



专题三完形填空专题提升演练题型1选择型完形填空On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the name list of students. How pleased she was! Guess what she1? After each students name, there was a number2 138, 140, 154 and so on.“3 these high IQ(智商) students,”she thought to herself.“Theyve given me a wonderful4!”As a result, the 5 teacher worked harder with this class than with her other classes. She 6 some new teaching ways. She thought these7 would cheer the students and hold their8. She was right. It 9 out well! The class did much better than any of her others.Later, however, she found out the 10: the number after each name did not mean the IQ, but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.1.A.missedB.fearedC.showedD.found答案:D解析:由下文“在每个名字后面有一个数字”,故可推知选D项,意为“发现”。2.A.forB.likeC.inD.with答案:B解析:由138,140,154.可知是“像”的数字,故选B项。3.A.DealwithB.TalkaboutC.LookatD.Listento答案:C解析:由下文中的“shethoughttoherself”可推知老师想“看看”这些高智商的学生,故选C项。4.A.classB.numberC.schoolD.name答案:A解析:由下文中的“withthisclass”可知是“一个很棒的班级”,故选A项。5.A.coldB.nervousC.relaxedD.excited答案:D解析:由上文可知老师觉得分到了一个很棒的班级,所以就很“兴奋”,故选D项。6.A.triedB.lostC.solvedD.left答案:A解析:由上文老师努力工作可推知老师会“尝试”各种教学方法,故选A项。7.A.plansB.opinionsC.waysD.results答案:C解析:由上文的“somenewteachingways”可知选C项。8.A.customB.interestC.troubleD.mistake答案:B解析:由上文可知教学方法使得学生很开心,故可推知会使学生们“保持兴趣”,故选B项。9.A.hungB.handedC.putD.worked答案:D解析:由上下文可知师生共同努力,结果一定会很好的,故选D项,workout“从事,结果”。10.A.truthB.aimC.meansD.idea答案:A解析:由下文“名字后边的数字并不是智商”可知“真相”并非如此,故选A项。题型2短文填空型完形填空【1】 (2018江苏盐城中考)Over 2, 000 years ago, in China, there lived a boy called Confucius. When he was o1 three, his father died. His mother was very poor. In those days people had to pay to go to school and his mother did not have enough m2 to send him.As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things. So he d3 to teach himself. Unfortunately he was a strange-looking boy. The other children pointed at and made fun of him. They called him names and laughed at him. Confucius got very upset, but he was a kind gentle boy and did not fight b4.Confucius did not play with other children. He went off to talk to holy men in the temple and learned from them. He t5 to artists and musicians and learned from them. If he tried to do something difficult, he kept trying over and over again u6 he learned how to do it. In this way the boy taught himself to read and w7 and learned lots of interesting things. Confucius grew up to be a very c8 man.When he was a man, Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu. People were very h9 when he was their leader. He used his abilities and skills in a w10 way.People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived. We still remember many of his sayings today...9.10.答案:1.only2.money3.decided4.back5.talked6.until7.write8.clever9.happy10.wise【2】(2017成都中考)短文填空。用下面方框中单词的适当形式填空, 使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。comedifferentexcitegogoodliveloudlowmeannaturetimewestAn old saying goes, “When in Rome(罗马), do as the Romans do.”I learned the 1 of this when I studied in Russia.One day I invited some of my Chinese friends to a famous local restaurant in Moscow. My guests and I were 2 from visiting Red Square and happy about our meeting. We had a warm chat until the waiter told me that we were being too loud. We turned our voices 3. But this didnt last long. The waiter came over to us two more 4 with the same message.How bad an impression(印象) we must have left on the local people! In China, its 5 and important for a host to make a 6 atmosphere(气氛). However, in Russia and 7 countries, having a meal in a public place means you must keep your voice low. You need to be polite to others.I felt bad about this. Even though we tried our 8, its very difficult to develop a new habit.Russians have their own special habits. My Russian friend, Andrey always looks around and thinks for a while before leaving home. I asked him why he did this.“Aha,”Andrey said, “in Russia, people always take about a minute 9 over things and plans in their minds before leaving. So they wont leave anything necessary behind.”Finding the 10 between cultures is much fun. Id like to keep my eyes and mind open...9.10.答案:详解1.meaning解析:句意:当我在俄国学习的时候,我懂得了这句话的意义。故该空应填meaning。2.excited解析:来参观红场,应该感到很高兴,很激动。故应用excited。3.lower解析:当服务员告知“我”们讲话的声音太高时,“我”们降低了音调。此处应填lower。4.times解析:可是这种说话声音很低的状态没有维持太久,所以服务员又过来找了“我”们好几次。多于两次应用times表示。5.natural解析:句意:在中国,主人制造一种活跃的气氛是很自然和重要的事情。此处应用形容词natural。6.lively解析:makealivelyatmosphere“制造一种活跃的气氛”。7.western解析:inwesterncountries


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