



点这里,看更多英语资料2017考研已经拉开序幕,很多考生不知道如何选择适合自己的考研复习资料。中公考研辅导老师为考生准备了考研英语方面的建议,希望可以助考生一臂之力。同时中公考研特为广大学子推出考研集训营、专业课辅导、精品网课、vip1对1等课程,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,欢迎各位考生了解咨询。作文是考研英语复习的一部分,为了让2017年考生更好地复习考研英语作文,中公考研整理了写作过程中可以用到的一些经典短语和句子,希望对2017年考研的同学有所帮助。作文中的经典短语和句子202. satisfy the childs need 满足孩子的需要203. the spoiled child被宠坏的孩子204. Moreover, too much praise makes the children proud, which further spoils them and renders them liable to develop all kinds of bad habits in the long run 另外一点是,从长远看来,对孩子过度的赞扬会助长其骄傲心理,他们依仗父母的宠爱,可能会染上各种坏习惯。205. ensure their normal growth and development 促进他们的健康成长与发展206. the harmful effect of indulgence 放任(孩子)的危害207. the inevitable by-products of the diploma craze 文凭热的必然产物208. lay too much emphasis on their candidates educational background 过于看重应聘者的教育背景209. win the employers favor 获得顾主的青睐210. Therefore, fake diplomas disturb the normal order of job markets and do great harm to society. 因此,假文凭破坏就业市场的正常秩序,对社会造成极大危害。211. anti-forgery technology 防伪技术 212. fabricate 伪造(文书)213. We should not only expose the fabricators through media but also punish them severely by law.对造假者不仅应该通过媒体将其曝光,还应该用法律手段严加惩罚。214. Some children become so addicted to the foreign snacks that they will go eating whenever possible.有些孩子对洋快餐迷恋到了极点,一有可能就要去吃。215. junk food 垃圾食品216. Through their contact with animal, children learn how to take care of those dependent on them, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility and cultivate their patience as well.通过与动物相处,孩子们能学会如何照顾好那些需要关爱的动物,有助于培养他们的责任感和耐心。217. However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.然而,对某些人而言,饲养宠物只是炫耀财富的一种手段。218. cause serious hygiene problems 引发严重的卫生问题219. The barking of dogs and mewing of cats can also be an annoyance to the neighbors 狗和猫的叫声会影响邻里。在紧


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