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论文整体较好,内容清晰,主体结构完整。但在很多细节上有欠缺,语言上的问题也较多,请作者参考文中批注及修改示例修改。 Improving the students listening comprehension by through prediction activityies in the listening class大写实词词头字母Submitted by 张XXStudent ID number W200XA5105BXXSupervised by 冯雪老师使用英文拼写A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University正文之前的几页不需要页码,请参考论文辅导手册中相关说明修改页码设置北京外国语大学网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文所涉及的项目为本人亲自负责或者参与实施的项目。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学士学位论文作者签名:张青竹 日期:2009 年 5 月 17 日摘要听力理解是英语学习中最重要的能力之一,在教学过程中,作者发现她的学生的听力理解能力较差,他们在听英文材料的时候,专注于听某一些词或某几名话,缺乏对材料的全面理解能力。针对学生在听力理解中的误区,本项目对初二年级30名学生进行了分析试验。首先,笔者运用了苏格拉底法和集思广益法对学生的问题进行了剖析。调查发现导致问题的根源在于学生在听力之前对听力材料没有准备,缺乏听前预测,这样导致他们在听的过程中茫然失措,找不到方向。根据在英语教学法I听力教学中学到的听前准备的教学知识,笔者以初二的听力训练课本学为基础,设计了四个星期的培养学生们听前预测习惯的教学实践。本项目的假设是学生通过听前预测使大脑对听力材料作好充分准备,以达到提到提高对材料的听力理解教学过程中,笔者将学生分为实验组(班)和对比组(班)分别用改良的和传统的方法进行三周的对比教学。在对实验组的教学过程中,作者在每堂听力课的前20分种,鼓励学生们以小组为单位,根据听力材料和题目中的已知的信息讨论将要听到的听力材料中的内容,并将各自预测的内容写在黑板上,。 同时,为鼓励学生们的积极性,采取了小组竞争的方式,听后对每一组的听力训练成绩进行了现场评分。 四周的教学后,通过对两组同学的听力练习成绩的比较,作者得出以下结论:1)实验组在加入了听前预测训练后对听力材料的理解远远好于对比组。 2)加入了听前预测训练后,实验组学生对听力训练的信心和兴趣仅仅通过测验成绩能获得这两方面的数据吗?都比以前有所增加。实践证明: 听前预测技巧的掌握对于提前学生们的听力理解能力有很大的帮助。关键词: 听力理解,英语学习, 英语教学,听前预测,AbstractListening comprehension is one of the most important ability in English studying; and this paper is based on the project which aims to improve students listening comprehension by applying prediction in pre-listening stage. The author found that the students encountered great difficulty to in understanding the listening material, as they listened to the article word by word, or even sound by sound, which she believed could be removed avoided by a good class teaching method. However, traditional listening class failed. She went on to find out the cause of the problem, to accomplish it; she used, using Socratic dialogueMethod and class analysis to dig out the root of problem - the lack of mental preparation and prediction of listening material. It is hypothesized that the students listening ability could be improved by training them to make enough prediction before listening. Two groups of middle school students were involved in the four-week experiment, the Target Group and the Control Group. When teaching the Target Group, the teacher applied prediction in pre-listening stage, where she had the students to predict what they would hear in the articles from any accessible information of the unit, such as the title, main sentences, exercises designed for the unit, and also the relationships of between the speakers etc.After the four weeks of teaching, the teacher used interview and teaching diaries to be the evidence of the teaching result. The comparison of exercise scores of the two groups showed that the prediction strategy really helped the Target Group to get higher marks and especially in last weeks practice. The most important was that the students found back their confidence and interest to listening activity. 参中文摘要意见修改To sum up, the prediction strategy is helpful to improve the students understanding to of the listening materials.It is shown that the hypothesis has been proved to be correct. Key Words: English teaching; listening comprehension, prediction, pre-listening stage, teaching methodTable of Contents信息不完整,请补充Pages1. Project Introduction 12. Project Problem Identification and Analysis2 2.1 Project problem2 2.2 Problem analysis2 2.3 Results of problem analysis33. Project Objective and Hypothesis3 3.1 Project objective3 3.2 Project hypothesis34. Project Rationale4 4.1 4 4.2 44.34 4.455. Project Design 5 5.1 5 5.2 6 5.3 66. Project Implementation87. Results and Discussion11 7.1 117.1.1 117.1.2 137.1.3 14 7.2148. Conclusion15Bibliography15Appendix I. 16Appendix II. Appendix III. (Please write the title of your BA degree paper here)替换为本文的标题1. Introduction (一级标题采用Arial 12 号黑体)As one of the fundamental language skills, listening is a medium through which listeners gain a large portion of their information. Especially in this age of mass communication, it is of vital importance that our students are taught to listen effectively.段落之间加空行,全文同理修改。Having been an English teacher in a middle school for half a year, the researcher found certain potential obstacles or difficulties that students encounter in their listening class as below:1) They found it difficult to keep up with the speaker in the tape recording, w. When避免run-on sentences(单独使用逗号链接两个完整句子) they are busy working out the meaning of one part of what they hear, they miss what comes next.2) They listen to the tape word by word, or even sound by sound, so theyre at a loss when doing the exercises after listening.It seemed that the bottom-up listening techniques most young learners used in listening practice was not effective. A careful analysis showed that their problems in listening were caused by the lack of mental preparation or prediction of the listening material. To solve this problem, a four-week experiment was designed and carried out with two groups of middle school; it aims to improve students listening comprehension by applying prediction in pre-listening stage. All students in this project were Grade Two students in a private middle school in Shenzhen. Students in Class 2 comprised the Target Group and were asked to spend 20 minutes to conduct group discussion about what they would hear in tape from the available information they could get in books; while the students in Class 1 served as the Control Group and continued to use the traditional method, which included only the bottom-up method.The project hypothesis is that making enough prediction before listening can get the students mentally ready for the playing of tape and enhance students listening comprehension. The listening material selected for the project was interesting and close to the students daily life正文页码设为1.A range of research methods were employed in the project, they are post-test scores, teachers reflection notes, and the student interview, so that more objective and comprehensive research result can be recorded throughout the implementation period.2. Problem Identification and Analysis2.1 Problem Identification Having taught English to middle school students for half a year, I 全文需统一人称:I或the researcher或the teacher,不要混用found that many students of mine have great difficulty in understanding the listening material I prepared for them. Although they are very attentive in listening class, they cant understand the speech well.When they listen to the long sentences, they cannot get them complete; they can only remember the first or the second half of the sentence. Theyre at a loss when asked to transfer the information from the listening passage to exercises. Therefore they complain strongly listening comprehension is so difficult that they are very nervous in listening examination, and even in the listening class.前面动词是过去时,从这开始变为现在时。请统一.2.2 Project AnalysisA. The Socratic MethodTable1: The Socratic method for Problem AnalysisQuestionsAnswersa) Why do the students fear of listening activity?Because theyre afraid that they couldnt understand the listening material.b) Why couldnt they understand the speech well, even when sometimes its simple enough?Because their listening method is wrong. They listen word by word or even sound by sound, but not the complete sentence or speech.c) How do people listen in their native language?People often predict what the person is going to say next-perhaps not always the exact words, but at least the main ideas. We often find ourselves finishing other peoples sentences for them.d) What should I do to help them?I should try to cultivate students prediction ability so that they can form a natural and effective listening habit and make prediction based on accessible information of exercisesB. Cause Analysisa) Teachers sidei. The teacher是I吗?s major was Business English in University, after graduation, she worked in a trading company for about 7 years, just last year, she quit her job, and got this new job as an English Teacher, thus the teacher may lack proper experience of teaching English.ii. She was not enthusiastic herself.iii. She ignores the importance of prediction skill in peoples listening habit, and does no exercise to cultivate students prediction habit in listening class,iv. The topic of speech the teacher chooses for listening activity is sometimes strange to the students, therefore the students are lack of schema concerning the topicb) Students sidei. The students general English language proficiency is not good.ii. They listen to the speech word by word or sentence by sentence, instead of the whole sentence.iii. They have no prediction about what will be talked about in the speech, so theyre unprepared mentally for the listening material.iv. Some of them are lazy.需进一步具体说明。2.3 Result of project analysisAfter making the above analysis, the teacher found out the cause for the problem in the students listening habit. It was due to the lack of prediction or metal preparation in pre-listening stage. Based on this finding, the teacher decided to design a project to help the students improve their listening ability.3. Project Objective and Hypothesis3.1 The project objective is to enhance students listening ability.3.2 It is hypothesized that learners listening comprehension can be improved through the training of listening skills, especially prediction. The result can be shown by (eg. the test scores? / the students being able to answer questions?)4. Project Rationale4.1 How do people listen in their native language?Despite the fact that people in real life listen to a diversity of texts, their approaches to understanding them are more or less the same. Then what goes on in a listeners head when he processes a spoken message? Before he listens, the listener always has an expectation or prediction of what is to be said. When he listens, he matches what he expects with what he hears and activates his knowledge about the language and background information to extract the meaning. Language and background knowledge constitute the two main sources of information the listener can resort to in achieving understanding. When he relies on the former, the listener segments the stream of speech into its constituent sounds, link these together to form words, chain the words together to form clauses and sentences and so on, which is termed as the bottom-up approach to listening. In addition to the knowledge of language, the listener also calls upon the knowledge of topic. The use of inside-the-head knowledge, that is, knowledge about the context, speaker or topic, which is not directly encoded in words, to work out the whole meaning first, is referred to as the top-down approach to listening. An effective listener, like an effective reader, is not one who sticks to only one of these two approaches throughout the whole listening process, but one who knows how to make use of both approaches at the same time.引用文字或观点需在引文后标注出处,并与后面的bibliography一一对应以下同理,不再一一指出4.2 Schema TheoryThe inside-the head knowledge is also known as schema, to be specific, schema is about ones own already acquired knowledge and experience. One the basis of the definition, a schema is to be a frame with many slots. When the new information is integrated with the existing background knowledge and is put into the appropriate slots, the schema is considered to be activated, after that, the listening understanding is easier to achieve.Prediction, or looking ahead, is a basic strategy for using ones schema to understand a text. The leaner generates a hypothesis about the type, purpose, or scope of a text to provide a framework for transacting with the text to confirm comprehension.4.3 The role and teacher and students in a listening classThe whole process of a listening class can be explained in terms of a film shooting analogy. The teacher can be thought of as a director and the students actors and actresses. Before the shooting, the director gives the actors and actresses an introduction of the play, tells them how they are expected to act and sometimes involves them in some kind of warm-up activities to get them ready for the shooting. When it comes to the actual shooting, the director will give the whole stage to the actors and actresses, with him standing behind the scene, monitoring and observing. After the shooting, the director will get the actors and actresses together again, making comments or diagnosing problems. A listening class, just like the film shooting, is also divided into three stages: pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening stages. 4.4 The purpose of pre-listening stage.Underwood (1989:30) said, “ it引用到哪里结束? is unfair to plunge students into the listening text, even when testing rather than teaching listening comprehension, as this makes it extremely difficult for them to use the natural listening skills ( which we all use in our native language) of matching what they hear with what they expect to hear and using their previous knowledge to make sense of it.The main purpose of the pre-listening stage is to introduce enough about the topic, type of text or purpose for listening in order to activate the students schema and get them ready to predict what they will hear and make sense of it. Most of all the students must have a purpose to listen and employ the most appropriate skills. Sometimes the pre-listening activity can form the purpose for listening, such as giving the students a title and asking them to predict what will be said, then listen to check their predictions, or they could be asked to write questions they want the text to answer. The teacher could give the students the key words from the text and ask them to predict the content or topic of the text, then they could listen to check that prediction.“5. Project Design5.1 Target Group and Control GroupTwo groups of students will be needed for comparison, the Target Group, who will apply prediction in pre-listening stage; and the Control Group, who will be taught in the same way as before without enough pre-listening activity to activate the students schema. The sample groups consisted of two classes of Grade 2 students, who are about the same English level at the beginning of the project. They are taught by the same teacher, but in different ways. 31 students of Class 2, Grade 2 are the Target Group. They are asked to spend 20 minutes to do pre-listening activity first. 31 students of Class 1, Grade 4 served as the Control Group and continue to use teaching method before, namely, the bottom-up method, to practice English listening. periodWeekDateStoryObjectivesTasksTime(Min)1.IApr 11Helen KellerTo train students to make pre-listening prediction based on the topic1. Read the topic and discuss in groups about what you know about Helen Keller2. Brief introduction of Helen Keller3. Teach new words202.IIApr 17Who is the theft-To train students to make prediction based on the key words1. Read the word list carefully.2. Answer the questions203.IIIMay 04We dont supply a girl either!-To train students to make prediction based on the exercises designed for the text1. Read the exercises carefully and find out the general information about the story.2. Teach new vocabulary204.IIIIMay 11Roberts first job interview-To train students to make prediction based on the speakers and their relations1. Predict what they will talk about in job interview2. Teach new vocabulary205.2 General introduction to the teaching planThe Teaching plan is designed to cultivate students good habit to make pre-listening prediction, and activate their schema to help them achieve better understanding of listening material.5.3 Description of the teaching time, materials, objectives and stagesWeek ITime: 20 minutesContent: Helen Keller (See Appendix I)以下几周的教案需同样补充附件出处Materials: Text and listening material, cassette playerObjective: The purpose of this story is to improve students listening ability by prediction based on the topic.Procedures: 1. Read the topic and discuss in groups about what you know about Helen Keller2. Every group chooses a speaker to introduce Helen Keller briefly.3. Teach new words.4. Listen to the material and find out the gist of the text 6. Listen to the material again and finish the exercise for specific information. Week IITime: 20 minutesContent: Find the Theft Materials: Text and listening material, cassette player Objective: The purpose of this story is to improve students listening ability by prediction based on the key words.Procedures: 1. Write the words the text book gives on the blackboard. The word list for a dialogue between the police officer and the witness and victim is: mask, robbery, recognize, fingerprint, jewels, mattress, break into, fortune etc. 2. After the students go over all the words, ask them following question: a. What is the passage you are going to hear mainly about? b. what did the thief wear? c. what did the thief steel? d. where did the police find them?3. Link all the information gained from the key words, and ask student to tell the story in their own idea.4. Listen to the dialogue for the first time, and answer the above 4 q


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