



Module 4 Healthy foodUnit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?1. Milk is a (健康的) drink. Drinking milk is good for our (healthy). Cola is a(n) (health) drink. 2. She has got some (面包). Please give me _(一片面包). She likes eating (面条). 3. Do you like eating (鱼肉)? No, I dont. 我们看到湖里有几条鱼。We see in the lake. 让我们去钓鱼吧。 Lets . 4. We should (吃) lots of fruit and vegetables. 不要喝太多可乐。 Dont too much cola. 我在早上7点钟吃早饭。I at 7:00 in the morning.5. Some (child) like to play here on weekends. 6. The baby girl has got only one_ (牙齿). We brush our _(tooth) twice a day. 7. My mother feels and she needs to have a rest. A. happy B. tired C. healthy D. important 8. It is _(重要的) to learn English well. Dont do it. Its not important. (改为同义句) Dont do it. Its . Do you know the (important) of it? 9. I cant (想起) his name. Can you tell me his name again? |怀化中考| Remember off the lights when you leave the classroom. A. turn B. to turn C. turning10. 你喜欢茶还是咖啡? Do you like ? 吃健康食物吧,否则你可能会生病的。Eat healthy food, you may be ill. His father is a doctor his mother is a teacher. A. but B. or C. and D. so 11. 该回家了。Its time to . 我们都在家。 We are all .12. Im a bit tired. I want to have a good rest. (词语释义) A. a kind of B. a bit of C. a little bit D. a lot of 13. 我们吃水果来保持健康。 We eat fruit to . 14. 你吃太多肉了。你变胖了。 You eat too much meat. You .15. 吃个苹果吧。(翻译句子) _ 喝一些牛奶吧。(翻译句子)_16. Its important _students_to the teachers.A. for; to listen B. for; listen C. of; to listen D. of; listen17. We have_breakfast every day. A. a B. an C. the D. / They have _good dinner in the evening.A. a B. an C. the D. / 我每天都上英语课。I have English lessons_.详解详析Unit 2Is your food and drink healthy?考点直击单词精讲1. healthy healthunhealthy 2. breada piece of breadnoodles 3. fish some fish go fishing 4. eatdrinkhave breakfast 5. children6. tooth teeth7. B8. importantunimportantimportance9. rememberB,解析) remember to do sth.是固定搭配。句意:你离开教室的时候,要记得关灯。故答案为B。10. tea or coffee orC,解析) 根据题干可知前后两个句子之间是并列关系,所以应该用表示并列关系的连词and连接。故选C。11. go home at home短语赏析12C1


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