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Unit 6综合水平测试听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择相对应的图片。(5分)听力材料:1.I like to read the book Journey to the West.Its interesting.2An old man tried to move the mountains.3Most kids like to watch the TV program called Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.4In the story,the man is brave enough to beat a tiger.5The emperor wore his new clothes.But in fact he wore nothing.1_C_2._E_3._B_4._A_5._D_二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)听力材料:M:Which do you like reading,Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella,Jimmy?M:Neither.I like reading Little Red Riding Hood.( C )6.Which book does Jimmy like reading?ASleeping Beauty.BCinderella.CLittle Red Riding Hood.听力材料:W:What do you think of the Monkey King in Journey to the West?M:He is smart and brave.( B )7.What does the boy think of the Monkey King?ASilly and simple. BSmart and brave.CFunny and kind.听力材料:W:You look upset,Nick.What happened?M:I lost my schoolbag and my favorite storybook was in it.( B )8.Why does Nick look upset?ABecause his teacher took away his storybook.BBecause he lost his favorite storybook.CBecause he didnt have enough money to buy a storybook.听力材料:W:Dale,what did you find in the moonlight?M:Some pieces of bread.( C )9.When did Dale find bread pieces?AIn the morning. BIn the afternoon.CIn the evening.听力材料:W:Oh,who led you to my house,Mike?M:Your daughter Kate.( B )10.What did Kate do?AHe asked Mike how to get home.BShe led Mike to her house.CShe visited Mikes house.三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)听下面一段较长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:W:What did you do last Sunday?M:Well,I went to the cinema.W:Oh,which film did you see?M:The Magic Brush.W:Oh,really?Did you like it?M:Yes,it was very fun.( C )11.What did the boy do last Sunday?AHe played games. BHe went to the zoo.CHe saw a film.( B )12.How was the film?AIt was boring. BIt was very fun.CIt was too long.听下面一段较长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:W:Do you know the story Playing Music to the Cow,Peter?M:Yes.I think the musician was really silly.In the story,the cow kept eating grass with its head down.It didnt seem to be interested in the music at all.W:I disagree with you.You cant tell whether the cow enjoyed the music or not,because it couldnt speak.M:But its impossible for a cow to understand music.W:Its hard to say.Some scientists say nice music is good for the growth of animals.M:Well,I dont believe it.( B )13.What does Peter think of the musician in the story Playing Music to the Cow?AFunny. BSilly.CSmart.( C )14.What did the cow do when the musician played music?AIt began to dance.BIt stopped eating grass and ran away.CIt kept eating grass with its head down.( A )15.What does the girl mean?AMusic may be good for the growth of animals.BIts funny to play music to animals.CAnimals may play music one day.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)听力材料:Jack was looking for things of the old times.One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl.It looked very old.The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it.A farmer,the owner of the cat,was lying beside the bowl.Jack did not want the farmer to know that he was interested in the bowl.So he said to him,“What a nice cat you have!Will you sell it to me for twenty dollars?” The farmer agreed.After he paid the farmer,Jack said,“My cat will certainly feel thirsty.May I take the bowl so that the cat can drink?” But the farmer said,“Im sorry I cant give you the bowl.Thanks to the bowl,I have sold twenty cats.”( B )16.Where did Jack look for things of the old times?AIn a city. BIn a village. CIn a town.( C )17.What was Jack interested in?AThe cat. BThe old man. CThe bowl.( A )18.What was the cat drinking from the bowl?AMilk. BPorridge. CWater.( C )19.How did Jack feel at last?AHappy. BNervous. CUpset.( A )20.Who is cleverer,Jack or the farmer?AThe farmer. BJack. CNeither.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(15分)( B )21.He is creative.Hes going to turn his car _ a playroom for the children.Awith Binto CinDfrom( A )22.Do you like the singer Huang Liling?Yes.Her _ is sweet and her songs _ beautiful.Avoice;sound Bnoise;sound Cnoise;look Dsound;look( B )23.It was _ of her to go into the burning building to save the child.Amagic Bbrave Cstrange Dclever( B )24.Listen!I hear someone _ in the classroom.Asing Bsinging Cto sing Dsings( C )25.Your English is very good.Who taught you?_.I learned it all by myself.ASomebody BEverybody CNobody DAnybody( C )26.Dale plans to go shopping _ going fishing this weekend.Abecause of Bbecause Cinstead of Dinstead( B )27.Tina is _ tall _ she can reach the apples on the tree.Atoo;to Bso;that Cenough;to Dsuch;that( A )28.Do you like Hangzhou?Of course,I _ it as soon as I arrived there.Afell in love with Bcame up withCran out of Dtook care of( C )29.Tom and his classmates went to the zoo last Sunday.They enjoyed themselves there the _ day.Asome Bone Cwhole Dall( D )30.How do you like your skirt,Alice?Its beautiful and it _ me well.I like it very much.Araises Bfills Clooks Dfits( A )31.When will Mary get to the station?Im not sure,but she will call you as soon as she _.Aarrives Barrived Cwas arriving Dwill arrive( C )32.Jane Zhang is going to hold a concert here in July.Really?_ exciting news!AHow BWhat an CWhat DHow an( B )33.Could we go and watch the football game?No,_ you have the ticket.Aif Bunless Cbecause Dsince( D )34.Why do you like the old photo,Lisa?Because it _ me of my best friend.Aremembers Bthinks Cleads Dreminds( D )35.The little boy said he was going to walk to the big city from his village._!Its much too far.ASounds good BHave a good dayCIts a big deal DIts a little bit silly六、完形填空。(10分)Today Id like to tell you a story about ten suns.Long time ago,_36_ were ten suns.They appeared in turn (逐个) in the _37_ every day.Each _38_ the ten suns and their mother washed in a lake in the east.Then only one sun would move off _39_ the sky.It would have a oneday journey to _40_ a mountain in the west.One day,the ten suns decided to take the journey _41_They had a good time,but it was so hot on the earth that people couldnt _42_ it.The suns father,Di Jun,tried to ask his children to appear in turn._43_,they didnt listen to him.So Di Jun asked Yi to frighten (吓唬) them.To his surprise,Yi _44_ nine suns,leaving only one in the sky.Di Jun was so _45_ that he turned Yi into a common person.( A )36.A.there Bthose Cthey Dwe( C )37.A.mountain Bground Csky Dsea( C )38.A.year Bmonth Cday Dhour( A )39.A.to Bfrom Cwith Dupon( D )40.A.go Bget Carrive Dreach( B )41.A.yet Btogether Calso Dalready( A )42.A.stand Boffer Chide Dfind( B )43.A.Though BHowever CSo DIf( B )44.A.turned Bshot Csaved Drose( D )45.A.dangerous Bexcited Chappy Dangry七、阅读理解。(30分)AOnce upon a time,a girl called Goldilocks went into the forest and picked some flowers.She saw a little house and she knocked on the door.There was no one there,so she entered the room.On a table there were three bowls with some food in them.First,she finished the food in the smallest bowl.Next,when she sat down,she destroyed the smallest chair.Finally,she walked into the bedroom and was soon asleep in the smallest bed.Goldilocks didnt know the little house was three bears home.When the three bears returned home,they didnt notice Goldilocks at first.But finally they saw her.When Goldilocks opened her eyes and saw them,she was very frightened and hurried away without her basket.She didnt return again.( A )46.Goldilocks went into the forest and picked some _.Aflowers Btrees Cvegetables( C )47.Goldilocks saw a little house and she knocked on the _.Abed Bwindow Cdoor( B )48.On a _ there were three bowls with some food in them.Adesk Btable Cchair( A )49.Finally,Goldilocks was asleep in the _ bed.Asmallest Bbiggest Clongest( B )50.Why did Goldilocks hurry away when she saw the three bears?ABecause she was excited. BBecause she was afraid.CBecause she was angry.BMomotarOne day,an old woman found a peach (桃子) in the river and took it home.She and her husband found a child in the peach when they were trying to eat it.They called him Momotar.When Momotar grew up,he started to fight bad men.With the help of a dog,a monkey and a bird,Momotar beat them and went back home safely.PinocchioA kind old man created (创造) Pinocchio from wood and treated (对待) him as his son.Instead of doing right things like going to school,Pinocchio liked hanging out.One day,a whale (鲸) ate the old man.Pinocchio went into the sea and risked his life to save his father.The brave act made him become a real man.( A )51.Who found the peach in the river?AAn old woman. BAn old man.CAn old couple. DMomotar.( D )52.What did Pinocchio enjoy doing?ACutting wood. BGoing to school.CHelping others. DHanging out.( B )53.Pinocchios _ act made him become a real man at last.Afriendly Bbrave Cfunny Dbad( C )54.What did Momotar and Pinocchio have in common?AThey both came from a peach.BThey didnt love their fathers.CThey were not born humans.DThey both loved to fight bad men.( D )55.What do we know from the passage?AMomotar loved eating peach.BMomotar got hurt in the fight.CPinocchio had three animal friends.DPinocchio save his father from the whale.COne night,a woman and a man had a car accident.Their cars were broken but luckily neither of them was hurt.After they got out of their cars,the woman said,“So youre a man.Thats interesting.Im a woman.This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and get married.”The man replied,“I agree with you.This must be a sign from God.”The woman continued,“Oh,look at this!Heres another_magic_thingMy car was broken,but this bottle of wine (酒) didnt break.Surely God wants us to drink it to celebrate our good luck.”Then she handed the bottle to the man.He opened the bottle,took a few drinks,and then handed it back to the woman.The woman took the bottle and quickly put it away.The man asked,“Arent you having any?” The woman replied,“Yes,but not until the police finish looking into the accident.”( A )56._ was/were hurt in the accident.ANeither of them BBoth of themCThe man DThe woman( C )57.The woman and the man were _.Acousins Ba couple Cstrangers Dclassmates( D )58.What was “another magic thing?”AThe womans car was broken.BThe mans car was broken.CThere was a bottle of wine in the mans car.DThe wine bottle in the womans car didnt break.( D )59.Who drank the wine before the police arrived at the scene (现场)?ANeither of them. BBoth of them.CThe woman. DThe man.( B )60.What can we learn from the passage?AThe woman was a good driver.BThe woman cheated the man.CThe man loved drinking wine.DThe woman was glad to meet the man.八、词汇运用。(10分)A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。61Rabbits have long ears and short tails (尾巴)62The blue dress looks cool.It is made of silk (丝绸)63The story was very funny,so it excited (使兴奋) the little boy very much.64The king was rich.He had a lot of gold and treasure (珠宝)65Mr. Smith is my uncle and his wife is my aunt.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。66Mr. Lin knows a lot about Western (west) culture.67The bird fell onto the ground after the man shot (shoot) it.68Never give up and keep studying (study) hard.I think you will get good grades one day.69Peter and Mary got married (marry) in London last month.70Unless you tell me the truth,I wont_believe (not believe) you.九、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分)A:Do you know the story Hou Yi Shoots the Suns?B:Yes,but a little.71._E_A:Of course.72._D_B:You mean the ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time?A:Yes,they were shining the earth brightly.B:73._A_A:Well,people,animals and plants on the earth were all dying because of too much heat.B:How terrible!What happened then?A:74._G_ And he made it!B:Wow!He was great.75._B_A:Yes,he was a hero.AHow was the living things on the earth?BPeople should thank him.CI dont agree with you.DLong long ago,there were ten suns in the sky.ECould you please tell me more about it?FSorry,I dont know.GA young man called Hou Yi volunteered to shoot nine of the suns.十、综合填空:阅读短文,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(10分)silly,weak,take,call,river,voice,stone,shine,remind,fromOnce upon a time,there was a young man 76.called Peter.He liked traveling.One day Peter was traveling in the forest.It was getting late and he go


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