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Map of Resting Brain May Be Key to CNS Diagnosis静息状态休眠大脑影像图谱或可成为中枢神经系统疾病诊断的关键ByJohn Fauber, Reporter, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/MedPage TodayThis diffusion spectrum image shows brain wiring in a healthy human adult. Van J. Wedeen, MD, Harvard University弥散光谱成像显示的健康成人的大脑线路MILWAUKEE - Energized this week by $40 million in research grants, hundreds of brain researchers are meeting here this weekend to share insights from an arcane field that quickly is becoming one of the holy grails of neuroscience: mapping the complete wiring diagram of the living human brain at rest.密尔沃基被本周4000万美元的研究奖助资助所激励,数百位脑研究者本周末在密尔沃基举行会议,交流对于一个正在迅速成为神经科学圣杯的神秘领域的见解,它已迅速成为神经科学的圣杯:绘制静息状态下的人活体休眠大人脑的完整线路图This field is absolutely exploding, said Christopher Pawela, PhD, a Medical College of Wisconsin researcher, who is serving as chairman of the Second International Conference on Resting-State Functional Brain Connectivity.“这个领域绝对爆炸了,。” 威斯康辛州立医学院研究员、第二届休眠静息状态功能性大脑连接国际会议的会长主席Christopher Pawela博士说。The inactive state of the brain when it is supposedly doing nothing, what some might call daydreaming, has been one of the busiest areas of neuroscience in recent years.大脑处于不活跃静息状态时,人们猜测大脑什么都没做,一些人也理解称之为空想做白日梦,但它近年来已经成为神经科学最热门领域之一The Brain Never Rests大脑从不休息Since the mid-1990s various research advances, especially in the field of magnetic resonance imaging, have led to the understanding that altered or abnormal activity in the circuits of the resting brain can be a sign of many neurological and psychological disorders.20世纪90年代中期以来的多项研究进展,特别是磁共振成像,都说明休眠静息状态下大脑中环路的改变或异常活化活动可能是许多神经病学变及和心理疾病的标志征象。With that came the hope that some day people could be put in an MRI machine to be definitively diagnosed at the earliest stage for a wide range of disorders, including Alzheimers disease and mild cognitive impairment, autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia.人们由此产生希望,将来某一天在进行MRI机前检查便可确诊广泛多种疾病的最早期阶段,包括阿尔茨海默病、轻度认知障碍、自闭孤独症、注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)少儿多动症、双向型双相情感障碍、抑郁症和精神分裂症。The research might also be used to determine whether someone in a coma or vegetative state has awareness and whether their brain can respond to stimuli such as a voice or touch.此研究或许也可用于明确昏迷者或植物人是否仍有意识,他们的大脑对声音或触觉等刺激是否有反应。Drug and medical imaging firms are pouring money into the field, in part because the technology might be used to test new drugs and therapies, allowing for quicker and cheaper clinical trials.药物和医学影像公司在此研究领域花费巨资,部分原因是考虑到更快速、经济的临床试验,这项技术可能用于新药检测试验和治疗,使临床试验更快速、经济。The field received an initial burst of enthusiasm in 1995 when researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin using a resting-state functional MRI (r-fMRI) were among the first to show that the brain is in factneverat rest. Even when no physical activities or mental tasks are being performed, regions of the brain talk to each other.1995年,威斯康辛州立医学院研究者们应用休眠静息状态功能性MRI (r-fMRI)首次显示,事实上大脑从不休息,当时该领域初次受到了研究者的狂热追捧。甚至当没有进行身体或精神活动的时候,大脑中各部分也在相互对话。此时这个领域遭遇了研究者疯狂的热情。The differences in those chats during resting states detected and tracked by r-fMRI may provide clues to the mechanisms of diseases that attack the brain and central nervous system.r-fMRI检测并追踪到大脑休眠静息状态时由r-fMRI检测并追踪到的这些“对话”的差别可能为大脑与中枢神经系统疾病的发病机制提供了线索。NIH Awards $40 Million美国国立卫生研究院奖励4000万美元The potential is so great that earlier this week the National Institutes of Health awarded $40 million in grants to produce high resolution maps of the neurons and synapses in the human brain - the connectome.鉴于该领域的潜力巨大,本周的早几天早些时候,美国国立卫生研究院给予4000万美元的奖励,用于绘制高分辨率的人脑神经元与突触“连接体”的图谱The grants, which are the first to be awarded under the Human Connectome Project, went to two collaborating research groups: one led by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and the other to a collaboration between Harvard and UCLA.这是人类连接体项目的第一次奖助资助,它有分给两个协作研究组:一组由圣路易斯市华盛顿大学与明尼阿波利斯市明尼苏达大学的研究者领导,另一组由哈佛大学与加州大学洛杉矶分校协作。The main goal of the project will be to map the connectomes in 1,200 healthy adults from twin pairs and siblings in 300 families. It also will include behavioral and genetic information from those individuals.此项目的主要目的是绘制来自300个家庭的双胞胎及兄弟姐妹的1200名健康成人的连接体图谱,。它此项目也会包含这些个体的行为学及遗传学信息。Individual variability in brain connections underlies the diversity of our thinking, perception, and motor skills, so understanding these networks promises advances in brain health, Connectome project director Michael Huerta, PhD, of the National Institute of Mental Health, said in a statement announcing the grants this week.本周在关于奖助资助的发布会上,连接体项目的主任、国立精神健康学会的Michael Huerta博士声称:“个体大脑连接的变异性潜存在是我们的思维、感知、运动技能之下存在差异的根本原因,因此,理解这个这些网络意味着在大脑健康方面的进步。”As many as 350 scientists are meeting at the conference that runs through Sunday at the Medical College of Wisconsin.多达350名科学家出席了周日在威斯康辛州立医学院举行的会议上,多达350名科学家在此聚首。One of those presenters, Bharat Biswal, PhD, of New Jersey Medical School, already has put together a less sophisticated connectome using the r-fMRI scans of 2,000 people from 33 countries.发言人之一、新泽西州医学院的Bharat Biswal 博士已经应用r-fMRI对来自于33个国家的2000人应用r-fMRI扫描技术进行了扫描,并将得出的相对不太复杂的连接体整合到一起。Plugging in the Diagnoses在诊断中的价值Eventually, the field would like to produce a 10,000-person connectome, complete with genetic, behavioral, and cognitive data from all the subjects, he said.他说,这个领域最终想要建立一个涉及10000人的连接体,完整的包含所有学科受试者的遗传学、行为学和认知学资料数据。Melanie Boly, MD, PhD, of University College in London, has been studying connections in the brains of people who are in comas and comparing them to people under general anesthesia.来自伦敦马里兰大学学院的Melanie Boly博士一直致力于昏迷患者脑部连接的研究,并与全身麻醉的患者做比较研究。Focusing on the frontal and parietal cortex, the scans look similar, leading to the theory that the cause of consciousness disorders may be a lack of communications between brain regions, said Boly, who also does research at the University of Liege in Belgium.Boly同时也在比利时皇家大学做研究,他说,额部与顶部皮层的扫描结果相似,从而我们得出一个理论,:意识障碍的产生可能是大脑各区域缺乏交流的结果。Boly said she thinks it will be a few more years before r-fMRI can be used to accurately determine whether people in comas have any awareness.Boly 说,用r-fMRI确诊准确确定昏迷患者是否仍有意识,还需要几年的时间。However, the technology also is moving closer for use in diagnosing Alzheimers disease risk.然而,这项技术也正朝着诊断阿尔茨海默病风险的方向发展。Koene Van Dijk, PhD, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, has looked at resting state connections in the brains of people with excessive amyloid deposits in the brain and those with the normal amyloid levels. Many researchers believe that beta-amyloid accumulation is a hallmark of Alzheimers.来自波士顿市马萨诸塞州综合医院总医院的Koene Van Dijk博士研究了脑部有过度淀粉样蛋白沉积和正常淀粉状样蛋白朊水平正常的患者脑部在静息状态下的连接。许多研究者认为-淀粉样蛋白积聚是阿尔茨海默病的特征性标志物。Both groups performed normally on cognitive tests, but those with amyloid buildup had less resting state communications between the front and back of the brain and the back of the brain and the hippocampus, the brains memory center. 两组的认知能力测试都表现正常,但是有淀粉样蛋白沉积的患者在静息状态下大脑前叶与后叶、大脑后叶与海马(大脑记忆中心)之间静息状态下的信息交流更少一些。To make a diagnosis as early as possible, that is the main goal of this research,


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