



Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Section A单词卡片名词: noodle, mutton, beef, cabbage, potato, special, order, size, bowl, tofu, meat动词: order情态动词: would形容词: special, large副词: yet短语归纳名词短语: one (large) bowl of动词短语: would like, take ones order句型再现1.What would you like? 2OK, Id like the beef noodles, please.3May I take your order?4Are there any vegetables in the beef soup?5Wed like one bowl of beef soup. 6What size would you like? 7What kind of noodles would you like?8Would you like a large bowl? Section B单词卡片名词: dumpling, porridge, onion, fish, pancake, world, answer, cake, candle, age, candy, idea动词: answer, blow, will形容词: different, lucky, popular连词: if短语归纳介词短语: around the world 动词短语: make a wish, blow out, get popular, cut up, bring good luck to句型再现1.The number of candles is the persons age.2The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.3If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 4the long noodles are a symbol of long life. 5But we are short of fish. 本单元的中心话题是“就餐”。Section A部分有三个方面的内容:一是有关食品的词汇。如:mutton, beef, noodles, chicken, cabbage, potato, tomato, carrot等;二是食品名词中的可数名词与不可数名词的用法;三是订餐或叫外卖等的常用语。Section B部分重点是关于订餐的内容和语言表达。通过打电话订餐的情境,让学生学习订餐时所用的句型结构。通过阅读对全世界各种各样的生日食品介绍的篇章,让学生了解世界各地的饮食文化、生日文化等,培养学生们的世界文化观念。1What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef and tomato noodles, please.2What size would you like?Id like a small/medium/large bowl.3Would you like any drinks?One large green tea. 1would like的用法2some与any的用法(详见P 语法聚焦)3可数名词与不可数名词的用法 (详见P 语法聚焦) The history of pizzaItalian pizza is very famous. Many people think that pizza comes from Italy, but it is wrong. The first pizza didnt appear (出现)in Italy.Long long ago, the early Greeks first made large, round and flat (扁平的)bread. When they made the bread, they put many things over the bread, such as tomatoes, potatoes, meat and other things. Their bread tasted (尝起来)very good. Later, the idea of flat bread found its way to Italy. In the 18th century, Italian people called the flat bread “pizza”. They sold it on the streets and at the markets. Pizza wa


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