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音标,认识音标 元音音标 辅音音标,国际音标 (International Phonetic Alphabet),犹如我们得汉语拼音,是认字识字的工具。国际音标由国际语音协会制定,它标出了英语语音用到的48个音素,并且每个符号只对应一个音素。,元音(vowel),共有20个,包括单元音12和双元音8。 单元音: I: : : : u: I D u e 双元音: eI aI I u au I e u,辅音(consonant),共有28个,包括清辅音、浊辅音等。 p t k f z t ts tr 清 b d g v s 3d3 dz dr 浊 r h m n l w j 其他,五大发音秘诀,长元音,要拉长,至少2秒钟; 短元音,短促有力,收小腹; 双元音,滑动饱满,嘴咧开,达到2秒钟; 咬舌音,要咬舌; 连读和略读。,三最法练习,As clearly as possible As loudly as possible As quickly as possible 最清晰 最大声 最快速,一口气训练法,一口气重复最多的遍数! 天才就是重复次数最多的人,i: 穿针引线长衣音,please Please speak English with me.,元音, I 短衣音,Its not difficult to speak English.,difficult,i: and I,两只小蜜蜂呀 bi: bi: bi: b b b i: i: i: b i: bi: 两只小粉猪呀 pIg pIg pIg p p p I I I p I pIg, 90度大嘴音,practice Practice makes perfect.,e小开口45度音,everything Everything is ready.,: 卷舌音,重度卷舌音 perfect He speaks perfect English.,轻度卷舌音 remember Remember to call your mother.,短鹅音,together America and China should always work together.,: 大嘴啊音,charming You have a charming smile., 短啊音,wonderful My mother is a wonderful teacher., :长嗷音,always Always say “please” and “thank you”.,D,bother Sorry to bother you.,u: 长乌音,food Whats your favorite food? My favorite is noodles., u 短乌音,should You should read as many books as passible.,mistake Dont be afraid of making mistakes., eI 嘴角咧到耳朵上, aI 大嘴阿姨音,China Is this your first time in China., I 唇型由圆唇变为扁唇。,enjoy I really enjoyed talking to you. Bye., u 舀水音,hope I hope to see you again soon., au 鬼哭狼嚎音,outstanding Youre an outstanding teacher., I 短衣卷舌音,clear Its very impotant to have clear pronunciation., e 咧嘴卷舌音,care We should all care about the environment.,u 短乌卷舌音,sure Im sure you will enjoy it.,辅音,p 气破双唇音,impossible Nothing is impossible.,b发浊音,振动声带.,believe Believe in yourself.,t发清音,舌尖轻抵上齿龈,气流从中突出。,time Don t waste time.,d 发浊音,舌位同t,但需振动声带。,decide Let me know what you decide.,k 发清音,嘴微张开,舌后部向软腭抬起,气流轻轻冲出。,keep Keep up the good work.,g 发浊音,舌位同k,但需振动声带。,government Our government does a great job.,f 咬唇音,feel I feel a little sick today.,v leave when are you leaving?, 咬舌音 bathroom I need to use the bathroom., weather Are you used to the weather here?,s嘴微张,牙齿稍稍分开,舌尖轻抵上齿龈,类似汉语中的“思”音。 nervous Dont be nervous about speaking English.,z舌尖微触上齿龈,用力将气流冲出,短促,有力,震动声带。 business Do you do a lot of business in China?,r舌前部向上卷起至口腔上部,但不触及,气流通过口腔,发出声音 terrific You look terrific today., 老“师”音 special This is a special local dish.,3 射“日”音 pleasure Its a pleasure to be here today.,ts 舌端贴住齿龈,堵住气流;舌尖略微下降.气流随之泄出;发音时,声带不震动。 lots I have lots of friends from all over the world.,dz舌端贴住齿龈,堵住气流,舌尖略微下降,气流随之泄出;发音时,声带震动。,words Words cant express how thankful I am.,tr 邮“戳”音 trouble I dont want to trouble you.,dr 课“桌”音,drink What would you like to drink?,t 吃,change China is changing every day.,d3 “知”识,language English is an international language.,h “喝”水音 help Let me help you.,l舌尖轻触上齿龈,气流从舌面两侧送出.,1.blue 2.love 3.left 4. 5.flower 6.spell 7. hill 8. tell 9.help 10.till 1.Like father like son. 有其父必有其子 2.Live and learn. 学无止境,m双唇闭拢,气流从鼻腔送出。,I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.,n舌尖紧贴上齿龈,气流从鼻腔送出.,number Can you give me your telephone number?, 舌后部向上抬起顶住软腭,气流从鼻腔送出。,1.pink pik 2.drink


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