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成绩:文献检索与利用实习报告论文题目:扬子地区志留纪岩相古地理与石油地质条件研究姓 名:李海儒班 级:地质工程学 号: 1101540042授课教师:于 澄 洁一、课题名称:中文题名:扬子地区志留纪岩相古地理与石油地质条件研究英文题名:Lithofacies paleogeography and petroleum geology of the Silurian in Yangtze area中文关键词:石油地质英文关键词:Lithofacies paleogeography二、课题概述:(约200300字)扬子地区志留纪的岩相古地理条件比较有利于油气藏的发育。扬子地区志留系主要是滨浅海碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩 ,下志留统龙马溪组的页 (泥 )岩为主要烃源岩 ,分布广泛、厚度较大 ,处于成熟过成熟演化阶段 ,储集层为中、上志留统滨浅海碎屑岩 ,在有利的成藏及保存条件下 ,在扬子地区可以形成并保存商业油气藏。扬子地区南部的长江沿线地区是志留系最有利的勘探地区。三、中国学术期刊全文数据库()列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。1.区域石油地质地理底图编制技巧【作者中文名】沙琴;【作者单位】江汉油田分公司勘探开发研究院;【文献出处】江汉石油科技, Jianghan Petroleum Science and Technology, 编辑部邮箱 2006年 02期期刊荣誉:CJFD收录刊【关键词】石油地质; 地理图; 底图; 编图;【摘要】介绍了编制石油地质地理底图过程中投影系统;比例尺及底图内容各要素的选择原则和技巧。【DOI】CNKI:SUN:JHSK.0.2006-02-002 2、扬子地区奥陶纪古地理与石油地质条件【英文篇名】ORDOVICIAN PALEOGEOGRAPHY AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY IN YANGTZE REGION【作者中文名】胡书毅; 文玲; 田海芹;【作者英文名】Hu Shuyi Wen Ling Tian Haiqin (Department of Geoscience Resource; University of Petroleum; Shandong);【作者单位】石油大学地球资源科学系; 石油大学地球资源科学系 山东东营; 山东东营;【文献出处】中国海上油气(地质), China offshore Oil and Gas, 编辑部邮箱 2001年 05期期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览ASPT来源刊中国期刊方阵CJFD收录刊【关键词】扬子地区; 奥陶纪; 古地理; 五峰组烃源岩; 油气勘探;【英文关键词】Yangtze region; Ordovician; paleogeography; Wufeng Formation source rock; petroleum exploration;【摘要】扬子地区奥陶纪古地理条件有利于含油气系统生储盖层的发育。下奥陶统碳酸盐岩发育 ,生储盖层齐全 ,可形成自生自储型含油气系统。上奥陶统五峰组页岩既是区域性烃源岩 ,又是区域性盖层。奥陶系烃源岩有机质目前大多处于成熟及过成熟期。奥陶系储层主要为下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层。扬子地区北部长江沿线地区是奥陶系最有利的勘探地区【英文摘要】In the Yangtze region, Ordovician paleogeographic conditions were favorable to the development of source, reservoir and seal rocks in petroleum systems. Lower Ordovician is well developed carbonate sequences with source, reservoir and seal in readiness, and can form the self source and self reservoir types of petroleum system. Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation shale may serve as either regional source or regional seal. Currently, most Ordovician source rocks are in maturation or overmaturation, and the .【基金】中国石油天然气总公司新区事业部资助项目【DOI】cnki:ISSN:1001-9308.0.2001-05-003四、中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库()列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。1、黑龙江东部汤原断陷石油地质特征与远景分析【英文题名】Petroleum Geological Characteristics and Prespective Analysis of Tangyuan Faulted Depression in Eastern Heilongg Jiang【作者中文名】侯献华;【导师】张永生; 吴河勇; 王世辉;【学位授予单位】中国地质科学院;【学科专业名称】矿产普查与勘探【学位年度】2008【论文级别】博士【网络出版投稿人】中国地质科学院【网络出版投稿时间】2009-02-19【关键词】汤原断陷; 构造格架; 地层划分对比; 沉积相; 生储盖组合;【英文关键词】Tangyuan fault depression; tectonic framework; division and correlation of strata; sedimentary phase; source reservoir cap assemblage;【中文摘要】汤原断陷是伊舒地堑北部的一个次级断陷,几次评价结果均显示其有着可观的油气资源量,但至今,在地质勘探上仍未获大的突破。 本文通过对已有地震资料的重新解释,认为汤原断陷的构造特征为主要发育北东向和北西西向断裂,其次发育近东西向和近南北向断层,两组骨干的断裂使汤原断陷整体表现为东西分带、南北分块的构造格架,断陷经历了中生代断陷期、新生代的强烈断陷期、持续断陷期、断凹转化期、断陷萎缩期、断陷消亡期六构造演化阶段。通过对研究区古生物、岩性、测井和地震等资料综合分析,重新进行地震地质层位标定,利用井震合成记录、基干井间地层对比等手段,对汤原断陷的地层进行了划分对比,调整了原有的分层数据,证实了白垩系和古新统乌云组地层的存在与大致分布范围。综合露头、岩芯、测井和地震的研究成果,按四分法无级层序的划分方法,建立了汤原断陷的层序地层格架,识别出了2个巨层序、3个超层序、20个三级层序。通过对钻井岩芯的观察描述,进行岩芯相分析,同时,开展测井相和地震相研究,建立了研究区地震相沉积相的对应关系,识别出了扇三角洲相、湖泊相和湖底扇相3种主要相类型,进一步划分出7种沉积亚相和17种沉积微相。 综合研究生、储、盖层特征认.【英文摘要】Tangyuan fault depression is a second-order one in the north of Yishu graben. Several evaluation results about the Tangyuan fault depression show a considerable amount of oil and gas resources, but so far, a major breakthrough of geological exploration has not come forth. Based on the re-interpreted seismic data, this paper considers the structural feature of Tangyuan fault depression is mainly the development of NE-striking and NSS-striking fracture, secondly ES-striking and SN- striking fracture nearl.【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2008.1773932、松潘阿坝盆地构造演化与石油地质基本条件【英文题名】The Tectonic Evolution and the Basic Petroleum Condition in Songpan-Aba Basin【作者中文名】刘春平;【导师】马永生; 梅冥相;【学位授予单位】中国地质大学(北京);【学科专业名称】矿物学、岩石学、矿床学【学位年度】2006【论文级别】博士【网络出版投稿人】中国地质大学(北京)【网络出版投稿时间】2006-07-05【关键词】构造演化; 油气成藏; 松潘阿坝盆地;【英文关键词】structural evolution; forming oil reservoir; Songpan-Aba basin;【中文摘要】对松潘阿坝盆地沉积充填、构造变形、火成岩及变质岩研究的基础上,完成了本论文,取得了如下主要认识与新进展: 1、松潘阿坝盆地存在4个重要区域不整合,相应地构造演化分为:基底形成、早古生代被动大陆边缘、晚古生代复合被动大陆边缘、三叠纪被动大陆边缘至前陆盆地和三叠纪后的陆内盆地构造演化5个主要演化阶段。 2、提出在晋宁运动期间,松潘阿坝古地块由北向南与扬子古板块碰撞、形成的岛弧型火山岩变质后成为本区刚性基底,若尔盖附近基底的刚性强于周缘地区。基底自形成以来,一直与扬子板块保持一体。龙门山造山带中的彭灌杂岩体是晚印支运动中被推出地表的基底,并提出了相应的运动模式。 3、造山隆起带构造样式较复杂,发育大量的逆冲断裂与断块体;坳陷带构造样式相对简单,构造样式表现出较大的层次性,总体为盖层滑脱式逆冲褶皱型,滑脱面为三迭系与晚古生界之间的界面和震旦系与前震旦系界面。 4、早古生代,本区为被动大陆边缘,沉积了高质量的烃源岩;晚古生代盆地主体为稳定克拉通盆地,广泛发育碳酸盐岩台地,形成了性能良好的储集岩,进入三叠纪,本区为克拉通盆地至前陆盆地演化阶段,由碳酸盐岩台地转换为海槽,形成逾万米浊积岩,是本区有效区.【英文摘要】On the basis of the study of depositional basinfilling, tectonic deformation,igneous rock and metamorphic rock in the Songpan-Aba basin, the paper drawsprimary conclusions and new fruits as follows: 1、There are four primary regional unconformity for the Songpan-Aba basin,andthe corresponding structural evolution can be subdivided into 5 primary phases: Thebasement formation, the Eopaleozoic passive continental margin, the Neopaleozoiccraton basin and coexistent passive continental margin, the Trias craton.【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:1.2006.065348五、中国专利文献数据库(/sipo/zljs/)列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。申请(专利)号:200610135323.7申请号:200610135323.7 申 请 日:2006.12.14名称:石油地质技术 公开(公告)号:CN101016031公开(公告)日:2007.08.15 主 分 类 号:B60K23/02(2006.01)I分案原申请号: 分 类 号:B60K23/02(2006.01)I颁证 日: 优先权:申请(专利权)人:杨晶菁 地 址:350002福建省福州市福州大学自动化与工程学院发明(设计)人:杨晶菁; 张浩; 杨登清 国 际 申 请:国际公布: 进入国家日期:专利代理机构: 代理人:摘要 综合露头、岩芯、测井和地震的研究成果,按四分法无级层序的划分方法,建立了汤原断陷的层序地层格架,识别出了2个巨层序、3个超层序、20个三级层序。通过对钻井岩芯的观察描述,进行岩芯相分析,同时,开展测井相和地震相研究,建立了研究区地震相沉积相的对应关系,识别出了扇三角洲相、湖泊相和湖底扇相3种主要相类型,进一步划分出7种沉积亚相和17种沉积微相。 综合研究生、储、盖层特征认.六、国家科技图书文献中心()的中文数据库。列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。1中文期刊【正题名】: 盆地构造演化与石油地质基本条件【作者】:徐旭; 鲁统利【作者单位】:上海交通大学,上海200240【刊名】:石油地质【年卷期】:2007,000(011)【出版年】:2007【ISSN】:1001-3997【期号】:no.11【页码】:P.13-14【总页数】:2【馆藏号】:VIP-CJ(电子版)【分类号】:TH12【关键词】:石油地质,构造,沉积体系【正文语种】:CHI【文摘】: 生储盖层齐全 ,可形成自生自储型含油气系统。上奥陶统五峰组页岩既是区域性烃源岩 ,又是区域性盖层。奥陶系烃源岩有机质目前大多处于成熟及过成熟期。奥陶系储层主要为下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层。中文会议论文数据库。中文学位论文数据库 【正题名】:石油地质中自储型含油气系统【作者】:赵金磊【出版年】:2007【页码】:p.1-71【总页数】:71p【授予学位】:硕士 【授予学位单位】:南京理工大学【导师姓名】:张铁山【研究专业】:地质工程学【馆藏号】:Y1153246【分类号】:U463.211【关键词】: 油气系统,盖层。 【正文语种】:CHI【文摘】: 在 对研究区烃源岩地质及地球化学特征研究的基础上,进行了油源对比分析,认为 围绕义和庄凸起的郭局子洼陷、大王北洼陷、车西洼陷和四扣洼陷都不同程度地 向义和庄凸起及其北坡提供了油气,义和庄凸起潜山带油气主要来自四扣沣陷沙 三段烃源岩,郭局子地区油气来自北部的郭局子洼陷沙三段烃源岩,大王庄鼻状 构造带油气来自大王北洼陷沙三、沙一段烃源岩。在分析了研究区油气藏类型的 基础上,探讨了各时期油气藏的成藏机理,并着重研究了车镇凹陷岩性油气藏的 成藏机理。最后,分析了层序、沉积体系与油气分布之间的关系。七、国家科技图书文献中心()的西文数据库列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。1外文会议论文数据库 【正题名】:Fatigue Fracture Analysis of Stopper Pins in an Lithofacies paleogeography Disk under Unbalance Rotation 【个人作者姓名】:Heungshik Lee; Chongdu Cho; Goong-chul Nam; Myoung-Gu Kim; Changhao Piao 【会议录文集名】:The 13th International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering (IPC-13) 【文献其他题名】:Harmony of Humans and Motor Vehicles 【出版年】:2005 【页码】:p.140-144 【总页数】:5 【会议年】:2005 【会议召开地点】:Gyeongju, Korea 【会议届次】:13th 【馆藏号】:hyw0800 【关键词】:Stopper pins; Fatigue; Finite element analysis; Clutch disk; Unbalance rotation 【分类号】:U46-53/S678/(13th) 【正文语种】:eng 【文摘】:Stopper pins in a clutch disk play an important role in transferring the torque from sub-plate to cushion-plate. If stopper pins are broken during the operation of the automotive clutch disk system, it may produce transmission troubles. In this paper, experimental analysis is performed to examine the reasons of the fracture damage. From the experimental analysis, it is deduced that the major reason of the damage is the fatigue phenomenon which occurs due to the unbalancing forces of the rotating disk under periodically repeated loads. In order to reduce the unbalance, a modified clutch disk shape model is designed. Finite element analysis is then carried out on a 3-D model stopper pin to predict fatigue failure. Performance analysis results of the stopper pin in the modified clutch disk model are compared with that of the original model. 2、外文期刊数据库 【正题名】: The influence of the interface coefficient of friction upon the propensity to judder in Lithofacies paleogeography【作者】: D. Centea; H. Rahnejat; M. T. Menday 【刊名】: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D 【年卷期】: 1999, vol.213, no.D3 【出版年】: 1999 【ISSN】: 0954-4070 【页码】: p.245-258 【分类号】: TH22 【关键词】: Judder; Clutch; Dynamic model; Torsional vibrations; Driveline 【正文语种】: eng 【文摘】:This paper presents an investigation of the driveline torsional vibration behaviour, referred to as judder, which takes place during the clutch engagement process, particularly on small trucks with diesel engines. A non-linear multibody dynamicmodel of the clutch mechanism is employed to study the effect of various clutch system and driveline components on the clutch actuation performance. The paper demonstrates that judder is affected by driveline inertial changes, variation in the coefficient of friction, , of the friction disc linings with slip speed, v, and the loss of clamp load. The results of the simulations show that various friction materials with different -v characteristics produce torsional self-excited vibrations of thedriveline. The results also show that loss of clamp load relating to the speed of clutch actuation also contributes to judder. Furthermore, it is shown that the simulation results conform closely to the experimental findings 八、美国工程索引()列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。1、2、Accession number:063410084947Title:New transmissions drive Lithofacies paleogeography gear industryAuthors:Vasilash, Gary S. Serial title:Gear TechnologyAbbreviated serial title:Gear Technol Volume:v 23Issue:n 4 Issue date:July/August 2006Publication year:2006 Pages:p 18-23Language:English ISSN:0743-6858 CODEN:GEATEL Document type:Journal article (JA) Publisher:Randall Publishing Inc., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, United StatesAbstract:Several automotive industries have planned to install automatic transmission in their vehicles, which will improve the fuel economy, performance, and smoother shifting. General Motors (GM) has announced the new six-speed variants in the Hydra-Matic line in May 2006, including the 6T70 and 6T75 for front-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles, and the 6L50 for rear-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles. Ford Motor Co. has decided to develop a vacuum carburizing system with a high-pressure gas quench to improve dimensional control in distortion-prone components, including the 211 ring gear for its 6F transmission. Meanwhile, Getrag and Bosch have agreed to work together on hybrid transmission systems that use dual-clutch transmissions and electric final-drive units. Dana Corp.s Commercial Vehicle Systems group has also announced that GenTech trademark , a new generation of heavy-duty drive axle gearing, is now available as a production shipment option.2、Accession number:05289203835Title:Fast speed expansion technique for the transient analysis of Lithofacies paleogeography Authors:Li, Jiayin Issue:n PART AAuthor affiliation:Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, United StatesSerial title:Proceedings of the ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2004Abbreviated serial title:Proc. ASME STLE Int. Joint Tribol. Conf. IJTCMonograph title:Proceedings of the ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2004Publication year:2004 Pages:p 177-181Language:English ISBN-10:0791841812Document type:Conference article (CA) Conference date:Oct 24-27 2004Conference name:2004 ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology ConferenceConference location:Long Beach, CA, United States Conference code:65082Sponsor:ASME Tribology Division;Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, STLEPublisher:American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY 10016-5990, United StatesAbstract:The transient modal analysis method (TMA) has been used to solve the inhomogeneous (loaded) transient thermoelastic contact problem (ITTEC). In the TMA method, the solution of the inhomogeneous transient problem is expressed in modal coordinates, corresponding to eigenfunctions of the homogeneous (unloaded) problem. However, for the large-scale ITTEC problem, this method is found to be extremely time-consuming, because of the computation-intensive of the eigen-solutions. This paper describes a new approach to solve the large-scale ITTEC problem with a dramatic reduction in computational complexity. The method is referred to as fast speed expansion method (FSE). With the FSE method, full eigen-solutions are performed only at a limited number of sparsely located speeds. For speeds between these speeds, eigenvectors are solved by linear interpolation, while the eigenvalues are computed from Taylor series. The method is illustrated with application to an Lithofacies paleogeography 九、美国专利文献数据库(/patft/index.html)列举出部分检索结果(含摘要)。1 Control system for Lithofacies paleogeography AbstractThere is disclosed an improved automotive clutch in which the clutch diaphragm is supported by rotational bearings, preferably spherical balls which are carried in a circular groove on the upper surface of a raised rim on the pressure plate. In some applications the rotational bearings can also be provided at the fulcrum support for the diaphragm. In the pull-off type of clutch, the base of the diaphragm is supported by rotational bearings carried on the undersurface of the clutch housing cover, and additional rotational bearings are provided on a raised rim on the pressure plate. In either application, the rotational bearings can be spherical balls, or elongated rollers. Inventors: -Hays; Bill J. (Midway City, CA) Appl. No.: -08/069,388Filed: -June 1, 1993Current U.S. Class:-192/70.27 ; 192/110B; 192/89.22; 192/89.23Current International Class: -F16D 13/58(20060101); F16D 013/50(); F16D 013/71()Field of Search: -192/70.27,11B,89BL,89PL,89PH,89.22,89.23,89.24 384/614 2、Clutch disc for Lithofacies paleogeography AbstractA friction clutch disc comprises an annular support plate and annular friction facings on the respective sides of the support plate. Bores in the friction facings are generally in axial alignment with openings in said support plate, and rivets secure the respective friction facings to the support plate through pairs of aligned bores and openings. Each rivet comprises a shank, a first head at one end of the shank bearing against a transverse, and preferably flared, shoulder adjacent the axially inner end of the associated bore and a second head at the other end of the shank bearing against the support plate around the margin defining the associated opening therein. An annular protrusion coaxial with each of the bores in at least one of the friction facings is axially in alignment with and inwardly of the associated shoulder and is at least partly received in the associated opening in the support plate. Inventors: -Graton; Michel (Paris, FR) Assignee:-Valeo (Paris, FR) Appl. No.


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