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Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 1 Does it eat meat?1. My favourite a is the panda. Whats this? Its an .2. The boys are from (不同的) cities. The monkey is different the rabbit. A. as B. to C. with D. from 3. Nepal is a small (国家) and its capital is Kathmandu. 4. |遵义中考|Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but two are far. A. other B. the others C. the other 从other, another, others中选词填空a. Some girls are in the classroom. The _girls are in the library.b. I dont like this red flower.Please give me _one.c. We should help_.5. I dont like the tiger because it is very_ (危险的). Dont swim in the river.Its very_to swim there.A. dangerB. dangerousC. safe D. safety6. She can _(too, also)draw. Lily is from England. I am also from England.(改为同义句)Lily is from England. I am_from England, .7. Lets go to the market to buy some green _(植物). 让我们种一些树吧。L e t s _. All the _(plant)need light and water.8. May I use your dictionary?Mine is at home._A. Thank you.B. Id love to.C. Youre welcome.D. Sure. Here you are.9. I like the panda because it is very (可爱的). 10. He i s a ( fun) person so we all like him very much.11. 从such as, for example中选词填空 She can speak several languages,_, English. She can speak several languages ,_English and Chinese.12. The zebra is from Africa.(改为同义句)_13. 不要那样看着我。D o nt _like that. 看!他有一辆新自行车。(翻译句子)_14. 你认识那边的那个女孩吗?Do you know the girl _?15. Here _some bananas.A. have B. hasC. are D. is 单句改错a. Here my mother is._b. There is it._16. The animal eats plants.(改为一般疑问句)_the animal _plants? Does your sister like watching TV? (作肯定回答)Yes, _.“它吃水果吗?”“不,它不吃。”(翻译句子)_17. 我们去图书馆,好吗?_to the library?Shall we go there?_A. Thank you.B. OK.C. Youre welcome.D. Fine.18. _ is Mary?She is the tall girl in green.A. Which B. WhatC. When D. Where19. Do you like the movie_Coming Home?A. calling B. callC. called D. to call详解详析Unit 1Does it eat meat?考点直击单词精讲1. animalelephant2. differentD3. country4. Ca. otherb. anotherc. others5. dangerousB6alsotoo7. plantsplant some treesplants8D9cute10funny,解析)本题要用形容词funny修饰名词person。句意:他是一个很有趣的人,我们都很喜欢他。短语赏析11for examplesuch as12. comes from 13. look at meLook! He has a new bike. 14. over there 句型解读15. Ca. H


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