



Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1-1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer【主备人】 【从备人】 【课型】Listening and speaking【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】【学习目标】 1.识记有关的疾病的单词与短语:cough,fever,headache,stomach,ache, stomach ache, toothache,ill,this,since,cold,catch a cold, take sbs temperature2.听懂对简单病情的描述的对话3.学会关心他人,了解健康的生活方式【学习重难点】1.掌握病情相关常用语及描述病情时的常用语句;2.初步了解现在完成时与for, since引导对的时间状语连用的结构。 【教学准备】 Tape recorder, multi-media【学习过程】三、学习过程:Step、情景导入:A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have got a headache.A: How long have you been like this?B: For two days.A: Let me take your temperature. Oh, youve got a fever.B: What should I do?A: Take the medicine, drink more water, you will be better.B:Thanks!方法:激情导入,两人一组问答。目的:通过练习对话熟悉本单元话题Step. 学习探究 一、设问导读,1. Look at ppt, warm up and learn new words,and finishA1.2.Listen and check :Whats wrong with Betty and Daming in Activity 2.3.Listen to Activity 3, answer the questions.1)Has Daming got a cold?2)What kind of food does Daming usually eat?4.Read part 3 and complete the table about Daming方法:带着问题去听和读,通过任务型听说理解整篇对话。目的:通过听说理解关于简单病情的对话。二、自学检测Find the phrases and sentences, then translate them: How can I help you?_ 2. catch a cold _ 3.be harmful to _4. take sbs temperature_5.take the medicine_6.three times a day_7. do exercise/get some exercise_8.thats why_方法:自己读对话,在对话中划出下列短语及句子并作翻译,然后组内核对答案。目的:为了更透彻地理解对话,识记重点短语及句型。Step3巩固训练Task1.根据对话内容填空Daming has got a _ _ since Friday and he went to see the doctor. The doctor _ _ _ and asked him some questions. Then he found Damings lifestyle (生活方式)is unhealthy usually _ _, no _ and little _. This kind of lifestyle _ _ _ his health. So the doctor told Daming to _ eating fast food, have breakfast every day and _ _ _.方法:根据课文内容填空,然后齐读。目的:熟悉课文内容,鼓励学生多读多练,培养语感。方法:学生自己独立完成,然后组内核对答案,如有不理解的,不会的,教师个别将讲解指导。目的:识记本单元重点词汇及短语。五、拓展延伸Work in pairs. Act out a conversation between a doctor and a patient.Student A: You are a doctor.Student B: You are at the doctors. Like this:- How can I help you ?- Ive got a bad cough. Homework: 板书设计:教学反思:【主备人】 【从备人】 【 学习内容】Unit 1-2 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer【课型】Listening and speaking【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】【学习目标】 1.识记并会用有关的疾病的单词与短语;12.熟读描述简单病情的对话;3.完成相关词汇与现在完成时的练习【学习重难点】掌握病情相关常用语及描述病情时的常用语句;现在完成时与for, since的用法 【教学准备】 Tape recorder, multi-media【学习过程】Step1、温故互查1) Act outA3 in pairs and finishA4,then read it together.2) Translate phrases and key sentences, then check in pairs1. 感冒_ 2. 给某人量体温_3. 吃药 _ 4. 不要担心_5. 头疼 _ 6.怎么了?_7. 那就是问题_方法:学生自己读课文,独立完成以上任务。然后集体核对答案。目的:回顾课文内容,识记本课重点短语,反复读培养学生读与说的能力。Step2巩固训练 根据汉语提示完成句子1. 这就是你得胃疼的原因。_ _youve got a stomach ache.2. 车辆的噪声使我感到头痛The noise of the traffic made my _ _.3.强光对我们的眼睛不好Strong light _ _ _our eyes.1)Let me _ _ _(量体温)2)I feel _(生病)3)Ive _ _ _(咳嗽)4) Have you _ _ _(感冒)方法是:学生先独立完成,叫个别核对答案。目的是:熟练掌握重点词及短语。A. Have you taken your temperature?BWhats wrong with you?C.How often should I take this medicine?D. Nothing serious.E:You can take some medicine and drink much water. 1. 补全对话A:Good morning. B:Good morning. _A:I dont feel very well and Ive a headache. B:How long have you been like this? A:Ever since this morning. B: Maybe youve caught a cold. _A:No, I havent. B:Can I take your temperature? A:OK. B:Oh, youve got a fever. A:Is it serious? B:_ A:What should I do then? B:_A:_ B:You can take this medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor. Ill do as you say. Bye! B:Bye! 方法:学生独立完成,然后组内核对答案。目的:熟知关于看病的常用句子的表达。Step3、拓展延伸医生常用的问题:1. Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter with you? Whats your trouble? 哪儿不舒服吗?2. How are you feeling now?你现在觉得怎么样?Are you feeling better? 现在感觉好些了吗?3. How long have you been like this? 你像这样有多久了?4. Do you cough? Do you feel tired? 你咳嗽吗?觉得疲惫吗?5. Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?病人描述病情常用句:1.I dont feel very well./ Im not feeling well. 我觉得


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