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课程名专业英文课程名 三维绘图机自3D cartography 控制工程基础机自、测控、工业Fundamentals of Control Engineering 机械制造基础机自、测控、工业Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacture 液压与气压传动包装、机自Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission 机电传动与控制机自Mechanical & Electrical Transmission & Control 测试技术机自Measurement Technique 微机原理及应用(二) 包装、材料、工业Principle of the computer & application 专业英语机自Professional English 机械制造技术机自、工业Mechanical Manufacture Technology 运筹学工业Operational research 现代工业工程概论工业Introduction to Modern Industrial Engineering 系统工程工业System Engineering 生产系统仿真工业Production System Simulation 理论力学包装、机自Theoretical Mechanics 材料力学(一)机自Material Mechanics I 材料力学(二)包装Material Mechanics II 工程力学材料、工设、测控、工业Engineering Mechanics 机械原理包装、机自、工业Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 机械设计包装、机自、工业Mechanical Desinge 机械设计基础(一) 材料、工设、测控The Fundamental of Mechanical Design 机械设计基础(二)The Fundamental of Mechanical Design 机械基础The Fundamental of Machine 包装与印刷概论包装Package&printing Introduction 包装动力学包装Package Dynamics 包装材料学包装Package Materials 包装工艺学包装Package Technology 专业英语包装Professional English 包装测试技术包装Package Testing Technology 包装结构设计包装Package Stucture Design 包装装潢与造型设计 包装Package Art & Shape Design 电脑美术设计包装Computer Art Design 互换性与技术测量(一)测控Interchangeability and Technical Measurement I 互换性与技术测量(二)材料、机自、工业Interchangeability and Technical Measurement II 信号与系统测控Signal and System 工程光学测控Engineering Optics 传感器原理与应用测控Principle and Application of Sensor 误差理论与实验设计 测控Error Theory and Experimental Design 测控电路测控Circuit of Measurement and Control 光电检测技术测控Photoelectric Measurement Technique 微型计算机原理与应用 测控Micro Computer Principle and Application 接口技术及应用测控Interface Technique and Application 质量控制测控Quality Control 管理信息系统 (一) 工业Management Information System I 工程材料(一)机自Engineering Materials I 工程材料(二)测控Engineering Materials II 材料成型基础材料The Fundamental of Materials Forming 物理化学(二)材料Physical chemistry 材料冶金传输原理材料Transport Principle of Metallurgy 金属学及热处理材料Metallography and Heat Treatment 材料力学性能材料 Properties of Material Mechanics 材料CAD/CAM基础材料The Fundamental of CAD/CAM for Material Form 材料成型原理材料The Principle of Material Forming 材料成型工艺材料The Technology of Material Forming 工程材料学材料Engineering Materials 检测技术及控制工程 材料Detecting Technology and Control Engineering 专业英语阅读材料Reading of Speciality English 工程图学(一)-1材料_包装_机自_测控_工业Engineering Graphics I-1 工程图学(一)-2材料_包装_机自_测控_工业Engineering Graphics I-2 工程图学(二)工业Engineering Graphics II 工程图学(三)Engineering Graphics III 工程图学(四)Engineering Graphics IV 土木工程制图-1Civil Engineering Graphics 1 土木工程制图-2Civil Engineering Graphics 2 计算机绘图包装、机自Computer Aided Graphics 基础素描包装、工设Foundation of Pencil Sketch 色彩包装Color 设计素描工设Design Sketch 计算机辅助平面设计 工设CAD Two-Dimentional Design 计算机辅助立体设计 工设CAD 3-Dimentional Design 计算机辅助模具设计与制图工设CAD Mould Design & Making 阴影透视工设Shadow Perpective 模型制作工设Mould Making 专业英语工设Professional English 平面构成工设Plane Stuies 色彩构成工设Color Stuies 立体构成工设3D Studies 人机工程学工设、工业Ergonomics 设计效果图技法工设Design Rendering Techniques 摄影基础工设Photography Principles 三维动画与产品开发 工设3D Animation 工业设计法规工设Law & Regulation of Industrial Design 人机设计概论工设Ergonomics 微机原理及应用机自Principle of the computer and application 计算机软件基础机自、测控Computer Software 工业机器人机自Industrial Robot 计算机数控技术机自Computer Numerical Control Technology CAD/CAM技术机自CAD/CAM Technology 数控机床机自Numerical Control Machine Tod 产品造型设计机自Products Shape-Design of Mechanical Products 机械设计学机自Machanical Design science 机构设计机自Mechanism Design 机械系统设计机自Mechanical System Design 机械优化设计机自Mechanical Optimization Design 计算机辅助设计机自Computer Aided Design 数控自动编程机自Numerical Control Automatic Programming 先进制造技术机自、工业Advanced Manufacturing Technology 计算机控制系统机自Computer Control Systerm 特种加工机自Non-traditional Machining 成组技术机自Group Technology MATLAB程序设计及应用机自MATLAB Programming and Application 现代设计方法机自Modern Design Method 多媒体技术工设、测控、工业Multimedia Technology 系统设计工业System Design 作业研究工业Operation Research 物流与供应链工业Logistics and Supply Chain 生产计划与控制工业Production Planning and Control 工程项目管理工业Engineering Project Management 人力资源管理工业Human Resource Management 组织行为学工业Organization Bahavior 风险评估与管理工业Venture Evaluation and Management 半导体制造概论工业Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacture 包装与印刷机械包装Package & Print Machinary 包装印刷技术包装Package & Print Technique 包装标准与法规包装Package Standard & Regulation 包装企业管理包装Package Enterprise Management 包装环保技术包装Environmental Protection for Package 有限元软件应用包装Finit & Element Software Application 弹性力学与有限元机自Elastic Mechanics and Finite Element 机械振动学机自Mechanical Vibration 机械创新设计机自、工设Machinery Innovation Design 标准化与质量管理工设、测控Standardization and Quality Management 现代控制理论测控Modern Control Theory 可靠性基础测控Basic Reliability 精密测控与系统测控Precision Measuring and Control System 测控仪器与设计测控Design of Measuring and Control Instrument 智能仪器设计测控Design of Intelligent Instrument 信号分析与处理测控Signal Analysis and Processing 精密测量技术测控 Precision Measurement Technique 技术监督法规测控Law of Technical Surveillance 产品质量检验技术测控Inspection Technique of Product Quality 误差理论与实验设计 材料Experiment Design and Error Analysis 稳健性设计测控Robust Design 无损检测技术测控Nondestructive Testing Techinque 干涉测量技术测控Interferential Measurement Techinque 数字图像处理测控Digital Image Processing 激光原理与应用测控Laser Theory and Application 光电精密仪器设计测控Design of Optoelectronic and Precision Instr 通信原理测控Communcation Theory 光电子学测控Optoelectronics 抽样技术测控Sample Technique 6 理论测控6 Theory 精密机械制造工程测控ManufactureEngineering of Precision Machine 光电信息基础测控Basic Ptotoelectronic Information 纳米测量技术测控Nanometer Measurement Technique 光通信技术测控Optic Communication Technique CCD及应用技术测控CCD and Application Technique 光学零件制造工艺测控Optic Parts Manufacture Techinque 计量学基础测控Basic Metrology 管理信息系统 (二) 测控Management Information System 可靠性与质量管理工业Reliability and Quality Management 质量管理学机自Quality Management 金属结晶凝固和控制 材料Freezing and Control of Metals Crystallization 材料成型模具设计材料Die and Mold Design for Materials Forming 材料成型设备材料The Equipment of Materials Forming 材料物理性能材料The Physical Properties of Materials 材料无损检测材料Nondestructive Detecting for Materials 材料表面工程学材料Surface Engineering of Materials 金属腐蚀及防护材料Erosion and Protection of Metals 材料微观分析技术材料Micro-analysis Technology of Materials 焊接材料材料Welding Materials 特种铸造材料Special Casting 塑性成型计算机模拟 材料Computer Simulation of Plastic Forming 陶瓷材料材料Ceramic Materials 复合材料材料Complex Materials 功能材料材料Functional Materials 纳米材料材料Nano-Materials 材料激光加工材料Laser Processing of Materials 金属断口分析材料Rupture Analysis of Metals 粉末冶金材料Powder Metallography 塑料材料机试Plastic Materials 模具与成型加工包装Mould &Shape processing 金属塑性成形原理机自Plasticity shaping principle of metal 金属与塑料成型设备 机自Metal and plastic shaping equipment 塑料成型工艺与模具设计机自Plastic shaping craft and mold design 冲压工艺与模具设计 机自Ramming craft and mold design 模具制造技术机自Manufacturing Technology of Die and Mould 模具CAD/CAM机自Mold CAD/CAM 挤压工艺与模具设计 机自Extrusion Technology and Mold Design 锻造工艺与模具设计 机自Forging Technology and mold design 视觉传达设计工设Visual Convey Design 展示设计工设Business Display Design 环境设计工设Enviromental Design 室内设计工设Interior Design 造型材料工艺学工设Forming Material Studies 产品造型设计工设Products shape-designing 设计方法学工设Design Methods 网页设计工设Homepage Design 美学工设Aesthetics 字体与商标设计工设Design of Font & Trademark 计算机图形学工设Computer Graphics 生产实习机自、工业Production Practice 机电传动课程设计机自Course Design of Mechanical & Electrical Tra 微机原理课程设计机自Course Design of Principle of Microcomputer 机械制造技术课程设计 机自Course Design of Mechanical Manufacturing Te 专业课课程设计机自Course Design of Speciality 机构设计课程设计机自Course Design of Mechanism Design 机械系统设计课程设计 机自Course Design of Mechanical System Design 系统设计课程设计工业Course Design of System Design 专业方向综合课程设计 工业Couse Design of Speciality 综合实验(一)机自Comprehensive Experiment 综合实验(二)工业Comprehensive Experiment 毕业实习机自、工业Graduation Practice 毕业设计(论文)机自、工业Graduation Thesis 机械原理课程设计包装、机自、工业Course Design of Machine Principle 机械设计课程设计(一)机自、工业Course Design of Machine Design I 机械设计课程设计(二)包装Course Design of Machine Design II 机械设计基础课程设计 材料、工设、测控Course Design of Machine Design 包装动力学课程设计 包装Course for Package Dynamics 包装结构课程设计包装Course for Package Stucture 包装装潢课程设计包装Course for Package Art 认识实习包装Practice 毕业实习包装Graduation Practice 毕业设计(论文)包装Graduation Thesis 认识实习测控Practice 生产实习测控Production Practice 测控方向课程设计测控Course Design of Speciality 专业方向课程设计测控Course Design of Speciality 光电子方向课程设计 测控Course Design of Speciality 电子设计CAD实践测控Practice of Electronics CAD 综合实验(三)测控Comprehensive Experiment 毕业实习测控Graduation Practice 毕业设计(论文)测控Graduation Thesis 生产实习材料Production Practice 专业课程综合设计材料Comprehensive Design of Speciality Course 塑料模具课程设计机自Couse Design of Plastic Mold 冲压模具课程设计机自Couse Design of Ramming Mold 综合实验(四)材料Comprehensive Experiment 毕业实习材料Graduation Practice 毕业设计(论文)材料Graduation Thesis 工程图学课程设计机自、工设Course Design of Engineering Graphics 写生实习工设Painting Practice 认识实习工设Practice Cognition 模型制作课程设计工设Course Design of Mould Making 产品造型设计课程设计 工设Course Design of Product Shaping 产品设计课程设计工设Course Design of Product Design 毕业实习工设Graduation Practice 毕业设计(论文)工设Graduation Thesis 工业设计概论工设Introduction to Modern Industrial Design 包装CAD包装Package CAD 防伪包装与条形码包装Anti_counterfeit Package Barcode 广告与策划包装Advertising Strategy 计算机绘图实训机自职Practice of Computer Aided Graphics 液压与气动课程设计 机自职Course Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmissio 可编程控制器原理及应用机自职Principle and Application of Programmable Controller 虚拟设计与虚拟制造 机试Virtual Design and Virtual Manufacturing 成型设备机试Forming Equipments 现代传动技术机试Modern Tranmission Technology 空间啮合理论机试Theory of Spatial Engagement 动态测量与建模机试Dynamic measuement and Modeling 光电子理论与器件机试Photodectron Theory and Apparatus 光电显示技术机试Photodectron Display Technology 光纤传感技术机试Fiber Sensor Technology 测控与系统机试Measurement & Control System 虚拟仪器设计机试Virtual Instrument Design 智能控制技术机试Intelligent Control Technology 故障监测与诊断机试Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis 精密计量与测试机试Precision Measurement and Testing 检测技术机试Inspection Technique 电路理论(一)-1Circuit Theorey I-1 电路理论(一)-2Circuit Theorey I-2 电路理论(二)Circuit Theorey II 模拟电子技术电气自动Analogue Electronics 数字电子技术电气自动Digital Electronics EDA技术电子通信自动电气Electronic Design Automation Technology 微机原理电子通信自动电气电试Principle of Microcomputer 单片机原理及应用(一)电子通信自动Microcontroller C语言程序设计(二)电子通信自动电气电试C Language Programming 数据结构电子通信自动电气电试Data Structure 数据库基本原理电子通信自动电气电试Basic Principles of Database System 面向对象的程序设计(一)电气工程Object-oriented Programming I 面向对象的程序设计(二)电试Object-oriented Programming 软件工程概论电气工程Introduction to Software Engineering 数据通信与计算机网络 电气工程Data Communication and Computer Network 单片机原理与应用(二)电试Microcontroller 电气工程学科概论电气工程电试Introuduction to Electric Engineering 电机学-1电气工程Electrical Machines I 电机学-2电气工程Electrical Machines 电力拖动电气工程Electrical Towage 电磁场理论电气工程Theory of Electromagnetic Fields 电力电子技术电气工程电试Technology of Power Electronics 电机学电试Electrical Motor 自动化学科概论自动化Introduction to Automation 电机与拖动自动化 Electrical Machines and Drives 自动控制理论自动电气电试 Automation Control Engineering 计算机控制技术自动化电气电试Computer Control Technology 软件技术基础自动化Basic Sortware 自动检测技术及仪表 自动电气电试Automation Measurement Technology & Meter 过程控制工程电气自动电试Process Control Engineering 现代控制理论电气自动电试Modern Control Theory 运动控制自动化 Movation Control 运筹学电气工程电试Operational Research 人工智能导论(双语) 自动电气电试Introduction to Artificial Intelligent (Bilingual) 工业计算机网络(双语)自动电气电试Industrial Computer Networks (Bilingual) 学科概论电子信息Introduction to Electric Information 模拟电子技术(二) 电试Analogue Electronics-II 数字电子技术(二) 电试Digital Electronics-II 电子实验-1电信通信Electronic Experiment-I 电子实验-2电信通信Electronic Experiment-II 电工电子学非本院Electronics in Electrical Engineering 电磁场与电磁波电信通信电试Electromagnetic Field and Wave 通信电子电路电信通信电试Communication Electronic Curcuitry 信号与系统电信通信电试Signal and Systems 信息论与编码电信通信电试Information and Coding 数字信号处理电信通信Digital Signal Processing 学科概论通信工程Introduction to Communication 通信原理电信通信电试Communication Principle 操作系统电信通信Operation System 微型计算机原理及应用 电信通信Principal and Application of Microcomputer EDA原理及应用电气通信自动电信电试Principle & Application of EDA 单片机原理与应用(三)电气工程Microcontroller - DSP原理及应用通信电气电试Digital Signal Processors and its Application 软件工程概论通信电信Introdrction to Software Engineering 数据库原理及应用电气工程Principle & Application of Database 面向对象程序设计电信通信Object-oriented Programming 多媒体技术电信通信Multiple Media Technology 发电厂电气部分电气工程 Electric Elements of Power Plants 电力系统继电保护原理 电气工程Power System Relay Protection 电力系统分析电气工程电试Power System Analysis 电力系统自动化电气工程电试Automation of Power 电力系统高电压技术 电气工程电试High-voltage Technology of Electric Systems 电气传动控制系统-1电气工程Electric Drive Control System-1 电气传动控制系统-2电气工程Electric Drive Control System-2 电力工程电气工程电试Electrical Power Engineering 现代电气控制设备电气自动电试Modern Electrical Control Equipment 开关电源技术电气工程电试Switch Power Supply Technology 电机设计电气工程电试Design of Electrical Machinery 微特电机电气工程电试Micro & Special Machinery 电力市场概论电气工程电试Introduction to Electric Market 计算方法电气工程电试Computational Method 电气传动控制系统电试Electric Drive Control System 模糊与神经网络控制 电试Fuzzy & Neural Network 现代电机控制技术电试Modern Electrical Machinery Control Technology 现代电力电子学电试Modern Power Electronics 计算机控制系统电试Computer Control System 工程电磁场数字计算 电试Numerical Calculation of Engineering Electromagnetic Field 现代永磁电机理论电试Modern Permanent Magnetism Electrical Machinery Theory 电力电子系统设计电试The Power Electronics System Designing 智能仪表自动化Intelligent Instrument 数字信号处理自动化电试Digital Signal Processing 智能控制技术自动电气Intelligent Control Tcchnology 控制系统仿真与CAD 自动化 Control System Simulation and CAD 虚拟仪器自动化电试Virtual Instrument 新型检测技术自动化电试 New Type Measurement Technology 自适应控制自动化电试Adapting Control 嵌入式系统及应用自动化Inbedded System and Application 模式识别自动化Pattern-Recognition 专家系统控制电试The Expert System Controlling 线性系统理论电试Linear Systematic Theory 非线性系统理论电试Non-linear Systematic Theory 嵌入式系统设计电试Imbedded System and Application 现代控制技术专题电试Modern Control Technology Special Topic 智能检测技术电试Intellectual Detection Technique 现场总线技术电试Fieldbus Technology 电子CAD电信通信Electronic Computer Aid Design 数字图像处理电信通信电试Digital Image Processing 数字语音处理电信通信电试Digital Voice Processing 数字视频技术电信通信电试Digital Video Technology 嵌入式操作系统电信通信Embedded Operation System 控制系统设计CAD电试Control System Design CAD 现代电路与系统分析 电试Modern Circuit and System Analysis 汉字信息处理电试Chinese Character Processing 电子设计自动化电试Electronic Design Automation 纳米光电子器件及其集成技术电试Nanometer Optical-electronic Component & Integrated Technology 多媒体技术电试Multimedia Technology 模式识别原理与应用 电试Pattern-recognition Principle and Application 传感技术电信通信Sensor Technology 计算机网络电信通信Computer Networks 可编程控制器电信通信Programmable Logic Controller 计算机仿真电信通信电试Computer Simulation 程控交换技术电信通信Digital Switching Principle 现代通信网基础电信通信Modern Communcation Network 移动通信电信通信Mobile Communication 锁相技术电信通信Phaselock Techniques 光纤通信电信通信Fiber-optic Communication Principles 微波技术基础通信工程Microwave Technology Foundation 随机过程通信工程Random Process 模拟电子课程设计电信通信自动电气电试 Couse Design of Analog Electronics Circuit 数字电子课程设计电信通信自动电气电试Couse Design of Digital Electronics Circuit 教学实践电试Teaching Practising 课题调研电试Research of the Subject 前沿学术讲座电试Lecture of Advanced Academic Lecture 生产实习电气工程电试Production Practice 毕业实习电气工程Graduation Practice 毕业设计电气工程Graduation Thesis 发电厂电气部分课程设计电气工程电试Electric Elements of Power Plants Course Design 电力工程课程设计电气工程电试Electrical Power Engineering Course Design 电气传动控制系统实验 电气工程Lab of Electric Drive Control System 现代电机控制技术课程设计电试Modern Electrical Machinery Control Technology Course Design 现代电气控制设备课程设计电试Modern Electrical Control Equipment Course Design 计算机控制课程设计 自动化电气电试Computer Control Course Design 运动控制系统实验、设计自动化Movement Control System Design and Experiment 工业计算机网络课程设计自动化Industrial Computer Networks Design 生产实习自动化Production Practice 毕业实习自动化Graduation Practice 毕业设计自动化Graduation Thesis 过程控制工程课程设计 电试Process Control Engineering Course Design 电路理论课程设计电信通信Electronic Curcuit Theory Curricular Design 通信电子电路课程设计 电信通信电试Communication Electronic Curcuit Curricular Design 通信原理课程设计电信通信电试Communication Principle Curricular Design 单片机原理课程设计 电信通信Microcontroller Curricular Design 生产实习电信通信Production Practice 毕业实习电信通信Graduate Practice 毕业论文电信通信Graduate Thesis 军训电信通信自动电气Military Training 管理学原理市场营销Management Principle 市场营销学市场营销Marketing 生产运作与管理市场营销Manufacgturing Operation And Management 商务交流市场营销 Busniess Operation 组织行为学市场营销Organizational Behavior 战略管理市场营销Strategic Management 运筹学市场营销 Operation Research 市场调查和预测市场营销Market Survey And Prediction 消费者行为分析市场营销Analysis Of Consumer Behavior 专业英语市场营销Course English 专业英语市场营销Course English 技术经济学市场营销Technology Economics 现代企业管理Epterprise Manage 推销学市场营销Selling 公共关系市场营销Public Relations 市场营销模拟决策市场营销Marketing Analog and Decision 广告理论与实务市场营销Advertisement Theory and Practice 服务营销学市场营销Serviece Marketing 商务谈判市场营销Business Negociation 质量管理市场营销Quality Management 项目管理市场营销Project Management 客户关系管理市场营销 Customer Relation Management 国际贸易理论与实务 市场营销International Trade Theory and Practice 生产实习市场营销 Production Practice 毕业实习市场营销 Graduate Practice 学年论文(设计)市场营销Junior Paper Design 市场营销课程设计市场营销Marketing Course Design 毕业论文市场营销Graduate Paper 微观经济学Microeconomics 宏观经济学Macroeconomics 会计学原理Princinpal of Accounting 财务管理Managerial Finance 统计学原理Statistics 货币银行学Monetary and Banking 税法Taxation 中级财务会计Media Financail Accounting 成本会计学Cost Accounting 审计学Auditing 管理会计Management Accounting 高级会计学Advanced Financial Accounting 财会专业英语Professional English for Accounting 中级财务管理Media Fiancail Management 高级财务管理Advanced Financial Management 财务管理专业英语Professional English for Managerial Finance 国际金融市场营销International Finance 金融学Finance 税务策划Taxation Planning 企业投资学Princinple of Investment 财务理论Finance Theory 财务报表分析Analysis of Financial Statement 证券投资理论与实务Theory and Application of Security Investment 资产评估Valuation of Assets 企业资源计划概论Introduction to ERP 会计理论Accounting Theory 金融企业会计Banking Accounting 非盈利组织会计Non-profited Organization Accounting 会计制度设计Accounting System Design 国际会计准则International Accounting Standard 保险精算Insurance Measure 期权期货Options 信用风险管理Credit Risk management 信托与租赁Trust and Lease 生产实习会计学Professional Practice 生产实习财务管理Professional Practice 毕业实习会计学Graduating Practice 毕业实习财务管理Graduating Practice 学年论文(设计)会计学Junior Paper Design 学年论文(设计)财务管理Junior Paper Design 财务管理信息系统课程设计Course Design for Financial Information System 会计学原理课程设计Course Design for Principle of Accounting 毕业论文会计学Graduating Paper Design 毕业论文财务管理Graduating Paper Design 行政管理学Theories of Administration 政治学The Principle of Politics 社会学Principles of Sociology 公共管理学Public Administration 公共政策Public Policy 企业文化Organizational Culture 公共经济学Public Sector Economics 行政法与行政诉讼法Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure 管理心理学Management Psychology 经济法学Law of Economy 专业英语Special English 行政组织学Admi


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