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中国工商银行2015校园招聘笔试最新模拟卷(一)第一部分行政能力测试50题1. 制度的监管离不开法律的依据。微博营销也一样,只有触犯了法律的行为才会启动相关的法律程序。遗憾的是,目前对于微博营销中出现的不正当音争或者恶意诋毀的现象,并设有相对应的明确的法律条文。作者通过这段文字意在强调()。A 规范微博营销必须加强制庹方面的监管B 应坚决制止微博营销中的不正当音争C 应尽快出台规范微博营销的法律法规D 微博营销一旦违法就应启动法律程序2. 大众传媒主要是通过报紙、电视、广播等平台来开展。人际传播是指举办论坛、公众开放曰等活动,实现人和人之间的传播。新媒体集合了大众传媒和人际传播两者的优点,兼具广泛性和精准性,既可以同时面对数百万甚至是数千万的受众,也可以实现传播者和受众一对一的交巯。受众既是传播的目标对象,也是传播的主体,可以帮助我们实现二次乃至多次再传播。根据上述文字,对“新媒体”理解不准确的一项是(g )。A 新媒体是建立在大众传媒传播和人际if播的基础之上的B 新媒体的受众已从传播的目标对象转变力传播的主体C 新媒体有助于我们实现二次乃至多次再次传播D 新媒体的双向互动性体现了它与传统媒体的区别和优势3. 信息时代,信息的存在形式与以往的信息形态不同,它是以声、光、电、磁、代码等形态存在的,这使它具有“易转移性”,即容易被修改、窃职或非法传播和使用,加之信息技术应用曰益广泛,信息技术产品所带来的咅?种土会效应也是人们始料未及的。在信息社会,人与人之间的直接交往大大减少,职而代之的是间接的、非面对面的、非直接接触的新式交往。这种交往形式多样,信息相关人的行为难以用传统的伦理准则去约朿。作为一篇文童的引言,这段文字后面将要谈论的内容最可能的是()。A 信息存在形式的更新B 信息社会与信息伦理C 人际交往形式的多样化D 信息技术产品与生活方式4. 怀特海说:科学研究的概率是99S个想法会没有任何结果,可是,第个想法也许会改变世畀。可见,好想法的产生不是的。填入划线部分最恰当的一项是()。A 随心所欲B 轻而易举C 一蹴而就D 信手拈来5. 在元代画家的笔下,花鸟画己经成为借物抒情、托物言志的途径,这种发展无疑丰富了花鸟画的内涵。发展至明清时期,许多花鸟画家更把家国观念、道德品评、祈求幸福等传统的人文精神寄托于画中,有些画家甚至将花鸟内容个性化,借以表达喜怒哀乐。因此,画家创作时重视追求境界多于形似,因而特别讲究笔墨运用,注重意境。他们不把绘画称为“画画”,而叫“写画”,确实有其原因。这段文字意在()。A 比较元代和明清绘画技法的不同B 叙述古代花鸟画的演变过程C 解释“画画”和“写画”的区别D 强调明清花鸟画的创作更加注重意境6. 将以下六个句子重新排列,语序正确的一项是()。 他们在这漫长的八个月里己经成为朋友,时常会在伤残军人活动室里下围棋或者喝茶,有时也用英语谈论文学,但更多时候是相互学习中文与曰语。林桶笙出院那天忽然下起了阵雨,香:巷的秋季仍僳夏天一样阴晴不定,空气中弥漫着一股浓烈的海腥味。经过医院的大门外时,柑鹺看了眼穿着橡胶雨衣站得笔直的卫兵,忽然用日语问:“你杀过几个中国人?”铃木正男军医打着一把雨伞相送,一路上,两个人谁也不说话。林桶笙接过他提着的那个皮箱,说,那好吧,再见。铃木正男愣了愣,用中文说,我是个医生,只会救人。_B C D_7. 近年来,大批曰本电子产品沿海地区,基本占领了高新科技产品市扬。A股入B转入C涌入叨入:優S.大千世畀真正的统治者是构成我扪身体的基因,人类(包括所有生物)除了是暂时幸存于世的机器之外,什么也不是,像汽车那样,是为他人的利益而前进。根据作者的观点,下列哪项判断是错误的()A 人类依靠基因在延续自己B 基因统-冶着我们这个世畀【:所有生物都是基因得以延续自己的工具D 基因对于人就好比人对于汽车9. 再卑微的人也有不容他人的自尊。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A 猥亵B廏渎C侵犯D】干涉正确答案是B。10. 下列句子中设有歧义的一项是()。A 他俩拿着一本书在看B 居民很少发现赌博C 小张到处传播小道消息D 小李埋怨自己不应该11. 2, 7, 28, 63, 126,()A 185B198C211D21512. 小华在练习自然数求和,从1开始,数着数着他发现自己重复数了一个数。在这种情况下,他将所数的全部数求平均,结果为7.4,请问他重复的那个数是()。A 2B6C8D1013. 12,16,22,30,39,49,()A 61B62C64D6514. 甲、乙两个容器均有50厘米深,底面积之比为5:4,甲容器水深9厘米,乙容器水深5厘米,再往两个容器各注.入同样多的水直到水珲彳目等,这时两容器的求深是()=A、2 厘米.B25 厘米.C3 厘来D35 厘米15. 艘船从A地行驶到B地需要_5天,而该船从B地行?控彳A地则需要?矢v假设船速、水潘速度不变,并具备1|凉#件;.那么船从么地漂凉到1地需要_士.):_:_:;:A 40B3S Ci-2D Z:15.从所给的四个选项中,选择最含适的i令填為问号娅,使之呈现一定的触律性。17. 如果王教授是北京大学的教师,_K写过许多哲学论女$妯也一定是哲学系的教师。以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上论证? 1A 王教授写过许多哲学论文B 哲学系的教师写过许多哲学轮文C 北京大学的教师中只有哲学系的教师写过许多哲学论文D 很f有教师写过许多哲学论文_1S.JS在一些几乎从不使用的小器具、小玩意上浪费的金钱数额令人吃惊f.#檢:我兄弟两年前用元买了一專电子冰谌琳制作机,时至今曰他只用过三次。而他坚持说,不管他使用这弟沐琪琳机的致数多少,这泰投赘是划算的,因为()。A 将来冰淇淋价钱会上涨B 他买这个冰淇淋机是为了获得需要时即能使用的便利C 由于使用频率这么低,他节约了大量电能D 由于通货膨胀,今天的100元己不像两年前值那么多了19. ()对于“闭月羞花”相当于“玉树临风”对于()。A 才貌双全一一惊才风逸B 宛如天仙一一婀娜多姿C 沉鱼落雁一一风流倜傥D 风华正茂雄心壮志20.20. 以不同利益群体(或个人)的存在和目标物的稀缺为前提的,社会上人与人、群体与群体之间,对于一个共同目标的争夺就是竞争。根据上述定义,下列行为中不属于竞争关系的是()。A 2009年世界斯诺克英国锦标赛,丁俊晖以10 : 8战胜希金斯,获得冠军B 有关资料显示,2010年度有100余万人参加国家公务员录用考试C 2009年12月9号,拜仁慕尼黑队以四比一战胜尤文图斯队,获得欧冠小组赛的出线权D 公司的联欢晚会上,大家开展了歌曲联唱活动21. 坚持:突破A 学习:发展B 赞同:争论C 继承:创新D 团结:竞争22. 有人说:“只有肯花大价钱的足球俱乐部才进得了中超足球联赛。”如果以上判断是真的,可能出现的情况是: 某足球俱乐部花了大价钱,没有进中超。 某足球俱乐部没有花大价钱,进了中超。 某足球俱乐部没有花大价钱,没有进中超。 某足球俱乐部花了大价钱,进了中超。A 仅B 仅、C 仅、D 仅、25.热对流,是指热靠液体或者气体的流动来传递的现象。下列现象中,属于热对流现象的是()。A 冬天在室外用手摸大小差不多的铁棒和木棒,觉得铁棒比木棒凉B 冬天雪覆盖大地,越冬小麦反而不易冻死C 炎热的夏天,人们喜欢穿浅色的衣服D 将纸质的小风车放在台灯灯罩的上沿,小风车会旋转起来26.27. 某大学学生会换届选举,张华和其他四个竞选者报名竞选学生会主席一职。其他四个竞选者都没有同时具备张华所有的优点。从以上断定能合乎逻辑地得出以下哪项结论?A 其他四个竞选者都有一些缺点B 张华是最优秀的学生,具备当选学生会主席的条件C 其他四个竞选者都有不如张华的地方D 张华具有其他四个竞选者的所有优点28. 应激性是指生物对外界刺激所发生的反应,是生物趋利避害的一种措施,也是生物的基本特征之一。以下属于应激性反应的是()。A 鞭炮点燃后发生爆炸B 湖水中扔入石头泛起波澜C 手碰到燃烧的蜡烛马上缩回D 铁钉放置在潮湿环境中生锈29. 克隆:绵羊:技术A 就业:救援:生存B 制定:政策:管理C 选择:道路:政治D 攀登:山峰:地形30. 黄土村,只要现年不超过25岁,都是辛老师的学生,该村的人没有一个不认识辛老师,赵大认识辛老师,黄土村的李兰是赵大的老婆,她现年24岁,14岁时才小学毕业。由此可以推出()。A 赵大不是黄土村人B 李兰是辛老师的学生C 赵大是黄土村人D 赵大不是辛老师的学生31.31. 学生:报到:录取通知书A 顾客:积分:优惠券B 会计:报销:火车票C 考生:考试:准考证D 员工:考勤:工作证32. 在我国的黄海和东海的海底地层中,蕴藏着丰富的石油资源,这些石油就是远古时大量陆地植物的遗骸生成的。这说明,远古时代,黄海和东海的大陆架是一片生长茂密植物的大平原。以下能够支持上述结论的一项是()。A 大陆架会随着地球地壳的移动而持续着缓慢但永不停息的变化B 川流不息的江河就像传送带,把陆地上的有机物质源源不断的运到大海中C 中东的海湾地区大多是广袤的沙漠,地下蕴藏着丰富的石油资源33. 影子价格是用线性规则方法计算出来的反映资源最优使用效果的价格。用微积分描述资源的影子价格,即当资源増加一个数量而得到目标函数新的最大值时,目标函数最大值的増量与资源的増量的比值,就是目标函数对约束条件(即资源)的一阶偏导数。用线性规划方法求解资源最优利用时,即在解决如何使有限资源的总产出最大的过程中,得出相应的极小值,其解就是对偶解,极小值作为对资源的经济评价,表现为影子价格。根据上述定义,影子价格是()。A 个数学概念B 个哲学概念C 一个管理学概念D 个统计学概念35.TB掌柜银行校园招聘专家制作根据以下材料,回答3640题某省199T货年GDF.及产地产业增加值年份GDPGCP坩长庚地产垠房地产itta加值苠地产处m加值(亿元逋度()邡 (亿元1敝速度it占GCP的比S(%|1446,91S.223:Z2L9im1557.7S1J29.1222.3L91999臟9!d634.0S17.02.120001S64.S412,345.8334,52.530012032,489.0462132.420022246.12ICH560.022hi2003222,621.2.366.0?iaiL620042958.21IZ2m?97.12.435.该省1337-2004年房地产业增加值增g逋度高于GDP増长速庹的年份共有%A 3 年B4 年Cj5 年 ED6 年37. 该省1337-2004年房地产业增加值与GDP总重的发展变化是(_i。A 均办增加B 均为下降EC前者増加,后者下降D前者下降,后者增加38. |省1997-2004年房地产业增加值增长速度与GDP増#速度均最高的年为纟:)4A 2004 年B 2003 年C 2000 年D 1998 年39. 按表中数据计算可知,1996年该省房地产业増加值为()。A 20.3 亿元B 21.3 亿元C 22.3 亿元D 23.3 亿元40. 按表中数据计算可知,2004年该省GDP总量比1997年増长()。A 204.45%B 210.45%C 104.45%D 110.45%根据下图提供的信息完成4145各题2006年10月份,“国房景气指数”为103.40,比9月份上升0.26点,比2005年10月份上升2.38点。全国房地产开发景气指数趋势图1)2Qi功3月4薄5月6片7月8月S月I0J11JI户月如063月3月)月5尾&Jf t月明明1明年年一一房地产幵发投资分类指数为ld6S,化9月|下降a4点/比:5年10月份上升CI.S2点。2006年110月:r全国芫成房地产幵发投资M&11亿元,同比増 24.1%。芫成商品住宅接遒102&S亿元,同比墙长28.4%=.其中._经济适用房投离4沾亿异,增长3.3%_资金来源分类指数为比9月份下降.13点,.比205年10月份上升138点。年1-10月,全国房地产开g企业到位资金20532亿元,同比增长3.2其中,国内贷|4312亿元,增长45.4%;企业自筹运金&乃3亿元,增长22.7%;利用处:资288亿元丨增长39.25一一土地开发面积分类指数为1M.%比9月份上升a73点,比.2005年10月份上升&.15点。2006年110月份:,全国房地产幵爱企业完成幵发土地面积ismi万平方米,同比增长SS.&、鉍一一房屋施工面积分类指数为13.39,比9月份下降ftl2点,比2005年10月份下降0.0S点。2006年1-10月份,全国房地产幵发企业累计芫成房屋施工面积1&.9S.亿平方米,同比增长1S.S%。其中&住宅施工面积13.M亿平方米,增长办公楼施工面积记2S万平方釆,增长13.0商业营业用房施工面积2.07忆平方米,增长13.6M。_商品房空罡面积:#类指數为103.29,比9月份上升1.35点:比2005年10月份上升3.04点。截止到2005年1月底,全国商品房空S面积力12241万平方米,同比谱长1你。其中,空罝商品住宅6&S0万平方泰瘦长7咚。选项中分类指数最高的是:_.濟.A房地产开发投资分类指数B 资金来源分类指数C 土地开发面积分类指数D 房屋施工面积分类指数42.2006年1 一10月份,商品住宅投资占房地产开发投资的比率约为()。A 80.3%B 74.2%C 68.9%D 70.3%43.根据以上资料,下列说法正确的是()。I 2006年9月份,经济适用房投资増长最快;II商品房空置面积増加是因为大批开发商将房子预留而不销售;III 2006年1到8月,房地产开发景气呈上升趋势A IB I、IIC IIID 都不正确44.2005年1一 10月份,国内贷款占房地产开发企业到位资金的比率约为()。A 20.0%B 13.3%C 19.8%D 18.5%45.下列选项中,増长比率最高的是()。A 住宅施工面积B 房地产开发企业到位资金EC经济适用房投资D 全国房地产幵发企业芫成开发土地面积根据表格羽料,芫成以下4650题2OT2年和2003年某省沿海幵放地区部分经济指标产值单位:它元,太口单位:万人;)项目合计占全省比重( 12002 年2003 2002 年2003 年地E生产总值3972.264546.6882.0S23其第一产业444.34459.6266.8663第二产业1933.932291.7885.5S5.6中第三产血1593.991789.2883.383:4地IE年末总人口2357.922375.2970S70.945.2003年读省沿海幵放地g生产总值比2002年增长了( %.A 0.3WB14,5%CS.2%DS2.3K47.2003年该省生产总值约为.产值増餐率最高的是(力A 第一产业B 第二产业C 第三产业D 地区生产总值50.与2002年相比,对2003年经济指标判断正确的是()。A 沿海开放地区第一产业产值増长率高于全省第一产业产值増长率B 相比较其它产业而言,第一产业是沿海开放地区的支柱产业C 沿海开放地区的产业结构中,除了第一产业,产值增长率均超过全省平均水平D 人口增长率低于全省水平是沿海开放地区人均生产总值高于全省水平的重要原因Ctrl+点击获取以上题目的答案和详细解析第二部分英语36题Part IDirections: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below eachsentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answersheet.1. The firm has seen considerable changes after heto be the director of the business division.AelectBto electCwas electedDelected2_ LAPD reported that the mfddle-aged man had been apprehended at the sceneafter the acddent.AshirtlyB rightlyC present liy【D likely3_ The revisedec|Lifrements wfllaffect most of the new applicants.A adversely|B a diverse1C a divers enessD adversity4. Resfdents fn this area are requested to submitof residence to verify they actually live here.A reportB requestC proofD approval5. The Hymani Resources department is consideringa new benefits package for the benefit of the employees.AintroducedBto introduce Cbeing introduced Dintroducing6. The newly purchased equipment from Korea is capableand producing subminiature products.Ameasunnig Bto measure Cin measunnig Dof measuring7. the company fs not as successful as other big CGmpaWes,ft_s proven ft can expanicUnternationiallY.AEven thoughBlf CYet DAs though8. It was my deepest regret that I failed to submrt: my report by the.deadline.Already Bjonginail【Cjcons 丨 derfngD hesitant9. One of the trainees iscomplaining that she has to put in an excessive amount of overtime to finish thepaperwork.Ayet B ever Csince DsUII10. All workers can take a day off as the installation of cutting-edge facilities at our factoryis underway.Adirectly Bextremely Cpresently DenormouslyPart IIDirections: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below eachsentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.Dear Sirs,Two weeks ago, I sent you an order for 45 copies of the Contemporary English dictionary,11the importance ofswift delivery. They should have arrived last week at the latest when the new semester was due to begin. I have receivedno acknowledgement of the order, nor have the dictionaries _12.Failure to receive them on time is causing seriousinconvenience. I shall be glad if you look into this matter as soon as possible and let me know13they may beexpected.11. A stressed B stress C stressful D stressing12. A been delivered B were delivered C delivered D being delivered13. A what B when C which D whiomiDearHeimer,I am pleased _14that your order on March 3 fs now ready for dfspatchi. When15. your order, youemphasized the 丨mportanice of prompt delivery and 丨 am glad to say that by making a special effort I have been able tosend them a few days _16than agreed upon.丨 now waitforyGurshfppfnig 丨 nstrucUGns. On rec 以 vfng them,丨 wHI sendyou our hiVGfce_ Detailed terms are available upon request.Thanks. J14. A confirming B confirmation C to confirm D confirms15. A placing B delivering C sending Dsaying16. A early B earlier C earliest D earlinessDearMr. Jones:Thanks a lot for your fnqufry_17fnformatfoini on Gur leather shoes. We have the pleasure to enclose our latestcatalogue and price lirst. On top of that, samples of various materials we regularly use in manufacturing are18.Moreover, we are fnfGrmfng vGIJ that we would Ifke to cooperate on product Ifnes. We are also senidfng you anothercatalog containing various types of other leather products. If13, please fax us item numbers so that we may sendyy samples to show our quality.Thank you for your 丨nterest fn our products.Sincerely yours,Catherine, Manager of Sales17. A requests B requested C requesting D being requestedIS. A enclosed B niGtffied丨C fnqufred D allowed19. A interesting B interested C interests D interestI appreciate you very much for dropping by our booth at the Exhibition last month. As you might have _20noticed,our company specializes in providing various amenities to major international hotels around the world. Through years ofoperations in the industry, we have established a large customer base in Europe. We have also been increasing our marketshare in the Asian market in recent years.Our main strength lies in supplying the highest quality products at the most competitive prices. In order for us tobetter_21_ you, we would like to know more detailed information about the needs of your esteemed hotel. In mostcases, we will be able to supply any of the same or similar products to you at much more competitive prices._22based on your particular needs, we can propose a new design for your hotel. Please feel free to give us a call orfax us anytime for further details. We look forward to hearing from you soon.D tooD serveC NeverthelessD Aside20. A usually B seldom C already21. A offer B provide C reflect22. AEven though B FurthermorePart niDirections: In this part you wflI read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, andadvertisements. Each text fs followed by several ciuestfGnis. Select the. best answer for each question and mark the letter(A) f (B)f (C), or (D) on your answer sh&et.Millennium Biltmore HotelThe ultimate combinationi of luKury and first-class service can be found at the MillenniumBiltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Located minutes from world famous golf courses and beautifulshores, this Hotel has everythiinig that professionals need for mixinig business and pleasureduring a stay in Los Angeles.To make yomr buishess stay the most effident and rewarding, we have computer terminalslocated throyghout the Hotel, public fax machines, a 24-hour complimentary shuttle-bus service,and the list goes on. We also have a newly renovated physical fitness center and Olympic-sizeswimming pool.All of these amenities located in one place make the Millennium Biltmore Hotel an ideal spotnot only for indiividbials in business but abo fogroups. A stay at the Millennium Biltmrore Hotelfs even more attractive right now because w& are offeling summer dbcounts for all newcustomers.Please come and enjoy the summer with us!Contact Details:Millennium Biltmore Hotel 506 S. Grand AveLos Angeles, CA S0012 Tel: (213) 624-lOOiFax: (213) 624-S673WW1.V. m il I ennium-hotels. com23.What is the purpose of the text?A To attract new clients to the Millennium HotelB To listthe location of all towns in Los AngelesC To outline the attraction in Los AngelesD Tg provide futematfonal job opportunity24.What is NOT mentioned about the MillenniumBiltmore Hotel?A It offers computer access.|B It offers free shuttle service.C It ha5thefine facilities.D It gives special prices only to bushess customers.SHAPE * MERGEFORMAT Hutchison Law GroupKennedy Avenye #4&0if Santiago, ChileTel: 2-950-1334/ Fax: 2-950-305SD&arValued Customer,How often db you get legal hiformatfon that actually relates to the. day-today rimnfng of yourbusiness? Probably, not that often. In contrast, the Hutchi5ni Law Letter offers legal information!that ycHJi need 丁he law affects the way you do busfn&ss from employrrmnit light to 丨ntellectualproperty. Thiousands of bushiess owners IfkeyGm read the Hutchfson Law Letter.If you would like to receive a copy quarterly, please return the enclosed card by fax or mail.The Hutchison Law Letter is published by Hutchiisoni Law Group, a firm of legal professionals,whose exclusive focus is businiess law. Our clients get timely and creative legal advice and wework hard to provide that serviice at competitive rates. Our careful attention to reduciBgoverhead costs means an efffcfent use of r&scHjrc&s,If you n&ed professional l&gal advcG, please keep us 丨n mfnd Wg wfll r&sponid to your needs.Thank you for your tfme and attenitfom.Sincerely,Claus Ritter25.What type of the reader is the Hytchison Law Letter intenidled?A Small and large business ownersB AccounitantsC LawyersD Politicianis26.What wni the reader receive for returrng the postcard?A A discount on legal servicesB Four newsletters a yearC One conisultationi with Clans RitterD A legal reference, book27_AccQdhg to thfs letter; how does Hutdiisoni LawGroup compare to other firms?A It has expertbefn a bmader range of legal specialties.B It puts more time into each case.C It charges approximately the same or lower fees.D It has more experience with criminal laws.Browning Apparel Co.To: Headquarters staffFrom: Delbert Marionj Personnel manager Date: July 25-Re: Appohitment of Ms. Ima Rodrfgmez to Executive Sales ManagerII am pleased to announce that Ms. Irma IRodngyez has been promoted to Executive Sales Manager ofthe Northern Sales Dfvbfoni, the largest of our foyr regional sales tenltoines. Her promotion fseffective as of August 10.Her backgroynid includes more than 20 years of experience with some of the top retailers in New York,ChJcago, and Los Angels. Thfs background, along wfth her cKploma fn Sales Management andMarketing, has given her excellent merchandising skillts and extenisive product knowledge to providethe finiest customer service.Ms. Irma RocHguez jofned Brownhig Apparel Co_ two years ago as Sales Manager of the SouthiemSales Division. She has beeni able to increase sales by 23%. Her goal is to achieve a similar level ofgrowth within the next few years. She will be relocating from our Atlanta office to our headquartershere in North Dakota.2S.What is the purpose of this e-maill?A To announice the retfrementof a managerB To fntrGduce the new owner of the companyC To announice the promotion of an employeeD To welcome a new customer2S.What is NOT stated about Ms. Irma Rodriguez?A She has a degree in Sales Management and Marketing.B She has managed a sales division at Browning Apparel Co.C She has worked! at Browni


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