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While Ted went on and on about the technical details he had picked up from the book, Dan offered only a few tentative comments. Ted got so much more out of the reading than I did, Dan later said to my friend. Is he much smarter than I am?一次晚宴上,我的一个朋友听见她熟悉的两个人在讨论一书,这本书是关于水星太空计划的。泰德滔滔不绝地大谈那本书的技术细节问题,而丹却只能讲几句无关痛痒的评论。“泰德从阅读中获得的东西要比我多得多,”丹后来对我朋友说。“难道是他比我聪明吗?”My friend, an educator, was curious. She knew the two men had similar educational backgrounds and intelligence levels. She talked with each and discovered the answer: Ted just knew how to learn better than Dan did. Ted had made his brain more absorbent by using a few simple skills. 我朋友是个教育工作者,对此颇感好奇。她知道这两人所受教育和智力水平相差无几。她分别与两人谈了话并找到了答案:泰德只不过比丹懂得如何使学习更富有成效。通过运用一些简单的技巧,泰德使他的大脑变得更富有吸收力。For years, experts had believed that an individuals ability to learn was a fixed capacity. During the last two decades, however, leading psychologists and educators have come to think otherwise.We have increasing proof that human intelligence is expandable,says Jack Lochhead, director of the Cognitive Development Project at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. We know that with proper skills people can actually improve their learning ability.多年以来,专家们都认为一个人的学习能力是个定数。可是在过去的二十年里,一些著名的心理学家和教育家却有了不同的看法。“不断有证据表明人类的智力是可以扩展的,用适当的技术人们确实可以提高学习能力。”马萨诸塞州立大学认知发展学系教授杰克说。Moreover, these skills are basic enough so that almost anyone can master them with practice. Here, gathered from the ideas of experts across the country, are six proven ways to boost your learning ability.而且,这些技术非常基本,几乎每个人都可以在实践中掌握它们。收集了全国很多专家的意见,下边集中介绍六个已经得到证实的提高学习能力的方法:1.Look at the big picture first. When reading new, unfamiliar material, do not plunge directly into it. You can increase your comprehension and retention if you scan the material first. Skim subheads, photo captions, and any available summaries. With reports or articles, read the first sentence of each paragraph; with books, glance at the table of contents and introduction.All this previewing will help anchor in your mind what you then read.1、先看大概阅读一篇新的、不熟悉的资料时,不要迫不及待地进入正文。先将材料大体浏览一下,可以提高你的理解和熟悉程度。略读一遍文章的副标题、图片和其他现有的文章简介。读报告或文章,先读段落首句;读书籍,则先大致看一遍书目和介绍。这些可以帮助读者加深对正文的印象。2. Slow down and talk to yourself. While speed-reading may be fine for easy material, slower reading can be much more effective for absorbing complex, challenging works. Arthur-Whimbey and Jack Lochhead, co-authors of the high-school and college handbook Problem Solving and Comprehension, have isolated three basic differences in how good and bad learners study:2、放慢速度,与己交谈快速阅读可能适用于简易读物,而慢读对于较复杂的、具有一定难度的名著更有成效。问题的解决与理解一书的合作者-阿瑟和杰克列举出三个划分好坏学习者的标准:Good learners vocalize, or voice the material, either silently or aloud. They slow down, listening to each word as they read.Good learners, when stymied, automatically reread until they understand the material. Poor readers, by contrast, just keep going if they dont get it the first time.Good learners become actively involvedwith new information. They think about what they read, challenge it, make it their own.会学习的人要么默读,要么大声朗读材料。阅读时他们放慢速度,聆听自己读的每个单词;会学习的人在阅读中遇到障碍时,自觉地重读材料直到他们弄懂为止。相反,那些不会学习的人第一次没读懂时还一直往下读,不晓得及时弥补。会学习的人积极地融入到新的知识中去。他们不断地思考、提出问题,把这些知识真正变成自己的。In 1979, Whimbey introduced a slow, vocalized reading method into a five-week, pre-freshman program at Xavier University in New Orleans. Many of the 175 students using this technique jumped two grade levels in comprehension, and their college-aptitude test scores rose by as much as 14 percent.1979年, Whimbey在新奥尔良Xavie大学的一群新生中,推介出声慢读法。时间为五周,学生为预科班175个学生中的许多人使用这个方法后在阅读方面连跳两级,而且他们的大学水平考试成绩也升了14个百分点。3.Practice memory-enhancing techniques. When I was eight and couldnt spell arithmetic, a teacher taught me a sentence that has remained locked in my mind for decades:A rat in Toms house may eat Toms ice cream.The first letters of each word spell arithmetic.3、强化记忆力法记得我8岁时老是拼不出 arithmetic(算术)这个词,一个老师教了我一句记忆犹新的句子:A rat in Toms house may eat Toms ice cream.(汤姆家的老鼠可能吃掉汤姆的冰淇淋)。这句话中每个词的首字母正好拼成arithmetic。All such memory-enhancing techniques, called mnemonics, transform new information into more easily remembered formulations.这种记忆强化法将新知识转化为简单明了易记的形式。Other first-letter mnemonice includeHomes(the names of the Great Lakes-Huron, Ontaio, Michigan, Erie, and Superior); George Eatons old granny rode a pig home yesterday(for spelling geography); and My very educated mother just served us nine pickles(the planet system in order Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).其他类似的首字母记忆法包括Homes(首字母包括了美国五大湖Huron休伦湖,Ontaio Michigan密歇根湖,Erie艾尔湖和Superior苏必利尔湖)。George Eatons old granny rode a pig home yesterday (乔治伊登的老祖母昨天骑着猪回家)首字母拼成geography(地理学);还有“My very educated mother just serve us nine pickles”(我那受过良好教育的母亲只端给我们九根泡菜)这些首字母按顺序引出太阳系的行星系统,分别是Mercury(水星),Venus(金星),Earth(地球),Mars(火星),Jupiter(木星),Saturn(土星),Uranus(天王星),Neptune(海王星),Pluto(冥王星)Mnemonics can also work with images. The trick is to invent visual clues that will make unfamiliar material mean something to you. 强化记忆法还可以跟图像相结合。方法是创造一些可视线索,将不熟悉的、抽象的东西转化为你所熟悉的东西加以记忆。In studying Spanish, for example, you might learn that the word for duck is pato. Pato sounds like the English word pot. To link the two, imagine a duck waddling about with a large pot over its head. You will have a clear image that reminds you pot=pato=du-ck.比如在学习西班牙语时,英语中“鸭子”(duck)在西语中表述为pato。Pato的发音听起来像是英语词pot(平底锅)。为了联系这两个词,不妨想像一只鸭子头顶一只巨大平底锅摇摇摆摆地走着。这情景会使你联想到pot(锅)- pato(西:鸭子) - duck(英:鸭子)Once dismissed by researchers as a mere gimmick, mnemonics are now considered an effective means of boosting memory-doubling or even tripling the amount of new material that test subjects can retain. A good memory is the key to all cognitive processes, according to William G.Chase, profeesor of psychology at Carregie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh. And it is something we can all have with practice.强化记忆法曾一度被嗤之为华而不实的伎俩,但现在人们普遍认为它是一种有效增强记忆力的手段-它足以使记忆容量以二倍或三倍的速度递增。根据Carregie-Mellon大学心理学教授William G.Chase的观点,好的记忆是求知的关键,而通过练习我们人人都可拥有它。Cognitive research shows that we have two kinds of memory:short-term and long-term. Short-term memory(STM) lasts for about 30 to 60 seconds. We call directory assistance for a phone number, dial the number, and then forget it. Long-term memory(LTM), however, can last a lifetime. The secret to developing a good memory, says Francis S.Bellezza, author of Improve Your Memory Skills, is learning how to transfer useful information from STM to LTM and how to retrieve that information when needed. 调查表明,我们人有两种记忆:短期记忆和长期记忆(Short-term and Long-term)。短期记忆(STM)维持大概30到60秒钟。正如我们查电话号码本找一个号码,拨打这个号码,然后就把它忘了。然而长期记忆(LTM)可以持续一生。提高你的记忆技巧一书作者Francis S.Bellezza说:加强记忆力就是要学会如何将短期记忆转化为长期记忆并且在需要的时候启用已获得的信息。Memonics can be the key that puts data into LTM and gets the information back out again. Remember, the mind and memory are like muscles-the more you use them, the stronger they get.强化记忆法犹如一把钥匙,将数据存进LTM,需要时又把它拿出来。请记住,思维和记忆犹如肌肉-用得越多,就越发达。4. Organize facts into categories. In studies at Stanford University, students were asked to memorize 112 words. These included names of animals, items of clothing, types of transportation, and occupations. For one group, the words were divided into these four categories. For a second group, the words were listed at random. Those who studied the material in organized categories consistently outperformed the others, recalling two to three times more words.4、将材料分门别类在史坦佛大学进行的一项研究中,学生们要记住112个单词。这些单词包括动物的名字,衣服种类,交通工具和职业。在第一小组中,这些单词被分成上述四类,而第二组的成员面对的却是一堆杂乱无章的单词。结果表明,那些将单词进行分类记忆的受验者较为出色,他们能记住的单词要多2到3倍。Trying to digest new information in one lump is difficult, says Thomas R. Trabasso, professor of education and behavioral science at the University of Chicago. By analyzing new material and dividing it into meaningful chunks, you make learning easier. 芝加哥大学教育和行为科学系教授Thomas R Trabasso认为“要一股脑儿把全部新东西记住是不容易的,通过分析新材料并将材料分类,那么学习就可以变得容易些。”For example, to remember the names of all former U. S. Presidents in proper order, cluster the leaders into groups - those before the War of 1812, those from 1812 until the Civil War, those from the Civil War to World War I, and those after World War I. By thus organizing complex material into logical categories you create a permanent storage technique.例如,要记住所有的美国前任总统,不妨将他们归类-1812年独立战争前的,从1812到内战期间的,从内战到第一次世界大战期间的,还有一战后的。通过将这些材料按逻辑分类组织,你就能创造出长期记忆。5. Focus your attention. The next time you are faced with new material you need to master, ask yourself, What do I want to learn from reading this, and how will I benefit from the knowledge gained? By telling ourselves what the learning will do for us, We reduce our resistance to studying and become better learners, says Russell W. Scaslpone, A psychologist and manager at A. T. Kearney, Inc, an international management-consulting firm.5、集中精神每次面对需要掌握的新材料, 你都得问问自己:我要从这些材料中学会什么?我将如何从中获益?“告诉自己将从学习中得到什么,那么就会减少对学习的抵触情绪,从而成为积极的学习者。”ATKearney国际管理咨讯公司的心理专家Russell W Scalphone如此评述道。Scalpone recommends four other techniques for improving concentration and focus:Establish a time and a place for learning. Take the phone off the hook; close the door. By regulating your environment, you create the expectation that learning will occur.他推荐另外4种提高注意力的方法:定个专门的时间,找个专门的地方学习。摘掉电话筒,关上房门。通过营造物特定的氛围,给自己无形的提示:现在是学习时间。Guard against distractions. Dont be shy about hanging a Do Not Disturb sign on your door. You have a right to your time. 防范外来干扰。不必为挂上“请勿打扰”的告示而感到不好意思,你有权支配你的时间。Try a variety of learning methods. Diagramming, note taking, outlining, even talking into a tape recorder are study techniques that can increase concentration. Use whatever study skills you are most comfortable with. Be creative.尝试使用不同的学习方法。图示、笔记、列提纲,甚至录音都是提高注意力的技巧。用最适合你自己的方式。要有创新。Monitor your progress. Being busy is not always the same as being productive. Stop occasionally and ask yourself, Am I contributing right now to my learning goal? If the answer is yes, keep working. If no, ask yourself why. If youre not making progress because of tension or fatigue, take a break - without feeling guilty. Regular breaks can improve the learning process.监督学习过程。终日忙碌并不总是意味着富有成效。时不时停下来问问自己:我现在做的是否有助于达到我的学习目标。如果答案是肯定的,就继续学下去。如果是否定的,那么就问为什么。如果由于紧张或疲乏而使得学习不畅的话,那么就该休息了, 无需为此感到惴惴不安,间断地休息有助于提高学习效率。6.Discover your own learning style. Educators Rita and Ken Dunn tell the story of three children who each received a bicycle for Christmas. The bikes, purchased unassembled, had to be put together by parents. Toms father read the direction carefully before he worked Marys father laid out the pieces on the floor and handed the directions to Marys mother. Read this to me, he said, as he surveyed the components. Georges mother instinctively began fitting pieces together, glancing at the directions only when stymied. By days end, all three bikes were assembled, each from a different approach.6、发掘自己的学习方式教育家们讲了这样一个故事。有三个孩子圣诞节各得到一部自行车。这些车买来的时候都是散乱的零部件,要由他们的家长装配起来。汤姆的父亲在动手前开始仔细阅读说明书;玛丽的父亲把零件摊在地上,然后叫妻子念说明书,他一边听一边装车;乔治的父亲则立即动手装车,只有遇到不明白的地方他才会停下来翻阅说明书。一天内,三辆车装配好了,只是每一辆的装法不同。Although they didnt realize it, says Rita Dunn, professor of education at St. Johns University in New York City, th


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