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教材版本:人教,册别单元:B5U2,A word is a microcosm of human consciousness. Vygotsky,credit,convenience; delight,historical; error,rough,possibility,break down,arrange,original,一词多义,辨析义,抽象名词,一词多义,一词多义,重难点词,抽象名词,一词多义,一词多义,credit,warming-up story,说到credit一词大家都会想到credit card (信用卡),但是你知道第一张信用卡的由来吗? 据说第一张信用卡是由就餐者俱乐部发行的,这张卡的发明者是该俱乐部的创始人弗兰克麦克纳马拉。有一次弗兰克请客吃饭,却偏偏忘了带钱夹,付账时尴尬万分。通达的老板解围说:“我知道你信誉一向非常好,下次来一起付吧。” 这起意外使弗兰克得到了启发,他和朋友施耐德合作,在纽约创办了“就餐者俱乐部”,为200名会员发放一张证明身份和支付能力的卡片,他们凭卡片可以在纽约27家饭店用餐而不需带现金,到时只要和就餐者俱乐部一次清账就可以了。信用卡就是一种信贷。,credit,credit,信用报告,人们在购买房屋或者办理信用卡时,银行会查询其个人信用报告(credit report)。,credit的词源,credit的词源义为“相信”、“信任”。随着商品经济的发展,产生了经济往来上的“信任”关系,并衍生出“信用” 等含义。,credit /5kredIt/ R3 n U 信用;信誉: gain / lose credit 取得 / 失去信任 He is a man of great credit in our school. 他在我们 学校是一位极有信誉的人。 It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your credit. 准时付电费很 重要,因为晚缴费可能会影响你的信用。 2016 浙 江 U 赊账;信贷: My father had told me Id have to ask for credit at the store. 父亲说,我只能到店里赊账购买了。 It doesnt matter whether you pay in cash or by credit card in this store. 在这家商店里你用现金或信用卡 支付都可以。 2012 山东改 Most new cars are bought on credit. 大多数新汽车 都是贷款买的。,注意粗体突显的词块, C 学分: I dont have enough credits to graduate. 我学分不够,还不能毕业。 to sbs credit 为某人增光;值得赞扬: To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas, but they still have very different institutions. 值得赞扬的是这四个国家在一些领域共 同协作,但在制度上它们还是大不相同。 人教 2,低义频释义,convenience; delight 抽象名词具体化,词汇学习点拨: 抽象名词具体化,attraction U 吸引;吸引力,不可数的抽象名词用来表示可数的人或物,这种现象被称为“抽象名词具体化”。这种情况下,名词的数和词义都发生变化。,attraction C 有吸引力的事物 / 人,comfort U 舒适 (感);安逸 (感),comfort C 令人感到安慰的人或物,hono(u)r U 荣誉,hono(u)r C 光荣的人 / 事,convenience /kEn5vi:njEns/ 便利;方便: a convenience store 便利店 convenience foods 方便食品,The convenience of city life is one of its main attractions. 便利是城市生活诱人的主要原因之一。 England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为方便起见,它被大致划分为三个地区。 人教 2,n, C 便利的事物;便利设施: It was a great convenience to live near my company. 住在公司附近对我是一大便利。 at sbs convenience 正式用语 在某人方便时: Please come at your convenience. 请在你方便的时候过来。,at your earliest convenience 正式用语 书信用语 尽早;尽快: We would appreciate it if you could reply at your earliest convenience. 如果您能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。 2011 上海书面表达改,Ready meals sell well because of their convenience. 方便食品销路好是因为它们方便。,a hotel with all the modern conveniences 一家配有现代设施的酒店,convenience U 便利;方便 the quality of being useful, easy or suitable for sb,convenience C 便利的事物;便利设施 something that is useful and can make things easier or quicker to do, or more comfortable,指抽象的品质,指具体的事物,convenience, C 令人高兴的事 (joy): Bedtime stories are one of the delights of early childhood. 睡前故事是儿时的一大乐趣。 It is a delight to see my parents so fit and healthy. 看到父母身体这么健康我真高兴。,The children are reading with delight. 孩子们在高兴地读书。,It is a delight to read books. 读书是件让人惬意的事。,delight,delight U 快乐;高兴 a feeling of great pleasure,delight C 令人高兴的事 something that gives you great pleasure,指抽象的感觉,指具体的事物,即学即练,一、根据句意,用适当的词填空。 1. _ my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. (2015 福建单项填空). 2. The guitar is _ delight to play. 3. _ convenience, the German translation is printed below. 4. Can you telephone me _ your convenience to arrange a meeting?,To,a,For,at,二、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. They offered me a ticket for the concert, and I accepted it _ (高兴地). (2007 浙江单词拼写) 2. In short, changes in our life in the past twenty years have brought us _ ( 舒适便利). (2004 北京书面表达) 3. A guest should suit _. 客随主便。 4. _ have friends coming from afar. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。,with / in delight,comfort and convenience,the convenience of the host,It is such a delight to,historical,historic, historical,historic adj 常用于名词前 历史上著名的;有历史意义的 famous or important in history:,historical adj 常用于名词前 有关历史的;历史上的 connected with history or the study of history; that really lived or happened in the past:,两者皆与“历史”有关,单纯看汉语释义不易区分,这时需要借助英语释义来帮助理解二者的差别,根据英语释义:历史上有名的或重要的,强调历史意义,根据英语释义:有关历史的或历史学的;历史上真实存在的,historic 历史上著名的;有历史意义的 famous or important in history,historical 有关历史的;历史上的 connected with history or the study of history; that really lived or happened in the past,试比较下面三组英文短语,并与其对应的汉语意思连线: historic novels historical novels historical events historic events historical relics historic relics,历史小说 有历史意义的小说 历史事件 值得纪念的历史事件 有历史价值的文物 历史文物,二、将下列短语译成英语。 1. 历史名人 _ 2. 历史性的时刻 _ 3. 历史名胜 _ 4. 历史小说 _ 三、用正确的词填空。(historic, historical) Should we allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a _ area of a city? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the _ feel of an area. Not all _ buildings are attractive. However, there may be other reasons for example, economic (经济的) reasons why they should be preserved. So, let us assume that _ buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people. What should we do then if a new building is needed? (2014 安徽阅读理解),famous historical figures,a historic moment,places of historical interest,a historical novel,historic,historic,historical,historical,rough,Rough是日本著名漫画家安达内的经典漫画,同他的其他作品,如Touch、H2等,都是漫画迷心中的不朽之作。Rough的中文译名我爱芳邻有点无厘头,不如英文名本身能突出青春这一主题。然而,rough与青春又有什么关系呢?,rough,rough的基本义,一般而言,词汇释义的演化是有一定的时间顺序的,首先产生的是表示物理 / 生理特征的词义,之后才产生表示“情感 / 性格”特征的词义,因而,rough的基本义是“粗糙的”,随后才出现“粗略的”,“难受的”,“多暴力的;犯罪率高的”等词义,这样才符合人类思维发展的顺序。,rough ground 高低不平的地面,rough kids 粗野的小孩,a rough sketch 草图, (表面) 粗糙的; (道路) 崎岖的 : a rough road 崎岖的道路 Your hand was rough but strong and warm. 你的手粗糙但温暖有力。 译林 1, (天气) 恶劣的;有暴风雨的;风浪大的: rough weather 狂风暴雨的天气 sail in rough sea 在波涛汹涌的大海上航行, 无比较级变化 粗略的: a rough estimate 粗略估计 艰难的 (tough);难受的: have a rough time 处境艰难, 多暴力的;犯罪率高的: It was a rough neighbourhood and it was already dark. 这是一个暴力多发的地段,并且天已经黑了。 外研 3,朦胧的青春是草稿,打造人生的基础。正值青春的同学如同未经打磨的璞玉。成语rough diamond的意思就是“未经打磨的璞玉”。如: Peter looks awkward, but he is a rough diamond. 彼得看上去笨手笨脚,但事实上他是一个内秀的人。 Ill have to say that Mary is a diamond in the rough. 我认为玛丽是一个外粗内秀的人。,成语 rough diamond,possibility,用possibility翻译下面的两句名言: 1. 正是梦想有成真的可能,才使得生活有乐趣。保罗戈埃罗 Its the _ that makes life interesting. 2. 当你穷尽所有可能的办法时,要记住:你并没有(穷尽)。 托马斯爱迪生 When you have exhausted all _, remember this you havent.,学 前 检 测,possibility,正是梦想有成真的可能,才使得生活有乐趣。 保罗戈埃罗,当你穷尽所有可能的办法时,要记住:你并没有(穷尽)。 托马斯爱迪生,1. 掌握possibility的基本释义“可能;可能性”以及惯常用法:possibility of (doing) sth 2. 掌握possibility抽象名词具体化的释义“可能的办法”以及常用复数的用法 3. 了解possibility的不常用释义“发展前途;潜在价值” 以及常用复数的用法,学 习 提 示,possibility/ n, U & C 可能性;可能: Is there any possibility of our getting there in time? 我们有可能及时赶到那里吗? There is a possibility that we will travel to China this Easter holiday. 这次复活节假期我们有可能去中国旅游。 北师大 13 Theres no possibility that any of us will ever forget. 我们绝不可能忘记。 C 常用复数 可能的办法: possibilities for / of reducing costs 降低成本的可能方法 C 常用复数 发展前途;潜在价值: They were surprised at the possibilities of the Internet. 他们对互联网的发展前景感到惊讶。 译林 3,第一层释义较为熟悉,重点掌握其用法,第二层释义相对陌生,需重点掌握,注意其常用复数,第三层是低义频释义,稍加了解,注意其常用复数,一、英汉互译。 1. 按时赶到那里的可能性 _ 2. 很有可能 / 有很大的可能性 _ 3. the possibilities of the Internet _ 4. exhaust all the possibilities _ 5. The possibilities are endless. _ 二、将下列句子译成英语。 1. 正是梦想有成真的可能,才使得生活有乐趣。 _ 2.当你穷尽所有可能的办法时,要记住:你并没有(穷尽)。 _ 3. 鲍勃不可能在比赛中赢得一等奖。(possibility) _,the possibility of getting there on time,用尽一切可能的办法 / 手段,可想的办法是无穷的。,a strong / real / distinct possibility,Its the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.,When you exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you havent.,There is no possibility that Bob can win the first prize in the match.,互联网的发展前景,即学即练,break down,break down,追根溯源,名词breakdown来源于短语动词break down,它们的词源相同,都是“倒塌;垮掉”,所以break down的基本义是“倒塌”。,break down, (机器等) 出故障;(身体等) 垮掉;(情感等) 失控: On my way to the station my car broke down. 去车站的路上,我的车坏了。 人教 2 Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 她的身体在工作压力下垮掉了。 He broke down as he thought of his failure to sell all his newspapers. 想到没卖掉所有的报纸,他禁不住哭了起来。 2015 湖北 (谈判等) 失败: Talks between the two sides have broken down. 双方的谈判破裂了。,这层释义高考考查较多, 把分成若干部分: Each lesson is broken down into several units. 每一课都分成几部分。 打破;消除: Getting young people together will help to break down the barriers between them. 把年轻人聚集起来会有助于消除他们之间的隔阂。,一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 1. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters. 2013 福建单项填空 _ 2. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached. _ 3. To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it down into parts. _ 4. He broke down and cried when he heard the news. _ 5. The two countries are going to meet to break down some barriers to trade between them. 2014 天津单项填空 _,即学即练,出故障,失败,把分成若干部分,失控,消除,arrange,arrange,追根溯源,arrange来自于法语,最初意为“把弄成一排”,后来意为“把东西放整齐”,所以它的基本义是“排列”。,arrange,安排;筹划,编写 / 改编 (乐曲),排列;整理,基本义,“排列”事情,“排列”乐曲,由具体到抽象,由一事物到另一事物,语义结构图,arrange /E5reIndV/ v vt 排列;整理 to put sth in a particular order: The list is arranged alphabetically. 这个名单是按字母顺序排列的。 You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large or by some other order. 你可以按照从头到尾、从小到大或其他顺序来整理物品。 2012 陕西,英语释义能帮助准确地理解其释义。, vt & vi 安排;筹划 to make plans and preparations for sth to happen: My dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me. 为了给我惊喜,爸爸安排了一些游泳课。译林 1 arrange (for sb / sth) to do sth: Dave arranged for someone to drive him home. 戴夫安排人开车送他回家。 Nobel arranged in his will to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes. 诺贝尔在遗嘱中把他的大部分钱捐献出来设立诺贝尔奖。 2009 广东,该用法考频较高。, arrange with sb (about sth): Ive arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away. 我们外出期间喂猫的事,我已和邻居安排妥了。 arrange + wh- to do sth: We havent yet arranged when to meet. 我们还没定好何时见面。 arrange + that 从句: The manager arranged that the meeting should be put off for a couple of days. 经理安排会议推迟几天。, vt 编写 / 改编 (乐曲) to write or change a piece of music: write and arrange musical compositions 编写并改编音乐作品,熟词生义,培养学生由基本义推测其衍生义的能力。,即学即练,一、写出画线词的正确释义。 _ 1. The secretary arranged a convenient time and place for the applicants to have an interview. (2012 天津单项填空) _ 2. The children were arranged in lines according to height. _ 3. He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.,安排,排列,改编乐曲,original,The originals 初代吸血鬼,初代吸血鬼(The Originals)是吸血鬼日记的衍生剧,该剧讲述了初代吸血鬼的家族成员尼克劳斯、以利亚和丽贝卡三兄妹返回新奥尔良定居后,并与其之前的门徒马赛尔开始争夺统治权、地区女巫作斗争的惊险故事。,original,100%原创,original,the original sheet 原文件,the copied ones 复印件,我们用手机发照片时,会出现“原图”的选项,发原图,清晰度会更高,original picture就是原图的意思。,追根溯源,original的基本义是“最初的;最早”(first in time, earliest),随着所指对象的转移而衍生出其他释义。,original /5rIdVnl/ R3 adj 只用于名词前 最初的;原先的 first; ea


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