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Module 6语法.用适当的关系词填空1The old man to_you spoke just now fell and hurt his legs.2I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana,a city_name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.3The man pulled out a gold watch, the hands of_were made of small diamonds.4That evening,_I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late.5The thought of going back home was all_kept him happy while he was working abroad.6This is the very place_Im wishing to live in.7We live in an age_more information is available with greater ease than ever before.8On the second floor there are two rooms, the larger of_is used as a meeting room.9I wish to thank Professor Smith, without_help I would never have got this far.10The air quality in the city,_is shown in the report,has improved over the past two months.答案1whom2.whose3.which4.which5.that6that7.when8.which9.whose10.as.单句改错1Look at the sun who is rising! It will be fine._2Which is often the case, the old like to look back at the past._3The boss who father is a CEO is strict._4Lily, that did her homework in the past two hours, felt tired._5The book,which I think it is good,sells well._6He has to work on Sunday which others rest._7The school which he is teaching is said to be removed._8The house, the window of it is painted yellow,is mine._9Can you tell me the way which you finished the work?_10The time when we spent together was unforgettable._答案1whowhich/that2.WhichAs3whowhose4.thatwho5.去掉it6whichwhen7.whichwhere或which前面加in8itwhich9.whichthat或which前面加in10whenthat/which.完成句子1I will remember the moment_the first prize in college.我永远不会忘记在大学里我被授予一等奖的那一刻。2This is the only one of the students_in the exam.这是这些学生中唯一一个考试失败的学生。3We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people,_.我们不应该把钱花在对这么多人的体检上,他们大多数是健康的。4Few would take an active part in a society_their own.很少有人会积极地参与到文化和他们的完全不同的一个社会中。5_in the regulations,you should not tell other people the password of your email account.正如在规章制度中所要求的那样,你不应该告诉其他人你邮箱的密码。6There are a number of cases_each other and become enemies.有很多家庭成员或朋友互相争吵成为敌人的例子。7The club,_25 years ago,is holding a party for past and present members.25年前建立的这个俱乐部正在为过去的和现在的会员举办晚会。8The baby,_after taking the medicine,was only one year old.吃药后健康受损的那个婴儿只有一岁。9I dont know the reason_that we finish the work before dark.我不知道她建议我们在天黑之前完成工作的原因。10The way_can reflect their character.人们做事情的方式可以反映他们的性格。答案1. when I was awarded2. who fails3. most of whom are healthy4. whose culture is so different from5. As is required6. where family members or friends quarrel with7. which was founded8. whose health was ruined9. why she suggested10. in which/ that people do things.语法填空We should be always grateful._1_is known to all, it is one of the Chinese traditional virtues to be grateful to anyone _2_has been kind and helpful to us. In my opinion,our gratitude should first go to our parents _3_they not only provide us with food and clothing but also care for us in many_4_(way). They are always willing to do everything_5_they can to ensure our happiness. Second, we should thank the teachers_6_are making every effort to give us wisdom and knowledge and help us become useful persons. As the saying goes, actions speak_7_(loud) than words.Therefore, we should devote ourselves to_8_(study) so that we can live up to their expectations. Its also important to express our gratitude at the time_9_we get help from them. In short, we should strengthen our sense of gratitude and take action to repay their love and kindness,_10_is important to our healthy development.答案与解析1Asas是关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句。2whowho has been kind and helpful to us是关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰anyone。3because此处表示我们要感激父母的原因。4ways前面是many,所以此处用way的复数形式。5thatthat they can是定语从句修饰everything。can后面省略了动词do。6who/thatwho/that引导定语从句,修饰teachers。7louder根据后面的than可知此处用loud的比较级。8studying根据devote oneself to doing sth.可知用studying。9whenwhen we get help from them是定语从句,修饰time。10whichwhich is important to our healthy development是which引导的非限制性定语从句,which指代前面句子的内容。.完形填空Modern zoos are very different from zoos built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places_1_people could see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in _2_with iron bars. The cages were easy to keep clean. _3_,for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. Although the zoo_4_took good care of them, many of the_5_did not feel comfortable, and they often became_6_ In modern zoos, people can see animals in more_7_conditions. The animals are given more freedom in larger places_8_they can live more freely as they would in _9_Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and water flows_10_the places that the animals live in. There are few bars,_11_there is often a deep ditch(沟), filled with_12_,which surrounds a space where several_13_of animals live together as they would naturally. In an American zoo, the visitor can walk _14_a huge special cage that is filled with trees, some small animals and many birds. And it is large enough for all the birds to live_15_. In a zoo in New York, because of special night_16_, people can observe certain animals that are_17_only at night when most zoos are closed. Some zoos have special places for visitors to_18_animals that live in the desert or underwater. Some other zoos have special places for animals that live in cold conditions like the_19_from the Arctic. Modern zoos not only show animals for visitors, but also _20_and save rare animals. For this reason, fifty years from now, the grandchildren of todays can still be able to enjoy watching these animals.1A.that Bwhere Cwhich Dthere2A.houses Brooms Ccages Doffices3A.Therefore BHoweverCSo DThough4A.masters Bmanagers Ckeepers Dtrainers5A.workers Banimals Cbears Dtigers6A.excited Bangry Cill Dfrightened7A.natural Bdifficult Cwarm Ddifferent8A.so that Band Cbut Dor9A.forest Bnature Crivers Dthe water10A.in Bby Cnear Dthrough11A.instead Binstead of Cand Dor12A.stones Bearth Coil Dwater13A.sorts Bfamilies Cclasses Dgroups14A.by Bout Cthrough Din15A.happily Bnaturally Cdeeply Dhardly16A.moon Bsign Clight Dsignal17A.live Bactive Cliving Dsleeping18A.feel Btouch Cwatch Dtalk to19A.snakes Bmonkeys Cbears Dtigers20A.buy Bkeep Csell Dcatch答案与解析本文主要讲述现代动物园与50年代建造的动物园有何不同。1B从句子结构上看,本空应用一个关系副词,引导一个定语从句。2C从后一句知,动物们住在笼子里。3B这里用however表示转折关系。4C动物园的动物当然是由zoo keepers(动物园管理员)进行管理的。5B由于被关在笼子里,动物们就感觉不舒服了。6C由于不舒服,笼子里的动物自然会经常生病。7A从后文我们知道,由于动物们居住条件的改善,它们能够在更为广阔的空间中生活,人们在观赏这些动物时所处的环境也就更加自然了。8A从文章的逻辑来看,给予动物们更宽敞的空间的主要的目的还是想让这些动物能够像生活在自然的环境中那样。9B根据上文的“more _7_conditions”可知。10Dthrough常用来表示从某个地方穿过。11Ainstead在这里表示新旧两种动物园的情况对比。12D沟里有水,以使环境更加接近大自然。13A在自然的环境里,当然是各类动物都可以在同一个地方生活。14C这里所提到的cage是一种特制的大型的笼子,人在里面走应是“穿过”。15B由于这种笼子特别大,因而各种鸟都可以自然地生活在这里。16Cspecial night light指的就是红外线。借助这种光线,人们可以在晚上看清暗处的物体。17B大多数动物像人一样,在晚上休息。但部分动物却在晚上才活跃起来。人们到这个动物园当然是看这些动物们处于活跃状态下的情况。18C对于动物,通常观众只能是看(watch)。19C在所给选项中,在北极出现的动物只有bear。20B从上下文我们知道,现代的动物园不仅仅是向观众们展示动物,而且还收留和保护动物。.阅读理解At exactly eleven Sir Percival knocked and entered, with anxiety and worry in every line of his face. This meeting would decide his future life,and he obviously knew it.“You may wonder, Sir Percival,” said Laura calmly,“if I am going to ask to be released (免除,解除)from my promise to marry you, I am not going to ask this. I respect my fathers wishes too much.”His face relaxed a little, but one of his feet kept beating the carpet.“No, if we are going to withdraw (退出)from our planned marriage, it will be because of your wish, not mine.” “Mine?” he said in great surprise. “What reason could I have for withdrawing?” “A reason that is very hard to tell you,” she answered. “There is a change in me.” His face went so pale that even his lips lost their color. He turned his head to one side.“What change?” he asked, trying to appear calm. “When the promise was made two years ago,” she said, “my love did not belong to anyone. Will you forgive me, Sir Percival, if I tell you that it now belongs to another person?”“I wish you to understand,”Laura continued, “that I will never see this person again, and that if you leave me, you only allow me to remain a single woman for the rest of my life. All I ask is that you forgive me and keep my secret.” “I will do both those things,”he said. Then he looked at Laura, as if he was waiti


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