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Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 17Seeing a Doctor课时分层训练(十七)Lesson 17.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Dont take too much _ (药)2What is the _ (问题) with you?3I will _ (停留) home with my mother.4I dont go to school,because I have a _(头痛)5Her mother has a bad _(胃疼)She must go to see the doctor.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空stay, rest, matter, medicine, stomachache, cold1Put on your coat. Dont catch a _2_ home and drink some water.3Lets have a good _ under the tree.4I dont want to eat anything and I have a _5Whats the _ with you, Danny?6Take this _ and you will be OK.单项填空()1._?I cut my hand. AWhats the matter BHow do you feelCAre you right DHow are you()2.I have a stomachache. So I _this medicine and _ home.Atakes; stays Bhave; staysCtake; stay Dhave; have()3.He has a headache. Hed better _ and see a doctor.Ato go Bgo Cgoes Dgoing()4._?No, I feel sick.AWhats the matter BAre you sickCAre you OK DHow do you feel()5.Whats the matter _ your leg?I hurt it when I play basketball.Aon BforCfrom Dwith()6.My friend _ two cats. They are so cute.Ahave BhasCare Dis()7.Youd better _ at night. Its dangerous(危险的) for a girl.Ago out Bnot to go outCnot going out Dnot go out()8.Whats wrong with you, Bob?I _ a headache.Ahas Bhave Care Dam()9.He _ two uncles, but I _ only one.Ahas; have Bhave; haveChas; has Dhave; has()10.Can you _ the doctor over there, Bob?Yes, he is my brother.Alook Bsee Ctalk Dshow.连词成句1matter, you, with, is, what, the_?2left, hurts, hand, his_.3a, has, headache, my, mum_.4you, OK, are, today_?5I, with Tommy, to, stay, want_.补全对话A: Hi, Bob. 1._B: Im not feeling well.A: Do you feel cold?B: Yes, 2._ And I have a headache.A: When did it start?B: Two days ago.A: Well, let me have a lookYou have a cold.B: I think so.A: 3._ Drink more water and have a good rest. 4._B: Thank you.A: 5._AI feel cold.BYoull be better soon.CWhats the matter with you?DYoure welcome.ETake this medicine three times a day.详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.medicine2.matter3.stay4headache5.stomachache .1.cold2.Stay3rest4.stomachache5matter6.medicine课后巩固提升.1.A该句的答语意为“我切到了手”,所以要询问发生了什么状况,故选A。2C3.B4.C5.D6Bmy friend为第三人称单数,故动词用has。句意:我的朋友有两只猫,它们很可爱。7Dhad better (not) do sth.意为“最好(不要)做某事”。句意:你最好晚上不要出去,对一个女孩来说太危险了。故答案为D。8Bhave a headache 为固定短语,意为“头痛”。主语为I,谓语动词用have。9A前半句主语he为第三人称单数,谓语动词用has。后半句主语I为第一人称,谓语动词用have。故选A。10B.1.W


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