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Unit 2 Robots李仕才一、阅读理解Captain John Bunch loves to go fishing. In fact, Bunch loves fishing so much that he became a professional fishing guide decades ago and has remained one ever since. There is something, however, that Bunch loves even more. That is his country and the men and women who join the army to protect it. Ever since Bunch met a young soldier in 2005, who wanted to go on a fishing trip before he left the army, the Florida native has offered over 1 200 fishing trips to veterans(退伍军人), with all expenses paid.And Bunchs efforts to give back to those who have served their nation go even much further. Inspired by that fishing trip 11 years ago, he founded Operation Open Arms, which has since helped nearly 3 400 US troops and given out more than $12 million in direct benefits with his charity. Operation Open Arms also provides free weddings, vacations, and more leisurely activities to veterans, and can rely on a network of over 300 businesses and individual partners to get former soldiers anything they might need upon returning home from army.The former marines heartwarming generosity is a result of his own experiences in the military and the pride he has for his country. I do this because I love my country and I do this because America is the greatest country in the world, he told NBCs Today Show. Bunchs unwavering commitment goes so far that he once turned down an invitation from then-President George W. Bush, because he had already scheduled a fishing trip with one of his veterans. Even the military has recognized Bunchs work of love, and earlier this year honored him and his organization with the Outstanding Civilian Service Award and the Armys most prestigious civilian award.1.What caused John Bunch to offer free fishing trips to veterans?A.A young soldiers desire to go on a fishing trip.B. Working as a professional fishing guide.C. Having served in the army.D. Growing up in Florida.2.What is Paragraph Two mainly about?A. The achievements Operation Open Arms has made.B. How Operation Open Arms was founded.C. Activities Captain John Bunch has joined.D. The missions of Operation Open Arms.3.Which can best describe John Bunchs personality?A. Ambitious and talented.B. Responsible and patient.C. Honest and determined.D. Warm-hearted and generous.4.John Bunch didnt accept George W. Bushs invitation because_.A. he thought little of himB. he didnt want to see himC. he had to take care of businessD. he wanted to stay with veterans【文章大意】钓鱼向导John Bunch不仅自己喜欢钓鱼,而且还为美国退伍军人安排很多次免费的钓鱼之旅,并为他们提供一些其他的福利。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的Ever since Bunch met a young soldier in 2005, who wanted to go on a fishing trip before he left the army, the Florida native has offered over 1 200 fishing trips to veterans(退伍军人), with all expenses paid可知,2005年,Captain John Bunch遇上一个年轻的士兵,士兵说他希望退役前能来一次钓鱼之旅。此后,Captain John Bunch为退伍军人安排了1 200多次免费的钓鱼之旅。故此题选A。3.D 【解析】推理判断题。从短文中John Bunch为退伍军人安排免费的钓鱼之旅,和provides free weddings.等可知,John Bunch不仅友好,具有强烈的助人为乐精神,而且还成立慈善机构慷慨大方地帮助退伍军人。故选D。4.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的he once turned down an invitation from then-President George W. Bush, because he had already scheduled a fishing trip with one of his veterans可知,John Bunch曾经拒绝布什总统的邀请是因为他事先计划要和退伍军人一起去钓鱼。二、教材与语法填空根据教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Marty is a boy 1._ looks the same as other people but has a muscle disease which sometimes makes 2._ (he) very weak. Not 3._ (be) able to climb stairs as quickly as others, he gets out of breath after running just a short way and he has to stop halfway up the stairs and rest before he can get to the top, which makes kids make fun 4._ him. He always feels 5. _ (stupidly) for being a bit behind the others after a long 6._ (absent) from school. Although doctors cant give his disease a name and its difficult to know 7._ the future will be like, Marty 8._ (learn) to adapt to his disability. His motto is:live one day at a time.He has a busy life without time to sit around 9._ (feel) sorry for himself. Besides writing and computer programming, he goes to the movies as well as football matches with his friends and spends a lot of time with his pets. His ambition is 10._ (work) in the computer industry when he grows up.答案:1.who2.him3.being4.of5.stupid6.absence7.what8.has learnt9.feeling10.to work三、完形填空Make Good MemoriesMy husband Bills Grandma was in a nursing home when we moved back to Michigan.Grandma had been unable to walk for quite some time;now her eyesight was almost gone.Over the years Grandma and I had _1_ many cards and letters.I knew how she enjoyed _2_ in touch with people.Grandma would have me write letters to go in the cards she would send.And she would always have me _3_ what I had written back to her.Grandma didnt have a problem with hearing then _4_ she was always telling me,“That is not _5_ how I said that!” I would then rewrite whatever I wrote in her exact words.Since I had some _6_ time before Christmas,I asked Grandma if she would like to send _7_ some Christmas cards.Grandma readily _8_.I rounded up several different kinds of cards.I knew she had friends and family who all had different _9_.I would take each card and _10_ in detail the front of the card,then I would read the words inside.After _11_ it over Grandma would tell me who she thought would like _12_ card.After a while I _13_ and I noticed that we had several nursing home _14_ standing in the doorway.I started to notice as I read each card,the _15_ on their faces and Grandmas face,too.Each one had a _16_ smile and a faraway look in their eyes,as they were seeing the scenes in their minds eye.I thought when I went over to do the Christmas _17_ I would be doing Grandma a favor,but it _18_ that she did me a big favor.Ill always _19_ this special memory of bringing some Christmas joy and pleasant _20_ to Grandma and her fellow residents.1A.exchanged BchangedCtraded Dswitched2A.settling BlosingCstaying Dgetting3A.write BdiscoverCtranslate Dread4A.when BbecauseCwhile Dthough5A.carefully BtruthfullyCspecially Dexactly6A.extra BflyingCessential Dvaluable7A.for BupCout Daway8A.acknowledged BagreedCadmitted Drejected9A.addresses BadvantagesCoccupations Dinterests10A.describe BcommunicateCdistinguish Dignore11A.talking BturningCtaking Dthinking12A.another BeachCone Dother13A.looked down Blooked overClooked up Dlooked through14A.immigrants BvisitorsCpatients Dresidents15A.attention BlookCglance Dsight16A.gentle BroughCforced Dwhispered17A.trees BjobsCdecorations Dcards18A.turned over Bturned outCcame over Dleft out19A.treasure BadmireCencourage Drecognize20A.stories BfacesCmemories Dletters【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。有一年,在圣诞节前夕,作者去帮助丈夫的奶奶做圣诞贺卡,但是在这一过程中作者却得到了莫大的帮助。1A考查动词辨析。A项意为“交换”;B项意为“改变”;C项意为“交易”;D项意为“转换”。根据逻辑关系可判断出,这些年来,作者和丈夫的奶奶两人之间互相赠送卡片和信件,即交换了很多卡片和信件。故选A。2C考查动词辨析。A项意为“解决”;B项意为“失去”;C项意为“保持”;D项意为“得到”。根据下文中丈夫的奶奶常给一些人赠送卡片可判断出,她喜欢和人们保持联系。故选C。3D考查动词辨析。A项意为“写”;B项意为“发现”;C项意为“翻译”; D项意为“读”。根据第一段最后一句中的“now her eyesight was almost gone”以及此空格后下一句的描述可判断出,丈夫的奶奶让作者读一下她让作者所写的那些话。故选D。4B考查连词辨析。根据下文中的“Thats not.how I said that!”可知,丈夫的奶奶的听力是没有问题的。此处应用because引导这个原因状语从句。故选B。5D考查副词辨析。A项意为“细心地”;B项意为“诚实地”;C项意为“专门地”;D项意为“精确地,准确地”。根据语境可知,此处指丈夫的奶奶常说作者所写的跟她所说的并不完全一样。故选D。6A考查形容词辨析。A项意为“额外的”;B项意为“飞行的”;C项意为“必要的”;D项意为“值钱的,宝贵的”。由下文中的“I asked Grandma if she would like to send”可知,此处指在圣诞节前夕作者有些空闲时间。故选A。7C考查介词辨析。四个选项皆可与空格前的“send”构成短语:send for意为“派人去叫”;send up意为“发射,使上升”;send out意为“分发,发送”; send away意为“解雇”。根据语境可知,此处指是否需要帮助丈夫的奶奶分发贺卡。故选C。8B考查动词辨析。A项意为“承认”;B项意为“同意”;C项意为“承认”;D项意为“拒绝”。根据下文“I rounded up several different kinds of cards.”可判断出,丈夫的奶奶同意了作者的提议。故选B。9D考查名词辨析。A项意为“地址”;B项意为“优势”;C项意为“职业”;D项意为“兴趣”。根据逻辑关系可判断出,丈夫的奶奶的那些朋友和亲人有不同的兴趣,所以给他们送贺卡时要根据他们的兴趣来送。故选D。10A考查动词辨析。A项意为“描述”;B项意为“交流”;C项意为“区分”;D项意为“忽视”。语境表示,每拿起一张贺卡,作者就会向丈夫的奶奶详细描述贺卡封面上的内容。故选A。11D考查动词辨析。四个选项皆可与后面的“over”构成短语:talk over意为“详细地商议”;turn over意为“使翻转”;take over意为“接管”;think over意为“仔细考虑”。根据常识可判断出,丈夫的奶奶应该是经过仔细考虑后告诉作者哪个人会喜欢哪一张贺卡。故选D。12B考查限定词辨析。根据本段第五句中的“each card”可判断出,此处指哪个人会喜欢哪一张贺卡,此处应用each。故选B。13C考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“向下看”;B项意为“检查”;C项意为“抬头看”;D项意为“浏览”。根据下文中的“I noticed that”可判断出,作者应该是抬头看到了门口的几个人。故选C。14D考查名词辨析。A项意为“移民”;B项意为“参观者”;C项意为“病人”;D项意为“居民”。根据语境可知,此处指作者看到了几位住在养老院的人站在门口。故选D。15B考查名词辨析。A项意为“注意力”;B项意为“表情,神情”;C项意为“一瞥”;D项意为“视力”。根据下一句中的“smile”和“a faraway look”可判断出,作者应该是看了看那些人脸上的神情。故选B。16A考查形容词辨析。A项意为“温和的”;B项意为“粗糙的”;C项意为“被迫的”;D项意为“低语的”。根据逻辑关系可判断出,每个人脸上都有很温和的笑容。故选A。17D考查名词辨析。A项意为“树”;B项意为“工作”;C项意为“装饰”;D项意为“卡片”。根据第三段第一句中的“some Christmas cards”可判断出,作者本想去帮助丈夫的奶奶做圣诞贺卡。故选D。18B考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“使翻转”;B项意为“结果是”;C项意为“突然感到”;D项意为“不包括”。根据语境可知,此处指结果却是丈夫的奶奶帮助了作者。故选B。19A考查动词辨析。A项意为“珍视”;B项意为“钦佩”;C项意为“鼓励”;D项意为“认出”。语境表示,作者会一直珍视这种能给圣诞节带来快乐的特别回忆。故选A。20C考查名词辨析。A项意为“故事”;B项意为“脸”;C项意为“记忆”,D项意为“信”。根据上文中的“this special memory”及文章标题可知,此处指对丈夫的奶奶以及她那些朋友的美好回忆。故选C。四、教材与话题写作()用本单元所学知识完成下列句子。1.由于车祸,去年约翰的左腿变跛了,这让他很难过。(lame; annoyed)_ 答案:Because of a traffic accident, John became lame in the left leg, which made him much annoyed.2.让我们高兴的是,他现在已经适应了这种情况。(adapt)_ 答案:To our delight,he has adapted to the situation now.3.在同伴的鼓舞和帮助下,他逐渐接触体育运动并爱上了它。(companion; access)_ 答案:Encouraged and assisted by his companions,he gradually gained access to sports and fell in love with it.4.尽管他


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