



Module 1 1. come from= be from 来自 2. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你 3.Welcome to 欢迎来到4. Class Four Grade Seven 七年级一班 5. the capital of 的首都.省会 6.大明的英文名字 Damings English name7.问年龄 how old8. family name =last name 姓 given name = first name 名9. 一个大城市 a big city 一个小城市 a small city10. how about = what about 怎么样, 后面的动词要加-ing。11. 国家 人 China Chinese America American England English12. and 和, 表示并列 如:You and I are good friends. 你和我是好朋友 but 但是, 但是转折 如:You can swim but I cant. 你会游泳,但是我不会。 or 或者,表示选择 如: Do you like egg or bread? 你喜欢鸡蛋还是面包? so 因此,表示结果 如:He is friendly so we all like him. 句子: 1.我是你们的老师,你们是我的学生 Im your teacher and you are my students.2.你来自哪里? 我来自美国,我是美国人。 Where are you from? Im from America and Im American. 3. 你叫什么名字? Whats your name? 4.你多少岁了?我十三岁。 How old are you ? Im thirteen years old. 5.你是英国人吗?不,我不是。 Are you English? No, Im not. 6. 欢迎到七年级4班 Welcome to Class Four Grade Seven. 7. 我12岁,我来自北京 Im twelve years old and Im from Beijing. 8. 北京是一个大城市 Beijing is a big city. 9.在七年级5班 in Class Five Grade Seven 10. 北京是中国的首都 Beijing is the capital of China.Module 2 1on the left 在左边 2. on the right 在右边3. next to 在隔壁 4. behind 在后面5. in front of 在前面 (不在事物的内部,范围外)如:There is a tree in front of the classroom 教室前面有一棵树(树不教室的内部) in the front of ( 在事物的内部,范围内) 如:There is a blackboard in front of the classroom 教室前面有一个黑板(黑板在教室的内部) the same hospital 在同一家医院7. 一个演员 an actor 8. 一个英语老师 an English teacher9. 一个公车司机 a bus driver 10. 一个农场工人 a farm worker11. 一个医生/护士 a doc.tor/ nurse句子:1.This is Damings father. 这是大明的爸爸 2. These are Bettys parents. 这是Betty的父母亲们。3. My father is an actor, and my mother is the manager of a theatre. 我爸爸是一名演员,我妈妈是一间剧院的经理4. My fathers job is at a police station. 我爸爸在警察局工作。5. She is an English teacher at school. 她在学校是一位英语老师。6What a big family 好大的一个大家庭啊!7. Is this your sister? 这是你的妹妹吗? Yes,it is 是的,她是8 Are these your grandparents? 这些是你的祖父母们吗? Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。9.The woman next to her is my Dads sister.紧挨着她旁边的那个妇女是我爸爸的妹妹。10. Whats your fathers job?= What does your father do? 你父亲的职业是什么? 11. This is a photo of Ms Li 这是李小姐的一张照片。12. a map of China 一张中国地图 a photo of Toms family 一张Tom的全家福名词所有格:表示的,有s和of 两种形式 1. 不以s结尾的名词末尾加s, 如 Toms father Tom 的爸爸 2. 以s结尾的名词末尾加, 如 teachers office / students classroom 3. 如果A和B共同拥有,就在B后面加s , 即A and B s如:This is Lily and Candys room 这是Lily 和 Candy 共同拥有的房间。 4.如果A 和B各自拥有,就在A后面加s, B后面加s, 即As and BS, 如:These are Lilys and Candys rooms, 这是Lily 和Candy 各自拥有的房间指示代词:包括this(这个)/ 、 that(那个)、these(这些)、those(那些) This 和 these 是指近距离,this 用于近距离的单数, these 用于近距离的复数that 和those 是指远距离, that用于远距离的单数, those 用于远距离的复数 This is my family Is this/that 改为一般疑问句:Is this your family? 肯定回答:Yes, it is.作出肯定回答:Yes, it is 否定回答:No, it isnt.作出否定回答:No, it isntThese are my parents. Are these/those 改为一般疑问句:Are these your parents? 肯定回答:Yes, they are 作出肯定回答: Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they arentModule 31. Whats like 是怎么样2. How many 问多少,问数量3.There be be包括is/are, 表示某地有,主语为地点。一般疑问句把be放在句首,即Is there/ Are there? 否定句就在be后面加not, 即 there isnt / there arent4. on everyones desk 在每个人的桌子上5. on teachers desk 在老师的桌子上6. a lot of= lots of 表示许多,大量 后面接可数名词复数和不可数名词, 如: a lot of books( books 是可数名词复数) a lot of furniture( furniture 是不可数名词)7. a map of the world 一张世界地图8. some 表示一些, 用于肯定句 和表示提建议的句子,some + 可数名词复数和不可数名词 any 表示任何一个,一些 用于否定句和疑问句 , any+ 可数名词复数和不可数名词如:1. There are some students in the classroom. 教室里有一些学生。 改为一般疑问句:Are there any students in the classroom? 作出肯定回答:Yes, there are 作出否定回答: No, there arent 2. There is some milk in the cup. 杯子有一些水。 改为一般疑问句:Is there any milk in the cup? 作出肯定回答:Yes, there is. 作出否定回答:No, there arent9. an office building 一座办公室大楼 10. in the middle of 在中间 11.betweenand 在之间 12. on the left / right of 在左边/右边13. with 表示有,如:This is our school with 6 buildings. 我们学校有6座建筑物。14. three thirteen thirty Four fourteen forty five fifteen fifty eighteighteeneighty15. on the wall 在墙上(强调不是墙本身) 如:There is a map on the wall. 墙上有一幅地图。( 地图不是墙本身的) in the wall 在墙上(强调是墙本身) 如:There is a hole(洞) in the wall. 墙上有个洞。( 洞是墙本身的)句子:1. There are thirty students in my class. 我们班有三十个学生2. Whats your classroom in England like? 你在英格兰的教室是怎么样的?3. How many student are there in your class? 你班上有多少个学生?4. -Are there any computers on everyones desk? 每个人桌子上有电脑吗?-No, there arent. 不,没有.5. Damings on my right. 大明在我的右边6. This is a map of our school. 这是一张我们学校的地图7. T here are six buildings in our school. 我们学校有6座建筑物。8. In the middle of the school is a big playground. 在学校的中间是一个大操场。9. The library is on the left of the playground near the school gate. 图书馆在操场的左边,紧挨着校门。10. Lingling is behind Zhao Feng. 玲玲在赵峰的后面。11. Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. 在这座建筑物和饭厅之间是教学楼,里面有24个教室。12. Its behind the sports hall. (对划线部分进行提问)Where is the playground? There be句型 be包括is/are, 表示某地有,主语为地点。一般疑问句把be放在句首,即Is there/ Are there? 否定句就在be后面加not, 即 there isnt / there arent如:There is There are 一般疑问句:Is there? 一般疑问句: Are there 作出肯定回答:Yes, there is 作出肯定回答:Yes, there are 作出否定回答:No, there isnt 作出否定回答:No ,there arentCan的用法can 表示能够,可以, 是情态


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