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专题三完形填空ADad just didnt know how to show love. It was Mom who held _1_together.Once when I stole a candy of a shop, he made me take it _2_. But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid.I broke my leg one day on the playground and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the_3_At my birthday parties, Dad seemed to be _4_ blowing up balloons, setting up tables and taking photos all the time. It was Mom who brought the_5_with the candles on it for me to blow out. I remembered when Mom told Dad to teach me _6_ to ride a bike, I told him not to let go, but he said it was_7_. I fell and Mom ran to pick _8_up, but he stopped her. I was so _9_and I showed him. I got right back on that bike and rode it_10_. He didnt even feel embarrassed(尴尬), just smiled. When I went to college, Mom did all the writing. He just sent bills and a little note about how _11_his lawn(草坪)looked now that I wasnt playing football on it.Whenever I called home, he acted _12_ he wanted to talk, but he always said,“Ill _13_ your mother.”All my life, he said,“Where are you going? What time are you coming home? No, you cant go.”Dad just doesnt know _14_ to show love. Is it possible he showed it and I didnt_15_ it?(A)1.A.the familyBthe groupCthe team Dthe class(A)2.A.back BupCoff Ddown(D)3.A.school BofficeChome Dhospital(C)4.A.easy BluckyCbusy Dearly(B)5.A.gift BcakeCflower Dlight (B)6.A.what BhowCwhen Dwhere(A)7.A.time BwayCplace Dmatter(B)8.A.him BmeCus Dher(A)9.A.mad BhappyCsorry Dupset(C)10.A.herself BhimselfCmyself Dyourself(A)11.A.great BfunnyCsad Dworried(D)12.A.with BforCas Dlike(C)13.A.see BvisitCget Dmeet(C)14.A.when BwhoChow Dwhat(D)15.A.show BtellCthink DknowBWhat do you think of your father? Maybe we have _1_ideas. As for me, my father always_2_me and stands by my side. He is the“VIP(very important person)”in my life. Now I want to_3_some stories between us.When I was a kid, my father was often _4_. I spent a lot of time _5_my grandmother. At that time I could really be called a naughty(顽皮的) girl and often couldnt control_6_. I dont know _7_my father was not able to just stay at home and play with me like other childrens fathers.As time went by, I studied in a boarding(寄宿) school. One day I told my father _8_the phone that I missed my mothers _9_very much. To my surprise, when I was preparing to go to bed, one of my roommates told me that_10_was calling me. I ran out and saw that my father was there, outside of the gate of the dormitory, with a _11_box in his hand. I went towards _12_him and he gave me that lunch box. His face was filled with tiredness by the long trip. Without_13_anything, he went away. Back to the dormitory I couldnt help _14_I just want to tell you that the _15_from your father may come in its own way and I really love my father.(A)1.A.different BsimilarCsurprising Dcommon(B)2.A.shouts to Bcares aboutCturns down Dlaughs at(A)3.A.share BkeepCwrite Dadd(B)4.A.rich BbusyCstrong Dangry(B)5.A.on BwithCin Dfor(C)6.A.himself BherselfCmyself Ditself(A)7.A.why BhowCwhat Dwho(A)8.A.on BtoCof Dabout(D)9.A.story BlifeCface Ddishes(D)10.A.everyone BanyoneCnobody Dsomeone(B)11.A.milk BlunchCfood Dvegetable(B)12.A.seriously BquicklyCcarefully Dheavily(C)13.A.remembering BleavingCsaying Dlosing(A)14.A.crying BlaughingCtalking Dwondering(A)15.A.love BfoodCtrouble DsurpriseCA boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world. He thought he was _1_ because almost everything bad always happened to him. So he wanted to _2_the key to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a beautiful _3_. There he met the king.After learning why the boy had come, the king told the boy that he should _4_the palace and come back in two hours.“At the same time, I want you to hold this spoon(勺子) with milk,”said the king.“As you walk around my palace, carry this spoon _5_spilling (溢出) the milk.”The boy kept his _6_on the spoon and began to walk around the fantastic palace. After_7_hours, he came back to the king. “Well,” asked the king. “Did you see the wonderful paintings in _8_palace? Did you see the colorful flowers in the garden?” The boy felt _9_because he saw nothing. He _10_paid attention to(注意) the milk.“Then go back and see the beauty of my world,”said the king. _11_time the boy saw all of the works of art on the walls. He saw the greatest gardens and mountains all around. _12_he came back, he told the king everything he saw.“But where is the _13_?”asked the king. Looking down at the spoon in his hand, the boy saw there was _14_on the spoon.“Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,” said the king.“The key to _15_is to see all the beautiful world and also keep an eye on the spoon.”(B)1.A.careful BunluckyCunderstanding Dhardworking(A)2.A.find BanswerCtell Dsend(B)3.A.school BpalaceCvillage Dfactory(C)4.A.look for Blook afterClook around Dlook forward to(D)5.A.by BforCafter Dwithout(D)6.A.face Bmouth Cears Deyes(A)7.A.two BthreeCfour Dfive(C)8.A.his BherCmy Dyour(B)9.A.hungry BsorryCinterested Dsurprised(A)10.A.only BalsoCnever Dstill(A)11.A.This BThatCLast DNext(C)12.A.Because BThoughCWhen DBefore (A)13.A.milk Bspoon Cpainting Dflower(D)14.A.anything BsomethingCeverything Dnothing(C)15.A.activity BsuccessChappiness DluckDFor this little boy, it was the coldest winter. A car hit his father and he _1_a leg, and the family got poor. After that, his father became another person. When the boy was not nice enough, the father would be _2_One night, the boy walked on the street. He passed a lovely small shop. The boy was _3_interested that he couldnt move. He saw some beautiful bags of _4_. He had an idea. He knew his father _5_coffee and knew stealing (偷)was no good. But all he could think was his fathers smile. He put one bag into his jacket and ran away. He gave the coffee to his father, his father gave _6_a kiss. The boy was very happy, _7_he expected the kiss from his father for a long time. But _8_, before his father could taste the coffee, the shopkeeper(商店主人) came and caught the boy.Many years later, the boy became a successful businessman. One day, his mother called him, and said his father wanted to see him. He _9_because he was too busy. After a few weeks, he heard the _10_news that his father died. When he was in his fathers room, he found an old box. It was the box that he got from the shop. On it was a piece of paper, saying“The gift _11_my son”. There was also a letter:Dear son, I am not a good father. But I also have a dreamto own a coffee ship. Then I can make coffee for you. I am _12_I didnt hold on to it.The boy was very sad. He felt sorry for not meeting his father for the _13_time. He decided to go on with his fathers _14_. He started a coffee business. His coffee business is now a(n) _15_. And the little boy is Howard Schultzthe owner of Starbucks(星巴克)(C)1.A.had BputClost Dtried(B)2.A.afraid BangryChappy Dsurprised (A)3.A.so BtooCvery Dreally (D)4.A.salt BsugarCyogurt Dcoffee (A)5.A.loved BtastedCadded Dpoured (B)6.A.me BhimCit Dthem (D)7.A.if BuntilCunless Dbecause (B)8.A.luckily BunluckilyCeasily Dtruly (C)9.A.agreed BrepliedCrefused Daccepted (A)10.A.sad BgoodCfunny Dexciting (D)11.A.to BbyCfor Dfrom (A)12.A.sorry BgladCserious Dunderstanding (B)13.A.first BlastCnext Dsecond (D)14.A.kiss BlifeCcoffee Ddream (A)15.A.success BhobbyCexample DeventEI took a long walk in the nature park this morning. I do it _1_. It is really a great way to _2_the day. I usually walk up a nice long way. Its so _3_and pleasant, and there are many green trees.After I finished walking, I decided to walk back to my_4_. On the way I saw a man _5_on the grass. He breathed(呼吸)really hard. I_6_ if he was OK. He said, “I am really thirsty(口渴) _7_I walk too far.”Then I knew he needed some_8_9_, there arent any places to get water in the nature park. _10_I bring bottled water and leave it in my car. _11_, I had some in my car today.I got_12_ my car, drove back to the man, and gave him a little of _13_. Then I gave him a _14_back to his car.He was so thankful. He was also_15_that someone could come back for him and help him out.(A)1.A.every morning Bevery afternoonCevery night Devery day(B)2.A.end BstartCfinish Dsmile(A)3.A.quiet BfreeCbusy Dboring(D)4.A.home BbikeCschool Dcar(C)5.A.running BjumpingCsitting Dwalking(A)6.A.asked BknewCpredicted Dsaw (D)7.A.if BsoCalthough Dbecause(C)8.A.money BtimeCwater Dfood(A)9.A.However BIn factCThough DAlso(B)10.A.Always BSometimesCNever DUsually(B)11.A.Hardly BLuckilyCReally DCarefully(A)12.A.into BdownCoff Dout(D)13.A.yoghurt BjuiceCmilk Dwater(A)14.A.ride BlessonCreason Dkey(C)15.A.angry BsadCsurprised DworriedFIt was the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. There were only two men in the _1_game of the long jump to win the gold medal. One was Lutz Long, a German long jumper, and the other was Jesse Owens, a black American. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, was _2_the stadium and he wanted Lutz Long to win. At the beginning of the competition, Jesse Owens had some _3_because he stepped over the white line twice. Everybody in the stadium thought that Lutz Long was going to win. But then something _4_happened. Lutz Long went to talk to Owens to _5_him. Owens _6_what Lungtold him. In his next jump, Owens didnt _7_over the line and his jump was good.The next two jumps by _8_athletes were excellent and everybody in the stadium was very _9_. But finally, with his last jump, Owens beat Lung by 27 centimeters and won the gold medal. This was the second of the _10_gold medals that Jesse Owens won in the 1936 Olympics.Adolf Hitler was very _11_and he left the stadium. The first person to_12_Owens was Lutz Long. The two men became good friends, and they _13_friends after the Olympics.A short time before he died in 1979, Jesse Owens talked about what _14_in the Berlin Olympics. He said,“I won four gold medals in Berlin, but I won something much better and more important than that Lutz Longs _15_(D)1.A.first BsecondCnext Dlast(A)2.A.in Bout ofCnear Don(C)3.A.activities BmistakesCproblems Dhopes(C)4.A.interesting BrelaxingCsurprisingDtiring(A)5.A.help BstopCrefuse Dcare(C)6.A.heard from Bheard ofClistened toDgave up(B)7.A.jump BstepCfly Dcome(D)8.A.all BsomeCmany Dboth(B)9.A.bored BexcitedCpuzzled Dworried(C)10.A.two BthreeCfour Dfive(B)11.A.sad BangryCafraid Dbusy(B)12.A.laugh at Bshake hands withCshout to Dlook after(C)13.A.made BbecameCstayed Dlost(C)14.A.reported BrememberedChappened Dforgot(D)15.A.words BhelpCresult DfriendshipGMy life I have depended on the kindness of many strangers(陌生人). Its sorry for me that I cant find them and say“thank you”to them.When I was ten, my mother worked all day so I had to _1_ my younger brother. At that time my little brother was about four years old and he _2_ Mom all the time.One day, after I gave him his dinner, he_3_crying for Mom. He was so _4_and really needed Mom very much. So I dressed him, put on his shoes, _5_him on my back and walked out. Soon he fell asleep. About half an hour later, I found that he had lost a _6_while sleeping. I took him off my back quickly and put him down_7_by the road. I knew we needed to find that shoe because our mother couldnt afford new shoes. We _8_go back to find it, so I told my brother to wait right there. A man heard it and stopped _9_just before I walked off. He asked me,“You are leaving your brother here to find the shoe? What would you do_10_he is not here when you come back?” I did not know the answer_11_that question. He went _12_,“Its OK if you cant find the shoe, _13_it is not OK to lose your brother.”Then he sent us to Moms workplace by taxi.I do not even remember _14_the mans face looked like. However, he taught me a lessonpeople are_15_than things.(B)1.A.wait for Blook afterCfind out Dlaugh at(D)2.A.disliked BrefusedCunderstood Dmissed(A)3.A.started BfinishedCrefused Dworried(A)4.A.young BbusyCstrong Dangry(D)5.A.sent BleftCplanned Dcarried(B)6.A.sock BshoeChat Dshirt(C)7.A.loudly BseriouslyCcarefully Dheavily(C)8.A.might BcanChad to Dshould(B)9.A.us BmeChim Dher(B)10.A.unless BifCuntil Dwhen(A)11.A.to BforCwith Dat(B)12.A.away BonCup Dback(C)13.A.because BandCbut Dso(A)14.A.what BwhereChow Dwhen(A)15.A.more important Bmore popularCmore famous Dmore fantasticHIt was sunny yesterday afternoon. While I was sitting in the park, there was an old man _1_walking around. I heard him telling people that he was _2_and couldnt find the way back home. He looked _3_,but nobody helped him. After watching and _4_for a few minutes, I walked up to him and asked him his _5_. He said he was called Ray. I asked him how long he had been _6_ and he said he had been outside for hours. I asked him if he needed something to _7_and he said yes. So I ran to buy _8_a cup of coffee and called the police. Then I asked him to _9_me in the park so that he could sit down on the benches(长椅). In fact, his _10_had called the police, too. So I told the old man that I was going to _11_with him until his daughter arrived. The old mans eyes became _12_and watery after hearing what I said. We sat on the benches quietly and just enjoyed the _13_sunshine. Then his daughter came. She had tears(眼泪) in her eyes and thanked me for my _14_I was so happy at that time because I had done the _15_thing. It is truly better to give than to receive. (D)1.A.quickly BhappilyCquietly Dslowly(C)2.A.tired BsadClost Dhungry(B)3.A.excited BworriedChappy Dbored(A)4.A.thinking BcaringCtalking Dmoving(D)5.A.number BaddressCage Dname(A)6.A.walking BrunningCsleeping Dcrying(B)7.A.eat BdrinkCwear Dread(C)8.A.me BherChim Dus(A)9.A.join BhelpCcall Dshow(D)10.A.student BfriendCclassmateDdaughter(B)11.A.travel BwaitCplay Dstudy(C)12.A.white BblackCred Dgreen(A)13.A.warm BcoolChot Dcold(B)14.A.service BhelpCgift Dprize(D)15.A.silly BdangerousCwrong DrightI“Today I will give you a special test,”said the English teacher with a smile on his face.All the students set up straight and_1_ for the test to begin. The teacher began to_2_ the test papers to all the students. _3_ he finished handing out the test papers,he asked them to begin.The students were very_4_ to s


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