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内蒙古霍林郭勒市2015-2016学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题注意事项:本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟听力部分(25分)一、根据你所到的句子,选择最佳答案。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I am. C. No. She isnt. ( )2. A. Sorry, but I can. B. Thank you. C. Sure, Id love to.( )3. A. Never mind. B. Im sorry about that. C. It doesnt matter.( )4. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Me, too. C. Not at all.( )5. A. My computer doesnt work. B. You should stay in bed for two days. C. I have a fever.二、根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择最佳答案。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. Brush teeth. B. See a doctor. C. Drink some milk.( )7. A. The long jump. B. The high jump. C. The boys 400-meter race.( )8. A. Play basketball. B. Sit here. C. Study English.( )9. A. Change habit. B. Stay up. C. Drink water.( )10. A. Its good for health. B. Its bad for health. C. He is ill.三、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )11. A. B. C. ( )12. A. B. C. ( )13. A. B. C. ( )14. A. B. C. ( )15. A. B. C. 四、根据你所听到的短文,选择最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )16. What will make us have cough or a sore throat?A. Smoking. B. Drinking wine. C. Coffee.( )17. What is the most serious problem?A. It may cause fever. B. It may even cause cancer.C. It hurts our lungs.( )18. What do many students often do after school?A. They often smoking. B. They often play games.C. They often watch TV.( )19. What do the students think of it?A. It is exciting. B. It is interesting. C. It looks cool.( )20. What does the writer hope the students to do?A. To study hard.B. To stop smoking. C. To draw pictures5、 听短文,记录关键信息。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)根据你所听到的短文内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应的位置上。NameAdviceJudyShe takes some medicine _21_ times a day and drinks more water.TimHe has a _22_. He needs to take medicine once a day and go to bed early.MaryShe needs to take medicine twice a day and drink a cup of milk before _23_HelenShe has a _24_. She needs to take medicine three times a day and drink _25_ with honey.笔试部分(95分)六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )26.- There _ a talk about how to learn English this Saturday. - Exciting news. A. are going to be B. is going to be C. is going to have D. will have( )27.- What do you often do in your free time? - I spend about an hour _ basketball with my friends. A. play B. playing C. to play D. played( )28.- I have a fever and Im feeling terrible now. - _ A. Its terrible. B. Its nothing. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Not too bad.( )29.- How do you usually go to work? - I _ drive a car, but now I walk there. A. was used to B. used to C. use to D. is used to( )30. The movie is _. Most of us are _ in it. A. interesting, interested B. interesting, interesting C. Interested, interestingD. Interested, interested( )31.I am going to play _ violin tomorrow. A. / B. a C. the D. an ( )32. - _ you _ your homework at 8:00 yesterday evening? - Yes, I was. A. Was, doing B. Were, do C. Were, doing D. Was, do( )33. This is a big school and there are _ students in it. A. three thousand B. three thousands of C. three thousands D. three thousand of( )34. Chinese pandas are _ now, so we must try our best to protect them. A. in the danger B. in danger C. out of danger D. in dangerous( )35. - I think China will become _ in the future. - I agree with you. A. good and good B. good and better C. better and better D. more and more better( )36. - Look, whats on the farm? - Oh, there are a lot of _ and _. A. sheep, goose B. sheep, geese C. sheeps, goose D. sheeps, geese( )37. - How do you like Mo Yan? - He is great. He is one of _ writers in China. A. more popular B. most popular C. the most popular D. popular ( )38. - Would you mind _ the paper around? We must keep the room clean. - Sorry. I wont do it again. A. not throwing B. throwing C. not to throw D. throw( )39. - _ I finish my homework right now? - No, you _. You can do it after dinner. A. Must, mustnt B. Must, neednt C. Can, cant D. Must, have to( )40. - The Internet makes the world _ than before. - You are right. A. small B. smaller C. big D. bigger七、完形填空。(10分)Mr. Zhang is a 41 . He works in a hospital in the city. He is busy and has no time to have a rest. And one day he didnt feel well and couldnt go on 42 . So he decided to spend a weeks holiday in a quiet village. He could go swimming and fishing there. He got 43 at a small bus station and soon he got to a quiet village. He took a room in a hotel and went to sleep after he had a good dinner.At first Mr. Zhang enjoyed 44 there. He could do everything he wanted and went wherever he liked. But on the fourth day he was in 45 . After lunch it was very hot. He went swimming in the river. He began to pick some flowers in the forest and soon he 46 his way.The sun went down and night fell before Mr. Zhang found a small restaurant in another village. He came in and told them 47 him some bread, two eggs and a glass of tea. After a while, his food was brought. Soon he ate 48 all the bread and eggs. When he was going to have the tea, he found there was a 49 in the glass.“Whats in my tea?” Mr. Zhang called out, “A fly!”“Its 50 , sir,” said the owner of the restaurant. “I told them to pick all the flies out of your tea before they brought it to you!”( )41Adoctor Bteacher Cworker Dstudent( )42Ato work Bworking C. work Dsleeping( )43Ato Bon Coff Din( )44Aherself Bher C. him Dhimself( )45Ahot Btrouble Cneed Dcity( )46Alost Blose CgetDto lose( )47AtakeBto take Cto bring Dbring( )48Ato B. up C. out Doff( )49Afly Bbird Cmoney Dorange( )50Agood Bimpossible Cpossible Dnot八、阅读理解。(20分) AMovie fans clubDo you like watching movies?Would you like to share the enjoyment with friends?If you do, please write to No. 27 Red Road Bobville.Days: From Tuesday to Friday.Time: From 8:30 a.m. To 4:30 p.m.Computer clubThe computer club is an interesting place. You can do many wonderful things and play games.Miss. Tao and Mr. Zhang are your teachers.Its on Wednesday and Friday. Its from 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.Running clubYou can do sports on the cold days of winter here. Students can run around the buildings and play running games after school.The club is on Tuesday form 4:30 p.m.to 5:30 p.m. In Room 401.( )51. You can see some movies on _ in the movie fans club.A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday( )52. Students in the computer club can play games on the computer at _ on Thursday.A. 9:00 a.m. B. 10:00 a.m. C. 5:45 p.m. D. 6:45 p.m.( )53. Students can do some running in the running club in _.A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter( )54. Students in the computer club can play computer for _ hour(s) on Friday.A. one B. two C. three D. four( )55. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. If you want to join the movie fans club you can write a letter.B. There are two teachers in the computer club.C. Students in the running club can run in the city stadium. D. The running room is in Room 401.BBasketball is my favorite sport. It is fun to play, and it is interesting to watch.I went to my first basketball game with my father at the age of 7. It was really wonderful. We enjoyed ourselves. I was happy to be with my father. My father made me love the game very much.My father found I loved basketball, so he bought a basketball for me on my eighth birthday.When I was 13, my friend came to me and asked me to join his team and play basketball. From then on(从那时起), I got to learn more about basketball. I practiced much and learned how to play better.My favorite player is Lin Shuhao. Lin Shuhao joined the NBA club in 2010. That year was a good year for him, but 2012 was his best year. One of my favorite things about Lin Shuhao is that he is a very nice man. He never shouts at others. He always has a big smile(微笑) on his face. He is happy all the time.( )56. The writers _ made the writer love basketball. A. father B. motherC. grandfatherD. friend( )57. When the writer was _ years old, he got a basketball. A. 5 B. 8 C. 13 D. 16( )58. The writer thinks Lin Shuhao played best in _. A. 2010 B. 2011C. 2012D. 2013( )59. What does the writer think of Lin Shuhao? A. Careful. B. Nice. C. Excited. D. Hard-working.( )60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Lin Shuhao often shouts at other people. B. The writer went to his first basketball game at the age of 7. C. The writer joined his school basketball team at the age of 13. D. Lin Shuhao joined the NBA five years ago. CMr. Smith was ill and he went to see a doctor. The doctor asked him to put out his tongue(舌头), and then he said,“OK. You can put your tongue back now. Theres nothing wrong with you, but Im afraid you have a problem: you seldom take exercise.”“But, doctor,” Mr. Smith said, “I dont think so.”“Dont tell me what you think,” the doctor said, “I know what you need. I see a lot of people like you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the television in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day.”“Doctor, you dont understand,” Mr. Smith said, “I take enough exercise every day.”“I dont want to hear any excuse(借口),” the doctor said, “You must find time for exercise. If you dont, you will get fat and have health problems.”“But I walk every day.” Mr. Smith said.“Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few metres to the bus stop from your house, a few more metres from the bus stop to your office, and a few more metres from your office to your dining-room for lunch and back. Thats not a real walk. Im talking about a walk in the park or by the lake for twenty minutes every day.”“Would you please listen to me, doctor?” Mr. Smith said, getting a little angry with his doctor.“Im a postman,” Mr. Smith went on, “and I walk for nearly seven hours every day.”For a moment the doctor was silent, then he said quietly, “Put out your tongue again, will you?”( )61. How did the doctor look over Mr. Smith?A. Let him lie down on the bed. B. Let him put out his tongue. C. Let him say some words.D. Let him look at the words on the wall.( )62. What did the doctor ask Mr. Smith to do?A. Not to stay up late. B. To drink more water. C. To do more exercise. D. To relax.( )63. Where did Mr. Smith work?A. In a post office B. In a bank. C. At a school. D. In a hospital( )64.The underlined(画线的) word “silent” means “_”.A. 无言的 B. 吵闹的 C. 繁华的 D. 严肃的( )65.What do you think of the doctor?A. He is a good doctor. B. He is famous. C. He isnt a good doctor. D. He is mad.DAre you afraid to go back to school? Would you like to do a lot of homework every evening? Do you like your classes? Who do you want to teach your subjects? Why do you like them? Maybe you have lots of questions before school starts.Well, I will give you some advice on these questions.First, keep calm. Dont worry about all the questions. If you put your hearts into learning, you will find something you are interested in. Then do it actively.Second, try to finish your homework as quickly as you can. Dont spend too much time on it. You should do more reading and writing in English. Think about the questions and work them out at once. Dont stay up late, or you cant study well the next day.Third, dont do too much copying homework. If you can remember the words in your own way, you can tell your teachers you dont want to copy them again and again. But be sure to pass the test. I think your teachers will agree with you. And they can give you some interesting work to do instead of copying.( )66.Who is the writer? A. A graduate(毕业生). B. A teacher. C. A doctor. D. A driver.( )67. Why does the writer write this passage? A. To ask students to listen to their teachers. B. To ask students not to do their homework. C. To give students some good ways of learning. D. To ask students not to listen to their teachers.( )68.How many ways are there in this passage?A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6( )69. Which is NOT right about doing homework? A. Students shouldnt spend too much time on homework. B. Students shouldnt stay up late doing their homework.C. Students should do more reading and writing in English.D. Students shouldnt do more reading and writing in English.( )70. Whats the best title of this passage?A. How to make friends? B. How to finish your homework quickly?C. Some advice about studying. D. How to listen to the teacher? 九、根据对话的情景,选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。(每小题1分,共5分)A: Would you like to watch the animals in the zoo?B: 71 A: 72 B: I like pandas best.A: Why?B: 73 A: 74 Do you know? B: They eat bamboo.A: 75 B: No, we cant feed animals in the zoo.A. What do they eat?B. Because they are the most lovely of all the animals.C. Yes, Id love to.D. Which animal do you like best?E. Nobody.F. Do you often feed them?G. How do you like it?71. _ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. _ 十、根据汉意补全句子。(每空一词,每空1分,共20分)76. 你能帮我个忙吗?这个箱子太重了。The box is too heavy. Could you _ me _ _ ?77. 他们正在教室里面讨论那个数学题。 They are _ _ the math problem in the classroom.78. 实际上,英语学起来并不难。 _ _,its not difficult to learn English.79. 他每天早上起得很早以便能赶上早班车。He gets up early_ _ he can catch up with the early bus.80. 不要担心你的课程。当你好了之后我们来帮你。Dont _ _ your lessons. We will help you after you get well.81. 王老师告诉我们要一直保持教室干净。 Miss Wang tells us to keep our classroom clean _ _ _.82. 我的妈妈告诉我不要在公共场合做鬼脸。My mother told me not to _ _ in public.83. 他不能总是同意你的看法。He cant always _ _ you.84. 为何不放松一下,去散步呢? _ _ relax and go for a walk?十一、综合填空。(每空1分,共10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。live hear see walk swim fly want play but IA cat was relaxing in a park. Then he saw a bird in the sky. He thought, “It must be so nice to be high in the sky. But I cant _85_.” The cat felt so bad.Then he _86_a fish in the


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