriends usually keep a gossip among themselves解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,我们想把流言控制在朋友之间,但往往事与愿违,流言最终会传扬出去。22Which of the following is NOT true according to the last paragraph?AGossiping can help maintain a friendship.BYou should keep your friends private story to yourself.CGossip can destroy the trust between friends.DIts no good making friends by spreading gossip.解析:选A推理判断题。综合文章最后一段可知,朋友发现你散布流言,最终会不信任你,因此流言不会帮助我们维持友谊。23The main purpose of the passage is to tell us _.Afriendship is built on trustBgossiping can kill a friendshipCwe should keep a secret to ourselvesDwe should be faithful to our friends解析:选B主旨大意题。分析全文可知,作者分析了流言的危害,并在文章最后点明全文的主旨:流言会毁灭友谊。BEcofriendly Car RacerCan you image a car racer is so ecofriendly that its tyres are made from potatoes, its body is created from hemp (大麻) and rapeseed oil and it runs on fuel made from wheat and sugar beet? The oneseater racing car called Eco One is built by experts from Warwick University, who hope that Eco One will be adopted by the automotive industry. It is sold at 41,000.Pollutionsensitive Dress Dont be caught outside unaware of pollution levels in the air. The pollutionsensitive EPA Dress by Stephanie Sandstrom notices pollution in the air accordingly. This dress which is actually quite pretty looks like you pull it from the bottom of the dirty laundry pile when the air is dirty. It might protect your health by advising you to stay indoors for the day, but it wont do you any favor if youre meeting with clients.Ecofriendly UmbrellaTraditional umbrellas come with a fixed surface. Although its changeable, you cannot replace it easily. This ecofriendly design is more flexible. Its actually only an umbrella skeleton without any surface, which can be folded, so you can put anything such as newspapers, plastic bags or whatever you want to serve as the protecting surface. Ecofriendly Moss (苔藓) CarpetIts said that walking on fresh grass increases your blood circulation. The Moss Carpet, created by Nguyen La Chanh, looks at getting the grass to your feet. The mat includes ball moss, island moss and forest moss. The humidity (湿度) of the bathroom makes sure that it grows well. And thats why you need to place it there and not anywhere else.24According to Paragraph 1, we can find Eco One_.Acan seat one passenger and one driverBis mainly made from some kinds of plantsCcant be afforded by the public at presentDwill take the place of the traditional car industry解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段的第一句可知,Eco One是主要由植物制成的环保型产品,故选B。25Why is EPA Dress designed?ATo advise people to stay at home as often as possible.BTo make women look pretty even in the polluted air.CTo stop people from meeting their clients if necessary.DTo keep users informed of the polluted levels in the air.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The pollutionsensitive EPA Dress by Stephanie Sandstrom notices pollution in the air accordingly.”可知,EPA Dress有助于让使用者了解到空气的污染程度。故选D。26Compared with traditional umbrellas, the Ecofriendly Umbrella_.Ais changeableBcan be foldedChasnt any surfaceDis made of newspapers解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Traditional umbrellas . Its actually only an umbrella skeleton without any surface, which can be folded”可知答案。27Where does the text probably come from?AA personal blog.BA health report.CAn official document.DA science report.解析:选D推理判断题。文中主要介绍了四款环保型科技产品,故可推知其最有可能摘自科技报告。CBiking along the beach. Working on a puzzle with the family. Reading on the couch. These apparently ordinary activities arent just timekillers they can be life savers. Studies show that hobbies have longlasting and preventative results. People who play puzzle games and read have less memory loss when they get older.“A really good hobby totally absorbs us,” says Gail McMeekin. “It also gives us something to look forward to and focus on.” That break from everyday sadness is perfect for a person who juggles_with_careers_and_family_life. Having a hobby makes that heavy load a little easier, as it sets aside time for both a mental break and focuses on an activity the person loves, one that is separate from office and parental duties.“Its very sad when I see clients (当事人) who have been laid off show that work was the centre of their lives and they have no hobbies to turn to for support,” Gail says. “Entertainment gives us rest and a fresh perspective,” says Gail, who notes that lots of creative ideas appear when people take a break and listen to their intuition (直觉)Danielle, blogger, made her blogging hobby a career a few years ago, and in the meantime found a hobby she never expected to get into: clothing design. “Having a hobby, especially a creative one, has positively impacted not only my work life, but my personal life as well,” Danielle says. “The trick,” she says, “is to find out where you are spending time doing things that arent fulfilling to you and take that time to do something you love instead.”“Learn to be an expert public speaker so you can give better presentations at work; start a scrapbooking (剪贴本) with your kids so you can spend time with them and be creative .” Danielle offers.Gail also suggests developing a hobby that promotes socialization with friends. This is an opportunity to become part of a powerful support system, which is important for emotional health. At the very least, its a good way to chat with a golf friend while walking the course and forgetting a long day at work.28What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?AQuit ones career to pursue ones hobby.BStruggle to a balance between work and family.CPrevent us from taking up our hobby.DAttach more importance to work than family.解析:选B推理判断题。根据本段最后一句中的“one that is separate from office and parental duties”并结合选项可推知,juggle with careers and family life意为“努力使工作和家庭保持平衡”。故答案选B。29What do we know about Danielle?AShe makes a living by writing blogs.BDesigning clothes is her career.CShe supports her family by being a public speaker.DShe spends time doing what she has no interest in.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“Danielle, blogger, made her blogging hobby a career a few years ago.”可知,Danielle把写博客作为职业。故答案选A。30What does the last paragraph imply?AIts our responsibility to socialize with others.BDeveloping a hobby is very important.COur feelings are determined by our hobbies.DWe benefit from a hobby of talking with others.解析:选D推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“At the very least, its a good way to chat with a golf friend while walking the course and forgetting a long day at work.”可推知,跟朋友交谈有好处。故答案选D。31According to the passage, the benefit a hobby brings is that _.Awe can concentrate more on our jobsBwe can enjoy ourselves in the wildCwe can think in a more creative wayDwe can avoid being laid off解析:选C推理判断题。纵观全文可知,本文主要介绍了良好的爱好带来的好处,即我们能以更有创造性的方式思考。故答案选C。DOur name is what other people know us by and something that distinguishes us from everyone else. The use of last names became much more popular in 1066. The origin of your last name largely depended on the ethnic (种族的) background of your ancestors. For example, traditional Jews are required by religious law to name one of their babies after a dead relative, and the Chinese usually have three names: a family name, a generation name and an individual name.English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish last names are typically grouped into four categories: professions, localities, nicknames (绰号) and first names.Many people acquired their last names due to their trade or profession. These names are easy to understand: Farmer, Baker and so on. Some people were named after where they were from, or after geological characteristics of the land. Marsh and Sydney are examples of this type. Also people were often named after nicknames; these are some of the most interesting last names. For example, Gotobed came from someone who was lazy.Last names based on first names were very common in the history of Britain and Ireland. Often a suffix (后缀) or prefix was added to indicate the relationship of the individual with the person after whom the individual was named. For example, the suffix “son” means “son of”, and the prefix “O” means grandson and “Mac” or “Mc” means “son of”Your first name is one of the most important gifts your parents gave you. Most first names have a meaning. The most popular girls name in 2004 in the US was Emily, which in Latin means “rival”. So take some time and do rese


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