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2019年中考英语完形填空题(一)附答案第一篇(2019中考选练)The umbrella is a very common object. It keeps the 1 and the sun off the people. Most umbrellas can be folded up(折叠) so it is 2 to carry them.However, the umbrella has not always been as 3 as it is now. In the past, it was a symbol of importance. Some African countries still use umbrellas in this 4 .Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person.Umbrellas are very old. People in different parts of the world began to 5 umbrellas at different times. The Chinese had them more than 3,000 years ago. From there, umbrellas 6 to India and Egypt. In Greece and Rome, 7 wouldnt use them. They believed umbrellas were only for women.England was 8 the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rain. The weather there is very 9 and umbrellas are very useful.Everybody uses umbrellas today. The next time you 10 one, thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them, youll feel you are important people, too.1A. rain B. could C. air D. water 2A. lovely B. cheap C. hard D. easy 3A. light B. heavy C. common D. special4A. way B. size C. reason D. place 5A. discover B. use C. examine D. discuss6A. walked B. travelled C. rode D. flew 7A. children B. parents C. men D. women 8A. probably B. already C. suddenly D. immediately9A. sunny B. rainy C.snowy D. windy 10A. sell B. return C. borrow D. carry 参考答案1A2D3C4A5B6B7C8A9B10D第二篇中考完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 The Inspector of Schools arrived yesterday morning, and he spent the whole day examining the classes. The headmaster had told us a few days _1 that he was coming. I think the headmaster was very 2 about it, for every day, he came to all the classes, 3 the teachers over and over again what they must do and examined the boys himself to see _4_ they were ready for the inspector. He told us in our class that we were all fools and would be sure to make him lose face before the inspector. All this made us very nervous; and when the 5 walked into our class we were all very afraid. I felt that all I 6 knew had gone clean out of my 7 . The inspector is a tall man. He wears glasses and always looks very strict. He 8 on examining the class in English, and I was asked to read. I felt very nervous, but I got 9 without any bad mistakes. Some of the other boys, 10 , did not do well and the inspector 11 serious, though he did not say 12 . We got along with history and geography; but when it came to math, he set us some very 13 problems to solve which we failed to do; so he looked very angrily at our teacher. Our teacher was very 14 with us later; but I am sure we should have done better if we had not been so afraid. I think I should like to be 15 when I grow up, because everyone should be afraid of me.1. A beforeB. afterC. agoD. later2. A. nervousB. angryC. afraidD. sure3. A. askedB. neededC. promisedD. told4. A. whetherB. howC. whyD. that5. A. teacherB. studentsC. headmasterD. inspector6. A. neverB. oftenC. everD. even7. A. handB fingerC. heartD mind8. A. finishedB. stoppedC. keptD. went9. A. onB. throughC. downD. out10. A. butB. howeverC. thoughD. whatever11. A. lookedB. feltC. seemedD. sounded12. A. littleB. manyC. muchD. few13. A. easyB. hardC. interestingD. simple14. A. pleasedB. surprisedC. angryD. strict15. A. a teacherB. an officerC. an inspector D. a headmaster名师点评督学要来学校检查教学工作,校长、老师和学生们都很害怕。由于同学们上课很紧张,不能正确的解题、答题,老师受到责备。“紧张”贯穿全文,完成短文时要抓住人物的心理活动。答案简析1. A。(督学来到的)几天前,the headmaster就告诉了我们他要来。此空由前面的过去完成时决定。2. A。the headmaster 对此事很担心,C有一定的干扰性,从后文他每天做的事来看,不是害怕。3. D。他一遍又一遍地告诉他们应该干些什么。4. A。whether用来连接宾语从句。 the headmaster想知道孩子们是否作好了准备。5. D。根据上下文推出要来班上视察的人。6. C。ever表示“曾经”。7. D。由于紧张推理出:我感到我所知道的都从我头脑中丢干净了。8. C。keep doing sth. 不停地做某事。9. B。get through指通过阅读检测,其它选项都不能表现这一点。10. B。从did not go so well看,此空表示转折。11. A。督学看起来很严肃,作者在此是说,看到如此多学生回答不好,督学的脸色很难看,因此用looked。12. C。much修饰不可数名词,这里代所说的话。13. B。hard 在此相当于difficult,选择此空时要注意前面的转折词。14. C。 因为督学looked very angrily at our teacher ,因此our teacher 把气都撒在了我们身上。15. C。看到督学来到后老师学生们的紧张表现,“我决定长大后要当督学。”第三篇阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One will feel happy when others flatter( 奉承) him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a “top hat” 1 .A student was going to leave the capital to become 2 official(官员) in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say 3 to his teacher.“It is 4 job to be a good official.” his teacher said. “ you must be strict 5 yourself and never be careless.”“Dont worry about me, sir.” The student answered. “I have already 6 one hundred top hats, which will 7 those people quite happy.”“But we are really gentlemen! 8 could a real gentleman do such a thing” his teacher was a bit 9 . “Never forget 10 I taught you in class!” “ 11 are always right, sir I also hate such things. But, sir, 12 no one really gentleman like you can be seen in the world now.” said the student. It seemed that he had to do so.After hearing this , the teacher was 13 . “What you said is true!”“I have 14 one top hat already. Now I have ninety-nine 15 .” the student said to his friend later on when he asked the student what he had talked with the teacher about.1. A. to put on B. putting onC. wearing D to wear2. A. a B . the C. an D. /3. A. hello B. good bye C. OK D. thanks4. A. not an easy B. not easy C. a good D. difficult5. A. about B. with C. from D. to6. A. made B. Bought C. prepared D. repaired7. A. give B. let C. keep D. make8. A. How B. What C. Why D. When9. A. anger B. angry C. angrily D. angrily10. A. that B. how C. why D. what11.A. You B. We C. They D. Us12. A. hardly B. about C. almost D. nearly13. A. disappointed B. pleased C. angry D. sorry14. A. sent outB. bought C. sold D. borrowed15. A. left B. already C. yet D. else名师点评这是一则幽默,说明许多人都喜欢听奉承话,有的人自以为清高,其实也被戴上“高帽子”, 而自己却不知道。答案简析1. D。 wear 表示状态, put on 表示动作。根据结构give sb. sth. to do可知D为正确选项。2. D。3. B。 因为要去另一个城市工作了, 故向他的老师道别。4. A。 想做一个好官员, 应该说是不容易的。5. B。 be strict with sb 意为“对某人严格要求”。6. C。 准备了一百个高帽子,其实就是奉承的好话,而不是做或是买了许多高帽子。7. D。 make sb. happy意为“使某人高兴”。8. A。9. B。 这里应该用形容词,表示老师听了他的话有点生气。10. D。 由what 引导宾语从句,表示不要忘了老师教过的事。11. A。 You are right表示赞同老师说的话。12. C。 当出现 no, nothing nobody 等一系列否定词的时候,只能用almost 不能用 nearly。13. B。 听了奉承话以后, 他很高兴。14. A。 表示送出了一顶, 而不是买或者卖,与上文相呼应。15. A。 left 这里表示“剩下的, 剩余的”。第四篇Mr. Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to tom, his son, “If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been 36 .” “OK, Dad,” said Tom. But Mr. Brown was afraid Tom couldnt remember this, he 37 these words on a piece of paper and asked Tom to look at it every now and then.Four 38 passed, but no one came. Tom thought that piece of paper was no more(没有)use, so he burnt it that evening.The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. Tom opened it. A man asked, “Where is your father?” Tom looked for the piece of paper, but he 39 remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more.”“No more?” I met hem last week. When did it 40 ?” The man asked.“Burnt yesterday evening.”36. A. out B. in C. here D. there37. A. write B. wrote C. rewrite D. r


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