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4张CAD图纸和说明书 c6132 车床 微机 数控系统 改造 设计 cad 图纸 以及 说明书 仿单

摘  要






The numerical control engine bed is more and more widespread in machine-finishing profession application. Numerical control engine bed development, on the one hand is the entire function, the high performance; On the other hand is the simple practical economy numerical control engine bed, has the automatic processing the basic function, the operation service is convenient. The economy numerical control system passes commonly used is the split-ring step-by-steps the control system, the power step-by-steps the electrical machinery for to actuate the part, does not have the examination feedback organization, the system pointing accuracy is high. Knife rest vertical to enter, give sport and horizontal to stock for sport to can be linked, cut order by artificial control even.Carry on the numerical control transformation to the ordinary lathe. Mainly vertical and horizontal enter give system transform into by what computer control.The knife rest is transformed into the gyration knife rest that can be changed one hundred sheets automatically. Introduces the engine bed the microcomputer numerical control system the transformation to be possible to enhance the engine bed the operational performance,Reduces the production cost,Obtains the high economic efficiency with the few funds investmentTake the C6132 lathe numerical control transformation as the example,In line with are as far as possible few to the lathe modification,Control section anti-jamming,Transformation cost low principle,Carries on the numerical control transformation to the lathe. 

Lathe for the NC transformation is mainly vertical and horizontal feed system into a computer-controlled, The independence movement can feed system can transform Tool Automatic Tool Change of Rotary Tool. Thus, the use of NC devices, lathe can be imported at a pre-processing machining instructions. As the cutting process of cutting parameters, priorities and cutting tool will automatically by operation, regulation and replacement, coupled with the vertical and horizontal linkage functions, CNC lathe after the conversion can be processed into various shapes review the rotating parts, and multiple processes can be automatically processed turning, thus enhancing the efficiency of production and processing accuracy, also suitable for small batch multiple types of review parts of the processing. 

C6132 lathe belongs to economic numerical control lathes transformation of transformation, mainly in the numerical control system by using nc system transformation, of transverse and longitudinal feeding system, open loop control by stepping motor driver components, lathe, through the stepper motor driving ball screw rotation. 

Key words:the computer controls; servo system; turn the knife rest round; automatic turning

目  录

1 前  言 1

2 设计方案 3

2.1 总体方案的确定 3

2.1.1 系统的运动方式与伺服系统的选择 3

2.1.2 计算机系统 3

2.1.3 机械传动方式 3

2.2 系统运动方式的确定 3

2.3 伺服系统的选择 3

2.4 执行机构传动方式的确定 4

2.5 计算机的选择 4

2.6 总体方案框图绘制 4

3 横向进给伺服系统机械部分计算与校核 5

3.1 计算切削力 5

3.2 滚珠丝杆螺母副的设计、计算、选型 5

3.2.1 计算进给牵引力 5

3.2.2 计算最大动负载C 6

3.2.3 滚珠丝杆螺母副的选型 6

3.2.4 传动效率计算 7

3.2.5 刚度验算 7

3.2.6 稳定性校核 8

3.2.7 横向滚珠丝杆副的几何参数 9

3.3 齿轮传动比计算 10

3.4 横向步进电机计算和选型 11

3.4.1 初选步进电机 11

3.4.2 校核步进电机转矩 12

3.5 横向进给伺服系统机械部分结构设计 17

3.5.1 横向进给伺服系统总图设计 17

3.5.2 进给伺服系统的装配图 18

4 纵向进给伺服系统机械部分计算与校核 20

4.1 计算切削 20

4.2 滚珠丝杆螺母副的计算和造型 20

4.2.1 计算进给牵引力 20

4.2.2计算最大动负载C 21

4.2.3 滚珠丝杆螺母副的选型 21

4.2.4 传功效率计算: 21

4.2.5 刚度验算 22

4.2.6 稳定性校核 23

4.2.7纵向滚珠丝杆副几何参数 23

4.3 齿轮传动比计算 24

4.3.1 进给齿轮箱传比计算 24

4.4 步进进电机的计算和选型 25

4.4.1 初选步进电机 25

4.4.2 校核步进电机转矩 27

4.5 纵向进给伺服系统机械部分结构设计 31

4.5.1 纵向进给伺服系统总图设计 32

4.5.2进给伺服系统的装配图 32

5 微机数控系统硬件电路的设计 34

5.1硬件电路一般要求 34

5.2控制系统的组成及功能 34

5.2.1 CPU、存储器、I/O接口电路扩展 34

5.2.2控制系统的功能 36

5.3步进电机控制电路 36

5.3.1步进电机开环驱动原理 36

5.3.2脉冲分配 37

5.3.3驱动电路 37

5.3.4其他辅助电路 38

6 微机控制系统的软件设计 39

6.1 监控程序 39

6.2 直线圆弧插补程序设计 39

6.3升降速处理软件 41

6. 4步进电机的软件控制及转程序设计 43

7 机床的加工程序编制 46

致  谢 49

参考文献 50

附   录 51

1 前  言










材料制备机械设计理论中的新趋势和新问题王艾伦,段吉安,黄明辉,钟 掘(中南大学机电工程学院,湖南长沙 410083)摘 要: 在全面综述材料制备机械技术及设备发展动态的基础上,提出了研究领域的几个新问题和发展方向,如通过集成和融合现代相关前沿科学和技术,生产具有超常和特殊性能的新概念材料等,并进行了简要分析和讨论.关键词: 界面;超常物理场;制备机械;功能材料1机械材料加工的时代背景在人类进步的一段长时间范围内,许多工具、机械和方法被提出来;不同的原料用不同的工具来加工。原料及其处理过程已经变成了推动人类进步不可缺的一部份。在当前世界中日益激烈的竞争和人们追求幸福生活的今天,物质的功能已经远远超出了人类现有的并不断增长的知识及想象。例如:神秘原料功能,半导体材料,原料能量有吸力的材料,在航空领域中占有70%份额的强力铝合金45um的薄金属片,用各向异性深冲压金属板在1%以下;电子铝箔与强耐热铝合金已经被应用到航空、宇宙及深海领域中,等等;在原料加工加工领域中不同的时间段里,材料重要发展趋势就这样形成了: (1)在特殊的物理领域里制造原料加工机械,是为了能有特殊的质地结构和辅助性的加工功能。例如:运用热能和机械能能够突破科学技术的极限,将一些不常用的能量,例如:微波、化学能、生物能等等,一个接一个的被引入到材料加工中来,因此一些加工特殊能量原材料的加工设备就被制造出来了。 (2)突破传统的物质限制,将溶化、凝固、造型一体化,然后加热得到具有特殊功能的原料,这样就可以降低加工费用。例如:材料加工整形技术,比如像快速翻滚,喷雾处理、塑胶成型、喷射造型法、高能量射束等等被应用。 (3)原料加工处理正在向高速、重载和高精度在线控制方向上迈进。例如:轧制速度达到130m/s,压力变形已达到300MPa,尺寸精度达到了0.1um,成型精度已达到0.1i;浓度精度已达到0.1MPa。由于这些原因,原料加工机械设备设计理论将科学与技术相关联的领域有机的结合起来设计生产一中新概念材料加工设备是可能的。2对于新概念材料加工设备的期望功能 (1)要有能力生产具有特殊物质的领域;能传送那些对于新概念材料加工在特定的物质环境下是非常必要的特殊能流。例如:在高温环境下能使那些高温波或者脉冲以超过104106K/s的速度冷却下来;将外表面的凝固、变形合成一体,然后在将超强接触面应力重新组合成新的分界面;融化的大金属薄片的湍流;随机的低频率磁场用于金属末加热的微波、用于大量凝固的超声波等等都已经被应用了。 (2)有能力在临界状态下工作,因此高稳定性和理想性能的处理设备是在加强技术条件和室外操作的保证。例如:禁止在润滑状态下边界上的摇晃;在特有的摩擦状态下的抗震能力;有韧性的连接管的合力稳定性和干扰稳定性与轴相比更易驱动系统。 (3)有能力精确的控制原料加工而获得低损耗、高功率、高性能的原料加工。例如:精确的在线监测产品成型;在线监测和在线调整产品品质和器具还有在线控制金属、塑胶成型的程序。产品的精确度指数可以列举如下:宏观上精确度可达到0.1um,微观上的晶状体结构非常均匀,浓度误差在0.1MPa 。简而言之,拥有特别功能的新概念原料加工设备应该被设计和生产出来。这样的话,那些特别性能的原料就能被处理加工了。3在特殊的物理领域和环境下金属材料加工设备的问题和需要学习的内容由于这些原因和以上提到的背景,如下的一些新的研究主题应该被改进:3.1 连接传热装置和温度应力场的相界面当融化金属处于液体和固体的临界状态时通过连续的变形和快速凝固,一种全新的微观结构可以被获得。在这个非常时刻,高浓度的热流和动态的热阻力在材料加工处理中成了主要事项。关于设计这个设备的基本理论问题是要学习核心传动系统合能量转化和建立数学模型。3.2 材料加工设备表面粘流摩擦力的抑制操作装置和工件的连接是相当复杂的因为粘流阻挡了加工表面界面态由周转速度、热力学处理工作量、操作装置的弹性、工件的可塑性、滑性界面的动态行为、局部水力的润滑油等等来决定。它们影响着材料加工设备抗摩擦装置的成型。因为它们会会强制其产生很大的非线性,这种强制会在瞬间被损坏或者是失谐,最后会导致动态不稳定性。因此提出了以下的问题:机械装置的噪声可能在晃动的界面引起滑动摩擦、不稳定状态;在高速、重载和边界润滑状态下在光滑表面和旋转式喷灌器之间的装置抑制。润滑油薄膜吸收装置和不断再生的表面的物理化学行为;流变学的特征和操作参数之间的关系。3.3 在高压场条件下非线性接触式机械装置在大范围内组建一个超强力压力场是材料加工设备的一个基本功能。当然形成一个大结构的元素也是可能的(例如太空船、大陆洲际间的交通工具、汽车、飞机)。组建一个超强压力场是最重要的特征之一,也是保卫国家独立最基本的装备。在强压力场环境下,接触式和非线性摩擦将会产生;因此将会导致局部的永久的变形和不好的因素。在强压力场下设计过程中,将会涉及到设备的设计新理论,例如:非接触式、非线性摩擦机构。3.4 负荷分配规律关于超静定结构,抑制点的负荷分配规律由相容性条件决定。虽然,关于那些大尺寸的、不定的、静止的结构在真实空间中是自由变化的,但负荷分配规律是不能决定相容性条件。因此新的基础理论由分析接触行为和变形装置获得(例如:摩擦力、变形相容性条件,等等)。3.5 耦合装置和在材料加工系统中物理领域内的稳定性随着系统的功能越来越多元化;许多限制材料加工进度的传统技术正在不断的被改善;系统结构也逐渐变得越来越复杂,系统性能变得越来越好。例如:钢扎厂的快速瞬间反转受弹性形变、粘流、散热处理、水动力润滑处理的,物理化学分子状态的影响。另外,机电的耦合在处理系统中已经超出了传统的概念;例如,一些奇特的现象(微小的变化可以引起很大的变化)已经出现;因此,滚筒操作的不稳定性可能会导致混乱。所以,这个主题将会在机械装置的物理领域中,在处理系统稳定性的影响和加工助剂质量上被提及和充分关注;3.6 技术综合和合并精准的控制在特定的物理条件下进行操作的材料加工设备是一个相当复杂系统,一些系统的参数在领域的边界上也是可以改变的;因此在领域环境下精确的控制与调整,调和尺寸,能量转换,信息传递,界面耦合等等是非常重要的。因为在控制模型中多种交互作用的存在,根据退耦控制模型而建立综合框架是必要的;精确的控制基于综合技术。3.7 优化的和创新的设计基于创新的知识材料加工技术能促进产品的设计质量的提高。最优化的材料加工技术和材料加工设备意味着实现实质的仿真通过类似的设计和一致的设计是我们学习的主题。3.8 在特殊的领域里机械装置的特殊功能和应用一些重要的元素和部分在材料加工设备中常常在强力场、温度场、电磁场和流场中工作,有建造特别物理界面的功能;虽然对那些普通单一的物质象金属、陶瓷等拥有单一的高指数和卓越的总质量是很困难的。因此我们需要在重要部位采用具有新功能的原料;例如:尺度功能有倾向的材料是想当可贵的。由于这些原因,学习基本法律和以上提到的具有这些功能的机械装置;例如:强调分配功能、破坏机理和在特定领域中的设计标准,静态(动态)的硬度和阻尼,模糊设计和明朗设计处理系统构成了有斜度的材料,等等。今天,材料加工科学和技术正在快速的向前发展;把学习的目标瞄准材料加工设备的技术问题将会为21世纪的制造业提供技术支持。 New Trends and Problems in Material Processing Machine Design Theory WANG Ai-lun ,DUAN Ji-an ,HUANG Ming-hui ,ZHONG Jue (College of Mechanical and thereafter a brief discussion is given. Keywords: interface; extraordinary physical field; procession machine ; function material 1 The Time Background of Material Processing Machine In the long span of history of human progress ,many tools ,machines and methods were created and a variety of materials with different properties were processed. Materials and its processing have become one of pillar and driving force of mankind progress. In pace with multi - polar competition in current world and peoples striving perseveringly for happier life ,material function goes beyond unceasingly mens knowledge and imagination ,for example ,cryptic function material ,semiconductor material ,energy material ,vibration - absorptive material , super - strength aluminum alloy accounting for 70 percent of application of aeronautics and space ,metal foil of 45m ,deep drawing plate with anisotropy below 1 percent ,electronic aluminum foil with micro - orientation up to 95 percent ,heat resisting aluminum alloy with super strong specific strength used in aeronautics ,space and deep sea ,etc. Thus several important development trends with distinct time features in material processing domain are shaped up as follows : (1) Creating material processing machine with extraordinary physical field for processing material with special texture structures and functions. For example ,applications of thermal energy and mechanical energy are breaking through unceasingly technology limit ,and some non - tradition energy ,such as microwave ,chemical energy , bioenergy , etc. , are introduced into material processing procedure one after another ,so that some material processing machines with extraordinary energy circumstance are produced. (2) Breaking through traditional physical limits and integrating melting ,solidifying ,plastic deformation and heat treatment to obtain special function of material and cut down expenses3 . For example ,near - net shaping material processing technology , such as fast rolling , spraying deposition ,over - plastic molding , injection molding , high energy beam ,etc ,is applied. (3) Material processing process is forged ahead in the direction of high speed ,heavy - duty and high accuracy online control ,for instance , the rolling speed goes up to 130 m s - 1 ,the deformation pressure rises up to 300 MPa ,accuracy of dimension up to 0.1m ,accuracy of shape up to 0. 1 I ,strength accuracy comes up to 0.1 MPa. For these reasons ,it is necessary for material processing machine design theory to integrate and coalesce ingeniously correlative frontier science and technology to create and produce some new concept material processing machine with following functions. 2 Due Functions of New Concept Material Processing Machine (1) To have the ability to produce and bear extraordinary physical field and transmit extraordinary energy flow with the aim of providing extraordinary physical circumstances necessary for new concept material processing. For example ,high gradient temperature field with the speed of cool - down of work interface which exceeds 104106 K s - 1 , line wave and pulse complex exerted in solidifying - deforming area , super - strength contact stress field of material forming interface ,turbulent flow field of molten metal with very big flakiness ratio ,low frequency magnetic field with random frequency ,microwave field for powder metal heating ,ultrasonic field for large volume solidifying ,etc. 4 ,are applied. (2) To have the ability to work in critical state so that high stability and ideal performance of processing machine is ensured under the circumstance of reinforced technological condition and multi - field coupling operation. For example ,chatter suppressing capability of fast ultra - thin rolling under the condition of boundary lubricating state5 ,the capability of self - excited vibration suppressing under the condition of special friction state ,synergism stability and disturbance stability of flexible connecting parallel shaft with multi - driving system ,etc. 4 ,are ensured. (3) To have the ability to accurately control the material processing in order to obtain low loss ,high efficiency and high quality of material processing. For example , super - high accuracy on - line monitor of products form ,on line monitor and on - line adjustment of products texture and properties ,precision coordination control of multi - procedure , on - line monitor of micro - orientation of metal plastic deformation ,etc. 4 ,are ensured. Some products accuracy index may be enumerated as follows : dimensional accuracy coming to 0.1m , microstructure uniformity to crystal lattice ,strength error to 0.1 MPa ,etc. 4 In short ,only by new concept material processing machine with extraordinary function being designed and made , can special function material be processed. 3 Science Problems and Study Contents of Metal Material Processing Machine Under the Circumstance of Extraordinary Physical Field In view of these facts and background mentioned above ,several new research topics can be advanced as follows. 3. 1 Coupling Heat Transfer Mechanism of Multi - Phase Interface Temperature - Stress Field A brand - new microstructure can be obtained through continuously large deformation and fast solidifying when melting metal is in critical state of liquid solid. At this very moment ,high density heat flow and dynamic heat resistance are present in material processing circumstance . A basic theory problem of designing this kind of machine is to study mechanism of heat transmittance and energy conversion ,and to establish mathematical model . 3. 2 Friction Constraint Mechanism of Plastic Flow Interface of Material Processing Machine The coupling between operation mechanism and workpiece is very complicated because plastic flow is present in processing interface. The interface state , determined by velocity , load thermodynamic process , elasticity of operation mechanism ,plasticity of workpiece ,dynamic behaviour of interface sticking - sliding and partial hydrodynamic lubrication ,etc ,affect and form friction constraints mechanism peculiar to material processing machine ,because these constraints present strong non - linearity ;and under certain circumstances ,the constraints may be destroyed or mismatched instantaneously and thus dynamic instability is resulted in. Thus following problems can be put forward : Mechanism of“spectre chatter”arose from sticking - sliding friction and partial hydrodynamic lubrication in rolling interface , instability condition and mechanism of constraint between smooth surface and rotating body under the circumstance of high speed ,heavy - duty and boundary lubrication , Lubrication film absorption mechanism and physical chemistry behaviour of interface of unceasingly regenerative surface ,the relationship between rheological characteristic and machine operation parameters. 3. 3 Multi - Body Non - Linear Contact Mechanism Under the Condition of Extra - High Pressure Field To build the super strength pressure field on large area is one of basic function of material processing machine , and it is also necessary to form by once large - size structure element (such as spacecraft , intercontinental vehicles ,car and large - scale aeroplane etc) . The ability to build super strong pressure field is one of important feature and the base of independent national defense. Under the circumstance of super strength pressure field ,multi - body strong nonhertz contact and non - linear friction will be produced ,thus local permanent deformation and degrading of element accuracy may be led. New theory foundation of design of machine with super strength pressure field will be furnished through study of multi - body strong non - hertz contact mechanism , multi - body non - linear friction mechanism (such as providing force - displacement mixed solving process of three - dimension multi - body) . 3. 4 Load Distribution Law in Multi - Sliding Pair With Structure Bias Load With regard to statically indeterminate structure ,load distribution of constraint point is determined by deformation compatibility condition. However ,concerning some plane large - size statically indeterminate structure with sliding degree of freedom in third dimension ,load distribution can not be determined by deformation compatibility condition. Thus new theory basis will be provided by analyzing of contact behaviour and mechanism of sliding pair (such as creep ,force of friction ,integral deformation compatibility condition ,etc) . 3. 5 Coupling Mechanism and Stability of Multi - Physical Fields in Material Processing Systems In the wake of system function becoming more and more diversified , conventional technology limits in material processing machine is being broke through unceasingly ,system structure also becomes increasingly complicated ,and system performance becomes increasingly multi - causal . For example ,any instantaneous state of roller in fast rolling mills is affected by elastic deformation ,plastic flow ,heat transfer process , hydro - dynamic lubrication process ,interface physical chemistry molecular state and so on . In addition ,electromechanical coupling in processing system have already gone beyond conventional concept ,for instance ,some singular point phenomenon (such as micro - variable can be transformed into macro - variable) ,are present ,thus roller operation instability may be led by perturbation8 . Therefore ,this subject will study the interaction mechanism of multi - physical field and the influence on processing system stability and processing material quality started with analysis of micro - state of executive body. 3. 6 Multi - Technology Integration and Coalescence of Accurate Control The material processing machine ,which operate under the circumstance of extraordinary physical field ,is a complicated large - scale system ,and some parameters of the system vary on feasible field boundary ;thereby ,to keep under accurate control and adjustment of multi field circumstance ,multi - dimension coordination ,multi - energy conversion , multi - level information transfer ,interface multi - process coupling ,etc. is of much significance. Since a variety of multi - interaction exists in control model ,it is necessary to establish integration framework of coordination work according to decoupling of control model ,so as to accurate control based on the multi - technology integration and coalescence is realized. 3. 7 Quasi - Reality Design and Concurrent Design Based on Knowledge Innovation Systems Digitalization and visualization of material processing technology will promote immediately the quality of design, operation and control . Therefore optimization of material processing technology and material processing machine by means of realization of virtual simulation of processing procedure through quasi - reality design and concurrent design is one of our pressing study subjects. 3. 8 Mechanical Behavior of Special Function Materials in the Ex
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