



四级英语学习:种埋没潜能的生活方式Bottle up unhappiness.把不开心封锁起来。Bottling up your emotions is like creating a bomb that will eventually self-implode. Every time you bury an emotion, youre weighing yourself down with baggage. The best way to deal with your emotions, whether happy ones or unhappy ones, is to lay them out on the table and face them. Dont hide from your problems. When you do youre just hiding from yourself. I found a great way to clear emotional baggage is to use the brain dumping exercise, where you dump your emotions in a journal for about 10-15 minutes. Try ityoull feel lighter almost immediately.封锁情绪就好像在设置一个炸弹,它们迟早都会爆炸的。每一次你放进去一些情绪,你的行李就会沉重一些。处理情绪最好的方法,就是无论开心或者不开心,都要把它们公开或者表现在脸上。不要把你的问题藏起来。如果你这样做,就是让自己逃避问题。我找到一个很好的方法去清除感情行李就是练习用大脑去甩掉它们,这样你可以在10-15分钟内去除这些情绪。尝试一下,你马上就会觉得很轻松!Set small goals.设立小目标。Many people set small goals because theyre afraid to fail. Actually what theyre really afraid of is to realize that theyve always had all the power to achieve everything they want and that they have wasted their own time and dreams. You have all the potential and power in this world to achieve everything you want. Stop settling for less and set your highest goals today. You owe it to yourself.许多人喜欢设立小的目标,因为他们害怕失败。实际上,他们害怕的却是意识到他们有能力去做很多事情,而他们却浪费了这些时间和梦想。你是有能力去做每一个你想做到的事情的。不要再设立小小的目标,而在今天把眼光放的更远大一些吧。这是你欠自己的一个目标!Try to do everything by yourself.事必躬亲。Are you someone who likes to do everything yourself? So do I - but over the years I realize that this prevents me from achieving more. In trying to do everything, including the nitty-gritty, less important details (see #2), that means youre not able to do the higher level, important things like your biggest goals and dreams. Start by delegating, outsourcing or removing the less important tasks and scaling yourself up to do the more important ones. Youll notice a big difference in your productivity.你是一个什么事情都要自己去做做看的人么?我也是,但是我却发现这却让我失去很多。我去尝试做所有事情,比如一些基本的事实,不重要的细节(参阅第二条),那都会意味着你不能做更重要的事情,比如你的最高目标和最好的梦想。学会委派,外包业务或者把一些不重要的事情移除出你的计划,扩展自我到更重要的事情中去。你会发现到你的成果会产生很大的变化。Procrastinate on your goals.拖延你的目标。Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential. Do you want your goals to never come true? Sure, procrastinate on them. Ive never in my life seen a happy procrastinator. Everyone I know who procrastinates usually holds a heavy heart, because deep down they want to achieve their goals. Deep down they know they are meant to live their dreams. So stop procrastinating. Start by first identifying what youre passionate about, then go from there. As long as youre doing what you love, you can never go wrong.拖延是埋葬你的潜能最好的方法。你想让你的目标永远不要被实现么?如果你想


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