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I 中中国国地地质质大大学学(武武汉汉)远远程程与与继继续续教教育育学学院院 本本科科毕毕业业论论文文(设设计计) 题 目:论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 姓 名: 杜灿灿 准考证号: 014309210527 院 (系) 远程与继教学院 专 业: 商务英语 指导老师: 邬忠 职 称: 讲 师 评 阅 人: 职 称: 2012 年 11 月 II 原创性声明原创性声明 本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所 有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文 的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其 他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单 位。 本人签名: 日期: 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 I Abstract With the unceasing progress of world economic integration, Chinas economy is gradually mixing into the world economic system. In the international business trade, in order to reach the purpose of communication, we need to understand the business etiquettes from different cultural background. The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication. And the business etiquette is one of the most important parts in it. The different cultural will cause the different behavior. And the different cultural will also cause different business etiquettes. If we want to understand the changes of business etiquettes in cross-cultural communication, first, we need to know the difference between Chinese and foreign cultural. Sencond, we need to know the origin and development of business etiquettes, so we can analyze what is the changes of the business etiquettes better. The thesis will going to discuss the changes of business etiquettes in cross-cultural communication based on the above aspects. Combine the opinion of myself, analyze that how to use the business etiquettes to make the business practice go smoothly. At the same time, based on the history of the changes of business etiquettes, suppose how will the business etiquettes changes in the future. Key Words: business etiquettes; cross-cultural communication; cultural difference; the changes of business etiquettes 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 II 摘摘 要要 我国加入世贸组织后,与其他国家的经济交往日益频繁,国际贸易不断发展。在 国际商务活动中,要达到有效交际的目标,就必须从文化差异的角度去了解国际商务礼 仪。 不断增长的国际贸易交流以及跨国公司的成立,使得了解外国文化,语言以及跨 文化交际能力成为了我们急需掌握的技能。而商务礼仪正是其中非常必要的内容。文 化差异必然导致行为差异,不同的文化环境下也会形成不同的商务礼仪。 因此要了解跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁, 首先需要了解中外文化的的差异。其 次,需要知道商务礼仪的起源与历史,以便更好的分析商务礼仪产生了哪些变迁. 本文将从以上几个方面来讨论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁。结合自己的分析,总 结在如今的商务活动中,如何运用商务礼仪,使商务活动达到最好的结果.同时,根据已 有商务礼仪变迁的历史,大胆假设分析,未来商务礼仪将会向何处变迁. 关键词关键词: : 商务礼仪; 跨文化交际; 文化差异; 商务礼仪的变迁 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 III CONTENTS 1 Introduction1 1.1 The concept of business etiquettes1 1.2 The content of business etiquettes.2 2 Cross-Cultural Communication and Business Etiquettes3 2.1 The cross-cultural communication3 2.1.1The meaning of cross-cultural communication4 2.1.2 The content of cross-cultural communication.4 2.1.3 The purpose of cross-cultural communication6 2.2 The business etiquettes6 2.2.1 The business etiquettes in modern times 7 2.2.2 The business etiquettes in nowadays 7 2.2.3 The process of business etiquettes8 3 Difference and Changes of Business Etiquettes 10 3.1 The difference of business etiquettes between China and foreign countries.10 3.1.1 The way of address .10 3.1.2 The view of time.11 3.1.3 The dietary habit.12 3.1.4 The way of gift giving.13 3.2 The changes of business etiquettes in Chinese and foreign cultural.13 3.3 The influence of Chinese and foreign business etiquette in culture respect14 Conclusion .16 Acknowledgement.17 Reference .18 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 1 1 Introduction Business etiquette is in the business activities reflect respect each others code of conduct. Business etiquette is the core of this kind of behavior criterion, are used to constrain our daily business activities all aspects of the. Business etiquette core role is to show people mutual respect. So we study business etiquette becomes even more important. We can use a simple way to generalize the business etiquette; it is business activities of human in appearance and behaviors of the universal demand. Business etiquette is the most basic function of “disaster mitigation effect“: less make a fool of oneself, less a disgrace, less damage interpersonal relationship, meet do not know things, the most reliable way is to follow or imitate, with static brake. To shape good communication image, must pay attention to polite etiquette, therefore, we must pay attention to your behavior. Etiquette is self behavior XinCheng performance, the outer conditions of a persons behavior action can be directly show his attitude. Do polite, natural and graceful, abide by the general in etiquette, and try to avoid various impolite, not civilization habits. “Etiquette is to sustain and develop interpersonal relationship and of generation, is the human civilization and an important symbol of social progresses; it is not only the important content of communication activities, and moral culture of the external performance form with rich connotation.”(Jin Zhengkun 2004) Business etiquette, is the company or enterprise business personnel in business activities, in order to shape the individual or enterprises good image and follow to communication object respect and friendly specification or program, also can saying is business contacts to be followed in communication art. 1.1 The concept of business etiquettes The people who look inside the respect of love, through the beautiful instrument, ceremony expression comes out, is etiquette. Business contacts in face a lot of, but the basic speaking is human contacts, so we put business etiquette defined as business personnel communication art. People have different interpretations to etiquette. Some say that a moral accomplishment. Some say that a kind of etiquette is a kind of formal beauty, someone speak etiquette is a kind of custom. Business etiquette practical that is should be how to do, should not do. The main function of etiquette, from the individuals point of view, one is to enhance peoples own manners. The second is help to beautify their own, and beautify life; Help promote peoples social communication, improving peoples interpersonal relationship; Also 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 2 help purify general mood of society. From the groups point of view, the etiquette is the enterprise culture, the spirit of enterprises important content, is the enterprise image of the main attachment point. An international enterprise, for etiquette has high standard request, the etiquette, as an important content of the enterprise culture, and it is also the important software for international authentication. 1.2 The content of business etiquettes In business activities, in order to show respect, need through some code of conduct to discipline the people in all aspects of the business activities, including instrument etiquette, manners, epistolary contact, telephone communication skills, from business activities occasions and can be divided into office etiquette, banquet etiquette, hospitality etiquette, etc. Along with the international association of frequent and universal, which require business people understand and use appropriate international business etiquette to friendly and sincere communication, communication and cooperation. 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 3 2 Cross-Cultural Communication and Business Etiquettes Etiquette is the basis of the civilization of the whole society, and is the social civilization is the most direct form of the most comprehensive. China is a land of decorum with a splendid culture of five thousand years Chinese civilization in the world influence. But in nearly 200 years, with the rise of western countries, western dominated the world, and now the prevailing international etiquette is basically the western etiquette. With the opening and reform forward, transnational communication increasingly more than once, because of cross-cultural communication in business etiquette is a considerable difference, in communication may be because of different cultural background, life style and produce all sorts of problems, how to avoid these Chinese and foreign communication barriers? Well have to study, reading business etiquette communication different etiquette, can smoothly carry on Chinese and foreign exchange. “Cross-cultural communication in business etiquette difference, in the final analysis is the difference of Chinese and western culture. Cross-cultural communication etiquette difference expression and communication, communication language is different in different ways, table manners of different and clothing of different etiquette.”(Han Huiru 2012) 2.1 The cross-cultural communication Due to the Chinese English cultural existence on entirely different traditions and customs, peoples life style, way of thinking and value concept, language habits and so on all have very big difference. Many daily behaviors in two kinds of language communication activities are also obvious cultural differences. Language is the carrier of culture, culture is one of the inseparable parts, and it not only reflects the culture and the influence of by culture. In addition to language use by structure rules, namely pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar as well as restriction, also will be affected by use of the rules restrict, here is the use of language rules refers to the society of which culture, social culture decided to language use is appropriate. Because of cultural migration, the foreign language learners often will own cultural pattern set into the new language culture, and “culture both its unity, continuity and common, and its diversity and variation.”(Hu Wenzhong,1985) It is refers to native speakers and non-native speakers. Politeness of communication between also refers to any in the language and cultural backgrounds have differences between 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 4 peoples communication. Popular it is if you and foreigners (since there are the differences in language and culture background), should pay attention to what problem, should how too correctly to exchange. From the point of view of the foreign Chinese major, “cross-cultural communication“ concept can be defined: In the specific communicative situations, with different cultural background communication is using the same kind of language (mother tongue or target language) of the oral communication. 2.1.1The meaning of cross-cultural communication Cultural differences can cause communication obstacles. But it is the existence of the cultural differences, the world is rich and colorful, have the demand of communication. Mutual respect for each others culture, and to promote mutual understanding, makes different cultural complementary, make this national culture get development. If each other exists cultural discrimination, causing the conflict is not surprising. Since the reform and opening up, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, “internationalization“, “with international standards“ such words, has been widely used in China. From all over the world visit of foreigners grows day by day, and at the same time more and more Chinese people studying abroad, engaging in business activities, Tours, travel, personal contact foreign cultural environment of people and things. At present our country fast economic growth, cultural exchanges, tourism booming development, foreign sole proprietorship, joint venture enterprise quantity increased, and international personnels economic and cultural communications are increasing. Students go abroad exchanges; the opportunity to pursue further study is also increasing. The international community is increasingly becoming a “global village”. We should try to grasp some foreign culture and intercultural communication knowledge, also to improve their comprehensive quality. 2.1.2 The content of cross-cultural communication First communication both parties must come from different cultural background A cultural difference in background is a broad concept, is refers to the difference between the different cultural circles, and also refers to the same culture circle the difference between internal subculture. Cultural differences mainly refer to the difference between the different cultural circle, especially China and countries in Europe and America cultural differences. For from the actual situation of cross-cultural communication view, due to cultural differences in background lead to communication error, easy to cause the main 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 5 conflict is China and countries in Europe and America interpersonal. China with Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea and in some southeast Asian countries, the interpersonal, though there are also cultural differences side, but to smoothly, it is because these countries and Chinese belong to the Oriental culture circle, between each other in the cultural orientation and communication norms have many common places. Second communication both parties must use the same kind of language communication. This is obvious, if one party to use a language, and the other party to use another different language, communication is without. But, since communication both sides come from different cultural background, and to use the same language, then used the language of communication for a party it is language, which the other party is inevitable as a second language. Such as a Chinese and an American conversation, they can choose to use Chinese, also can choose to use English, so that they can use the same language direct communication, and dont need through the translation the intermediate links. Third communication of both sides is real-time oral communication. Intercultural communication way in varied forms can be language symbol communication, also can nonverbal symbol communication, such as goods, pictorial, material objects, image, and perform to this other materialized form of symbol communication; Can be the two-way communication, also can be through the medium of one-way communication, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines or advertising mode of transmission of communication; Can be oral communication, also can be written communication, such as letters, documents and intercourse. Forth communication is the direct speech communication. The current domestic intercultural communication research mainly focuses on foreign language teaching boundary. Intercultural communication is a young discipline; it is in the international communication is a becoming more and more frequent, global economic integration specific time producing emerging discipline. In China, the intercultural communication research is the product of reform and opening up, is Chinese international promotion strategic decision needs. Intercultural communication is a comprehensive discipline, it is contemporary social science disciplines integrated research results, and discipline background mainly involves cultural linguistics and social linguistics, verbal communication study. Many people in a language exchange among many obstacles, the earliest time communication obstacle lies in your English is bad and produces misunderstanding, and this is the traditional views. Later, when 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 6 the two sides language skills are very good, as if there is no obstacle, and it is our misunderstanding. Investigation found that, not a good knowledge of English to be able to achieve the purpose of communication. In the past, we had said communication is only will express. 2.1.3 The purpose of cross-cultural communication Cultivate people have a positive attitude to understand different cultures. “Culture is a difference, through the discovery of each others difference, which in turn to deepen our understanding of the culture.”(Xu Bing 2009) In the process of found differences, we also want to pay attention to not neglect a lot of in common. Cultivate cross-cultural contacts adaptation. First and different cultural contact, often will be affected by culture shock, so as to produce some does not adapt. To make the communication to continue, must try to slow down impact strike, improve the adaptability. Cultivate intercultural communication skills. Along with the further enlargement opening, go out of the country or stay at home to participate in intercultural communication by more and more people, they all need to learn, master and different cultural background are when dealing with a practical skill. In the United States, except in the university has aspect of the curriculum, but the society, such as the business world, many institutions have specifically responsible for the cultivation of the intercultural communication skills, in order to adapt to the international societys need. So it is based on this point, intercultural communication study practical significance to be bigger than the theoretical significance. 2.2 The business etiquettes The first role is to improve our business personnels personal qualities. The market competition is ultimately personnel quality competition, to business personnel speaking; business personnels quality is the business personnel individual accomplishment and personal expression. Breeding is reflected in detail, detail display quality. The so-called personal qualities is business contacts in the manner of dealing with peoples basic performance, such as smoking, general educated person in front of strangers is not smoking; Educated people in the public under is not loudmouthed; In business contacts in the dress to wear jewelry, wear jewelry to tell the following four principles: Wear jewelry total required to conform to the identity, with fewer is preferred. 1, quantity principle, lower limit is zero and upper limit of 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪的变迁 7 not more than three, no more than two. The second principle that collocation principle, dress harmonious beauty is important, easily said but very hard to do, such as a white-collar lady, to go to dinner, wear qipao with tall canister thin sand gloves, the ring is worn on the inside of the gloves, or outside; A young girl, wear tall canister socks, said is put inside or outside. The third principle is quality color principle, be texture and color to harmony, which


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