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Unit 6 Lets Go!Lesson 32At the Supermarket课时分层训练(三十二)Lesson 32.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1The fruit looks very _(新鲜的)2Please walk slowly. I cant _(跟随) you.3We are _(数) the books.4The old man is _(八十) years old.5Our school library has about nine _(百) English books.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1李明和他的妈妈正在超市里购物。Li Ming and his mum _ _ _ the supermarket.2我正坐在妈妈旁边。Im sitting _ _ my mother.3我能为你做点什么?_ _ I do for you?4“谢谢你!”“别客气!”Thank you! _ _!5这件T恤衫多少钱?_ _ is this Tshirt?.单项填空()1.Lily is _ her pen, but she cant _ it.Afinding; look forBlooking for; findClook for; findingDlooking for; finding()2._ is the bike?255 yuan.AHow manyBHow tallCHow much DHow old()3.What can I do for you, Madam?_ANo, I dont needBYes, please help meCId like to buy a pair of shoes DPlease follow me()4.This skirt is very beautiful. Linda will _ it.Asell BtakeCwant Dsay()5.The Green family are _ at the supermarket.Aswimming BsleepingCshopping Dwriting()6.This is my new pen.Let me _Ashow you to it Bshow it at youCshow it to you Dshow you it()7.I want to buy _ vegetables. Do you have _ potatoes here? Asome; some Bany; anyCany; some Dsome; any()8.We should _ the school rules as students.Abreak BcatchCtell Dfollow.阅读理解We go shopping on Sunday. I often go to the supermarket with my mother on Sunday morning. Father likes fruit very much. We buy some bananas for him. Mother likes red apples, but the apples in the supermarket are green. We dont buy them. The strawberries(草莓) are very nice. Mother likes them very much and buys some for herself(她自己)The oranges are very nice, too. Mother buys some for me. I like oranges very much. We need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very fresh. We buy some broccoli(西兰花)I dont like broccoli, but my parents like it. I like carrots very much. We buy lots of carrots. After shopping,mother and I have some salad, French fries and ice cream. Then we go back home with the fruit and vegetables.()1.Who likes strawberries very much?AI.BFather.CMother. DWe dont know.()2.Does Mother buy apples?AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CShe likes apples.DShe doesnt like apples.()3.Mother buys some oranges for _Aherself BfatherCus Dme()4.What dont they buy at the supermarket?ABananas. BCarrots.COranges. DApples.()5.Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?AFather doesnt like fruit.BMother buys some apples.CI dont like carrots.DMy parents like broccoli.详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.fresh2.follow3.counting4eighty5.hundred.1.are shopping at2.next to3What can4.No problem5How much课后巩固提升.1.Blook for意为“寻找”,强调找的过程;find意为“发现”,强调找的结果。句意:莉莉正在找她的钢笔,但是她没有找到。2C3C此题考查在商店购物时的交际用语。“What can I do for you?”相当于“Can I help you?”意为“你想买点什么?”4B5.C6Cshow sth.to sb.意为“向某人展示某物;给某人看某物”,是固定短语。7Dsome用于肯定句;any用于表示疑问语气的疑问句。8D句意:作为学生我们应该遵守校规。follow意为“跟随”,符合题意。.1.C根据“The strawberries are very nice. Mother likes them very much and buys some for herself.”可知妈妈非常喜欢草莓,故选C。2B根据“Mother likes red apples, but the apples in the supermarket are green. We dont buy them.”可知妈妈没有买苹果,故选B。3D根据“The oranges are very nice, too. Mother


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