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Module 8 Sports life词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. memorymemory作名词,意为“记忆力;回忆”。例如:He has a poor memory after the car accident. 出车祸后,他的记忆力很差了。I have a pleasant memory of my childhood. 我对童年有美好的回忆。Your memory is always poor at this time. 你的记忆力到这时候总是不好。 【拓展】memory的动词形式是memorize,意为“记住,背过”。例如:He can memorize the new words very quickly. 他能很快记住很多新的单词。2. suffer(1)suffer作不及物动词,意为“受痛苦;受损害;变差”。例如:We all have to suffer at some time. 我们某一时段都不免有受苦的时候。She suffered greatly as a child. 她童年深受苦难。Be careful, or our work will suffer. 要细心,否则我们的工作要受损失。(2)suffer作及物动词,意为“容忍;容许;遭受”。例如:He suffered defeat. 他遭受了失败。He could not suffer criticism. 他不能忍受别人批评他。These plants cannot suffer a cold winter. 这些植物耐不住寒冬。(3)suffer from表示“患病;受折磨”。例如:You must have suffered from a cold. 你一定是感冒了。He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger. 他备受饥寒交迫之苦。3. set upset up意为“成立,建立;创立,开办;设立,设置”,相当于start,establish,put up,found等。例如:We set up a company.我们建立了一个公司。【拓展】set up, put与build区别(1)set up意为“开办,建立”,强调机构及相应设施的建立,着重“开始”或“首次”的含义,不强调施工建筑。例如: We set up a study group.我们创立了一个学习小组。(2)put up意为“搭建,搭起”,着重指建造或搭起一个具有一定高度的具体的物体。在口语中set up与build也有此意。例如: Its going to rain. Lets put up the tent. 天要下雨了,我们把帐篷搭起来吧。(3) build意为“建设,建立,建造”,是使用广泛的非延续性动词,侧重于施工建筑,常指建造房屋、桥梁、道路、高楼等大型建筑物。例如: The workers are building railways.工人们在修建铁路。4. successsuccess 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数名词。例如:Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。His new book was a great success. 他新出版的书获得了巨大成功。【拓展】(1)succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词;表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常接in doing sth。例如:His plan succeeded.他的计划成功了。At last he succeeded in solving the problem. 他终于把那个问题解决了。She succeeded in (passing) the exam. 她考试及格了。(2)successful作形容词,意为“成功的”。例如:The performance was successful. 演出很成功。It was a successful experiment. 那是一次成功的试验。5. beatbeat是及物动词,有以下用法: (1) 意为“赢;打败;战胜”,后接人或某一团队、组织等,其过去式为beat。例如:I beat him at long jump yesterday. 昨天跳远我赢了他。 (2) 意为“打;击”,表示连续不断的打击。例如: Who is beating the drum? 谁在打鼓? (3) 表示“(心脏)等跳动”。例如: I feel my heart is beating fast. 我觉得我的心脏在剧烈跳动。【拓展】 beat和win都有“赢”的意思,但用法不同: beat的宾语为人或相当于人的团体、组织;而win的宾语为比赛或某个项目,过去式为won。例如: Though we were weak, we beat them. 虽然我们弱,但我们赢了他们。Who wins the first prize in the competition? 谁在比赛中赢得了一等奖?6. break(1)作及物动词,意为“ 打破;打碎;使折断”。例如:Take care not to break the cup. 小心别把茶杯打碎了。 If you pull too hard you will break the rope. 如果你太用力拉,就会把绳子拉断。 She is eager to break the Olympic 100 meters record. 她渴望打破奥运会100米记录。(2)作不及物动词,意为“折断;破碎”。例如: The thread breaks where it is weakest. 线在最脆弱的地方容易断。 The rope broke and he fell to the ground. 绳子断了,他摔到了地上。 (3)break作名词(通常为可数名词),意为“间歇;休息时间”(尤指工作期间)。例如: Shes worked for 27 hours without a break. 她已经不间断地工作了二十七个小时。 (4) break作名词,意为“机会;运气”(多用于口语中)。 例如:Give him a break and hell succeed. 给他一个机会,他会成功的。7. return(1)return意为“返回,回来(回到出发地)”,可以作动词或名词。例如:Blair will return to London tonight.今晚布莱尔将返回伦敦。Ryle explained the reason for his sudden return to London.赖尔解释了他突然返回伦敦的原因。What time does your husband return from work? 你丈夫什么时候下班回家?(2) return 还意为“归还,退还”。return sth to sb = return sb sth 把某物还给某人例如:Dont forget to return my keys. 别忘了还我钥匙。 Please remind me to return the books to the library.请提醒我把这些书还给图书馆。8. against against是介词,其用法如下: (1) 反对,违反。对应的反义词为for,常用于be against sb. / sth.反对某人/某事 例如: Are most people against having a part-time job? 大多数人反对做兼职工作吗? (2) 和交战(指竞争、比赛等)。例如: Well have a basketball match against the team from No. 2 Middle School next week. 下星期我们将与二中的球队举行一场篮球赛。 (3) 碰、装、擦。例如: Rain beats against the window. 雨打在窗户上。 (4) 倚着、靠着。例如: There was a ladder propped up(支撑) against the wall.一把梯子靠着墙。 (5) 防备,抗。例如: She saved money against old age. 她攒钱防老。 (6) 逆着。例如: We are sailing against the wind. 我们(的船)正逆风航行。 (7) 衬托,相映,对照。例如: Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky. 红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得分外鲜艳。9. chance chance是名词,意为“机会”。例如:Is there any chance of the team winning this week? 这个队本星期有无获胜的机会?Its the chance of a lifetime. You shouldnt miss it. 这是一生中难得的机会,你不应该错过。【拓展】(1) chance作名词,还有“偶然性,可能性”的意思。例如:I met him by chance. 我偶然遇到了他。(2) chance与opportunity的辨析:1) 当表示有机会做某事时,这两个词的用法相同,后面可接to do或of doing。例如:I had the chance/opportunity of visiting Beijing. 我曾有机会参观北京。I had no chance/opportunity to see him. 我没有机会见到他。2) chance后可接从句,而opportunity则不能。例如:There is a chance that he will succeed. 他有可能获得成功。词汇精练I. 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。1. advise _ _ 2. break _ _3. choose _ _4. set _ _5. know _ _6. write _ _7. teach _ _8. take _ _II. 英汉互译。 1. 代表,象征_ 2. 建立,创立_ 3. be different from _ 4. at first_ 5. 实际上_ 6. encourage sb. to do sth. _ 7. 遭受_8. take pride in_ 9. 放弃_ 10.compare with _III. 根据首字母提示或汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写。1. My parents always e_ me when I havent got good marks.2. Jim was chosen to s_ for the students union to attend the meeting.3. Im sorry to say youve got no _ (机会) to win the match.4. She has always s_ from bad health. 5Has it been found out who set the _(纪录)?6This m_ has come into wide use in this area7I dont doubt you have the a_ to do the work8The coach sent two players to the _(亚洲的)GamesIV. 从下面的方框中选出适当的短语,并用其正确的形式完成句子(每条短语限用一次)。first of all; make sure; be compared with; go for; take up; at first; set up; find out1. Lets learn how to cook this dish together. _, turn on the oven(烤炉).2. Some new schools will _ in Dujiangyan next year.3. Finally, the man _ his wife had left her purse in the room.4. If you really want to be a successful musician, just _ it!5. “Dont be sad. Work hard and _ you get better grades next time,” the teacher said to Mary.6. _, nobody knew Sam was back. When he suddenly appeared, everyone was surprised.7. As a sportsman, the daily training _ a lot of his time.8. Liu Xiang can _ the worlds best sports stars.V. 根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. A new book _(write) in Chinese next year.2. Yesterday, Class One _(beat) by Class Two.3. The PRC _(found) in 1949.4. These flowers _(move) away from the window every afternoon. Its too hot there. Thank you for telling me about it.5. Many students in Zhoushan _(send) to the schools in Lanzhou in September, 2010. 参考答案:I. 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。1. advised; advised 2. broke; broken 3. chose; chosen 4. set; set 5. knew; known 6. wrote; written 7. taught; taught 8. took; takenII. 英汉互译。1. stand for 2. set up 3. 与不一样 4. 一开始 5. in fact6. 鼓励某人做某事 7. suffer from 8. 以为自豪 9.give up 10.与比较III.根据首字母提示或汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写。1. encourage 2. stand 3. chance 4. suffered 5. record 6. method 7. ability 8.AsianIV. 从下面的方框中选出适当的短语,并用其正确的形式完成句子(每条短语限用一次)。1. First of all 2. be set up 3. found out 4. go for 5. make sure 6. At first 7. takes up 8. be compared withV. 根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. will be written 2. was beaten 3. was founded 4. should be moved 5. were sent 句式精讲1. Tony, you look tired!这里的look作连系动词,表示“看起来”,后面要跟形容词作表语。例如:Her mother looks very young. 她妈妈看起来很年轻。The old man looks healthy. 这个老人看起来很健康。常见的连系动词有:be动词(am,is, are); 和感官有关的词(look 看起来, feel 摸起来,taste 吃起来,smell 闻起来,sound 听起来);表示改变,变化含义的词(get,become,turn,go, come);以及其他常用词seem等。例如:The story sounds interesting. 这个故事听起来很有趣The flowers smell nice. 这些花闻起来很香。His face turns red. Do you know why? 他的脸变红了。你知道为什么吗?The food went bad. 食物坏了。2. I do hope they win the game.hope意为“希望”,用于表示有可能实现的愿望,其后可接不定式,即:hope to do sth. 意为“希望(自己)做某事”;若表达“希望别人做某事”时则需用hope + that从句,表示很有可能实现的主观愿望,不能用hope sb. to do sth.的结构。即: so to do sth. hope + that从句 for sth.例如: My mother hopes to find her lost watch somewhere. 我妈妈希望在什么地方找到她丢失的手表。 I hope you can pass the exam. 我希望你能通过考试。I hope to go to Tibet some day in the future. 我希望将来有一天去西藏。3. First,he was invited to competitions around the world. 这里的was invited是构成被动语态,表示“被邀请”。例如: The desk is cleaned every day. 桌子每天有人擦。 The work can be finished in two days. 这件工作可以在两天后完成。【拓展】被动语态的结构是:be及物动词的过去分词。be有人称、时态和单复数形式的变化。各种时态的被动语态列表:时态被动语态的结构一般现在时am/is/are过去分词一般过去时was/were过去分词一般将来时will/shallbe过去分词现在进行时am/is/arebeing过去分词现在完成时have/hasbeen过去分词过去进行时was/werebeing过去分词过去将来时would/shouldbe过去分词过去完成时hadbeen过去分词被动语态的用法:(1)不知道谁是动作的执行者的时候用被动语态。例如:My bike was stolen last night. 我的自行车昨天晚上被偷了。(2) 强调和突出动作的承受者的时候用被动语态。例如:The blackboard has been cleaned. 黑板已经被擦了。(3)没有必要指出动作的执行者的时候用被动语态。例如:The Great Wall was built thousands of years ago. 长城是数千年前建成的。4.and we continue to take pride in him.pride是名词,意为“骄傲,自豪”。 常用的结构: take pride in sth. 意为“为某事骄傲”。例如: They take great pride in her daughter who is now a famous scientist. 他们为成为科学家的女儿而感到自豪。 He is the pride of our city. 他是我们城市的骄傲。【拓展】 proud 是形容词,常用结构:be proud of sth. 意为“以而骄傲”。例如:I am very proud of being a Chinese. 作为一名中国人我很自豪 be proud to do sth 意为“为做某事而骄傲”。We are proud to be a league member. 我们为成为团员而骄傲。5. Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.encourage用作及物动词,意为“鼓励;鼓舞;促进;助长”等,常用于以下结构:encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事”。例如:The teacher often encourages us to study hard. 老师经常鼓励我们要努力学习。My mother encouraged me to enter the contest. 妈妈鼓励我参加那场比赛。【拓展】 (1) encourage sb. in sth. 意为“在方面鼓励/助长某人”。例如: Dont encourage him in laziness. 别助长他的懒惰行为。 (2) encouragement是encourage的名词形式,意为“鼓舞/鼓励”。例如:The teachers words were a great encouragement to him. 老师的话对他是极大的鼓舞。句式精练I. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. He walked too slowly to catch up with us. (改为同义句) He walked _ slowly _ he couldnt catch up with us. 2. I was angry with him for keeping me waiting. (改为同义句) I was _ _ him for keeping me waiting.3. Most of the students dont agree on his travel plan. (改为同义句) Most of the students _ _ his travel plan.4. London held the first Expo in 1851. (改为同义句) The first Expo _ _ in London in 1851.5. We will discuss this question soon. (改为被动语态) This question _ _ _soon.II. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 他们没有机会打败湖人队。 They have _ _ to beat Lakers.2. 许多父母总是把自己的孩子与别人的作比较。 Many parents are always _ their own kids _ others.3. 我们总是被鼓励在课堂上讲英语。 We are always _ _ _ English in class.4. 那个足球俱乐部是去年建立的。 That football club _ _ _ last year.5. 你应该为自己尽了最大的努力而自豪。You should _ _ _ doing your best6我认为我可以独自完成。 I think I can do it _ _7你今天看起来气色不好,怎么了? You _ _ _ todayWhats the trouble with you?8今天盘子里的肉味道很糟糕。 The meat in the plate _ _ todayIII. 单句改错。1. Some famous paintings will be show in the hall next week. _2. The library is built in the town two hundred years ago. _3. Who did the book written by? _4. The monkey was seen jump off the tree. _IV. 补全对话。 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Morning, Tina. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country last week?B: Yes, I really had a lot of fun there.A: Great! 1. ?B: With some of my friends.A: 2. ? In a hotel?B: No


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