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There has been a transformation(转化、变革) in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. 在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革。This new paradigm poses(形成) a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration. 这个新的范例对几个原先被认为是传统公共行政的基础规则提出了直接挑战。These seven seeming verities(真理) have been challenged.这几个真理被挑战。Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估) their bureaucracies and demanded changes. 1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变。All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度) later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革。There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet, particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。 Some argue that a paradigm is a large hurdle(障碍) to jump, requiring agreement among all a disciplines(学科,纪律) practitioners-a more or less permanent way of looking at the world 一些争论认为一个范例是一个要跨越的大障碍,需要所有学科的实践者的同意,或多或少是看待世界的暂时方法。 The basic paradigms for public sector management are those following from Ostroms(1989)argument that there are two opposing forms of organization: bureaucracy and markets. 基本的公共管理部门的范例是这些遵循奥斯特罗姆的争论,即组织有两种对立的类型:官僚组织和市场组织。To Behn,the traditional model of administration qualifies as a paradigm; as he continues, certainly,those who support traditional public administration would argue that they have a “discipline(学科、纪律)”, complete(完整的) with” theories, laws, and generalisations”, that focus their research (Behn,2001,p.231).对本来说,传统行政模型适合被看做一种范式。他继续说,当然,那些支持公共传统行政的人会争论说他们有纪律,带有完整的理论、法律和普遍原理,专注于他们的研究。The public management paradigm has the very different underlying(潜在、含蓄、隐晦的) theoretical bases of economics and private management. 公共管理里范式有着很不同的潜在的理论基础,即经济理论和私营部门理论。However, it is not the case that at one point in time everyone in the discipline decided that the traditional public administration paradigm had been superseded; it is more the case that paradigms change gradually. 然而,这不是说这个学科的所有学者都认为传统公共行政范例已经被取代,范例是逐渐改变的这样一个事实。By the beginning the 1990s,a new model of public sector management had emerged in most advanced countries and many developing ones.在1990s初期,在大多数发达国家和很多发展中国家一个新的公共部门管理模型出现了。In the United Kingdom there were reforms in the 1980s,such as the widesperad privatization of public enterprises and cuts to other parts of the public sector during the Thatcher government. 在英国撒切尔执政时期,出现了改革,比如公共企业的民营化、精简公共部门。In the United States,a key event was the publication(出版) in 1992 of Reinventing (彻底改造)Government by Osborne and Gaebler (1992).在美国一个关键事件是Osborne and Gaebler 所写的彻底改造政府的出版。International organizations,notably the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) and,to a lesser extent(程度、范围) the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) became inerested in improving the public management of their member and client nations:The public management committee(PUMA)at the OECD took a leading role in the public management reform process.国际组织特别是法国为基础的OECD,较小范围的世界银行和IMF开始对提高自己的成员国和客户国家公共管理感兴趣:在OECD内的PUMA在公共管理改革过程中起了领导作用。While there have been striking similarities in the reforms carried out in a number of countries(see Chapter 14),it is argued here that the greatest shift is one of theory rather than practice.尽管许多国家的改革有很多惊人的相似,但这里争论的是理论转型而非实践转型。 It is argued here that administration is a narrower and more limited function than management and,in consequence,changing from public administration to public management means a major change of theory and of function.这里争论的是行政是比管理更狭义更限制的功能,因此,公共行政向公共管理的转变是理论和功能的主要改变。.The Oxford Dictionary defines administration as : an act of administering,which is then to manage the affairs of or to direct or superintend(监督、管理) the execution(执行、实行),use or conduct of,while management is : to conduct,to control the course of affairs by ones own action,to take charge of.哈佛字典这样定义行政:一种管理行为,管理事务或者直接的或者监督执行,使用或者管理。而管理则是:执行,通过一个人的行为控制事物的过程,负责。 From these various definitions it is argued that administration essentially involves following instructions(指示,命令) and service,while management involves:first,the achievement of results,and secondly,personal responsibility by the manager for results being achieved 从这些多种多样的定义可以看出,行政包括服从命令和服务,而管理包括:第一是结果的实现,第二是管理人对于获得结果的个人责任Similarily,the wordsmanagementand managerhave been increasingly used within the public sector.类似地,管理和管理者这两个词越来越多地应用在公共部门中。These changes of title are not superficial.这些标题的改变是表面的、敷衍的It followsthat a public service based on administrative concepts will be different from one based on management and there aer continuing and unresolved tensions between the two views. 分析得出以行政概念为基础的公共服务和以管理为基础的公共服务是不同的,二者之间有着悬而未决的紧张关系。The term public adminitration always referred to the study of the public sector,in addition to being an activity and a profession.公用行政这个词经常用来指公共部门的研究,另外还是一项活动和一个职位。Rosenbloom(1986)argues that public administration is the use of managerial, political,and legal theories and processes(处理) to fulfil legislative(立法的,有立法权的),executive(行政的,经理的) and judicial (公正的)governmental mandates(授权、命令) for the provision(规定,条款) of regulatory(管理的,控制的) and service functionsfor the society as a whole or for some segments of it. Rosenbloom 指出:公共行政是对管理的、政治的、合法的理论的应用,Administration and management are argued here to have conceptual differences and adding the word public to them should reflect these differences.这里提到的行政和管理有着概念上不同,在前面加上公共这个词可以反映这些不同。Imperatives of change变革的紧迫问题 The changes in the public sector have occurred as a response to several interrelated imperatives :first,the attack on the public sector;secondly,changes in economic theory; thirdly,the impact of changes in the private sector,particularly globalization as an economic force;and,fourthly,changes in technology.公共部门的改变作为几个相关的祈使句的回应发生了:第一,对公共部门的冲击,第二,经济理论的改变;第三,私人部门改变的影响,特别是作为经济力量的全球化;第四,科技的改变。In the early 1980s there were wide-ranging attacks on the size and capability of the public sector.在1980s早起,在公共部门的规模和能力上有大范围的冲击The ideological(思想的,意识形态的) fervour (热情)of attacks on the role of government,and efforts to reduce its size,faded somewhat in the late 1990s. 对政府角色的冲击的思想热情以及减少规模的努力在1990S晚期冷淡下来。(逐渐消失。)In the 1970s,conservative(保守的) economists argued that government was the economic problem restricting economic growth and freedom. 1970S,保守的经济学家认为政府限制了经济增长和自由。The change in economic thinking profoundly affected the public bureaucracy 经济思考的改变深刻地影响了公共官僚制。The most important economic theory applied to the bureaucracy, particularly in the earlier debate over managerialism,was public choice theory.应用于官僚制特别是早期关于管理主义的争论的最重要的经济理论是公共选择理论。The key assumption of public choice is a comprehensive view of rationality. 对公共选择的主要假设是合理性的综合观点 A rational man must be guided by the incentive system(动机系统) within which he operates.一个理性的人必须被他在里面起作用的动机系统所引导Making an economic assumption about behaviour does have its uses.做一个关于行为的经济假设确实有他的用处。 After thirty years of public choice theory and attempts to apply it to governmental settings,results have been mixed公共选择理论和把它应用于政府设置的努力在三十年后有了复杂的结果。The economic theory of principal and agent has also been applied to the public sector,especially concerning its accountability.规则和机构的理论也被应用于公共部门,特别是它的责任。 Principal/agent theory attempts to find incentive(动机) schemes(体制) for agents to act in the interests of principals.规则/机构理论试图发现机构在规则的兴趣下的行动的动机体制。 What is here called the traditional model of public administration was once a major reform movement. 这里被称为公共行政的传统模型的是曾经的一次主要的改革运动。. The traditional model can be characterized as: an administration under the formal control of the political leadership, based on a strictly hierarchical model of bureaucracy, staffed by permanent, neutral and anonymous officials, motivated only by the public interest, serving any governing party equally, and not contributing to policy but merely administering those policies decided by the politicians.传统模型可以被定义为:政治领导正式控制下的行政,以官僚制的严格等级制模型为基础,聘用永久的、中立的、匿名的员工,只为公共利益所驱动,平等地为任何政党服务,不为政治做贡献,也不管理政治家决定的政策。 .The traditional model of public administration remains the longest standing and most successful theory of management in the public sector, but is now being replaced. 公共行政的传统模型是在公共部门保持最久的突出和最成功的管理理论。但是现在被逐渐替代。 Public administration has a long history, one paralleling the very notion of government. 对比政府的概念公共行政有一个很长的历史。Administrative systems existed in ancient Egypt to administer irrigation from the annual flood of the Nile and to build the pyramids. 行政系统存在于古埃及用来管理来自一年一次的尼罗河大水的灌溉,建造金字塔, In Europe the various Empires Greek, Roman, Holy Roman, Spanish and so on were, above all, administrative empires, controlled from the centre by rules and procedures. 在欧洲各种各样的帝国希腊、罗马、神圣罗马、西班牙等,首先都是行政帝国,通过规则和程序受中心控制。In the United States for most of the nineteenth century, there existed what was termed the spoils system of administration, derived from the saying, to the victor belong the spoils. 在美国19世纪的大多数时期,存在被称为政党分赃的行政系统,源自于这个说法:战利品属于胜利者。In other words, there is no specific expertise involved in public administration, nor is there any reason that the administration of government should persist when its political complexion changes. 换句话说,没有特殊的企业涉及公共行政,也没有任何理由表明政府行政在他的政局发生改变时应该保持不变。Jackson thought there were advantages in making the administration more egalitarian平等主义 的 and democratic: I can not but believe that more is lost by the long continuance of men in office than is generally gained by their experience.杰克逊认为在使行政更平等和民主里有优势:Eventually, the inherent problems of earlier forms of administration led to changes in the latter part of the nineteenth century and to the reforms associated with the traditional model of administration. 最终早期行政模式的固有问题导致了19世纪后期的变革和与传统的行政模型有关的改革The model was greatly influenced by Woodrow Wilson in the United States, one of the key activists in the United States reform movement, and Max Weber in Europe美国的这一模型受到了威尔逊的很大影响,威尔逊是美国的改革运动中的一个关键的积极分子,马克思韦伯是欧洲的积极分子。 Wilson, Taylor and Weber, who were contemporaries, are the main influences on the traditional model of public administration. 威尔逊、泰勒和韦伯,这几个同龄人是公共行政的传统模型的主要影响力。In setting out a basis for his theory, Weber argued there were three types of authority: the charismatic the appeal of an extraordinary leader; the traditional such as the authority of a tribal chief; and rational/legal authority. 作为它的理论基础,韦伯认为有三种权威类型:魅力型权威对领导者的绝对赞同,传统权威例如部落首领的权威,法理型权威Weber set out six principles for modern systems of bureaucracy, deriving from the idea of rational-legal authority. 韦伯阐述了现代官僚体制的六点原则The first of Webers principles means that authority derives from the law, and from rules made according to law.韦伯的第一条原则是权威来自法律和根据法律制定的规则。The main differences and advances of the Weberian system are best understood by comparison with earlier models of administration. 韦伯理论系统的主要不同和进步通过与早期行政模型的比较被更好的理解。Other differences follow. 其他的不同也是如此The individual official occupies a key place in Webers theory. 个体的官员在韦伯的理论中占据了关键位置These points follow logically from the six principles of bureaucracy.这些点从逻辑上看符合韦伯官僚制的六点原则The two principles the model of bureaucracy and position of the official had specific purposes. 这两个原则:官僚制的模型和官员的位置,有着特殊的意图Webers idea that bureaucracy was the most efficient form of organization applies to all large undertakings. 韦伯的官僚制是最有效率的组织形式这一理念应用于所有的大型企业中In the traditional model of public administration, the rules linking the political leadership with the bureaucracy are clear, at least in theory.在传统的公共行政模型中,与官僚制的政治领导相关的规则是清晰地,至少在理论上是清晰地。Wilson believed that the evils of the spoils system resulted from the linking of administrative questions with political ones威尔逊认为分赃主义的邪恶源自于跟政治相关的行政的问题。. Traditional public administration elevated the distinction between administrative and political matters to its guiding principle that of the politics/administration dichotomy传统公共行政提高了它的指导规则的行政的关系和政治的关系之间的区别,即政治/行政的二分法。In addition, the dichotomy allowed public administration to emerge as a self-conscious field of study, intellectually and institutionally differentiated from politics.另外,这个二分法允许行政作为自我意识领域 的研究出现,智力上和制度上和政治是不同的。The traditional system of administration in parliamentary countries similarly aimed for a separation of policy from administration.国会制国家的传统行政系统也类似地以把政策从行政中分离为目标。These are three main facets方面 to political control in the traditional model of administration, most notably in Westminster systems. 在著名的威斯敏斯特系统中,在传统的行政模型中政治控制有三个主要的方面。 In the traditional model of administration, the worlds of the politician and the public official were to be separate.在传统的行政模型中,政治家和公共官员的世界是分开的。The traditional model of administration was fully formed 成型by the 1920s and continued with remarkably little change for at least fifty years. 传统的行政模型到1920s完全成型,并且至少五十年没有发生显著的变化。Frederick Taylor is usually credited with formulating scientific management.泰勒通常被认为系统地阐述了科学管理。Scientific management became an evangelical force in the early years of the century.科学管理在世纪早期成了新教会的力量The derivation of managerialism from a private business model is a source of criticism. 管理主义来自于一个私人商业模型是批评的根源。It is more difficult to determine objectives or to measure results in the public sector and this may be one of the key differences between the public and private sectors.在公共部门很难决定目标和测量结果,这大概是公共和私人部门之间的主要不同。 The fact that management techniques derive from the private sector is the cause of some criticism.实际上,源自私人部门 的管理技术是批评的原因。A particular theoretical criticism put forward by Pollitt is that managerialism represents a revival of the scientific management ideas of Frederick Taylor discussed earlier .Pollitt提出一个特别的理论批评指出管理主义代表着泰勒早先讨论过的科学管理理想的一种复兴In this comment Pollitt sees managerialism as the direct descendant of Taylors scientific management, which, in his view, is contrary to the wisdoms of the human relations school.在这个评论里,Pollitt把管理主义看做泰勒的科学管理理论的直接遗传,这在他的观点里是和人类关系学派的智慧相反的。 Managerialists(管理学家) do propose(建议,打算) to measure performance and may have imitated(模仿) the private sector in taking a more hard-nosed(死板的) approach to the social-psychological side of organizational behavior.管理学家确实建议测量绩效并且也许在使用一种更加的死板的方法对组织行为的社会心理上模仿了私人部门 As discussed earlier, Taylor did believe in picking people for particular jobs, rewarding them according to performance and measuring what they did. Some parts of managerialism do all these things.就像先前讨论的一样,泰勒相信挑选人们来适应特殊的工作,根据绩效和测量他们所做的奖励他们。Taylors system was perfectly attuned to a formalized bureaucracy and this was why it was adopted so enthusiastically by public services in the early part of the century. 泰勒的系统和正式的官僚制完美地协调,这也是在世纪早期它被公共服务狂热引用的原因。 Changes to the public service are said to involve politicizing(使具有政治性,参与政治) it; involving it directly in matters of party politics. 公共服务的改变被认为是涉及参与政治,直接涉及政党政治 On the other hand, politicization(政治化) could lead to problems of the kind that Woodrow Wilson and the reform movement in the 1880s tried to repair. 另一方面,政治化会导致伍德罗式的问题,1880年的改革运动试图修补这个问题。 There is some concern as to whether the new managerial concepts (管理理念)and procedures (程序)fit in with the system of accountability. 关于新的管理理念和程序是否适合责任系统有一些担心。Difficulties with contracting-out退出合同,承包的困难While it is easy to argue private markets are superior and efficiencies will result from privatizing government activities, implementation is not simple. 尽管容易有争论认为私有化的政府活动会导致私人市场更优越和有效,实施不是简单的。Simple ideological (思想的,意识形态的)nostrums(秘方,万能药) should be replaced by careful consideration of all the costs and benefits. 简单的思想形态的万能药应该被对成本和利润的小心考虑所代替。Ethical(伦理的,道德的) issues伦理道德问题 Are there ways of improving or maintaining ethical standards while gaining the benefits of a managerial approach?在一种管理方法获得利润的同时有办法提高或者保持伦理水平吗 Corruption(贪污) can be endemic(地方性的) and has serious consequences for the political system.贪污可能是地方性的,对政治系统有严重的结果。Implementation and morale problems实施和道德问题 Managerial changes have been instigated(鼓动,煽动) from the top, with insufficient(不足的,不充足的) attention paid to implementation. 管理的改变是从顶层被煽动的,同时对实施没有足够的注意。 Perhaps the reform process was carried out at such a pace that people in the system did not know where they stood. 也许改革过程以这样的节奏被实施,系统内的人们不知道他们在什么位置。.The critique (批评,评论文章)in sum In the final analysis, the critique of the managerialist model has some valid points but is unconvincing, or at least unproven. 在最后的解释中,对管理主义模型的批评有一些有效的但是不能令人信服、无法证明的根据。Instead of criticizing the theoretical basis of the new programs, it would seem necessary to compare the relative theoretical backing of the two. 代替批评新的项目的理论基础,比较这两种理论后面的相关理论似乎更有必要。The managerialist agenda (议程)is, in essence,(在本质上) quite simple. 管理主义的日常议程在本质上是非常简单的。 The public services of developed countries should now be regarded as following the precepts (认知的对象)of public management. 发达国家的公共服务应该被认为是公共管理认知的对象。The debate over public management and managerialism raises larger questions about the role of the public service, and even the role of government in society. 公共管理和管理主义的争论引发了更大的问题,关于公共服务的职能甚至时政府在社会 中的角色问题。 What we are witnessing may be a new theory of management, but, thus far, it is a theory of public management and not generic management .我们看到二等也许是一种新的管理理论,但是这是公共管理而非一般管理的理论。 Despite criticisms, changes of government, misgivings from parts of the public, the model of public management has become established. 尽管有批评,政府的改变,不考虑公共部分,公共管理的模型已经确立了What government should or should not do needs to be of fundamental concern to public managers. 对公共管理者来说,政府应该做什么不应该做什么需要成为他们要关心的基本问题。All government activities require organization and staff-the public or civil service. 在公共的或者公民的服务中所有的政府活


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