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第1部分:词汇选项(第1 15题,每题1分;共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. We need to extract the relevant financial data.A. storeB. obtainC. saveD. review2. His shoes were shined to perfection.A. clearedB. polishedC. washedD. mended3. She always finds fault with everything.A. simplifies B. evaluatesC. criticizes D. examines4. Anderson left the table, remarking that he had some work to do.A. doubting B. thinkingC. saying D. knowing5. They converted the spare bedroom into an office.A. reduced B. movedC. reformed D. turned6Mr. Henley has accelerated his sale of shares over the past year.Aheld B. increasedCexpected D. offered7. We have to act within the existing legal framework.A. limit B. procedureC. status D. system8. Jane said that she couldnt tolerate the long hours.A. spend B. takeC. stand D. last9. At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A. give B. attachC. understand D. lose10. The view from my bedroom window was absolutely spectacular.A. general B. traditionalC. strong D. magnificent11. Marsha confessed that she knew nothing of computer.A. admitted B. reportedC. hoped Danswered12. The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A. choice B. ideaC. decision D. reason13. The high-speed trains can have a major impact on our lives.A. effort B. problemC. concern D. influence14. We explored the possibility of expansion at the conference.A. offered B. includedC. accepted D. investigated15. The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A. continuous B. relativeC. general D. sharp第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后,列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。Travel Across AfricaFor six hours we shot through the barren(荒芜的) landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just rocks and sand and baking sun. Knowing our journey was ending, Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words. I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth, a beautiful leather notebook Id bought in a market in Mozambique.Southern Africa was full of stories. And visions. We were almost drunk on sensations. The roaring of the water at Victoria Falls, the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.And then the other things: dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto living in one room, a kilometre from clean water.As we drove towards the setting sun, a quietness fell over us. The road was empty-we hadnt seen another car for hours. And as I drove, something caught my eye, something moving close enough to touch them, to smell their hot breath. I didnt know how long they had been there next to us.I shouted to Dan: Look! but he was in a deep sleep, his camera lying useless by his feet. They raced the car for a few seconds, then disappeared far behind us, a memory of heroic forms in the red landscape.When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened.Wild horses? he said. Why didnt you wake me up, Sophia?1 tried. But they were gone after a few seconds. Are you sure you didnt dream it?You were the one who was sleeping!Typical, he said. The best photos are the ones we never take.We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.16、Daniel and Sophia drove slowly through the busy desert.-Wrong17、Sophia wrote about her experience in notebooks.-Right18、Daniel took photos of the Nile River.-Not Mentioned19、Daniel and Sophia saw a lot of wonderful things. -Right20、While driving Daniel and Sophia saw wild horses. -Wrong21、The horses didnt come near the car. -Wrong22、Sophia woke Daniel up so that he could take photos of the horses. -Wrong第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有两项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。Are You a Successful Leader?1 Almost nothing we do in this world is done in isolation. At work or at play, youll find yourself in groups, working with other people: your team at work, a meeting with colleagues, your family, a holiday with friends, a group of students working together, a day out walking in the mountains, a group of neighbours wanting to make changes. It is now recognized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the major keys to success, partly because we need to do it so often. 2 In almost every situation where youre in a group, you will need a skilled leader. All groups need leaders and all successful groups have good Leaders. Groups without leaders or with weak leader almost always break down. Members of a leaderless group often begin to feel dissatisfied and frustrated. Time is wasted and the tasks are not achieved. There are often arguments and tensions between people as there is nobody to keep the goals clear. Some personalities dominate and others disappear. Often group members begin not to come to meetings in order to avoid more disharmony. 3 Some people are natural leaders. The celebrity chief, Antonio Carluccio says,“Ture leaders are born and you can spot them in kitchens.” Theyre people who combine toughness, fairness and humour. Although a lot of people agree that there are some natural-born leaders, most people now recognise that leadership can also be taught. Our professional and experienced staff can train almost anyone how to be a successful leader. Good leaders dont make people do things in a bossy, controlling way. You can learn how to involve everyone, encouraging the whole group to work towards a common goal. 4 Our training courses use activities and techniques to develop a range of qualities which are necessary to be a good leader. Self-confidence is vital and being able to overcome your own fears about Beijing a leader. Successful leaders also need to be calm and intelligent. They need to be able to work out good strategies and make sound judgments under pressure. Lastly, and probably most importantly, good leaders need to be sensitive, sociable and be able to get on with a wide range of people. Good leadership is essentially the ability to influence others and good leaders allow all members of the group to contribute.23、Paragraph 1-C24、Paragraph 2-B25、Paragraph 3-E26、Paragraph 4-FA. Most of good leaders are natural-born.B. Its important to have a good leader.C. People are in groups. D. These techniques are used to train leaders.E. Training can make good leaders.F. A good leader needs a variety of qualities.27、One of the major key to success is.-A28、Groups often break down because of.-C29、Good leaders always avoid.-E30、Self-confidence is the key to.-DA. the ability to work with othersB. encouraging group membersC. lack of good leadersD. overcoming fears about being a leaderE. bossing people aroundF. working out good strategies第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每道题确定一个最佳选项。第一篇Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking?Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communicationhaving a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected. The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debates about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health. On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning(扫描)equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employers doctor didnt agree. What is it that make mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amount of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about. As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that its best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, its wise not to use your mobile phone too often.31. People buy cell phones for the following reasons EXCEPT thatA. theyre popularB. theyre cheapC. theyre usefulD. theyre convenient32. The word “detected” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced byA. curedB. removedC. discoveredD. caused33. The salesman retired young becauseA. he dislike using mobile phonesB. he couldnt remember simple tasksC. he was tired of talking on his mobile phoneD. his employers doctor persuaded him to34. On the safety issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companyA. deny the existence of mobile phone radiationB. develop new technology to reduce mobile phone radiationC. thy to prove that mobile phones are not harmful to healthD. hold that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about35. The writers purpose of writing this article is to advise peopleA. to use mobile phones less oftenB. to buy mobile phonesC. to update regular phonesD. to stop using mobile phones第二篇 Excessive Demands on Young PeopleBeing able to multitask is hailed by most people as a welcome skill, but not according to a recent study which claims that young people between the ages of eight and eighteen of the so-called Generation Ml are spending a considerable amount of their time in fruitless efforts as they multitask. It argues that, in fact, these young people are frittering(浪费) away as much as half of their time again as they would if they performed the very same tasks one after the other. Some young people are juggling an ever larger number of electronic devices as they study.At the same time that they are working, young adults are also surfing on the Internet, or sending out emails to their friends, and/or answering the telephone and listening to music on their iPods2 or on another computer. As some new device comes along it too is added to the list rather than replacing one of the existing devices. Other research has indicated that this multitasking is even affecting the way families themselves function as young people are too wrapped up3 in(沉湎于) their own isolated worlds to interact with the other people around them. They can no longer greet family members when they enter the house nor can they eat at the family table. All this electronic wizardry(魔力) is supposedly also seriously affecting young peoples performance at university and in the workplace. When asked about their perception of the impact of modern gadgets(小装置) on their performance of tasks, the overwhelming majority of young people gave a favourable response. The response from the academic and business worlds was not quite as positive. The former feel that multitasking with electronic gadgets by children affects later development of study skills, resulting in a decline in the quality of writing, for example, because of the lack of concentration on task completion. They feel that many undergraduates now urgently need remedial(补救的) help with study skills. Similarly, employers feel that young people entering the workforce need to be taught all over again, as they have become deskilled. While all this may be true, it must be borne in mind4 that more and more is expected of young people nowadays; in fact, too much. Praise rather than criticism is due in respect of5 the way todays youth are able to cope despite what the older generation throw at them.36. What is probably true about the multitasking Generation M? A) They feel they are more efficient than others. B) They waste more time than they should spend. C) They put more energy on important tasks. D) They need to improve their analytical skills.37. With the introduction of new gadgets, what happens to the Generation Ms present e-devices?A) They give way to the latest.B) They are quickly put aside.C) They are sold to their friends.D) They become part of their collection.38. Multitasking makes the Generation M A) feel lonely and pitiful. B) selfish and aggressive.C) distant to their family.D) silent and sad.39. The academics feel that many undergraduates badly need to A) adjust their social attitudes. B) seek psychological assistance. C) improve their study skills. D) task more business courses.40. What attitude should the older generation adopt towards the multitasking youth?A) Critical.B) Thankful.C) Negative.D) Supportive.第三篇Three Ways to Become More CreativeMost people believe they dont have much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to access it. Creativity isnt always connected with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you.This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle. Write down all the ideas/words associated with candies: light, fire, matches, wax; night, silence, etc. Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present; you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the night.Imagine that normal limitations dont exist. You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If, for example, your goal is to learn to ski, you can now practice skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now adapt this to reality. Maybe you can practice skiing every day in December, or every Monday in January.Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators (谈判者) use this technique in business, and so do writers. Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books. They ask questions: what does this character want? Why cant she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about? If your goal involves other people, put yourself in their shoes. The best fishermen think like fish!41. According to the passage, when we become adults,A. we can still learn to be more creative.B. most of us are no longer creative.C. we are not as imaginative as children.D. we are unwilling to be creative. 42. According to the first technique, if you need to solve a problemA. you could find an image and try to link it with the problem.B. you should link it with candles.C. you have to think of buying a present for a friend.D. you should link it with as many words as possible.43. The second technique suggests that you just imagineA. setting a goal is as simple as skiing.B. you have every resource to achieve your goal.C. new possibilities will soon appear.D. December and January are the best months for skiing.44. The phrase put yourself in their shoes in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning toA. dress yourself like them.B. do as they ask you to.C. think as they would.D. put on their shoes.45. We learn from the third technique that a good salesman should ask himselfA. what do I usually do?B. what did my boss tell me to do?C. what are my customers needs?D. how should I sell my products?第5部分:补全短文(第4650题,每题2分,共10分)下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。Flying into History When you turn on the television or read a magazine, celebrities(名人) are everywhere. Although fame and the media play such major roles in our lives today, it has not always been that way. (46) Many historians agree that Charles Lindbergh was one of the first major celebrities, or superstars.Lindbergh was born in Detroit, Michigan. In 1902, but he grew up in Little Falls, Minnesota. As a child, he was very interested in how things worked, so when he reached college, he pursued a degree in engineering. At the age of 20, however, the allure(诱惑)of flying captured Lindberghs imagination. (47) Soon after, Lindbergh bought his own plane and traveled across the nation performing aerial stunts(空中特技). In 1924, Lindbergh became more serious about flying. He joined the United States milita


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