



Unit 6 Lets Go!课时分层训练(三十五)Lesson 35根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Dragon Tea(龙井茶) is _ (著名的) in China.2There are two _(博物馆) in this city.3Do you like _(历史) or English?4They want to buy some _(礼物) for their brother.5Leo wants to _ (学习) about different clothes around the world.单项填空()1.You can find many old and interesting things at the _Afarm BzooCmuseum Dschool()2.The film is very _, so I feel _Aboring; boring Bbored; boringCbored; bored Dboring; bored()3.Turn left _ the fruit shop and you can see it _ the right.Aon; at Bat; onCat; in Din; on()4._ a shop, and youll find the theatre.APass BPassingCPasses DTo pass()5._ are you going?Im going to the store.AWhen BHowCWhat DWhere.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1杰克喜欢了解中国的历史。Jack likes _ _ Chinese history.2我的家乡因美食而出名。My hometown is _ _ delicious food.3沿着这条大街走,在学校处向右拐。_ _ this street and _ _ _ the school.4可能他认识路。Maybe he _ _ _5我们正在找休息区。We are _ _ the Rest Area.连词成句1Rest Area, is, where, the_?2hall, go, down, the, straight_.3riding, there, are, bikes, they, their _.4paintings, has, the, famous, museum, many_.5can, get, we, how, the, 3D Hall, to_?.阅读理解Name Where How to go Why Jim Bookstore By bus Buy some books Lily Tea store By bicycle Buy some teaTom Grocerystore On footBuy some bread Mary ClothesstoreBy bicycleBuy a dress Alan BicyclestoreIn his fatherscar Buy a newbicycle ()1.Who goes to buy some books in the bookstore?AJim. BLily.CTom. DAlan.()2.Lily goes to the tea store _Aon foot Bby busCby bicycle Dby car()3.Tom goes to buy some _Atea BFrench fries Cnoodles Dbread()4._ wants to buy a dress in the clothes store.ALily BMaryCAlan DJenny ()5.Alans _ drives him to the bicyclestore.Afather BmotherCsister Dfriend详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测1s3.history4gifts/presents5.learn课后巩固提升.1.C2D修饰物用boring,意为“令人厌烦的”;修饰人用bored,意为“感到厌烦的”。3B4.A5.D.1.learning about2.famous for3Go down; turn right at4knows the way5.looking for.1.Where is the Rest Area2Go straight down the hall3They are


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