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Unit 3 Computers李仕才一、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 (2018福州市高三毕业班适应性练习)No human has set foot on the Moon since 1972.Now,after more than four decades of inactivity,interest in putting humans back on the Moon is finally heating up again.But who will get there first?CHINAOn 14 December 2013,China successfully landed its Jade Rabbit rover(探测车)on the Moon.It is now working on its next exploration mission.Named Change 4,the mission is scheduled to touch down in the Aitken Basin near the end of 2018.If successful,it will be the first landing on the Moons far side.RUSSIARussia plans a manned Moon landing in 2030.It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon,exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站)INDIAFollowing the success of its Chandrayaan1 in 2008,India announced a followon mission.Chandrayaan2 was meant to cooperate with Russia.But when the Russians failed to deliver the promised lander in 2013,India decided to go it alone.Chandrayaan2 is about to be sent up in 2018.USAIn December 2018,NASA plans to send up the Exploration Mission 1,an uncrewed test of their Orion astronaut capsule in which the craft will circle around the Moon before returning to Earth.All being well,a crewed capsule will follow in 2023.Should the mission prove a success,the astronauts will be the first humans to see the far side of the Moon with their own eyes since Apollo 17 in 1972.1What will China do in its next space mission?AImprove its Jade Rabbit rover.BWork with other countries.CLand Change 4 on the Moon.DExplore the south pole of the Moon.2Why did India try to carry out its followon mission alone?AIt couldnt find a partner.BIt didnt get the lander as planned.CThe Russians refused to work with India.DIt planned to launch Chandrayaan2 in advance.3Which country is interested in resources on the Moon?ARussia.BChina.CIndia. DUSA.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了中国、俄罗斯、印度和美国的登月计划。【难句分析】It is currently working an a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon,exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站)分析:该句为主从复合句。句中whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon,exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站)为whose引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a project;该定语从句中含有that引导的表语从句。译文:当前(俄罗斯)正启动一项工程,其思路是登陆器将探索月球的南极,寻找矿物质和水冰等资源以供人类前哨站使用。1C考查细节理解。根据第二段第三句“Named Change 4, the mission is scheduled to touch down in the Aitken Basin near the end of 2018”可知,嫦娥四号将在2018年底降落在月球Aitken Basin地区。据此可知,中国的下一步空间计划是嫦娥四号登月,故C项正确。根据第三段第二句“It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon”可知,探索月球南极是俄罗斯的计划,而不是中国的计划,故D项错误;A、B项文中没有提及。2B考查细节理解。根据第四段第三句“But when the Russians failed to deliver the promised lander in 2013, India decided to go it alone”可知,由于俄罗斯没能给印度提供着陆器,故印度决定自己实施登月计划,故B项正确。根据第四段第二句“Chandrayaan2 was meant to cooperate with Russia”可知,印度Chandrayaan2任务计划和俄罗斯合作完成,故A项错误;根据第四段第三句可知,俄罗斯没能给印度提供着陆器,而不是拒绝合作,故C项错误;D项文中没有提及。3A考查细节理解。根据第三段第二句“It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon,exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站)”可知,当前俄罗斯正启动一项工程,其思路是登陆器将探索月球的南极,寻找矿物质和水冰等资源以供人类前哨站使用。故A项正确。二、单句语法填空1Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the moneymaking jobs they _(promise) before.答案:have been promised由主句谓语动词的时态及从句的时间副词before可知,本从句的谓语动词应用现在完成时,且they和promise之间存在被动关系,故填have been promised。2_(person), I think he is a very good man, but you may not agree.答案:Personally副词personally “就我个人而言”,相当于personally speaking。3It wont be long _we know the result of the experiment.答案:beforeIt wont be long before . “不久之后就”,是固定句式。4He was _(total) uninterested in sports.答案:totally应用副词修饰形容词uninterested,故填totally。5An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the _(solve) clearly in mind.答案:solution由空前the可知此处应用名词solution “解决方法”。6A man stood up and crossed his arms over his head, _ (signal) that he was strongly opposed.答案:signalling句中已有谓语动词stood和crossed,由空前逗号知应用非谓语动词形式,且signal与逻辑主语A man之间是主动关系,且signal和句子谓语stood up及crossed所表示的动作同时发生,因此填signalling。7Several problems like those _(arise) at the power plant so far.答案:have arisen由“so far”可知应用现在完成时。8The students are looking forward to having an opportunity _(explore) society for reallife experience.答案:to explorehave an opportunity to do sth. “有机会做某事”。9The law needs to be _(simple)答案:simplifiedneed to do sth. “需要做某事”,由设空前的be动词及句意可知,此处需用动词的过去分词构成被动语态,故填simplified。10We received 400 _(apply) for the job.答案:applications由修饰限定词400可知,此处应填名词,且用其复数形式。三、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。I lived in Dallas,Texas nearly all my life with my dad,mom and younger brother.We were raised to _1_ others,value education,and get all that we could out of life.My parents always say,“Work _2_ and the world is yours.”They are _3_ without a helpful word of_4_ or a bit of encouragement when life gets_5_.My parents always _6_ me to go to college.However, when I_7_ at 16 years old that Id rather get married to a man _8_ go to college,they never stopped telling me they loved me and I could do anything I wanted to.Thankfully,they persuaded me.I graduated from high school and currently _9_ the University of Oklahoma studying medicine.I want to make the world a_10_ place to live in.Every time I call home to tell them about a grade received in the chemistry lab or_11_ class it is that Im working hardest on for the moment,they tell me how _12_ of me they are.I know there are college kids out there that have no one to _13_ home to when they get an“A”on a project and I feel incredibly_14_ to have my parents.They never_15_ loving me or believing in me.Parents are the best gift that God gives me._16_ their constant love and encouragement,I wouldnt believe I can _17_ the world.My parents _18_ me to always fight for what I _19_ in.So Im working toward something really great and can only hope I_20_ to make them proud.1A.inspireBrespectCguide Dfollow2A.hard BsolidlyCattentively Dintelligently3A.sometimes BanytimeCever Dnever4A.method BadviceCeducation Dintroduction5A.tough BsmoothCbright Dhappy6A.reminded BsupposedCdesigned Dexpected7A.decided BhesitatedCjudged Dremembered8A.but BandCthan Dwhile9A.joined BattendedCserved Dadmitted10A.comfortable BsuitableCpeaceful Dbetter11A.whenever BwhicheverCwherever Dhowever12A.ashamed BnervousCproud Dmodest13A.go BrunCreturn Dcall14A.blessed BannoyedCpraised Drelaxed15A.stopped BhelpedCblamed Dprevented16A.With BWithoutCUnder DBeneath17A.change BdestroyCconquer Dchallenge18A.forced BorderedCallowed Dtaught19A.enjoy BworkCbelieve Dlive20A.want BwishChave Dcontinue【解题导语】爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和“我”住在达拉斯,父母教育我们要尊重别人,重视教育,他们的爱和鼓励对“我”意义重大。1B根据全文内容可知,父母教育我们要尊重别人,重视教育。respect意为“尊敬,尊重”,符合语境。2A父母总是教育我们:“努力工作,世界就是你们的。”故选A。3D当生活变得艰难时,父母总会给我们有益的建议或一些鼓励。never without为双重否定,表示肯定的意思。4B参见上题解析。a helpful word of advice表示“有用的建议”。5A参见3题解析。tough“艰难的,艰苦的”。6D根据该段中的“Thankfully, they persuaded me”可知,父母一直期望“我”上大学并最终说服了“我”。expect“期望,期待”。7A根据下文父母对“我”的劝说可知,16岁时“我”决定(decided)结婚而不是上大学。8C16岁时“我”决定结婚而不是上大学。would rather.than.为固定用法,表示“宁愿而不愿”。9B根据文中的“they persuaded me.I graduated from high school and.medicine”可知,“我”高中毕业后上了一所大学。attend意为“经常去,定期去(学校、教堂等)”。10D根据文中的“the University of Oklahoma studying medicine”可知,“我”主修医学,想让这个世界成为更好的(better)可供人们生活的地方。11B每次当“我”打电话告诉他们“我”在实验室里的成绩或是“我”当时正努力学习的任何一门课程时,他们会告诉“我”他们以“我”为傲。whichever class意为“无论哪一门课”。12C父母以“我”取得的成绩而自豪。be proud of为固定用法,意为“以自豪”。13D“我”知道有的大学生在得到一个“A”时,因没家人所以无法打电话回家。故选D。14A和那些得了“A”却没有家人可告知的同学相比,“我”有这样的父母是非常有福的。blessed意义“有福的”。15A父母从不停止对“我”的爱,从不停止对“我”的信赖。stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。16B没有(Without)父母持续不断的爱和鼓励,“我”不可能相信“我”能改变世界。17A参见上题解析。故选A。18D父母一直教育(taught)“我”去为“我”认为对的事而奋斗。19C参见上题解析。believe in sth.“认为某事好(或对、可接受)”,符合语境。20D“我”会继续努力,希望父母继续为“我”感到自豪。continue to do sth.表示“继续做某事”,为固定用法。四、单句改错1We are sure that everything will be better with time goes by._答案:withas或goesgoingas time goes by与with time going by均表示“随着时间的推移”。as在此为连词,后接句子;with为介词,可看作with的复合结构作状语。2Can you give me some advice on what to deal with this problem?_答案:whathow或dealdowhat to do with . how to deal with . “如何处理”。3There is very much homework that I cant have much time to experience nature._答案:verysoso . that . “如此以至于”。4He was late as a result the heavy snow._答案:result后加ofas a result of . “由于”。5I am always dreaming of visiting China, and now my dream has been come true._答案:去掉beencome true是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。五、七选五By 2025,water shortage will be a big problem for about 1.8 billion people.In a world where water resource is increasingly short,nations cannot afford to waste it._1_After we use water in our homes and businesses,it is washed away,and takes many valuable resources with it.Waste water is rich in carbon and nutrients._2_ A number of nations and major cities have already built waste water treatment plants.They can effectively recover nutrients and bioenergy,and produce “new water” that can be reused.But more than 80% of all waste water still currently flows into natural ecosystems,polluting the environment and taking valuable nutrients and other recoverable materials with it._3_ This is still better than the situation in smaller cities.In Latin American countries,those living in small and mediumsized cities at most treat it in the form of septic tanks (化粪池)that lack regular and proper maintenance.Imagine that outside one of these small cities lies a lovely piece of land:on the surface it is pleasingly built and provides habitats for local wildlife.Beneath the surface is a wetland that treats waste water and produces energy.The energy produced saves families from having to use firewood collected in the wild.This is not a dream project._4_ A team of scientists have been looking into the potential of constructed wetland environments.Having analyzed 800 examples of bio


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