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机械工程专业英语 第一课机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering 一、专业英语概述1. 什么是翻译: 翻译就是将一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。机械工程英语翻译就是将机械工程学科的英语原著由原作语言(source language)用译文语言(target language)忠实、准确、严谨、通顺、完整地再现出来,使人们能够借助汉语译文准确无误地了解英语机械工程著作所阐述的工程技术内容和科学理论。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering2. 翻译例句例1. Control Center, Smoking Free.例2. The tolerance should not be so big.例3. A dog driver stop the rotation of the wheel.例4. Connect the black pigtail with the dog-house.例5. The importance of computer in the use of manufacturing can not be overestimated.机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering例1. Control Center, Smoking Free.错误译法:控制中心,吸烟自由。正确译法:控制中心,严禁吸烟。例2. The tolerance should not be so big.a. 此公差不应给这么大。(机械学)b. 忍耐力不会有这么大。(关于人体的耐受性)c. 抗毒性不会有这么强。(医学)例3. A dog driver stop the rotation of the wheel.错误译法:狗驾驶员使轮子停转。专业译法:止动器使轮子停止旋转。 机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering例4. Connect the black pigtail with the dog-house.错误译法:把黑色的猪尾巴系在狗窝上。专业译法:将黑色的引出线接在高频高压电源屏罩上。例5. The importance of computer in the use of manufacturing can not be overestimated.错误译法:计算机在制造业应用上的重要性不能被估计过高。正确译法:计算机在制造业应用上的重要性怎么估计也不会过高。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering3.专业英语与基础英语的不同: 首先,专业英语在词义上具有不同于基础英语的特点和含义。掌握专业词汇是学好专业英语的基础,专业词汇的含义和上下文有关,因此查阅专业书籍的Index并参照课文确定词意是学习和掌握专业词汇的有效方法。 其次,英语科技文章在结构上也具有很多自身的特点,如长句多,被动语态多,大量的名词化结构等,这都给对英文原文的理解和翻译带来了基础英语中很难解决的困难。 机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering 再者,专业英语对听说读写译的侧重点不同,其主要要求在于“读”和“译”,也就是通过大量的阅读对外文资料进行正确的理解和翻译,在读和译的基础上,对听、说、写进行必要的训练。 此外,专业外文资料由于涉及科技内容而往往极为复杂难以理解,加之这类文章的篇幅通常很长,所以只有经过一定的专业外语训练,才能完成从基础英语到专业英语的过渡,达到英语学以致用的最终目的。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering 作为工程技术人员,阅读专业英语文献的目的是理解掌握文献所叙述的理论或方法,以便在科研或生产实践中实施这些理论方法,或是进一步发展改进这些理论方法。 为了达到这些目的,首先要准确地理解原文。另一方面科技文献的写作特点是严谨,简洁。在论述理论和方法时一般都只给出重要的步骤。对有关的基础知识一般不详细阐述,也不给出公式的详细推导过程。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering 读者往往需要通过认真地思索才能俯所述的关键 问题。因此专业英语阅读与普通英语的快速阅读 方法也有所不同,专业英语阅读要把准确理解放 在首位,在准确理解的基础上提高阅读速度。和 其他的英语能力一样,专业英语阅读能力,需要 通过长期的实践才能获得,不可能一蹴而就,多 读多练是提高专业英语阅读能力的最有效的方 法。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering4.学习专业英语翻译技巧与方法的主要内容:(1.介绍和掌握单词与词组的对应关系 The tube is second to none. 这个管子不亚于任何管子。(首屈一指) Monel metal is resistant to both fresh and salt water corrosion. 莫耐尔合金能耐淡水和盐水的腐蚀。(2. 学习普通词汇的专业化译法,避免说“外行话”。 Heat-treatment is used to normalize, to soften or to harden steels. 直译:热处理用来使钢正常化、软化或硬化。 正译:热处理可用来对钢正火、退火或淬火。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering(3.学习改变原文的词类和句子成分的规律,使译文通顺。 Scientific evidence must be gathered in such a way, that other scientists can be sure of its accuracy. 直译:科学的论证必须以这样一种方法收集,因而别的科学家能确信它的精确性。 正译:在收集科学的论证时,应能使别的科学家确信其精确性。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering(4.学习一些较为特殊的词法和句法,介绍一些值得注意的容易译错甚至完全译反的语法现象,避免一些错译。 Everyone cannot do this test. 错译:每一个人都不能做这个实验。 正译:并非每一个人都会做这一实验。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering5. 翻译的标准 由于机械工程著作所叙述的内容涉及自然规律的技术概念,具有科学性、严密性等特点、因此,对于机械工程英语著作的翻译质量,人们普遍认为应以“准确”、“简练” “通顺”、这三个方面作为衡量标准。也就是所谓:ABC标准。准确accuracy;简练brevity;通顺clarity准确:译文要忠实于机械工程英语原著,准确、明白表达原著内容。简练:译文语言必须力求简洁、精练。通顺:译文必须符合汉语修辞规则和习惯。机械工程专业英语概述 English in Mechanical Engineering6.机械工程专业翻译应具备的能力: 作为机械工程专业领域的翻译,必须具备以下能力:1) 具有较好的英语基础;2) 较高的汉语修养;3) 较为丰富的机械工程专业知识;4) 懂得翻译的理论、技巧和方法。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一Basic Concepts in Mechanics 1 The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions, time, and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i. e., those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems which change with time. Forces are transmitted into machine members through mating surfaces, e. g., from a gear to a shaft or from one gear through meshing teeth to another gear, from a V belt to a pulley, or from a cam to a follower. 机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning deal with 涉及,论及,与打交道1. The physical and chemical properties of the stainless steel are dealt with in this article.本文论及了不锈钢材料的物理化学性质。be made up of 由组成 / 构成 (整体由部分组成)1. Cast-iron is made up of about six different substances.铸铁大约由六种不同的物质组成。be composed of / consist of 1.The machine is composed of several different parts.这台机器由几种不同的部件组成。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning constitute 构成,组成 (部分组成整体)1. Ferrite and carbon constitute the mild steel.铁素体和碳组成低碳钢。be transmitted into / tothrough把通过传递给1. The piston movement is transmitted into / to the wheels through a crankshaft.活塞的运动通过曲轴传递给轮子。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一Basic Concepts in Mechanics 1 It is necessary to know the magnitudes of these forces for a variety of reasons. The distribution of the forces at the boundaries or mating surfaces must be reasonable, and their intensities must be within the working limits of the materials composing the surfaces.For example, if the force operating on a journal bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating, and rapid failure of the bearing. If the forces between gear teeth are too large, the oil film may be squeezed out from between them. This could result in flaking and spalling of the metal, noise, rough motion, and eventual failure.机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning distribute 分布,分配,供给1. The heat is distributed evenly throughout the material.热量在整个材料内部均匀分布。distributed bending moment 分布弯矩 distributor 配电器distributed load 分布载荷 distributed mass 分布质量be reasonable 合理,合适1. The distribution of loads over the foundations must be reasonable. 负载在地基上的分布必须合理。 a reasonable moment, 大小合适的力矩机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning operate on 作用在上 ( work on, place on, act on)1. The moment operating / working / placing /acting on the rotation axis is 20 N-M.作用在旋转轴上的力矩为20牛-米result in 导致,引起,产生 (结果)(lead to, bring on, conduce to,)1. Standardizing the size of the blades result in / lead to / bring on / conduce to/ production costs being lowered. 叶片尺寸的标准化,能使(导致)生产成本不断降低。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一Basic Concepts in Mechanics 1 In the study of mechanics we are principally interested in determining the magnitude, direction, and location of the forces. Some of the terms used in this phase of our studies are defined below. Force Our earliest ideas concerning forces arose because of our desire to push, lift, or pull various objects. So force is the action of one body acting on another. Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application, direction, and magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force.机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning define 给下定义,规定,界定,解释,1. The boundary conditions should be defined before the electron optics computation.在进行电子光学计算之前,必须先界定边界条件。2. The property of this new material is defined in the description.说明书中解释了这种新材料的特性。concern 与有关系,关心,concerning 关于1. We are very much concern about the property of this new material. 我们非常关心这种新材料的性能。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning act on 作用于 action 作用,reaction 反作用1. A force which acts on an object is opposed by an equal and opposite reaction.作用于物体上的力会受到大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。Include 包括,把包括在内;(反意词:exclude )1.The mild steel includes the constituents of ferrite and carbon. 低碳钢包括了铁素体和碳的成分。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learningcharacteristic 特性,特征;characterize 具有特性1. Many motors do have a nearly constant torque-speed characteristic during starting.许多电动机在启动时的扭矩转速特性几乎不变。2. Many motors are characterized by its constant torque-speed characteristic during starting. 机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一Basic Concepts in Mechanics 1 Matter is any material or substance; if it is completely enclosed, it is called a body. Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter that a body or an object contains. The mass of the body is not dependent on gravity and therefore is different from but proportional to its weight. Thus, a moon rock has a certain constant amount of substance, even though its moon weight is different from its earth weight. This constant amount of substance, or quantity of matter, is called the mass of the rock. Inertia is the property of mass that causes it to resist any effort to change its motion. 机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learning measure 度量,尺寸,措施,测量,量具 All the necessary measures should be taken for the safety in this important experiment. 需采取一切必要的措施保证这次重要实验中的安全。2. The measures including micrometer, calipers, depth gauge etc. 量具包括千分尺、卡尺、深度尺等。3. The inch measures length. 英寸是长度的测量单位。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learningbe dependent on 依靠,依赖,取决于, 与有关1. The behavior of the entire machine is dependent on the design of the cam motion.整台机器的特性都取决于凸轮运动的设计。2. The steel will be mild or hard depending on the proportion of carbon it contains. 钢的软硬与它所含碳的比例有关。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之一 Words Learningproperty 特性,性质,所有权 characteristic / performance / behavior 特性,性质1. Tolerances cover dimensional variation and surface-roughness range and also the variation in mechanical properties from heat treatment and other processing operations. 公差这个概念既包括尺寸偏差范围和表面粗糙度范围,也包括由热处理和其它处理操作所引起的机械特性的变化。2. System calculations is often used in designing cam and follower mechanisms and in analyzing their performance.系统计算法常常用于设计凸轮和从动件机构以及分析其特性。机械工程专业英语 作业一 English in Mechanical Engineering (home work 1)一、将下列中文翻译为英文:作为机械工程专业领域的翻译,必须具备以下能力:1、具有较好的英语基础;2、较高的汉语修养;3、较为丰富的机械工程专业知识;4、懂得翻译的理论、技巧和方法。二、阅读课文2并翻译第一段机械工程专业英语 第二课翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection 要提高译文的质量, 使译文达到“准确”、“简练”、“通顺”这三个标准,就必须学习翻译技巧。翻译的技巧就是在翻译过程中用词造句的处理方法。如词的选择、词义的引伸、增词、减词、转换词类、改变句子结构、变更词序和改换译法等。一、词义的选择 词义的选择实际就是英语词在特定句子中的词义的判断和确定。词在特定句子中的确切含义,在很大程度上取决于上下文。也就是说,词的含义必须根据词在句子中的作用词的搭配习惯以及词的应用场合予以判断和确定。一般可从下列几个方面去判断。 翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection1、根据词类判断词义英语中,有些词用作不同的词类时,其词义有时是不相同的。因此我们可根据词类来确定词义。l Every metal part is of great importance to machines.每一个金属部件对机器都是很重要的。(n)l Aluminum machines faster than other metals.铝加工起来比其它金属快。(v)l icroprocessors monitor tyre wear and brake power on cars. 微机检测汽车轮胎的耐用性和制动力。(v)l The patient was connected to a television wave monitor.病人的情况曾通过波形监视器监视。 (n) 翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection2、根据上下文选择词义严格说来,孤立的一个词很难确定它是什么意思,因为同一个词在不同的场合可能具有不同的意义,因此有些词必须根据上下文来确定其词义。l The countrys industry has developed quickly in the last decade. 过去十年里,我国工业迅猛发展。l To develop the instrument, many experts were invited.在研制这种仪器时请了许多专家。l The function of the engine is to develop the necessary power. 发动机的功用就是产生所需要的动力。翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selectionl This cooling system failed. 这个冷却系统失效了.l Newtons laws fail to describe the motion of electrons in atoms. 牛顿的一些定律未能阐述电子在原子里的运动。l If the beam fails, the top layers of the supports will be crushed and the bottom layers torn.如果桥梁垮断,则支柱的上面几层会压垮,而下面会破裂。l Few metals occur free. 金属呈游离状态的很少。l One of the parts worked free. 有一个部件松了。翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection3、根据专业内容选择词义 英语中,同一个词在不同的专业中往往具有不同的词义。因此,在判断英语词的词义时,必须考虑到英语著作阐述的内容所涉及的概念属于哪个学科、哪个专业的。例:powerpower brake 自动制动器power stroke 工作行程power shaft 传动轴rated power 额定功率power source 电源power fuel 发动机燃料power tool 电动工具power feed 自动进给power unit 动力头;功率单位 power country 大国翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selectionl Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。l To drive machines requires power. 开动机器需要动力。l The power of such a battery is therefore about 30 watts.因而这种电池的功率约为三十瓦。l China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons although considered one of the nuclear powers.尽管中国被看作是核大国之一,但中国决不会首先使用核武器。翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selectionl We have finished repairing that pump.我们已经结束了对水泵的修理。l These workpieces must be finished on a grinder.这些工件必须在磨床上精加工。l These methods convert raw plastic into finished products. 这些方法均可把塑料原料变为成品。l The stock market crash finished many speculators.股票市场暴跌使许多投机者破产翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection4、根据搭配选择词义1)形容词与名词的搭配:一个形容词与不同的名词搭配,可能具有不同的词义。一般来说,可根据与其搭配的名词来确定形容词的词义。例:physical: 物质的,物理的,体力的,实际的physical change ;physical circuit ;physical science 物理变化实际电路 自然科学 physical constant; physical contact; physical design 物理常数直接接触 机械的结构设计physical exercise; physical construction; 体育活动、体操 机械结构physical address实际地址翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selectionl Everything in our physical world is continually changing.我们的物质世界的一切都在不断地变化着。l A cutaway view showing the physical relationship of these elements is shown in Fig. 2.表示这些部件的实际关系的剖视图表示于图2中。l Relations between physical quantities are usually given in the form of equations.物理量之间的关系通常用公式表示。l The job of an engineer is to take knowledge and make physical use of it.工程师的工作是掌握知识并加以实际的应用。翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection2)动词与名词的搭配:一个动词与不同的名词搭配,可能具有不同的词义。一般来说,要根据名词来确定动词的词义。例:make:做,制造make a recording make readings make a circuit录音 取读数构成电路,接通电路make a calculation make n turns make a change进行计算转圈改变make measurements 进行)测量翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selectionl This makes a close circuit.这就构成了一个闭合电路。l They often make innovations in old machines and equipment.他们经常对旧机器和旧设备进行革新。l Scales can also be used to make calculations.天平也可用来进行计算。l When your flashlight stops making enough light, what do you do with it?当你的手电筒不能发出足够亮的光时,你该怎么办呢?翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selection3) 动词与介词(或副词)的搭配:一个动词与不同的介词(或副词)搭配,就具有不同的词义。因此,可根据动词后面的介词(或副词)来确定该动词短语的词义。例:turn 转动,旋转turn on turn off turn up turn over打开关闭举起,占有,翻转turn into turn over turn out turn to把转化为接收生产变成,转向翻译的基本方法 词义的选择Skills of Translation acceptation selectionl Dont turn off the lamp.请不要关灯。l When you turn on the switch, the circuit closes.当你打开开关时,电路就闭合。l When heated, water turns into steam.水受热时变为蒸汽。l This factory turned out a large horizontal boring mill in 1979.这家工厂在1979年生产了一种大型卧式镗铣床。l Please turn to page 5. 请翻到第五页。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二Basic Concepts in Mechanics 2 Weight is the force with which a body is attracted to the earth or another celestial body, equal to the product of the objects mass and the acceleration. Particle A particle is a body whose dimensions are so small that they may be neglected. Rigid Body All bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by force When the deformation of such bodies is small,they are frequently assumed to be rigidi.e., incapable of deformation,in order to simplify the analysis机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二 Words Learningbe attracted to 吸引,有吸引力,引起注意l Magnetic poles are attracted to their opposites.正反磁极互相吸引product 乘积, 产品,产物 l Most of this kind of industrial products are sold abroad.这种工业产品大部分销往国外。finished products 成品,product accumulator 乘积累加器,机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二 Words Learningbe neglected 忽视,忽略 (ignore , disregard) negligible 微不足道l The losses due to leakage past the pistons can be neglected ( ignored / disregarded ) since they are negligible. 由活塞漏气造成的损耗可以忽略不计,因为这些损耗是微不足道的deform 变形 (deformation)l There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of force. 在力的作用下,没有一种材料不或多或少产生一定的变形。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二Basic Concepts in Mechanics 2assume 假定,假设 , 假如(suppose, if)( assumption)l It is assumed that the gas temperature in the cylinder is constant. 假定气缸中气体的温度不变。l Suppose / if that “V” is the velocity of the steam, then R is its relative velocity. 假如“V”是蒸气的速度,则“R”就是它的相对速度。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二Basic Concepts in Mechanics 2 Deformable Body the rigid-body assumption cannot be used when internal stresses and strains due to the applied forces are to be analyzed Thus we consider the body to be capable of deformingSuch analysis is frequently called elastic-body analysis,using the additional assumption that the body remains elastic within the range of the applied forces Newtons Laws Newtons three 1aws are: Law 1 If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced,the particle with either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity 机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二 Words Learningdue to 由于,应归于,因为 (作为复合介词用)l The metal rod is bended due to the force action.由于力的作用,金属杆弯曲了。表示原因的的词或词组还有:Because (语气最强,表示直接的原因)since (语气稍弱,表示已知的原因)as (语气更弱,表示明显的原因)In view of / on account of / owing to / seeing that /表示“由于”起连词作用。上述词或词组引出原因状语从句。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二 Words Learningl Since the compensating jet is larger, it can supply more petrol. 由于补偿喷嘴较大,它能供给较多的汽油。be analyzed 分析,解析l The main experimental problems are also analyzed with the method of ultra-low-frequency measurements.用这种超低频测量方法分析了主要的实验问题。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二 Words Learningremain 保持, 保留, 剩余 ( retain , keep)l Permanent magnets are capable of remaining their magnetism indefinitely.永久磁铁能够永久保留磁性。balance 平衡,衡量l The balance of nature is upsetted through the use of insecticides. 由于杀虫剂的使用破坏了自然界的平衡。机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二Basic Concepts in Mechanics 2 Law 2 If the forces acting on a particle are not balanced,the particle will experience an acceleration proportional to the resultant force and in the direction of the resultant force Law 3 When two particles react,a pair of interacting forces come into existence;these forces have the same magnitudes and opposite senses,and they act along the straight line common to the two particles机械工程专业英语文献阅读之二 Words Learningexperience 经历,体验,经验 (n. vt) experiment 试验 (n. vi)l Newton carried out several experiences on light and color. (错)l Newton carried out several experiments on light and c


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