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1) I must _ for a new secretary.A. announce B. declare C. publish D. advertise我得登广告聘请以为新秘书。1,宣告,宣布;2,正式、庄重地(官方的)宣布;3, 出版,发布;4,做广告2) They went to _ their luggage at the station.A. proclaim B. claim C. require D. exclaim他们去车站提取行李。1,宣告,宣布;2,(根据权利)认领,索取;3,要求,需要;4,(由于痛苦、激动等)呼喊,惊叫3) Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak _ Chinese.A. smooth B. fluent C. fluid D. flowing尽管他生在美国,长在美国,但却能说一口流利的汉语。1,平滑的,光滑的;2,流利的;3,流动的;4,流淌的4) We are writing to the manager _ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.A. with the exception of B. with reference to C. with the purpose of D. with a view to有关最近的维修事宜,我们正按以上的地址给经理写信。1,将。除外;2,关于,根据;3,目的是;4,目的是,为了,由于5) She is a very _ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.A. anxious B. effective C. adequate D. efficient她是个能干的秘书,从不犯错,也从不忘记要干的事情。1,焦急的,急切的;2,(措施,药物等)有效的,生效的;3,适当的,足够的;4,效率高的,有能力的6) Theyre always _ money.A. arguing with B. arguing against C. arguing into D. arguing about他们总是为钱争吵。1,与某人争吵;2,反对;3,通过争论使某人做某事;4,为争吵/辩论7) The _ prize is given for an effort by one person.A. private B. personal C. single D. individual个人奖是给作出成绩的个人的。1,私人的,私有的;2,个人的,非他人的;3,单个的,单一的;4,个人的,个别的8) John didnt really know his mother-in-law very well; therefore it is unfair of him to form an opinion of her _.A. nationality B. relativity C. personality D. rapidity约翰其实并不怎么了解他的岳母,因此让他作出一个关于她的个性看法是不公平的。1,国籍;2,相关性,相对性;3,个性,人格;4,迅速,急速9) The British Constitution is _ a large extent a product of the historical events described above.A. within B. to C. by D. at英国的宪法在很大程度上是上述历史事件的产物。To a large/great extent 固定搭配10) Her fluency in English gives her an advantage _ other girls.A. above B. over C. than D. with她英语流利,与其他女孩子相比,更有优势做这份工作。固定搭配11) He often _ in his views.A. goes up in flames B. goes to pieces C. goes without saying D. goes to extremes他在看法上时常走极端。1,在中烧毁,(希望等)破灭;2,破碎;3,不用说(非常明显);4,走极端12) _ that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate.A. Concerning B. Ascertaining C. AssumingD. Regarding假设对电力的需求继续以目前的速度增长,用不了多久传统的资源就会不够用了。1,关于; 2,查明,弄清;3,假设,假定;4,关于13) My watch doesnt tell the _ time.A. precise B. concise C. predicted D. previous我的手表走得不够准。1,精确的;2,简明的;3,预计的;4,先前的14) Physics is _ to the science which was called material philosophy in history.A. alike B. equivalent C. likely D. uniform物理学就是历史上被称为自然哲学的那门科学。1,相像的,不与to连用;2,相当于;3,可能到;4,一贯的,均匀的15) We should be able to do the job for you quickly, _ you give us all the necessary information.A. in case B. as if C. or else D. provided that如果你为我们提供一切所需信息,我们就能很快为你做好这件事。1,免得,以防万一;2,好像;3,否则,要不然;4,假如,如果16) Though _ rich, he was better off than at any other period in his life.A. by no means B. by some means C. by all means D. by any means尽管他还不算富裕,但他现在的情况比他以前任何时候都好。1,决不,一点也不;2,通常后接or other, 想尽办法;3,无论如何,务必,当然可以;4,无论如何17) As social being we must _ with each other through speech, writing, bodily movements or signals.A. communicate B. coexist C. operate D. cooperate作为社会中的人,我们必须通过语言、写作、身体运动或手势相互交流、交往。1,交往,联系;2,共存,共处;3,操作;4,合作,协作18) “Tell me at the end of the week how many hours you have worked and Ill _ with you then.” His employer said.A. settle up B. draw up C. work up D. come up“周末告知我你的工作时长,我好给你结算工钱”,雇主说。1,结算(账目);2,起草,拟定;3,制定出,激发;4,与with连用,提出,相出19) There was a _ of welcome on her face.A. bean B. bear C. beam D. barrel她笑脸相迎。1,豆,蚕豆;2,熊; 3,笑容,喜色;4,桶20) Ive heard that your son cannot write very well; I suggest that he _ in the remedial writing class.A. take B. enroll C. attend D. engage听说你儿子写作不行,建议报名参加习作补习班。1,与in连用表示吸收,明白;2,报名参加;3,不与in搭配,参加,出席;4,从事某事21) Some writers have compared the modern world _ a mighty machine of which man is only a trivial part.A. with B. to C. for D. as一些作家把现代世界比作一部庞大的机器,而人只是这部机器上的一个微不足道的部分。比作22) Everyone in her family _ upon the match.A. relieves B. fixes C. relaxes D. frowns她家里每个人豆不赞成这桩婚事。1,缓解,消除;2,固定;3,放松,休息;4,不赞成,不以为然23) The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer the teachers questions.A. amazed B. awkward C. curious D. amused那女孩回答不出老师的问题,感到尴尬不安。1,吃惊的;2,尴尬的,为难的;3,好期待;4,被逗乐的24) When construction can begin depends on how soon the _ of the route is completed.A. conviction B. identity C. orientation D. survey工程何时开工取决于道路勘测的速度有多快。1,深信,定罪;2,身份,一致;3,方向,定位;4,勘查,测量,调查25) The braches could hardly _ the weight of the fruit.A. sustain B. retain C. maintain D. remain树枝几乎承受不了果实的重量。1,支撑(得住);2,保持,留住;3,维修,维护,坚持;4,剩下,留下26) He was _ of an important misjudgment.A. illegal B. irrelevant C. unreasonable D. guilty他犯了重大判断失误的错误。1,不合法的;2,与to连用,不相关的;3,不合理的;4,犯(罪/过失)27) Our neighbor said shed _ the police if we made any more noise.A. complain about B. complain C. complain of D. complain to我们的邻居说,如果我们再吵嚷喧哗,她就要向警察投诉。1,抱怨何事;2,应有介词;3,诉说;4,向投诉28) The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in _.A. denying B. upsetting C. protesting D. competing反对新方法的人被告知,既然工作已经开始,抗议也没有用了。1,否认,拒绝给予;2,使不安,扰乱;3,抗议,反对;4,竞赛,比赛29) The chimney is _ up with dirt.A. blocked B. crowded C. chopped D. choked烟囱被污物堵塞了。1,阻碍;2,聚集,挤;3,劈,砍;4,塞满,窒息30) After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance _ further losses.A. against B. towards C. for D. from遭劫之后,这家商店安装了复杂精密的报警系统以防再有损失。唯一正确搭配31) _ swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approaching threateningly.A. Depression B. Excitement C. Intensity D. Panic看见鲨鱼来,游泳的人一片恐慌。1,沮丧;2,兴奋,激动;3,强烈,剧烈;4,恐慌32) His name will never _ from the memory of the world.A. vanish B. fade C. disappear D. dim他的名字将永远不会从世人的记忆中消失。1,(突然的,奇怪的)一下子消失;2,逐渐消失;3,(从视线中)消失不见;4,变黯淡,模糊33) The plane _, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.A. smashed B. crushed C. plunged D. crashed飞机坠毁,撞到地面时所携带的炸弹爆炸了。1,粉碎,打碎;2,压碎,压垮;3,投入,纵身投入;4,碰撞,坠毁34) A window in the kitchen was _; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen.A. scattered B. scraped C. smashed D. scratched厨房的窗户被打碎,到处乱七八糟,窗帘盒地毯被偷走了。1,散布,分散,撒;2,刮,擦; 3,打碎,砸碎;4,抓,挠,搔35) Its no use crying over _ milk.A. spilt B. spin C. split D. spill牛奶已洒,哭也没用。1,spill的过去分词;2,旋转;3,劈开,撕裂;4,动词原形36) The winning team loudly _ its victory.A. magnified B. proclaimed C. signified D. exclaimed获胜对大声为自己的胜利欢呼。1,放大,扩大;2,宣告,宣布;3,表示,意味着;4,喊叫,惊叫37) As a salesman, he works on a(n) _ basis, taking 10% of everything he sells.A. income B. commission C. salary D. pension作为推销员,他提取销售额的10%作为佣金。1,收入;2,佣金;3,工资;4,养老金38) During the lecture, the speaker occasionally _ his point by relating his own experiences.A. illustrated B. hinted C. cited D. displayed在演讲时,演讲者偶尔结合自己的经历说明自己的观点。1,说明,(用例子)阐释;2,暗示;3,引用;4,表现,展示39) The cup _ when I washed it.A. burst B. cracked C. crept D. spilt杯子在我洗的时候破裂了。1,(使)爆炸,爆破;2,裂开,爆裂;3,爬行,匍匐;4,劈开,撕裂40) The leader of the expedition _ everyone to follow his example.A. promoted B. reinforced C. sparked D. inspired探险队的领队激励每一个人以他为榜样。1,提升,晋升,促进;2,增强,加强;3,点燃,冒火花,激励;4,激励,鼓励,促使41) The dying man soon _ to breathe.A. halted B. stopped C. paused D. ceased那个垂危的人不久就停止了呼吸。1,终止,停止,后跟动名词;2,与不定式连用表示停下手里的工作去做;3,暂停,然后继续;4,停止,结束,可跟不定式或动名词,意义一样42) The tomato juice left brown _ on the front of my jacket.A. spot B. point C. track D. trace番茄汁在我的夹克前部留下了褐色的斑迹。1,斑点,污点;2,抽象意义上的“点”;3,人、车辆、动物的踪迹;4,人、物、事件的痕迹43) The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made _.A. on the spot B. on the site C. on the location D. on the ground火灾的新闻之后会有来自现场的详细报道。44) Most accidents _ when the drivers get drunk or are speeding.A. occur B. take place C. come out D. come about大多数事故发生在司机喝醉酒或开快车之时。1,(有计划或无计划)发生,出现;被想起,被想到;2,(计划,安排好的)发生;3,(人/物)从视野中出现;恢复神智;4,询问详情45) For the sake of the minds peace, one ought not to inquire _ such things too closely.A. of B. into C. about D. after为了心灵的安宁,人不应该深究这样的事情。1,向问;2,调查,追究;3,打听;4,问候46) If you want to know the train schedule, please _ at the booking office.A. acquire B. inquire C. request D. require如果你想知道列车时刻表,请到售票处查询。1,获得;2,询问;3,请求,要求;4,需要,要求47) Ms. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _ with everyone who comes to the store.A. accepted B. admitted C. admired D. acquainted格林夫人只在镇子上住了一年,不过看来她都与来店里的人熟悉了。1,接受;2,承认;3,钦佩,羡慕;4,相识,熟识,结识48) The state of his c


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