



重点教学词汇Zebra,giraffe,seal,elephant,kangroo,leopard,animal,zooCat,dog,turtle,rabbit,bird,lion,fish重点教学巨型What do you see in the zoo?I seeWhat do you want to see in the zoo?I want to seeWhere is the (rabbit)?It is under/on/in(front of)/behiand the chair.教学目标掌握重点词汇,学会运用方位介词及教学句型Greenting How are you today?/Whats the weather like today?/How old are you?/Whats the date today?Chant hello chantsay bye bye教学步骤1 Warming up A T:Now, lets begin the class. Attention!-one two. Hello boys and girls!Im your new teacher,my name is Wendy.So,if I sayHello,boys and girls,you should sayHello,Wendy.(then,say helloto students one by one.)I am very happy to join with you to learn English.You are so excellent!Hello,boys and girls! Ss:Hello,Wendy!(小声带读,重复一次) T:very good! How are you today? Ss:Im fine.thank you,and you?(小声带读,重复一次) T:Im fine,too.Thank you!Whats the weather like today?画图,做提示,在没有反应的情况下,要运用选择疑问句Its (sunny)day or (rainy)day? Ss:Its a _day. B T:who is No.1 today?(做手势) Ss:Im No.1. T:what do you want,_?(do you want star and sun) C OK,boys and girls.(干脆利落,声音宏亮)Lets do a chant:Hello chant!Now one,two and three,lets go!(chant第一遍先慢,快的再来一遍.)stand up and sit down!one,two,three!go back to your seat!quickly,hands,hands on your knees!let me see,who do a good job,I will give one encouragement! what do you want?二、presentationT:boys and girls,what do you see in the zoo?look at white board,can you guess what it is?Ss:I see(touch and say,then flash the cards)T:Now,you will read loudly after me.if you say loudly,you will get the card.OK,now lets play a game,bomb game.this is a bomb,when I say rabbit,you should use the rabbit to cover your face quickly,or you will get the bomb.(注意示范).Now boys and girls,are you ready?Lets begin!Attentation,one two!OK,now there is chair.we will treat it as a zoo.when we say one animal,you should put the card on the chair quickly,then I will give you one encouragement later.(one by one)What do you want to see in the zoo?Ss:I want to seeT:Now we will play another game:run and say!(以带读的方式放卡片,并注意根据声音大小摆放卡片位置,游戏结束后给奖励give me five/ten,say bye-bye to the cards收卡片)Now,look at here!Where is the card?Its on the chair.(没有人回答出的就做选择疑问句,先做引导,后让学生自己说)Now I will choose two students to come here,and then I say put the card on the chair.you will put the card on the chair quickly,If you do a good job a


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