



Ive had this bike for three yearsSection A (3a4c).根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Dont throw your clothes about in the _ (卧室)2Sam is an_ (诚实的) boy.I like to make friends with him.3Do you _ (拥有) or rent your house?4Do you like your _ (家乡)?Of course.5Dont play on the _ (铁道). Its dangerous.6Shes only 13 years old. Shes studying in a _(低年级的) high school.7They were sorry to _ (分开) with the old house.8The children have played soccer for a _(一段时间) on the playground.9The children have _(清理) out a lot of things from their bedrooms. Now the bedrooms are clean and tidy.10Mr. Li left there without saying anything for _(某种) reasons. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. They seem _ (know) what theyre doing.2. Mr. Li is the _ (own) of the nice house.3. The little kid fell asleep without _ (take) a shower.4. You should read more _ (use) books.5. You and I must be _(truth) with each other. .用since或for改写句子1The movie is on. It began twenty minutes ago.The movie _ _ _ since twenty minutes ago.2My brother joined the Party fifteen years ago.My brother _ _ _ the Party for fifteen years.3I borrowed the book two weeks ago.I _ _ the book for two weeks.4My brother left home a month ago.My brother _ _ _ from home since a month ago. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 说实在的,我儿子比我更通情达理。_ _ _, my son is _ _ than me.2. 与朋友们分开我感到很伤心。I felt very sad _ _ _ my friends.32018内江Mike很喜欢中国。他来中国已经5年了。Mike likes China very much/a lot. He_ _ _ China for 5 years.4. 迈克从五岁生日起就没有回过家乡。Mike _ _ back to his hometown since his _ birthday.5. 我可以看一会儿电视再打扫我的房间吗?Can I watch TV _ _ _ and then clean up my room?. 单项填空()1.She _ this book for nearly three weeks.Ahas borrowed Bhas lent Chas bought Dhas kept ()2. Students in Beijing _ away many books to Hope Schools since 2009. A. have given B. giveC. gave D. giving()3.2016龙东Lei Feng _ for many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us.Adied Bhas been dead Chas died()4.We _ all our old clothes.Alooked out Bcame out Cpulled out Dcleared out()5. Where is your father?He _ Australia and he _ Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to; has been inB. has gone to; has been inC. has been in; has been toD. has gone to; has been to()6. Im sorry to have kept you waiting long.Never mind. I _ here for only a few minutes.Acame Bhave beenChave come Dhad come()7. This is my _ car. Ive _ it since a year ago.A. own; own B. owned; ownedC. own; owned D. owned; own()8.The “teacherfree exam” means that students take their exams without teachers. Students must be more _. Ahonest Btruth Cjunior Dsoft()9.2016贺州My sister _ English since she was 9 years old. She can talk to foreigners freely. Alearns BlearntChas learnt Dhave learnt()10. My brother likes eating meat. _ me, I like vegetables and fruit.AInstead of BBecause ofCAs for DAccording to()11.He used to work at_ place in Guangzhou.Aa certain Bcertain aCa some Dsome a()12.He is a _ child. Im sure he will tell us the_Atrue; truthful Btruth; trueCtruthful; truth Dtrue; true. 阅读理解Here is a charity sale(义卖) for the poor kids in the mountain area. Well give away the money we raise in the charity sale. Come and see our things.NickI have an MP3 player. I have had it for half a year. It still works very well now. It stays with me whenever I feel sad. And I have downloaded some pop songs in it. I hope it can be with you when you are unhappy. It costs 180 dollars. Now, you can take it with 60 dollars.KarenId like to sell some of my fiction. I started to buy fiction when I was twelve years old. My favorite fiction is Treasure Island. I believe anyone like me will learn a lot from this fiction. Each fiction only costs 20 dollars. You can get the second at half price. MandyI have some soft toys to sell. The toy bear is my fourteenyearold birthday present. I have had it for one year. It still looks very new. Its original(原始的) price is 50 dollars. You only need to pay 15 dollars for it now. Other toys are very new but cheap, too.()1.What may Nick do when he isnt happy?ARead fiction. BListen to music.CPlay with toys. DSee movies.()2.The underlined word “downloaded” in this passage means “_” in Chinese.A下载 B演唱 C制作 D删除()3.Nancy will pay _ dollars if she buys two books from Karen.Aten BtwentyCthirty Dforty()4.Who may get the money raised from the charity sale?AA disabled man in hospital.BA poor family with four kids.CA homeless man from the countryside.DThe poor kids in the mountain area.()5.Which of the following is NOT true?AThe three kids sell different things.BKaren learns a lot from Treasure Island.CSarah can buy the toy bear at half price.DThere are some pop songs in Nicks MP3 player.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文mostly, take, homeland, abroad, live,appear, search, someday, die, poem Do you have any family members or friends who live 1. _? Now many people come to China to look for the roots of their families. They 2._ come from the United States, Canada, England and Germany. Mrs. Sun is a Chinese woman, and she 3._ abroad for fifty years. Her father was a Chinese farmer. He 4._ when Mrs. Sun was only seven years old. She 5._ by her uncle to America and has lived abroad ever since. She is a famous singer now in America. Every time she 6._ in public, thousands of her fans never miss the chance to see her. She is also a poet and a lot of people are deeply moved by her 7._. She often says she is in 8._ of her ancestors roots. She has never forgotten her 9._. She hopes that she will be able to go back to her hometown 10._, and she will go to her fathers grave.教师详解详析.1.bedroom2.honest3.own 4hometown5.railway6.junior7part8.while9.cleared10certain.1.to know2.owner3.taking 4useful5.truthful.1.has been on2has been in3have kept4has been away.1.To be honest;


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